January 2010

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On 2 January 2010, Chris loses the CWCipedia
On 12 January 2010, Chris breaks down on camera (again).
On 15 January 2010 Chris gives brainwashing a shot.
On 17 January 2010, Chris expresses his opinion on Asperchu with class.
On 20 January 2010, Chris looks like he cares...
...but really he's just attacking Evan.
On 30 January 2010, Chris tried to show us how it's done.

Fueled by a combination of fanmail and his victory over the hardcore gay ads on CWCipedia, Chris started off January 2010 in a rush of almost unrestrained smugness and arrogance. His only setback was the temporary closing of CWCipedia thanks to trademark claims from The Coca-Cola Company and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, and after a short apology, that, too, was quickly forgotten. Thanks to the swelling in his feelings of self-importance, the more depraved side of his mind was on full display both in the Sonichu comics and in the Mailbag.

Around the middle of the month, Chris's complacency came under fire, when favorite troll comic and Sonichu parody, Asperchu, which Chris was introduced to and already hated because it made his homosexuality-alarm go off back in late 2009, became his number one stress factor due to a takeover of CWCipedia's ad-space and mail from fans who said that they would abandon the Sonichu fandom and go read Asperchu instead. Chris responded by desperately trying to fight the fan-emigration to Asperchu with belittlement and denial, fist-fight challenges, subliminal suggestions and impotent tard-rage. All of these attempts ended up failing miserably. One attempt he didn't try was producing his comic pages with any kind of regularity, as the stress of dealing with Asperchu basically put him into an art coma.

A slightly lesser stress factor was Evan, who used the mailbag to repeatedly push for the death of the Simonla Rosechu character because of its status a bland gender-flip copy of his Simonchu character. This provoked many interesting responses from Chris (at least when he did not outright ignore and delete Evan's mails).

The highlights of Sonichu 10 this month were: Christian and the Hedgehog Boys committing a terrorist attack on the 4-cent_garbage.com Tower, causing the building to collapse, killing 100 people and injuring another 150 in the process, the depiction of Rosechu shifting tampons and engaged in bondage with Sonichu, and the staging and execution of a worldwide holocaust on homosexuality and asexuality. And despite all this, Chris still defended Sonichu as a comic for kids.

Thanks to one of Chris's replies in the Mailbag, we have confirmed that Chris, if given the opportunity, would not hesitate to rob people of their freedom of thought just to make sure that there would be no homos in his perfect world.

In April 2010 it became clear that throughout January 2010 Chris, while attending his young adult social group, met a girl nicknamed Damien Antaria, and started building up a friendship with her. Although Chris tried to keep this secret at first, it became impossible for him after a while to hide the relationship, and he started bragging about it on the internet.

Events of January 2010

  • 1 January - Chris answers Mailbag 30.
  • 1 January - Chris inserts his own ads on every single CWCipedia mailbag page. He plugs Coca-Cola, supports Proposition 8, supports a Pepsi boycott by anti-gay (and anti-porn) group the American Family Association, and promotes James Cameron's Avatar, which Chris ruins by thinking it has an anti-gay message.
  • 1 January - Due to a trademark claim by The Coca-Cola Company and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, CWCipedia is now locked up.
  • 2 January - Chris uploads two short videos claiming responsibility for his actions for the first second time in almost 28 years.
  • 3 January - With the trademark dispute concluded, the CWCipedia reopens.
  • 4 January - Chris posts two new pages.
  • 4 January - Chris answers Mailbag 31.
  • 4 January - The CWCki moves to Cogsdev.org.
  • 5 January - Chris's Sysop uploads Mailbag 32 and Mailbag 33.
  • 5 January - Chris uploads Five new pages of Sonichu 10 and answers Mailbag 32.
  • 6 January - Chris's Sysop uploads Mailbag 34
  • 6 January - Chris uploads two new pages of Sonichu 10.
  • 6 January - Chris takes down the gay ad on the front page of CWCipedia again. However, now Asperchu ads have started to appear.
  • 7 January - Chris uploads two new pages and taints Family Guy forever. Mailbag 34 is also answered.
  • 7 January - Chris updates his blog, saying that his birthday should be a holiday. He also mentions this in other areas of the CWCipedia mainpage.
  • 7 January - The ads on Chris's site are replaced by ones for Asperchu.
  • 8 January - Chris uploads two new pages of his comic, in which he punches a guy for talking shit and cheats on his future wife.
  • 8 January - Chris answers Mailbag 35, his Sysop uploads Mailbag 36.
  • 9 January - Thinking he's finally gotten through to the homos (he hasn't), Chris shifts his anger towards the creator of Asperchu, a comic that's way more TRUE and ORIGINAL than Sonichu ever will be.
  • 9 January - Liquid uploads his last video.
  • 10 January - Chris's Sysop uploads Mailbag 37.
  • 12 January - Chris uploads four new pages of Sonichu 10 where he draws himself being trolled by one of his own Sonichus. He also bitches to his admin about the new Asperchu ads.
  • 12 January - Chris's Sysop uploads Mailbag 38 and Mailbag 39.
  • 12 January - Chris threatens death to the creator of Asperchu in a new video, where he punches out his good camera.
  • 13 January - Chris answers Mailbag 36, Mailbag 37, Mailbag 38 and half of Mailbag 39 before finally crashing into slumber.
  • 14 January - Chris makes a video where he rationalizes cursing people and claims he's a good human being. He then proves to the world that he fails at rapping AND playing the harmonica.
  • 15 January - Chris uploads two new pages of Sonichu 10.
  • 15 January - Chris finishes answering Mailbag 39
  • 15 January - Chris makes a video calling out Alec, Evan and two others, threatening to beat them up.
  • 16 January - Chris makes a bizarre video in which he tries to brainwash us all.
  • 17 January - Chris changes his shirt for the third or fourth time this year, and makes a nine-minute rant against Asperchu.
  • 17 January - The Sysop removes all non-Asperchu related emails from Mailbag 41 and moves them to Mailbag 42.
  • 18 January - Chris complains once again about the ads on the front page. The Sysop explains once again that the matter is beyond her control.
  • 19 January - Chris uploads no less than 12 pages of his comic from Page 49 to Page 60! He, of course, turns all messianic against Asperchu.
  • 19 January - Chris doesn't answer Mailbag 41, choosing to delete the entire thing and replace it with a manifesto about how TRUE and HONEST he is.
  • 19 January - The Sysop uploads Mailbag 43, the first Mailbag after Chris issued his Anti-Asperchu manifesto.
  • 20 January - Chris uploads an image supporting the relief efforts in Haiti. It should be noted that he made this a full week after Asperchu tried to raise awareness. It should also be noted that he stuck an image of Simonchu in there, because trying to help thousands of people is just as important as lashing out at Evan.
  • 20 January - Chris answers Mailbags 42 and 43. The Sysop later uploads Mailbag 44.
  • 21 January - Chris attends his first Young Adult Social Group meeting.[1]
  • 22 January - Chris uploads a two part video where he denies the homosexual implications of giving Asperchu a makeover by including home remodeling, cooking, and "myth busting" as makeovers.
  • 23 January - The Sysop uploads Mailbag 45.
  • 24 January - The Sysop uploads Mailbag 46.
  • 25 January - The Wallflower send Chris links to her websites. Beginning of their correspondence.
  • 25 January - Chris uploads Page 61 to Page 68, which features more self-praising, another attempt at cross-retconning and rage against all the comics on Asperpedia.
  • 26 January - Chris finishes answering Mailbag 45 and utterly butchers Mailbag 46. The Sysop then uploads Mailbag 47
  • 27 January - Chris sends two emails to The Wallflower and makes plans for a date. He tells her he wants a relationship with her.
  • 28 January - The Sysop uploads Mailbag 48 and Mailbag 49.
  • 28 January - Chris tells The Wallflower more about himself and again pushes for a date.
  • 29 January - The Wallflower backs out on her date with Chris.
  • 30 January - Chris uploads pages 69 to 74.
  • 30 January - Chris answers the Mailbag 47, Mailbag 48 and Mailbag 49.
  • 30 January - Chris apologizes to Alec Benson Leary, sort of, and says he has seen no shrinkage... in the CWCipedia ads.
  • 30 January - Chris uploads a hand-picked Mailbag 50, comprised not of emails but forum posts defending and/or parodying him, and writes a notice about on his blog.
  • 31 January - The Sysop uploads Mailbag 51.
  • 31 January - Chris corresponds with The Wallflower about making another attempt at a date.
