Honor roll

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Chris' award winning sculpture.

The Honor Roll is a lie that Chris frequently comes up with to hide the fact that he was hated and spat upon at Manchester High School, and to make it look like he actually achieved something.

At Graduation, he was aiming to win the art award for his clay sculptures; however, Chris lacked three vital characteristics to win such an award: Originality, Creativity and Talent. Shocked by the fact they weren't just going to give the award to him, Chris started crying and charged out of the ceremony in tears.


It is probably most likely that the school had a seperate honour roll for special education students like Chris. There is no possible way a normal could achieve honour roll for writing poetry such as Song of Christian, and for sleeping through most classes.

If Chris were indeed an honor roll student (that is, having a GPA over 3.0), then the public education system has failed us one time too many. Luckily, this is about as likely as Sarah Hammer divorcing her husband and declaring Chris her one true love.

Chris' award winning art work