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Revision as of 17:32, 9 July 2010

== Logical Fallacy ==

Chris stated that:

= Alec: Okay, good. That's good so far. Um, I'd also like you to apologize for insinuating that I keep female prisoners in my basement and use them as a...unwilling harem and rape them. Because I don't do anything of the sort.


Alec: That's just creepy. I don't...I don't know where you got that idea.


Alec: I mean, I can kinda see some of the other complaints that you had were based on, you know, like direct misunderstanding of things, but-but that, you know, me raping female prisoner things...that just-that c-that came outta left field. Where'd you get that idea?

Chris: [talking over him] Yeah okay well, okay. Well actually...no. Ah...I never said-I never used the word 'rape', you just had them in prisom [sic] and you treated them like hamsters. You did not rape them.

Alec: [talking over Chris, who says something unclear] What do you mean, 'treated them like hamsters'?

Chris: You know, just keep them in cages, giant hamster wheels, giant water bottles, nn...and food pellets. =

If we are to believe that Mary Rosechu was paraplegic sense birth, the above statement is a blatant lie, due to the fact that she would have needed assistance sense her first days. However, one can counter argue that he meant the Rosechu group in general. However, a rebuttal to that would be that Moe Rosechu's tail would prevent it from running on any kind of hamster wheel that chris probably conceived(specifically, ones with wires and gaps, meaning that her tail might get caught up in the wheel and get mangled/amputated).

If we take these educated guess's in mind, we can state that his above statement is a lie he thought up on the spot. In addition, his studdering in the first part of the above quote in response to the allegation would only reinforce this due to him trying to stall for time to think of something. Meaning that Alec hit the target right on the spot.

- We can then make some educated guesses as to what each Rosechu represents. As a group, they represent the damage done to the "CWCiverse" by Asperchu. How ever, individually, they may be different aspects of these "CWCverse" and how they are dipicted and what was implied to happen to them represent's chris' feelings on Asperchu.

Brit-Tay Rosechu The Closest Rosechu to be depicted almost like The Rosechu. We can take this as a how the Sonichu story held up against the Asperchu comics. She exists to show 2 things, the current status of the "CWCverse" and the differences between Sonichu comics and Asperchu comics.

Note that her tail, while deformed, seems to still be under her muscle control, being held up in the air. This represent's chris' "Many imitators, one original" thought process, as Asperchu mimics Sonichu in many ways, but outwardly, they are nothing alike. And what Alec was implied to have done with her, runied one of her defining physical characteristics, her tail.

The Scratches on her represent the "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". Compared to the other Basement Rosechus, she is both physically and mentally the healthiest (by CWCverse standards). No matter what Alec did to her, she never got cut, she never broke a bone, the worst she got was scratches everywhere.

Last, she is the defacto leader of the group. Seeing Chris' relationship between him and authority, this Rosechu is, in his eyes, the most important Rosechu. This is reinforced by the body poster of her hand with one finger up, as if making a important point. In her one and only line, she states, paradoxically, that the group should seek out their own purpose and fortune. However, seeing as there is only one good job for any Rosechu in town, being a wife/girlfriend, Chris is stating (unless he sees that being a wife is a step up from alot of things), the current status of the "CWCverse" and the relationship between Sonichu comics and Asperchu comics will never improve.

in contrast to this interpenetration, The other Rosechus are symbolically simple.

Bride Rosechu The next closest thing to The Rosechu, this incarnation is a representation of innocence and Chris' religious beliefs. In addition, this also symbolizes Chris' perception that by praying, he can get whatever he wants, regardless of correlation does not equal causation arguments.

Her lack of a tail means one of 2 things, ether she does not have one, or it is under her dress. Following the pattern of the other Rosechus, she does not have a tail, representing her ability to stand and walk without a tail, but with faith.

Her only other major "defect" is her hair cut, this represents his eventual loss in belief of Godjesus due to slanderous trolls, however, due to the incidents where he prayed and something coincidentally happens, she still retains most of her hair. In effect, Chris has put Godjesus "on notice".

She may also be a representation his minimum requirements for marriage, such a girl must be Christan and really white, due to her fur being faded in comparison to the other Rosechus.

Moe Rosechu

Moe is the manifistation of Chris' Fear and nervousness. She is also a manifestation of his indecisiveness, needing a good and solid plan before anything else can be done. Her lack of hair represents is fear of balding, and his viewpoint that will make him less attractive to women. Her legs shaking represent an inability to ever stand still or find stable footing with his world online. This is indicitive of the fact that her tail does not seem to be able to move. Without her tail giving her balance, she must constantly struggle to simply stand.

Just as her past abuse by Alec had made her indecisive and nervous, Chris's perceived abuse online has become his excuse for the same conditions. However, unlike Moe, who was unable to escape her captor, Chris, could have called it quits at any time over the last few years. So, either Chris is a glutton for punishment, or he perceives he HAS to be on the Internet. Seeing as how he handles stress, is it safe to say that the latter is probably true, and this would imply that he has a huge amount of unwarranted self-importance.

Mary Rosechu Mary is a representation of Chris's opinion on other disabilities. Where he believes that his autism is truly a hindrance, all other disabilities are more manageable than it. This is evidenced by the tail on Mary. Of all the Rosechus, she is the only one with a regular tail. And because her disability is so manageable, all she wants is a bubble bath. This shows an inability to empathize, not with an individual, but with an entire group of people. However, she has an entire ear, from the way it was drawn, ripped off. This represents his assumption that, because others refuse to listen and do as he says, he is under no obligation to do the same. This mean that he has a problem with people who have disabilities that affect them far greater than his autism affects him. However, due to the perceived holy nature of himself, he graciously gives the girl a wheel chair. Nevertheless, he feels obligated to tell the audience that the wheelchair was freshly donated, and not new. This is an obvious attempt to show power over the greater disability community. This may be due to the fact that, whenever he is brought up on Autism boards, they tend to react negatively. This shows that he may have visited these sites (which, I do not know) at some point and, unable to take constructive criticisms, interpreted such criticisms as attacks on him. This would mean that he blames his bad reputations on such boards due to the much more widely distributed and known Asperchu. She exists simply to show his displeasure with the online disability community.