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Revision as of 03:00, 20 January 2010

I dunno how I might be around here, but I joined after watching the CWCki for months and decided to join now after CWC ticked me off for the last time.

See, I'm an honest and real Aspie. I got the official diagnosis when I was 13... Before that, I was being treated for ADHD. I'm 19 now. I should emphasize that I had never heard of Asperger's before I was 13, and therefore a "self diagnosis" is impossible. Please don't jump to that assumption just because there are those who use it as an excuse...

Now, having heard it was part of the Autistic Spectrum, I was actually pleased with it, because I had heard many Autistics were talented in ways that blow your mind, and I was eager to learn what my special skill was, and have decided that story telling is it (I write fanfics in my free time, and people say that I'm really good, so I keep trying to make each one better and better to impress them). That includes even illustrating, which has lead to me practicing art and having a few classes. Computers, Graphics and even character design included...

Seeing CWC just makes me sad. He's rude, insensitive, egotistial, arrogant and oblivious to what he's doing.

His opinion of Asperger's just grinds my gears to a fine power and washes it away with a hose. He's so certain that Aspies want to take all his "fame" from him that he's labeled us all as ugly, retarded, gross, stupid, selfish and fakers. For the record, I'm 5 feet 9 and 3/4 inches tall, and weigh as much as my IQ give or take: 149 when last tested. I wasn't the best at everything at school, but what I was best at, I pushed myself for it. Several times, I even pulled my friends into it, and let them share the fun. I fondly remember a time with a best freind who claimed that I was going to be better than her in JROTC, and I told her I would have to salute her first. Three years later... Well, she became a Captain and was a batallion staff member, and even though I left the class to persue other activities, I kept my word. Was I happy for her? You bet. She did the work for it.

I have a brain that's wired differently, like many other do, and while I'm good at some things, I fail at others just as much. Remembering history is one for sure, and precise coordination is another. On good days, you might not notice, but if it's like usual, I need memory tricks and repeating to get it again. I dunno why... I just do...

So naturally, Chris-Chan (ha! "Chan" is a girl suffix!) offends me not just because he offends me, but also because he offends people like me, and to further my reason, his opinions on homosexuals and transgenders as well scrapes a chalkboard because I know people (as in friends and family) who are that. You understand right? If he was talking crap about a group that includes, say, your little sister who looks up to you or something... You'd hate the guy too, right? What about if your awesome older half brother is mixed race, while your white, or you have a sister in law who's Jewish and CWC starts being racist and all. That's utterly rude... Urgh... I have no word to discribe him right...

Anyway, for those who want this short:


I hate CWC, and want to have your permission, people of the CWCki, to allow me to join in Operation Mailbag. I've read some of yours, and I love how he misses the points hidden in them. I have a few ideas of my own that he probably won't take as a trolling attempt, and I'm very good at getting answers about the psyche with unrelated questions.