Talk:Chris and his ego

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Revision as of 00:18, 26 November 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs)
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To Do

I know there is so much more we can do on Chris's ego. His ego knows no bounds and it has to be documented somehow. I kicked it off after someone put the page up, but there's more to be done. MUCH more. --Blazer 03:32, 26 November 2009 (CET)

Oh man. I feel that this dude probably put up the page after I recently mentioned it as an idea on Requested pages. Well, okay, I feel some kind of responsibility now... I'll try to contribute to it, when I have a bit more time. --GokuGetEm 03:59, 26 November 2009 (CET)

Chris has ego issues like a hardcore heroin addict has self-control issues. This page could end up being huge.
Also, I kinda want to move it to "Chris and Egotism". I'm dumb like that. --Beat 04:57, 26 November 2009 (CET)

We could start with his comics portayal, including the self-indulging fantasies he has with the infamous Sub-episodes.

Okay, my two cents:

  • How he thinks he's a celebrity;
  • How he thinks every aspect of his life is of utter importance (just like us lol);
  • How he thinks adding his name and CWCverse references to anything would actually improve its chances for success (case in point: Harvey Birdman ad);
  • How he named his fictional town and every damn thing in it after his own initials;
  • How he thinks the things he creates (not just the comics) are of much better quality than mere mortals do (case in point: fanart, and various contests he participated in);
  • How he thought Kacey was attracted to THE TRUE AND HONEST CREATOR OF THE GODDAMN SONICHU, and not just to a funny guy who can play a mean guitar;
  • How he can't let anyone be better than himself in anything (case in point: his reply to "Leonardo da Vinci" concerning inventions);
  • How he still believes he has thousands of true and honest fans, and that all mail and fanart he gets is sent by his admirers, and hasn't got even a slight bit suspicious...

That's the ideas I've got for now. I'll try to put that down in a more coherent way maybe later maybe today. Well, if anyone else wants to do just that sooner, be my guest :) --GokuGetEm 05:18, 26 November 2009 (CET)