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Kacey: I mean, are you willing to make those adult sacrifices?
Chris:: Uh, I guess I'm willing to go from digital cable to basic cable.
Kacey: And you're gonna have to buy less video games. Yo-you just can't impulse buy.
Chris:: Yeah... yeah... I'm trying to- I'm- I've been working on controlling my impulse as well.
Kacey: [over Chris] That's good, cause you really need to. I- I think you really need to, cause you can't spend hundreds on the PlayStation store weekly.
Chris:: Um... yeah. I don't spend- I- I- That would be an exaggeration right there, spending hundreds on the PlayStation store weekly.
Kacey: You said two thousand dollars, and the PS3 hasn't been around that long. [chuckle]
Chris:: It's been around for over two years. But anyway, yeah, hundreds a week that IS an exaggeration.
Kacey: [sighs?!]
Chris:: I've actually had mine since like March 2007.
Kacey: Uh huh.
Chris:: Yeah, but anyway, I- I don't- anyway, if I spend money on the PlayStation Network, it wouldn't be any more than 5-10 dollars a week.
Kacey: Well, I mean, it's not just, you know, your PSN stuff. I'm pretty sure you buy actual games. Uh, you know, so I mean that's gotta add up. I mean if you uh-only have 2000 on your PSN, imagine how much you've been buying for uh, like things like the Wii, and things for your PS3, like, you know, guitar hero controllers and the actual games and stuff. I mean, y-you probably spent m- uh- you if you spend just as much on those things on your PSN, that's $4000 in a year or two. That's ridiculous.
Chris:: [sheepishly] Yeah, I can see that.
Kacey: Th-that's pathetic.
Chris:: Hm.... [long pause] Um... [another long pause]
Kacey: I mean, you know, that's a down payment on a car, Chris. [chuckles]
Chris:: Okay, I guess you're right, I guess that is pathetic.
Kacey: Tch, you're damn straight it is!
Chris:: [sigh] Eehh, but for the record though. Most of the- when I buy stuff on PlayStation Network, it's mostly like, you know, addons for Guitar Hero or LittleBigPlanet. Or addons fo-
Kacey: But that's where they get you.
Chris:: Well, for- or addons for the games I do have. I've- I actually am up-to-date on my add-ons for Burnout Paradise, by the way. I uhh... yeah I don't buy new games at like GameStop[link], or used games at GameStop. The game disks, as much as I do the uh, add-ons.
Kacey: But still, you have- I mean, just to even get the add-ons, you have to actually have to have the game.
Chris:: Yeah, but still. I mean that saves me- that saves me trips to the GameStop to go buy a new game.
Kacey: Games are expensive Chris! I know how expensive games are. You can rack up that much easily by getting less you know, than you do on the PSN. All it takes is a three games and look! There goes almost two hundred dollars. [Skype sound]
Chris:: Hm... now that is an exaggeration right there. I mean...
Kacey: They're like $60 each. Three games would be $180.
Chris:: Yeah, but then you wait a while and then they go down to like 20 or... 30 or 20.
Kacey: That's a long wait, before they go to 20. That's a very, very long wait.
Chris:: Yeah... that is quite a long wait. But still, patience is kinda worth it. I mean- I mean sure. You're looking forward to giving me uh- the new Ratchet and Clank game. It's like you can't even- you can't afford it.
Kacey: [interrupts] Yeah, but I mean. I don't think you're that patient with video games, Chris. Cause I mean, like. You're always- I mean come on! You've got most of this stuff like, brand new, like uh, you're already telling me that you've already put money down at GameStop, so you can't tell me that you're not buying new games at GameStop. You're doing that with the new Guitar Hero. You've- you- you- you know you do that.