Mumble 2

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In Mumble 2, a Wild Snorlax appeared.

Mumble 2 is the second Mumble chat that took place on 4 February 2009. More than an hour long.

This is a more organized Q&A type chat than Mumble 1. Questions from Clyde about sex in the comic and interesting tidbits about how Chris believes sex is the same as romance. This is pretty hard hitting, with stuff like how Chris is into fast food yet he's against tobacco. A lot of drama involving Clyde.


  • Chris no like Clyde =( he stole his sweetheart
  • audio cut out for a minute and then you hear Chris say: "....HYMEN!" (You broke her hymen)
  • Trolls claim Panda is with Clyde, Chris wants to hear her voice, they say she's busy
  • 'She and I WERE very close'
  • Chris didn't have 400 to 800 dollars to go see Panda; claims he got this number from an airport website recommended by Miyamoto
  • Insists on Sonichu being in Animal Crossing
  • Doesn't want to talk about his deal with them
  • Insists that he doesn't have to turn down his radio since his voice is louder (it is horribly loud in the mic)
  • Panda gave Clyde him all of the sites etc
  • Sarah is going to be with Clyde, which Chris wants to deny
  • These motherfuckers keep talking over each other
  • Calls a trolls critique crap
  • Bubbles must be aroused, she isn't wet all the time
  • Bubbles is 90% water so does sperm just swim around forever? NO
  • Clyde: This is a children's comic, why so much sex?
  • Chris: It is romance. My best artwork is when they're making out 'romantic moments', drawn in protest to trolls. Shows that Rosechus have vaginas, not ducks.
  • Admits to maybe going overboard
  • Trolls try to reason with him about the ED article: There wouldn't be an article if he didn't react like he does.
  • Trolls say that TV-Y7 means NO SEX but Chris points to romantic animes that have making out (cartoons are for kids even if there's sex is his reasoning)
  • Trolls talk about Japan being less strict about those things
  • Everyone gets to vote in CWCville. You can hear him say, 'even if they're black'.
  • Got his idea from Mary Poppins, HIS FAVORITE MOVIE
  • Troll tries to give historical background about cough medicine putting kids to sleep to which Chris insists it was the lullaby that put them to sleep.
  • Trolls go into deep conversation about children, cough medicine, etc.
  • Chris planned for no references to cough medicine.
  • Discussion about Chris 'gay message' sent by a troll
  • He calls Clyde a scoundrel
  • Chris speaks Mexican at 20:50 LAWL
  • Mexican speaks Mexican to him... he replies in Menglish
  • 4-cent_garbage is located in Mexico
  • Someone says that he needs to improve his Mexican
  • Chris is against smoking, CWCville is smoke-free alcholic free
  • Rehash of why tobacky is bad, his position on it, fights
  • Chris' dad smoked had several bypasses, has a pacemaker, had heart attacks
  • Mention of his hair cuttings for his fans
  • Motherfuckers talk over each other, question about fast food not answered
  • Chris was doing math in his head, got in car crash.
  • Chris has taken college level math. Took trigonometry.
  • He designed a shopping center
  • Trolls gang up on Clyde for stealing Panda
  • Time will tell when Chris will make the money he would have in the nintendo deal
  • Trolls bash Clyde for his pot smoking
  • Chris doesn't watch news because it's bad news =(
  • Bashing of the Mexican
  • Chris can type 30 to 100 WPM
  • Chris can't type and talk at the same time
  • Chris says PSN is free though Clyde(?) points to the 1000 dollars Chris spent on PSN
  • Chris has been typing for 15 minutes now and it is VERY loud
  • Chris has been busy IRL therefore the comic release doesn't have a date
  • Someone points to nudes on YouTube.
  • He does not have it on the YouTube, but he isn't going to take it anymore.
  • Claims some of the photos are photoshopped.
  • Clyde offers help to take ED page down.
  • Chris denies taking those pictures, doesn't want to talk about it, making him uncomfortable.
  • Some of the pictures are real. When questioned which ones are fake, Chris can't answer.
  • Chris hates Harry Potter because HP was in competition with Pokemon!
  • Chris is too stressed to read Vivian's book, he likes the cover though!
  • Chris has heard of Twilight, will wait until DVD comes out to see it
  • Polly, who has been talking the whole time is confronted by Chris who thinks she is a guy. Polly is upset. Chris apologizes.
  • Chris like Monty Python, same Monty Python from first conversation
  • Jimmy Hill has launched his Sonichu show
  • More Mexican talk at 55:10
  • Chris giggles and sighs happily when Cassie, another Mexican, compliments him and when she leaves he says 'Chikita Bonita'
  • Rabbichoso talk (
  • Classic trolls are leaving Chris alone.
  • Chris likes Steel Angel Kurumi (quote from Wikipedia: the show is often classified as ecchi due to the focus on fanservice and panty shots)
  • Chris claims to be very strong, could beat Clyde up
  • Would definitely give Clyde lots of pain
  • ShinyMarshtomp makes an appearance? Likes Rabbichoso
  • Chris likes to eat at Country Cookin (like Golden Corral)
  • Chris likes to imagine his first time.
  • Clyde says the first time is awful, Chris said it was because Clyde prematurely ejaculated
  • Watch porn with naked women to cure your gay
  • Guys sitting next to you = gay coming on to you
  • None of Chris's friends come to his house
  • Falsion has been in the chat room, is afraid he is gay

A Wild Snorlax Appears

  • Barbara asks if Chris wants hot dogs (insert penis joke here)
  • Chris will only be acquaintances with Falsion
Chris: I'm just answering a few questions mother.
Barbara:: You don't have to answer.
[shuffling sounds, clangings]
Barbara:: It ain't none of their business no way. I wouldn't be asked questions like that by employees or anybody.
Troll: Chris what is happening?
Chris: My mother is offering her input.
Barbara:: I don't need no back talk from someone on the internet.
Chris: I hear you mom.
[scraping sounds]
Barbara:: These idiots don't have any brains or any idea [inaudible]
[more banging, clangs, tumbling sounds]
Troll: Is it your bed time right now...?
Chris: Pixelblocks, Pixelblocks!
Troll: Chris, are you saying Pixelblocks?
[Chris's mom has been singing]
Troll: Your mom has a beautiful singing voice, Chris.
Barbara:: [inaudible] ...stressed
Chris: Well sometimes they don't, they can be peaceful.
Barbara:: Well Mom and Dad getteh [inaudible]
Chris::Mmm a lot of us do.
Barbara:: Just look at this nasty mess here that I have to pick up.
Chris: [sighs] Yeah I took care of my bills, I mean, not completely but I took care of them.
[Clanging noises return after short absence]
[Trolls talk about General Hospital, then ask for forgiveness for Clyde]
[Demonic voice briefly heard]
[Sound of a vacuum cleaner]
[Sound of Chris' mom singing]
Troll: Your mom has a beautiful voice, Chris.
[Meme spouting back and forth]
Do you watch Code Geass or Naruto?
I'm going to watch Shuffle! sometime
[Naruto talk... or some anime]
[More clanging, vacuuming]
Chris: my headphones on. And you know what else? They like your singing.
Barbara:: ...I don't sing.
Chris::You just did!
Barbara:: That's my laugh, my laugh!
Chris: They just did, they heard you singing just now
Barbara:: I can't sing!
Chris::You just did!
Barbara:: [inaudible]
Chris: They just heard you singing in the microphone.
Barbara:: Did you write cheques for those bills?
Chris: Yeah. Yes mother I did.
Barbara:: You're not telling me a story?
Chris: No, I'm not telling you a story.
Barbara:: It's important [inaudible] did you pay them?
Chris: Yes I paid them
Barbara:: Okay you need to be honest with me.
Chris: No you're saying... I'm being honest, I'm being honest.
Barbara:: How you respond to what...what [we] talk about. You say you want to do something and you don't do it then life is gonna change [our ideas soon?]
Chris: Ok... I'll be sure to pay the remaining difference next month.
Barbara:: No, this month.
Chris: I couldn't pay them all with 90 dollars so there's still some there that [sound cuts]
...oh you're cooking them up here that's why you turned the fan on over the stove.
[trolls rejoice and mock Momma Chandler]


Waiting for Chris

BlueSpike: I can't wait to hear Chris! I'm a huge fan!
Clyde: Oh, goddamn these noodles are fantastic. Man, I wish I could eat like this everyday.
Troll: Have you eaten the rice balls?
Clyde: No, no, no. These are noodles. These are... [Trolls interrupt]
Troll: Fan-fucking-tastic.
Clyde: Fantastic, you know?
Troll: Sweetangie is Chris. Or, we think so.
Troll: Yeah, I don't think this is him.
Clyde: It's definitely not the real Chris.
Clyde: I'm disappointed there's so many impostors out there. Kinda my fault, but, you know, if it weren't [unintelligible] Hard to come by.
Troll: His mike was working last time he was here, just fine.
Troll: He usually capitalizes his words, like in every sentence.
Troll: Yeah, I don't think he's - I don't think this is him.
Troll: Is it set to push to talk or something? [Trolls talk over each other]
Clyde: It's called push to talk. Push to talk.
Troll: No, just have him set it to voice activity. It works so much better that way. [BlueSpike says something unclear]
Troll: You guys are fucking idiots. [Trolls talk over each other again]
Troll: You guys scared him off by being guys.
Troll: Yeah, you fucking jackasses. Nice going.
Troll: Was that even the real...?
Troll: Yes, that was the real Chris.
Troll: He's too much of a pussy to talk.
Troll: Yeah, cause you scared him, or some - No, or he's too stupid to be. [Laughter]

Chris Arrives

Chris: [Chris arrives, with radio playing loudly.] Hello. [Trolls all greet him.]
Chris: Yeah, now-
Troll: Why don't you have your microphone working?
Chris: Yeah, I don't know why my microphone is messed up.
Troll: I'm sorry, but we had an impostor here before.
Chris: No, I'm registered. I've got myself registered now. So, uh, hopefully-
Troll: That's probably why. It probably had to calibrate.
Chris: Yeah. Well I calibrated now.
Clyde: So, Chris, have you seen Rabbichozo's, uh, oh it's fantastic.
Chris: I don't give a crap about your stupid pencil sketch. [Pause]


Chris: -her hymen!
Clyde: Look, I know it's a terrible mistake, but I plan to make it up to her. I'm doing the things I should do.
Chris: Oh, and another thing, if she is really over there with you now, then put her on the mike. Please.
Troll: She's not- He never said-
Clyde: Look, Chris, she's very busy, ok. She's very busy.
Chris: Well-
Clyde: She's not over here right now. Okay? So lets drop it.
Chris: Alright, fine. Well could you tell her to please send me a message lettin' me know, for sure, so I can know- so I can know.
Clyde: [Talks over Chris] I'll let her know whatever you want, but it's her life. She doesn't have to send you a message. You failed her. You failed her.
Chris: [Sighs] She and I were very close.
Clyde: You say you're so close, then why didn't you go?
Chris: [Sighs] Because I had- Aw, hang on a second. How do I- oh, that's right. This thing. Right. [Sighs] Hold on a sec. Oh yeah, because I did not have four to eight hundred dollars!
Clyde: It doesn't cost that much to go cross-country.
Chris: Yes it does. I know, I saw it on an airport website. Where I was be- Where I was- recommended to me by Mr. Miyamoto.

Transcription ends at 5:07

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