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^  ^  ^ Freecell, that is the best way to create a userpage ever. Thanks for the help.
^  ^  ^ Freecell, that is the best way to create a userpage ever. Thanks for the help.

I...didn't get...a welcome...template...*sniff*


Revision as of 18:05, 13 August 2011


The final moult of the naiad is not to the full adult form, but to a winged subimago that physically resembles the adult, but which is usually sexually immature. The subimagos are generally poor fliers, and typically lack the colouration patterns used to attract mates. The subimago eventually moults to the full adult, making mayflies the only insects where a winged form undergoes moulting. Like the adult, the subimago stage does not last for long, rarely for more than 24 hours. In some species, it may last for just a few minutes, while the mayflies in the family Palingeniidae have sexually mature subimagos and no true adult form at all.

^ ^ ^ Freecell, that is the best way to create a userpage ever. Thanks for the help.

I...didn't get...a welcome...template...*sniff*

As you could probably tell by my name, I am a guy who plays piano. I only just got interested in Chris's misadventures earlier this year, although I heard of him earlier, on AT4W. I am a nerd. More of a nerd then you. DON'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME THAT YOU'RE MORE OF A NERD THEN ME I PLAY PATHFINDER SOCIETY! Ahem...sorry. My sense of humor is strange. I laugh way too loud at funny things, but I never seem to make any of my friends laugh with resorting to...ugh. Although, I blame that on my friends just being retarded in general.

A few questions I have, one minor, one major. The minor question: Why is nobody even acknowledging the new Girlfriend Chris says he has in the Calling Out videos? That major question: Why does The Wallflower's name link to the Wallflower if the CWCki is in agreement not to release personal information? Her fucking name is pretty damn personal, don't you think?

I am off to save Tamriel from Alduin, The World Eater, well simultaneously wiping out the pathetic Jedi scum who dare oppose the mighty Sith Empire, and becoming a Fourth Level Fighter (Not some crappy ranger).