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#REDIRECT [[Vivian Gee E-mails, 2009]]
{{quoteboxred|Okay, so I've been thinking a bit and I've got it!
It's called the Christian Chandler show! It only requires a video camera and you can easily do that! With the show, you can like, get popularity and [[YouTube]] will notice you! People become super rich and famous after they've get a deal with YouTube!
Not only that, you could get noticed by a bunch of companies and they can sponsor you for money! I can't believe I didn't come up with this sooner!
Basically, every day, you do a video that can involve a bunch of segments like these:
Chris Reviews! (Your thoughts on the latest games, movies and [[anime]]!)<br>
Chris Thinks! (Your thoughts on the latest news!)<br>
[[Sonichu]] Says! (Latest news about Sonichu!)<br>
[[Fashion]] 101! (Advice on the latest styles of clothes!)<br>
Love Doctor Chris! (Advice on love!)<br>
Chris Answers! (Answer questions from fans!)<br>
Chris's Life! (Show stuff around your [[house]]!)<br>
Chris Recommends! (Stuff that you recommend/don't recommend your viewers!)
Please do this! You need to gain exposure and money! You should also get a new e-mail where fans of the Christian Chandler show can write in for segments like Love Doctor Chris and give you things to Chris Review!
Love, [[Vivian]]}}
{{quotebox|Thank you, Vivian, I will greatly consider that idea.  Although having a Daily Show may be a stretch for me; weekly perhaps.
Christian C.}}
== 2/10/09 ==
{{quotebox|I was just in the [[Mumble]] Chatroom with my fans, and [[Julie]].  [[Clyde]] later entered, moved everyone out of the chatroom, and talked mean to me.  And I have completed my promised to him of cleaning my [[room]], which the video proving that is Live on YouTube.
I feel very uncomfortable when I hear his forcing, dominating voice tone.  I would deeply appreciate it if you would talk to Clyde and see if you can coerce him to lay off my case, please.
Love and Peace,
Christian C.}}
{{quoteboxred|I was listening to the entire thing. I can't stop him, I can only tame him.
But I have to agree with pretty much everything he said. I'm not going to stop him until you clean up your act.
It's for the best.
- Vivian}}
{{quotebox|I am working on my life and bettering it, I promise you, Vivian.  If I have to prove it to you, I can and will within your directions of how I can prove it to you.  In any case, Please have Clyde leave Julie alone; she does NOT need the abuse.  I have given it a Great Start with cleaning up my room; the video is LIVE.
{{quoteboxred|From what I've learned from Clyde, this is what you have to do.
Get a job.
Pay off your debts.
- Vivian}}
== 5/29/09 ==
{{quotebox|I've just checked my [[PSN]] account, and when "Clyde" hacked into it recently, he made two purchases without my consent; the Variety Map Pack from COD4: Modern Warfare and the Steel & Titanium Pack from Killzone 2, out of the 20 dollar PSN Card I had redeemed shortly before.  Anyway, it took me down by $15.98.  And with due respect, and appreciaiting you as a fan of my Sonichu and [[Rosechu]] stories, and that you're "Taking the reigns" for Clyde, I respectfully ask to be reimbursed the 15.98.  I would appreciate a check made out for that amount, or an unscratched $20 PSN Card sent to my home address (14 Branchland Ct.  [[Ruckersville]], VA 22968) quickly, please.  I have the [[police]] and a lawer on my side in real life.  Thank you for your understanding and prompt response.
Love and Peace,
Christian C.}}
{{quoteboxred|I'd love to give you the money, but I can't because it's not in our budget. Samantha really loves Grade A cat food you know and she won't let me give you anything.
So I guess you'll have to get the police and your lawyer (not lawer) on us. Sorry.
== 8/4/09 ==
{{quotebox|To clarify, Vivian, I am Thanking ALL [[Trolls]] for their documentation of
whatever truths I have shared with them in the past, GRANTED They've
twisted the words around and made me look bad, stupid and worse, but
the ORIGINAL WORDS and drawings that I have stated and created from my
hand have been Documented, especially on the [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]]
Page.  And those documented words and images from YEARS of information
Seperate ME from any Impostor, Especially the [[Liquid Chris|Brown-Striped Jeff]].
And I am thanking ALL Trolls for even trying to break my spirits, to
have me emotionally pick my back up eventually, which was WEEKS AGO
NOW, just to Make ME grow up emotionally better and More Well-Off,
Better business Game-Plans, and all that jazz.
I have had my revelation for the PURPOSE of Trolls and [[Internet]] Bullies
from GOD the other day, and with a FULL-CONFIDENT HEART, WELL-CONFIRMED
God has put you all on this earth, and appointed you all each to pick
on my nerves to challenge my reactions; Now that I fully Understand all
that beyond "I'm just doing it for the fun of it", "I'm Just Bored", "I
Just Like Trolling" and such, I can finally move on with you all in my
background and continue with my Drawing and Coloring of my Stories and
Books, and Stand Up For MY FULL POWER on the City of Cwcville and
beyond, and espeically in becoming an emotionally Stronger Man among
all that.
Thank you, Vivian.  Thank you Clyde.  Thank You ALL.
(again, my humblest condolences for Clyde).
Keep a Happy Thought, and Stay Safe,<br>
Love and Peace,<br>
Christian W. Chandler.}}
{{quoteboxred|You still haven't learned anything have you?}}
== Vivian. 8/15/09 ==
{{quotebox|I've just heard; NOT COOL!  If you make and sell your DVDs without my
Authorization, YOU will be in Violation of the Counterfeit Laws, and I
will not go easy.  This is your First and Last Warning.
Christian C.}}
{{quoteboxred|Alright, try me.}}
== 8/19/09 ==
{{quoteboxred|Well, do you want it?
You [[curse]]d me yet again, bro. And cursing dead people ain't gonna do much lol.
And so basically, you want me to get kidnapped or whatever the fuck happened to the other guy? Nice try, but I ain't retarded like him, I'm smart.
Also, the FBI don't exist in France, baby.
Love, Vivian}}
{{quotebox|France, Huh?  I challenge you to prove that you live in France; SHOW ME YOUR Driver's License, COMPLETE WITH THE WHOLE ADDRESS; you may leave your customer number censored.  Scan it, black-out the customer number in photoshop, then e-mail it to me.  I'll know if you're faking by looking at the drivers license.  NO Photograph of you holding the license; IT HAS TO BE A FRESH SCAN.
Still, though, the curse brings mainly Bad Luck and Extreme Misfortune; Watch Your Back.
Christian W. Chandler.}}
{{quoteboxred|first off, i don't drive, i ride a bicycle
second off, you're probably trying to find out where i live
third off, i don't drive, i ride a bicycle
also i guess you don't want any profits
love, vivian}}
{{quotebox|Ha, like a Criminal like you would ever share profits from her wrong-doing.
Okay, smart-ass, then you would not mind sharing your Passport, or even sending me a hand-written letter via snail-mail FROM YOUR OWN Home Address (NO PO BOXES).}}
== You Die Today, BITCH! 9/1/09 ==
{{quoteboxred|as i can reply to this, i currently don't have a heart attack
jesus christ, wishing death isn't very nice
...you bitch
== I don't care 9/1/09 ==
{{quotebox|You are on my Blocked List; I give you NO mercy; you have broken your own Last Straw.<br>
Go To Hell!}}
{{quoteboxred|No Chris, you broke MY last straw.
You don't realize you did this to yourself.
== Vivian, let's talk business 11/14/09 ==
{{quotebox|Now that I finally have peace of mind, I apologize for the past
unformalitites and emotional outbursts in past communications.  I have
decided, I will fully approve your continued Audiobook Videos and
Sales, but in return, I ask for 25% of all the money (changed to U.S.A.
currency) you have, and will have, made from all that you have put
together and sold, as well as two copies of each CD/DVD of the
[[Audiobooks]], and two of each other additional merchandise aside from the
I extend an olive branch of peace, and I await your well-thought
response.  Have a good, Safe day, Miss Vivian.
Christian W. Chandler.}}
{{quoteboxred|Yeah, peace of mind.
Peace of mind to fucking want me dead at least...what?...3 to 4 times now?
You've cursed me like 17 times and now you expect me to give you money? I fucking offered you months ago and you just wanted me dead.
Go fuck yourself.
- Love Vivian}}
{{quotebox|I deeply apologize for the number of curses as well; that was very unsportsmanlike of me, plus I was under misunderstandings and stress.  Sometimes, it takes me a while to realize some truths and what I need, and this was just one of them.
Also, I have another proposition for you, after much consideration, and sound advice from my personal assistant, I would like to hire you to be my manager of business relations.  Obviously, you have done something right with your wheeling and dealing to make the money from the Audiobooks.  Merchandise should be made official; I would like a list of all
those who have created "Merchandise"; webpages, contact info and names,
so I can get in touch with the ones who did well in their creations
(not just shipshod parodic crap), or locate some toy companies' info
for my reference. Phone conversations with the true people of [[Nintendo]] and [[Sega]], and maybe [[Sony]], would be beneficial, with assured assistance from my manager.
It Is Time to set the merchandise wheels and legitimate business talks
in motion.<br>
I have removed all curses from the past, and sent you forgiveness blessings.  I have had the epiphamy about business relations and matured mentally from that; please help me.
Christian W. Chandler.}}
{{quoteboxred|Anyone making merchandise is doing it on a very-small scale, like me, they don't have the budget to expand nor will they do so. You're better off on trying to contact already established companies.
Nintendo's number as listed on http://www.nintendo.com/corp/contact.jsp
Sega doesn't have a number immediately listed.
Sony's number as listed on http://www.us.playstation.com/Corporate/ContactUs
You need to have a video pitch ready since I assume you don't have the money to travel to all these locations. I suggest a high-quality 18 minute pitch of Sonichu. Don't use that shitty camera that you've been using that keeps skipping, no one will take you seriously with that.
Here is a run-down of what I believe would make a solid pitch:<br>
1 minute of introducing yourself, Christian Weston Chandler.<br>
2 minutes of introducing Sonichu, its origin.<br>
2 minutes of explaining Sonichu's appeal.<br>
4 minutes of explaining what you will do to make Sonichu succeed.<br>
- Be project adviser<br>
- Work hard<br>
4 minutes of what you expect to achieve in the next year.<br>
- How big a demographic (Worldwide?)<br>
- What types of merchandise<br>
- How many issues of Sonichu<br>
4 minutes of why Sonichu will succeed.<br>
- Why people like it<br>
- How many fans<br>
1 minute conclusion.
Here are some tips from Anthony Sullivan and [[Billy Mays]]:<br>
- Project, you need to sound enthusiastic.<br>
- Hand gestures<br>
- Stand up<br>
- Don't appear nervous<br>
- No unnecessary pauses
Here's the deal. Adventure Time was a short pitch that was on Nickelodeon. Within a few weeks, it had over 2 million viewers. Cartoon Network saw this and they decided to produce Adventure Time and now it's becoming a full fledged cartoon with merchandise and everything. You need to appeal to companies. While you can contact companies about your product, it's better for THEM to come to YOU because then you know they are interested.
- Vivian}}
== I am not lazy 11/18/09 ==
{{quotebox|I have printed your last e-mail for my information, and I am making touch with the companies.  Thank you for your advice.
Christian W. Chandler.}}
{{quoteboxred|And what have they said?}}
== You've done jack shit, haven't you? 11/19/09 ==
Christ almighty, you're probably still playing [[LittleBigPlanet]] [[PSP]] aren't you? Lazy piece of shit.}}
{{quoteboxred|No, I have been giving a lot of thought and work into the pages and the video.  I am not lazy.}}
{{quotebox|Describe your thinking process. Spell it out for me. I already gave you a basic script you should work off of. You don't need to think much harder than that.
Besides, how hard is it to phone up a couple of companies? Jesus christ, you are fuckin' lazy. You can say it all you want but until you show me progress, you're a fucking lazy jackass.}}
== Holy fucking shit it's been 2 fucking days. 11/22/09 ==
{{quotebox|You're still doing shit on your fucking site, but that's the bare fucking minimum. Are you just avoiding me to avoid doing any work? God damn it, you fucking lazy piece of shit.}}
{{quoteboxred|Just you wait; I will be uploading the 18 minute video in two part onto YouTube tomorrow; I've almost finished my script for it.}}
{{quotebox|Have you contacted any companies?
I better see it tomorrow.}}
== Okay 11/24/09 ==
{{quotebox|I will work on that.  Also, I apologize for not replying sooner or more often; I am in contact with Nintendo, Sega and Sony.  Right now, I need to figure out the Accountant-type information to better my presentation.  I would appreciate your input on toy, video and local (to me) independant printing/publishing companies, so I can look them up, get cost estimates and such, so I can better present profit for companies like Nintendo, Sega and Sony.
Thank you.
Stay Safe,
{{quoteboxred|I'm not familiar with local Virginia companies so I can't help you with that. Go do some research yourself on that.
You're better off doing self-promotion, going to conventions and selling home-made Sonichu stuff that way. Tons of people from all around the world at conventions. You'll get worldwide exposure and maybe you'll get some small company to help support you. Until you start doing that, you're going to get ZERO OFFERS from anyone.
This is why you need to start promoting harder. That video will be a start, showing comapnies of the local popularity of Sonichu, then you're gonna have to work harder...but you gotta take it one step at a time.
I expect it done on Friday.}}
== 12/1/09 ==
{{quotebox|I apologize for not e-mailing the past couple of days, but I have some updates for you.  I uploaded a couple of pages lately, plus another one today.  I went to the local mall yesterday with my digital camera; I found some people who knew of Sonichu.  Upon asking for their interview, most of them said they didn't want their face online right now, that they were busy, or such.  I am working diligently on searching for interviews; I've asked a couple of close friends to help me find some volunteers.  I search a bit more today during an outing; still little luck.  But I'll head out again tomorrow and have another go at it at another location.  I will send you another update tomorrow.  Thank you for your paitence and kindness.
Stay Safe, and Peace,<br>
{{quoteboxred|Well, here's the thing, all you need for the video is genuine reactions to Sonichu. Just show them a Sonichu comic or something have them speak their mind. You don't need to do a full-on interview, although you could if you want.
Also, what about the parkour idea. You should do it.
And you should be answering more mail, and why haven't you been doing more than one page a day? You could do it for Thanksgiving, so explain that.}}
== 12/2/09 ==
{{quotebox|It rained over here today, but I am still going to run with the camera
on Thursday; hopefully the weather will cooperate better.  Plus, I have
gotten a few interviews from people, so I should have the video up
later this week.  I drew another page today, and I am going to answer
some more fanmail.
Have a safe day,
{{quoteboxred|Hm, how long will it take for you to edit the video together? I can edit the video if you want.
Anyway, I have an idea that will consistently produce content and show that you actively care about your fans. You should pick like maybe 2-3 mail each week to answer in a video. Put some heart into those videos and that'll show you care.
If I come up with any more ideas, I'll let you know.}}
==12/4/09 ==
{{quoteboxred|You said you needed another week for the public reactions video and it's been another week. You said you already had the footage, so I expect it up tonight. You also missed a day for a page and you didn't answer mail.
You can't slack off like this. I swear to god if you're playing video games I'm going to beat your head in.}}
{{quotebox|I said that I had people lined up for interview; I did not say I had the footage yet.  But I will have the footage shortly.  I appreciate your paitience, and I did the run.
Stay Safe,<br>
{{quoteboxred|You're taking your sweet time.
Let me see your daily schedule. Let me see where you're spending your time. I honestly doubt your life can be that busy so you can't do this stuff on command.}}
== 3/14/10 ==
{{quotebox|I hope you are well and safe.  As you may have heard, I have had
trouble the past few days.  I still suffer lingering heartache from not
knowing if ''Heather'' has recovered from that chaos yet.  All I can do is
give her time and space.  At least that page of her on that damn CWCki
is gone.
BTW, I was listing the other pages, pertaining to all who I care about,
of which I would like to see similar treatment in reference to
Heather's Page, YOU INCLUDED, Vivian, but more of an Upgrade in Status,
instead of a total revamp.  Anyway, I saw the page on the CWCki of you,
http://www.cogsdev.org/cwcki/Vivian_Gee, is the photograph on the top
of the page really you?
Stay Safe, I'll TTYL,<br>
{{quoteboxred|lol no i'm way hotter}}

Latest revision as of 17:55, 8 November 2010