Jackie E-mails

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This woman decided to take the foolish route of pursuing Chris for a relationship. Chris enjoys lying to make himself look better.


April 5, 2010 - 6:24pm What kind of video games do you play besides Guitar Hero? I don't have any current consoles but I love my old playstation. I play on my friend's wii a lot, though. I like drawing and stuff, too.

Anyway, you're kind of cute, hope to hear back from you~~ :)


April 5, 2010 - 11:14pm I've just read your profile and saw your pic; you are pretty. I guess I'm a suitable candidate for you; I have strong arms. You have a lot of fun things I totally agree on that we can do together.

To answer your question, I also play LittleBiGPlanet, God of War, Sonic the Hedgehog; I have a wide collection. You would just have fun playing my games (if that's your pleasure), and I think you'd have fun playing me too. LOL

I am a Pok'emon Fanatic also; grew up on it since Pok'emon Red, and I've played a LOT of the TCG when I was going to the League (I'll tell you more about that later on).

So, magzine editor, huh; which mag? :)

The online thing is cool, but you and I should meet and hang out together ASAP. How about I meet you at the bar you go to (which bar would that be?) this coming friday? Say 6:00 or 7:00 PM?

Please reply and let me know if it is good for you.

Looking forward to your reply, Christian.


April 6, 2010 - 2:57pm Hey, you wrote back! I literally have to run out the door right now but just wanted to let you know I'll write more later tonight. :)



April 6, 2010 - 5:38pm Jackie, huh? That's a fun name; it goes with your personality well (at least from what I've read so far). It says there that you are a Unitarian; it's cool. I'm a Methodist.

I wanted to check on this, but considering you've had a lot of sex, have you have yourself checked recently for any STDs? I have to be careful these days.

We can also talk over the phone if you want; let me know if you want to exchange numbers; if you don't, it's cool.

Waitin' for your next message. Christian.


April 6, 2010 - 6:41pm Hey! Yeah, my name is Jacklyn, but everyone calls me Jackie. So a little more about me: I've never played Little Big Planet, isn't it just like a simple platformer? I was bigger into digimon than pokemon when I was a kid, but I loved red and blue. I bet you would be fun to play, though :)

To answer your question, I haven't really had a lot of sex partners or anything, didn't mean to give that impression - I just love sex when I am with someone. I've only been with six guys in my life. I haven't been tested in a while (never been in a situation where I thought I needed to, btw, but I have just to be careful), I'm seeing my gyno next week. Is testing something you do often? How many partners have you had, if I may ask?

This Friday is too short a notice for me, sorry, I'm swamped with projects this weekend. The school week is pretty much out for me too, I go to school in Staunton, but I come home every weekend. How about we plan on next Friday afternoon, though? In the meantime, we can email and learn more about each other?


April 6, 2010 - 8:46pm That's cool; I can do Friday of next week. As long as I get to meet you and hang and all that.

To answer your question, I am a virgin; I have never had sexual intercourse, but I have watched a number of XXX flicks, and I have a good number of ideas of what to do, and I am not a total nervous flake. I would not constantly ask, "Is this good for you" or "Am I doing it right?" I feel very confident in my abilities and knowledge. I have been checked a few months ago, and I am clean of any STDs.

LittleBiGPlanet is kind of a platformer, but it is Customizable; you can create your OWN Levels, Publish them onto the Online LBP Server, and even Play Other People's Published Levels. Plus, the Sackperson is Customizable too; you can even make it look like a Charizard, Totodile, Goldeen, or any other person/animal/plant you want; Male or Female. I have created an Aqua Teen Hunger Force remake of the first two levels of Burgertime (in the Same Level). And more fun, I've created a fun, cute level that simulates a Fun Date, titled "A First Fun Date"; Best Enjoyed with a Couple. Maybe U + Me. ;)

I've been keeping up with Pok'emon up to Diamond/Pearl, and I have all Max Evolved Level 100 Pok'emon in my Diamond card. Including a Blaziken that I originally got in my Ruby, then traded to my Emerald, then moved it to my Diamond, that is Level 100, has earned over 20 Ribbons, and his name is Inuyasha.

Let me give you my e-mail address, ChrisChanSonichu@aol.com; it is also my for AIM (and it can communicate with most other IMs). When you send me your first e-mail, please put in the subject, "Hey, It's Jackie" or something like that.

Which college are you going to, and what is your current major?

I look forward to the e-mail. XOXO Christian.


April 7, 2010 - 7:38am My bad; I've just double-checked your profile; you've already graduated from college. So please disregard that last question. But I have to ask, you said you were going to school; is your editorial job there; please elaborate on that? And what did you graduate from college with?

Have a safe day. XOXOXO Christian.


April 7, 2010 - 3:07pm Hey! Don't have a whole lot of time right now, but to answer your question: I actually only work part time as the editor of an in-school paper here. I did graduate from school with a degree in Sociology, but I only got that mostly because I didn't know what I wanted to do and figured I should get some kind of degree (isn't that what we all do, though :). So now I'm going back for my second degree, this time in journalism (hence the editing job, it's an internship for credit as well as a paycheck). Hey, I'll write more later tonight, gotta get back to class.



April 7, 2010 - 6:06pm Very cool; now we have this communication link between us. Let me know if you want to start up an IM session later; I'll check back at about 8 or 9.

It's soo funny, because that's what happened to me at PVCC. I originally had no clue what to major in at first; I felt fried in the head that day nearly a decade ago when I was starting up there. I picked a major in something of Marketing; it wasn't doing me all that justice, so upon my father's suggestion, I switched to Computer Aided Drafting and Design. I did better in passing there, yet I feel unsure of going into an Architecture job, but at least I have Computer Expertise and Experience under my wing (as well as the Degree and Certificate). At least I made my family happy, and made a major accomplishment of a College Degree.

Although, PVCC wasn't really the best place to be; I had fewer friends than I did back at Manchester High, plus the "Dean of Student Services", Mary Lee Walsh, did not like me that much. Long Story Short, I started my Sweetheart Search back in August of '03 (choice method of attraction way back then was a sign next to me); she did not approve of it (made an impression that she was against True Love Searches); there was a major disagreement between us; I was kicked out of PVCC for a year with having to see a psychiatrist and take anger management; finished my major later; and to this day, she still hates me. In a bit of spite against her past attacks against my noble search, I portrayed her as a Witch Villain in my comic book series who caused chaos of destroying all True Love in my city of Cwcville, VA and such. About a year ago, I drew her an Apology Drawing and put it in a nice frame, hoping we could put the past unpleasantness behind us and make peace. A couple of days later after delivery of the drawing to her secretary, she sends me a Trespassing Notice; some "Thank You"...

Also, I stopped the sign usage like back in '04, when I realized that it only made me look retarded, of which I was and am not. The only local college I can even hang around at these days is the UVA.

Speaking of which, I used to go to the ONE Pok'emon TCG League in Charlottesville at The (Game & Hobby) Place (Fridays from 5 - 7 PM). After being forced NOT to hook up my Wii to their TV (a few children missed out on the distribution of a Magmortar, Electivre and Surfing Pikachu that night), the "Manager", Michael Snyder forced me not to. Obviously I was angry at him (He had hated my guts for a long while as well). I later wrote an angry note of "Michael loves the Fiddlesticks out of Mary Lee Walsh"; he took it as an offense, and banned me from "his" property. This happened June of '08. In April of '09, I went in, hoping all was forgotten, looking to see if they had some Eye of Judgment cards in stock and how much; a cashier recognized me and he was like, "Did Mike say you could come back here?" I felt disturbed, so without causing trouble, I left peacefully. I'm thinkin' of trying again later this week and see what happens. I'm feelin' more assertive, so if I am asked that again, I will ask if Michael is still the "Manager", and see if the staff is telling the truth then.

But I digress about that history.

I've read you draw your own comics too; I'd like to see what you have drawn.  :) Also, what's your favorite kind of music, or favorite singer, musician or band? And please tell me more about yourself.

And please feel free to check out some of my comic pages on my website, the Cwcipedia (A.K.A. CWC's Sonichu Site), http://cogsdev.110mb.com/cwcipedia/index.php/Sonichu_Comic_Collection. With that, I should warn you that I am internet famous (it's NOT glamorous); I have a bunch of Internet Bullies and Trolls trying to bother me. I've had to deal with them quite a bit, and I remain cautious. They have HATE PAGES against me on the web; please pay no attention to them. And you will be safe, as long as I do not talk about you at all online, or you don't talk about me online. For example, don't use my name when blogging or talking about me to anyone else on the internet; you may make up a nickname of me (F.Y.I., my name spelled backwards is off-limits; my bad on that).

I warn you, because I care about you, especially when we're just getting started on being friends and getting to each other. Oh the stories I can share with you.

Hey, we all have our own problems; all we can do is Keep a Happy Thought. You're my Happy Thought, Jackie.

I'll TTYL; Stay Safe, Christian.


April 7, 2010 - 8:48pm Hey, Christian.

A little more about your questions - my favorite band is the Crash Test Dummies, hands down. Something about the main singer's deep voice (I forget his name) just makes their music sound so sensual and romantic, have you ever heard them? I bet you have a nice deep voice. :) Like I said, I'm going to school for journalism, print journalism specifically, I just love current events and the way our world works. I'm sure I'll be able to apply my sociology degree too when I get out of school and get a job. It'll still be about two years before I graduate, though.

Hey, I also saw you said you are autistic. I confess, I don't know much about autism, could you tell me more about what it's like? I knew a kid when I was in grade school that sometimes picked fights with other boys because he had autism, but I didn't know him well, but he got pretty violent. Or maybe he had aspergers, actually - they're the same thing, actually, right? I have a friend who is a therapist and works with children with developmental disorders, I think that's what she said.

Yeah, I had some friends that went into architecture, it's a long process, you have to get a masters before you can use it. But you have a CADD degree, that's cool, computer technology is so interesting because it's everywhere and someone who knows them can get almost any kind of job. What do you do for a living? I bet you're some kind of visual design specialist or consultant for an advertiser or something, right? Judging that because of the degree and how creative you are. That sounds awful about the experience you had with your dean; why does she still hate you? Are you still in contact with her even after graduating? As for the Game Place, you should totally go in and do that, I love when men are assertive and take charge! I think you should go in and tell them that it's only fair that you be allowed back in now after so much time, and if they make a fuss you should demand to speak to the manager so you can hash things out like adults. Let me know how that goes, I want to know!

I don't have any of my comics to send to you with me (not ones that are good enough to show anybody, anyway) but I'll draw some stuff and send it to you soon. I went to your page about your sonichu comic, but when I click on the chapter pages it just has a bunch of weird messages, and one has a picture of some guy from the Jersey Shore or something, did you send me to the wrong website? I'd still love to see some of your sonichu. But I'm surprised I haven't heard of it before, if you have trolls that must mean you have fans and are kind of popular too, right? What do they troll you about? But thank you so much for warning me and being upfront and honest with me, that's very sweet and I'm glad you care :) I don't think I'll be able to IM tonight, I think I'm kind of getting a little flu and want to get to bed early so I have plenty of rest. But I want to hear more of these stories, you sound like you've had a very interesting life.

I'll be thinking of you ~ ~



April 7, 2010 - 11:07pm I thought Crash Test Dummies may be the band; I've read you went to a concert of theirs recently, but I wanted to make sure. I've heard a sample of them from Napster; they do sound good. You may also like Celtic Thunder; they're good too. I do have a deep bass voice, although sometimes it does go up in pitch, but I'm working on that.

Please don't get me started with Aspergers; I have nothing against the people, it's just that I can not accept Aspergers and Autism being of the same classification. In my opinion, Aspergers is not as fierce as Autism; they have Better Social Skills, and they are Less likely to become low-functioning retards. However, in my experience with my Autism, I have in my childhood did not talk from 1.5 to 7 years of age (I first spoke at 6 weeks with "Monkey"; likely trying to say "Mommy"; I was with her while she was shopping that day). I did not pick many fights, although because they did not understand Autism and were scared, about 4th and 5th grade, the staff of Nathaniel Greene Elementary pinned me down on the floor and tape-recorded my screams, and they tried to put me in a mental institution. My mom and dad did not want that, so we move to Chesterfield County where I was continued to be mainstreamed at Providence Middle and Manchester High; I took a lot of Coping Skill courses as well. I feel I have overpowered some of my symptoms, such as social shyness, yet I still have some trouble maintaining eye-contact, unless I Have a Strong, Good emotional bond with the other person. You can learn more of the autistic traits on autism.org, or look it up on wikipedia.

Actually, I am not currently employed; I've been concentrating on my Sonichu books the past number of years, although I have worked at a Wendys then with Cutco cutlary for a while. I am looking to work at the new Wal-Mart here in Ruckersville that will be opening in a few months. The store is not currently selectable on the online application site, so I'm waiting for that. I've been on Social Security in the meantime, and I am managing it well.

I use what I've learned in CADD to help me better design my buildings and surroundings of Cwcville. I even have printed blueprints for a two-story Mall, WITH a Mayor's Office on the 2nd floor, overlooking the Front Entrance from the last CADD class I took at PVCC. It also has a Pok'emon Center Store, like they had in New York City before they turned it into a Nintendo Store.

I have not been in contact with Mary since that last trip to PVCC. As for reasons why she still has a thing against me, 1) There was that time in her office I overreacted and raised my voice against her (really scared her); no physical violence, but I did curse her with bad luck and misfortune. I removed it remotely when I drew that apology drawing about a year ago. 2) I portrayed her constantly as a Witch in my stories, which I later remedied by a) changing the character name to "Slaweel Ryam", which is a palindrome of "Mary Lee Walsh" (minus the "H"), and b) removing that character in Book 10 in the final confrontation between me and her. 3) Following the Character Representation, I gave her a Local Bad Rap at PVCC; a number of students who did not see eye-to-eye with her either.

And BTW, thanks for letting me know about that; I did send you the correct link, but the deal was you click [show] then click a page to view; the "Issue #" links were originally left blank, but a month ago, a troll and his crew managed to Hack into the impenetrable security of the site (even though it is Wikipedia-Editable-Style, and ONLY I, the SysOp and GoogleAds have Full Control of editing ANYTHING on the Cwcipedia); they just slandered it with grotesque image replacements, page edits and whatnot. The SysOp and I managed to clean up most of the mess, but some things are likely overlooked, so Thank You, Jackie for finding that error for me. I am reprogramming them to redirect to Page 1 of their respective books. I also have good HTML education and experiences. I created the Original "CWC's Sonichu Site", as well as my past "CWC's Pok'eSite 2!" from raw HTML and PC Notepad scratch. Then I found Netscape Composer later on. I still have a lot of HTML knowledge in between my memory and my notes I took, plus I can look up the code when I need it in Google or something.

Yes I do have a lot of fans, and I appreciate their support, but due to the Troll stress I've been dealing with for the past 2.5 years (since November 2007 when I first found the Encyclopedia Dramatica page of me they started). Since then, I have learned and continue to use better internet caution, most difficult passwords, and keeping my real life OFF of the internet, so the trolls won't know who to threaten in real life or come after me in further bully attacks. Between them all, a few trespassed into our yard, placed a wrongful sign there, and egged our house. Some have pranked and threatened phone-called us between our house phone and mine and my mother's cell phones (mine mostly; thank God for Caller ID). Plus I have been in and out of online relationships, that went nowhere in-person. Some "Women" were actually Men pretending to be women. And among the Real Women, they either died, got raped, or were coerced to their "Dark Side". At least I do have a few Real Friends helping protect me and my work from the trolls.

That's another thing, in my life, I have had mostly female friends, as well as a few male friends/acquaintances. Yet I am still a straight man missing out on the action. One count was that up until I turned 21, I was naive and dumb on the subject of Dating (I did take sex-ed in high school, and I've started watching man-on-woman porn at 16). Within the past few years recently, I've developed the idea of Dating Education Classes; The School System SHOULD have taught that Alongside or Before Sexual Education. God knows it would have wised me up a lot sooner. There's an episode in my comics describing the basic idea of a Dating Education Class.

But I digress. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. My advice; drink plenty of water and Orange Juice, and eat Chicken Noodle Soup. Plus the anti-flu/cold medication, such as Tylenol, or a Non-Aspirin substitute, such as what drug stores like CVS sell. And rest/relaxation of course. You can draw, play your Playstation, read or whatever you feel like within your reach.

Feel better soon, and stay safe, Sweetie. XOXOXO Christian.