Spunky DMs

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This page contains DMs between Chris and the Watchmen member Spunky.

Chris's messages are in blue and Spunky's in green.

Dimensional Roleplay

14 January 2020 (shared by Chris to The Place)[1]

Hey, Spunky. I have been doing well. I continue to work very tough and hard. Rough day, today, Magi-Chan, Mewtwo, and I, helping out in Equestria taking down a Rokat base; we got it done. Scarlet, the original CPU Blue Heart. came out of dormancy in my mind and became active recently. She minded my body and did the work for today on my behalf.

Getting ready to fall asleep for the night.

Amazing girlie. My giratina has been speaking to me and told me about the rokat. Be safe

It says that a ripple is coming. I'm keeping my area safe. The pokemon and ocs are helping me



29 July 2021 (shared by Spunky to the Knights of CWC)[2]

Hey Christine! I saw the new promos for the twilight secret shipfic folder! I get my check this Saturday. Is it possible to get a copy? If not that's ok and I hope u enjoy the con girlie!!!!
Ah, you'd like a set of these three promo cards. Tell you what, I will gift you one set of the three cards; no need to fret over funds for them.
U sure? I'd be happy to pay u!
Please, it's one small thing, and as I will be letting everyone know shortly, I have the bunches of other Promo cards to distribute freely as well. Plus, you are one of my favourite people, Emily.
Awww thank u Christine! Ill be sending Gira over to give u a big hug along with me in spirit!


Watchmens.png Watchmen Saga Watchmens.png
The Players

Organizations: Watchmen (The Sons of the MiscreantsArbitarch CWC AllianceThe PlaceThe Knights of CWC) • Halal Server
People: ChrisWatchmen members (The WCTMKRNightVeeNaughtAnaxisKyleOwls) • Caden PeckJacob SocknessJoseph DraftMidnight MoonflowerKaiDillin ThomasGiBiBen SaintLarry VaughnIsabella JankeFiona

Watchmen Chats: General • Solo Members (AnaxisAquaDiamond8KyleMKRNightVeeNaughtSpunkyThe WCT)

Enabling and Delusions: Sexual Frustration: Targeted Orbiters: Handling of Incest Drama:

Coinciding Sagas
Jacob, Secret Shipfic, Praetor, Incest

    Chats and calls