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<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Hello? </font>
What was here has been created into Kacey Call 2.
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Um hi, it's Kacey. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Hey Kace. Yeah, you uh, you saw the video I uploaded? </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yeah, I, you know, I really hate this about you, but I can't stay angry at you when you do things like this. So it just made me forget everything. I, I love just love that song, it’s so heartfelt. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>[pauses] <font color="#0033FF">Yeah, yeah, that song is one of my favorites as well, you know. Otherwise I wouldn’t’ve sung it. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Awwww. </font> [pause] <font color="#FF0066"> So um </font>
<br> <font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>[speaking over Kacey] <font color="#0033FF"> So anyways, uh…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' You wanted me to call you? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Uh, yeah, you know, uh, you know I read your e-mail, it was like, you know, you got angry at me, it just, made me feel a little upset at the moment. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Well, I mean, you were really like, I don’t know, you were just so weird earlier. And so I figured you were mad at me or something and it’s just</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font> [interrupting] <font color="#0033FF">Oh no, no no</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' I meant it, I meant it when I said if we were ever torn apart I would totally die of heart break. So, I’m sorry if I just, you know… I, I just love you so much. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' I understand. I appreciate that.</font> [Kacey giggles] [Cannot understand what Chris is saying] <font color="#0033FF">Ok anyway, anyway I was just alooking at a picture of my mom and dad to send you, I’mma just send it to you right now. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, oh, OK! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' It’s nice picture of my mom and dad from uh, let’s see, I think it was from my dad, my dad’s last birthday. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, OK, awesome. So you’re sending it to my e-mail? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah. It, it’s a good picture of them really. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh cool, I can’t wait. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah, at least yah know what, at least you’ll know what they look like when you get here later. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Right! Exactly!</font> [giggle] <font color="#FF0066"> So, um, besides that what’s on your mind? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>[pause] <font color="#0033FF">Oh, what’s… on… my… you know I just… I miss you. I miss talking to you, I was waiting for you. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Awwww. Aw, you see, now I feel so much better. I can’t wait to come over later today. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' I can’t wait to have you here.</font> [Kacey giggles followed by a pause] <font color="#0033FF"> Yeah. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' So, um, you’re still cooking me something right? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Oh yeah, I got some ri-, I uh, I’m going to have some rigatoni in the oven for you. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, I thought it was risotto, but, I love rigatoni too, so that’s OK. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Risotto. Risotto? I thought… I’m sorry, I got mixed up again. Risotto…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' It’s OK, it’s cute, we’ll do risotto some other time. So, um, do you have any other plans for us that night? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>[pauses] <font color="#0033FF">Hmmmm, other plans? Well we’ll hang out, well we could hang out in my room for a while you know, talk some more and then eventually we c-, we could get around to some love makin’. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Ou-hoo, that sounds awesome! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' So, uh, go into detail, what’re we going to do? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>[pauses] <font color="#0033FF">Uh… whatta we gonna do during our love makin’? </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yeah! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Oh yeah, I think I remember telling you I was going to put my dick between those guys, that thing about, uh, strapping you and then putting my dick between your breasts and just letting it out on your face, </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Uh huh</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' And then licking it off </font>[Kacey giggles]<font color="#0033FF">and making out with you and exchanging it. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Mmmm. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Do you remember? </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yeah I remember, but I like hearing it from you. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Oh yeah, you love hearing it from me. You love my hand drawing style. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Uh, sure, I don’t know what that has to do with this, but… </font>[giggles]
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah, well you know, I draw well, I draw, I draw with my hands…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Uh huh…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Pretty much uh, pretty much gives you that sensation when you uh… </font>[pause] <font color="#0033FF"> when I massage you and press your breasts. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, that’s awesome. So, you know, just thinking, I hate to change the subject, but, um, so how long did it take you to master your art style? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' How long did it take me? My life time. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Life time? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah! </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, so like you’re always improving! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah! I took, I took a lot of art classes in my life time, from uh, from primary to high school. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, so is there any other way you practice it? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>[pauses] <font color="#0033FF"> Sorry, I didn’t quite understand the question. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Like, um, is there any way you do things outside art classes, like any tips you have for, um, your art, something you do to practice? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah, you know, I draw. I draw by hand. Sometime sculpt. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Ok. So do you draw anything else other than, uh, Sonichu? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Oh yeah, I got a whole book of, uh, other art work. I created home-, I created, when I was about, back when I was playing Pokemon trading card game, this was not a long time ago, I created a whole gallery of homemade Pokemon trading cards, even homemade Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Never played them, I just created them for fun with my, with my homemade, with my own thoughts, Pokemon characters. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, that’s cool…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' And this with Sonichu, and this with Sonichu and Rosechu and even just, and even a whole bunch like looking for. You know there’s like, you know my very first homemade Pokemon card I did, uh, excuse me, my, uh, television’s playing, I gotta get it. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Ok, it’s cool. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' I mean, I mean I was, I mean I was in another, I was in another room but I just </font> [unable to understand]<font color="#0033FF"> but anyways, my first Pokemon card ever… Ok, this was, this was inspired when Nintendo Power ran an April Fool’s Joke about how to catch Luigi as a wild Pokemon. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Uh huh! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah, you know, you gotta catch, you gotta catch Lickitongue, turn the GameBoy upside down, and then Lickitongue, Lickitongue turns into Luigi. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, oh! I got your picture! Um, awwwww your parents look so sweet. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Aren’t they? Yeah…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yeah, I mean, your dad looks just like you! How long have they been married? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' They have been married since 1980. They got married on June 7th. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh June 7th, that’s cool. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah, so they’ve been married my age plus 2 years. Twenty nine. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh! Oh cool! </font>
<br>[long pause]
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Oh actually, uh, actually you know uh, I guess I’ll uh, go ahead and sent it to you, but, uh, because of a favor a friend of mine, that I ah, that a friend of mine did for me earlier today, I uh…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Which friend? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' It was like, it was like an internet favor, you know, uh, uh…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Huh? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Recovering my, recovering my pass-, recovering my password which is like impossible to do, he’s like somebody, I don’t know, like somebody got into, uh, into my YouTube account or something, but anyway…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[interrupting] <font color="#FF0066"> Oh God! Those trolls! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah, but anyway, anyway, I got, anyway, managed to get that back and uh, I returned the favor to the uh, to my, uh, to my gal-pal who helped me here. Which is strange. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Who’s that? Who’s that? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Her name is Kate. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, oh, you mentioned her before. So, uh, how is she? What did you do for her? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Oh, yeah, well, you see, yeah, I’m looking up the picture of this drawing I did right now, I had to take it with my camera because my, uh, printer is uh, printer/scanner/copier is out of order. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, oh, huh, so I guess I’m not going to be in the comics anytime soon, huh? You know I would love to be! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah, I mean, uh, I mean, I mean I do a whole bunch of, uh, drawings outside the, uh, co-, outside the, uh, comics. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Are you going to make some of me? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> [pauses] <font color="#0033FF"> Mmm, I, uh, am I gon-, am I going put you in the comics? </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yes please! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' I might. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' I would love it! I mean that’s been my dream since I’ve seen them. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Oh yeah. You just love to see me, you just love to see me in my, in the old red, white and blue. Just uh, being, just uh, being with you in the uh, in the, uh, comic world. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yeah! Yeah! It’d be awesome, just like, you know… now! </font>[giggles]
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Yeah, just like now and tomorrow! </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yeah! </font>[pause] <font color="#FF0066">So, um, about your comics, I mean, are they going to, like, take off or anything? Liiiiiiike, you know with Dark Horse? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Oh! Oh! Oh yeah, well, I’mma workin’ on how to get in touch with Dark Horse. I’m also thinking about DC and Marvel. I thought about, ah, Archie because, you know, they, they originally did the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series, so I’ve into, been into, so I’ve been into them for a long time, you know. You know, because Sonic the Hedgehog is like my life time hero. Actually not really all my life long, I mean, it’s just like, you know since he came out back in 1990. Be- You know before him who my hero, who my hero was? </font>[short short pause giving Kacey no chance to guess] <font color="#0033FF">The American Rabbit. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Who’s that? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' It was a ni-, it was a, it was a basically only d-, only a, they only released it in one movie called The Adventures of The American Rabbit. It was like, ah, it was a white rabbit named Rob, but then all he had to do to become a superhero was just run very fast and he becomes this pastry, patriotic colored rabbit with roller skates. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, um, ok…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' You can look it up! </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Ok, I will, but I mean I thought Dark Horse already got in touch with you and they already signed you on. Maybe I got that mixed up? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>[pauses]<font color="#0033FF"> …uh, no, I’m still waiting for Dark Horse to, uh, sort out the details with the, with me,  between me and them. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, oh, ok. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Uh, anyway, uh, anyway, uh, just getting into my e-mail again, I, I’m going to send you the uh, drawings I did for, uh, Kate. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh yeah, please, please do. So, um, how much are they offering you, like is an offer on the table? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' Uhhhh, we haven’t got, uh, we haven’t, uh, we have not gotten to the whole details yet, but I, but you know I’ll let you know. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yeah, I mean, I, I definitely want to, I’m just curious, I just don’t want you to think that’s the only reason I’m with you. I, I mean I love you. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' hmm… My heart goes out to you too very very much with LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE! </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[giggles] <font color="#FF0066">So, um yeah, I guess I’ll, I’ll wait for this picture, that’s going to be cool, so um, you wanna tell me more about what you’re doing with me tomorrow? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' What I’m doing while I wait for you tomorrow? Well I’m gonna be fixing up the, uh, fix the, uh, rigatoni, even though I forgot what the other word now…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' The risotto, don’t worry about it. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' … with the rittoni, riss a roni, I’m trying anyway! </font>[Chris laughs] <font color="#0033FF"> Oh my memory sometimes fails me. You know sometimes when I, sometimes when I talk, it’s like you know I have to space my words because sometimes I actually, uh, uh, sometimes I’m so tired, or whatever, my mind just spaces out and I gotta like collect my thoughts between, uh, in between sessions of words or I</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[overlapping] <font color="#FF0066">Right…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' sometimes I just, I just, I just, I just stutter, you know? </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Uh huh. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  It’s been …</font>
<br> <font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[trying to interrupt] <font color="#FF0066"> “So….”</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' </font>[not stopping] <font color="#0033FF"> going on like that for a long time ever since I put Sonichu on the internet about two thou- ‘bout two thousand four. On the original Sonichu site. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh. Oh, ok. So umm…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, been doin’ it since about 2004, even though his birth date was, is, is original day of drawing was March 17th 2000. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, cool. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  In front of, in front of Ms. Chalifoux class room at Manchester High School in Titsville County. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, cool! Well, um, really quickly, um since now you have more time, today, tomorrow, whichever, um, can you record you cooking my rigatoni/risotto still? </font>[some other voice says “Hello”] <font color="#FF0066">You know, cuz you couldn’t do it if I came today but, you know, please? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeeeaaahhh, well, I’ll see if I, I’ll see if, I’ll see if I, I’ll see if I can deal, ok sweetheart? </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, that’s all I ask. Thanks. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah. I do what I can for…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' So are you going to show me all the sights and everything too? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  I’ll show you, uh, yeah, I mean, well, you know, if you had </font>[weird audio drop out] <font color="#0033FF">aww shoot, I just, I, I just sent the wrong picture by mistake. Ech…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Ok…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  I’m sa-, I’m a, I got a little, I got a little, I distract myself…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh, it’s just your parents again, ok. That’s ok. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah… I mean, I mean, help me out, we’re only human. We’re allowed to make our share of mistakes. That’s a song there, that’s actually called “You’re Only Human Second Wind” from Billy Joel. It’s like, it’s a classic. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Well, um, do you want me to call you before, I, uh, leave for today? You know, like before I leave for you? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, call me before you make your way over here. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yeah! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  That would be good. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' I mean that way I’ll be able to let you know how my car is doing and all that. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, oh, yeah, here we go…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' So excited! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  I, I sent you the drawing. I sent you the drawing. You’re going to love it. It actually relates to like, you know the details I had left obscure, everythi- uh, evra, uh, that’s right, ever ah, ever since I started drawing the comics, like, you know, it’s like you know, defa, you know Sonichu, Rosechu, </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[interrupting] <font color="#FF0066">Oh are those Sonichu and Rosechu babies?! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah! </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' That’s so cute! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Sonichu and Rosechu have been married since March 17th 2006. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[pause] <font color="#FF0066"> Oh, oh, that’s quite, I didn’t know about that. Um…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, well, it’s a recent detail, I’ve recently had it, like yeah, it, ub uh, it’s a fact. You didn’t think they were just living together the whole time? </font>[Kacey <font color="#FF0066"> “Yeah, um…</font>] <font color="#0033FF">Yeah, they’re basically, they’re basically, basically</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[interrupting] <font color="#FF0066">Chris, Chris? Yeah, yeah, real quick, I hate to interrupt you but you’re going to wear your beautiful brown shirt tomorrow right? Cuz I mean that’s what I’ve seen you first in, you know it just makes so… </font>[giggles] <font color="#FF0066"> you know…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand it, uh, am I going to be wearing my what? </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Your brown shirt! You know…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Oh… the brown shirt…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' The first shirt I’ve seen you in! Our shirt! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah. I. Uh. I’ll put on the brown shirt. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' </font>[giggles] <font color="#FF0066"> Oh…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, I’ll put on the brown shirt for you </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' So… </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  …and I’ll be wearing my medallion…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Awesome! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  …my original medallion, in all it’s wonderful clay goodness with the Shrinky Dinks in the back and the hand writing as well. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' WHAT? Oh Chris, you are such a kidder! </font>[laughter] <font color="#FF0066"> Ok, so, um…</font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yep, but, any, uh, anyup, uh, anyway, as if to let you know, ummmm… just to let you know about, well ah, what I wrote in there, ah, ina, in the, in the speech balloons, alright yeah, I just, two Rosees, the one that’s purple has the shiny Rosee, her name is Christine. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Uh huh. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' And the one with the mirror is Cerra with a C. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Uh huh. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  And we got, and then we got Robbie Sonnee. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh yeah, that’s cool, but um, I’m going to have to go to sleep if I wanna, you know, go to school and be able to drive tomorrow and everything. So, is there anything you want to tell me? Anything at all? Cuz you know I love how there’s no secrets between us. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Ah yes. Ok. Well, You know how I, how I contradicted the vest, I actually have a vest of my own. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Oh I get it, you don’t want to wear so you’re not like the impostor. No, that’s cool. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, you know I actually got it from a Goodwill like a bunch of my clothes I’ve gotten, but I cut, but it was like ah, it was like a denim jacket so I cut off the sleeves with a pair of, ah, cocktail super sheers. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' That’s cool, but, uh you, you’re doing the video for me too so I’ll be able to see when I wake up, right? Cuz, um, I really gotta go to sleep soon. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Uh, yeah, I’ll get to that. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' If not, you know I’d love to stay on the phone with you, but you know… </font> [giggles]
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, I understand, ok, I love talking to you. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Ok, I love talking to you to, but wait, you have my video right? It’s coming right? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, yeah, video for the, uh, riga-, uh rigatoni…</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Well that and the one about the impostor! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Ah the, oh yeah, the one about hating the impostor. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Yeah. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, yeah, I am working on that. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Ok, well I’m going to go ahead and go to sleep because I would not miss tomorrow for the world because it’s going to be much better to see each in real life, right? </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, you’ll get to see my father and my mother. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' I’m really more excited about seeing you. Even though I want to meet them but like I said, I’m coming for you. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  Yeah, you know, but just to let you know, my mom and my father will come and greet you first so, like, you know</font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' That’s so awesome. </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:''' It’ll be a way for you to get to know him a little bit. </font>
<br><font color="#FF0066">'''Kacey:''' Ok, well um, I tell you this tomorrow, we can discuss it tomorrow, but I really gotta go to bed. So, um, I’ll talk to you later, love you! </font>
<br><font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''  I, bye bye Kace! Take care! </font>[kissing noise]

:I've asked IRC and nobody knows what this is as far as I'm aware. It also turns up nothing via a search. Is this legit and do you have audio to prove it? [[User:Freecell|Freecell]] [[User_talk:Freecell|(t]]/[[Special:Contributions/Freecell|c)]] 15:15, 28 February 2011 (PST)
:I've asked IRC and nobody knows what this is as far as I'm aware. It also turns up nothing via a search. Is this legit and do you have audio to prove it? [[User:Freecell|Freecell]] [[User_talk:Freecell|(t]]/[[Special:Contributions/Freecell|c)]] 15:15, 28 February 2011 (PST)
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:::If you could get the call online somewhere, I could let it go into an article. The problem is that there are a lot of people who pretend to be Chris or pretend to have Chris information that they've forged, so the people here have learned to be suspicious of everything until there's proof. Sorry if that's an inconvenience, but there's really no way around it. [[User:Freecell|Freecell]] [[User_talk:Freecell|(t]]/[[Special:Contributions/Freecell|c)]] 08:14, 1 March 2011 (PST)
:::If you could get the call online somewhere, I could let it go into an article. The problem is that there are a lot of people who pretend to be Chris or pretend to have Chris information that they've forged, so the people here have learned to be suspicious of everything until there's proof. Sorry if that's an inconvenience, but there's really no way around it. [[User:Freecell|Freecell]] [[User_talk:Freecell|(t]]/[[Special:Contributions/Freecell|c)]] 08:14, 1 March 2011 (PST)
:::: I understand your doubts and appreciate them. You guys do a lot of fine work. Here's the call that I've already transcribed: (http://www.mediafire.com/?zgfmopa0zmv67wh) If I get some free time I'll put the second transcription and call up as well on this page as well. [[User:FourPLUStwo|FourPLUStwo]] 08:52, 1 March 2011 (PST)
:::: I understand your doubts and appreciate them. You guys do a lot of fine work. Here's the call that I've already transcribed: (http://www.mediafire.com/?zgfmopa0zmv67wh) If I get some free time I'll put the second transcription and call up as well on this page as well. [[User:FourPLUStwo|FourPLUStwo]] 08:52, 1 March 2011 (PST)
:::: I'm a liar, I'll have the next call ready to drop Thursday at the latest, tomorrow at the earliest. [[User:FourPLUStwo|FourPLUStwo]] 18:08, 1 March 2011 (PST)
I leaked "Kacey Call 2" and did the original transcript for it. Was planning to leak "Kacey Call 3" and was working on the transcript for it but someone beat me to the punch so I put up the transcript I had and there you go. I'm not part of the PVCC, they'd leaked that out a long time ago and I couldn't believe it never made it here. That's all I've ever had that the regular CWCKI public didn't. Enjoy. [[User:FourPLUStwo|FourPLUStwo]] 18:47, 2 March 2011 (PST)

Latest revision as of 22:47, 2 March 2011

What was here has been created into Kacey Call 2.

I've asked IRC and nobody knows what this is as far as I'm aware. It also turns up nothing via a search. Is this legit and do you have audio to prove it? Freecell (t/c) 15:15, 28 February 2011 (PST)
It is real, but I appreciate your doubts, it means you're doing your job. This is mainly here because I wanted to make sure that I had down the format. Way back when, this phone call (before Kacey and CWC first met) and another (after Kacey and CWC) were leaked on /cwc/. This was a long time ago and I was just waiting for them to leak so I wrote up the transcripts. To tell the truth, they both seem to be long lost someplace on my main computer, but luckily they're still on another one I use frequently. Its been far too long and I was looking for someone to help leak them on the wiki, that person is you I guess, because I'm not sure the best way to integrate these 2 calls. Sometime tomorrow I'll get the calls up on line and the transcript to the second call, if you want, you can move them where they need to go. FourPLUStwo 22:58, 28 February 2011 (PST)
If you could get the call online somewhere, I could let it go into an article. The problem is that there are a lot of people who pretend to be Chris or pretend to have Chris information that they've forged, so the people here have learned to be suspicious of everything until there's proof. Sorry if that's an inconvenience, but there's really no way around it. Freecell (t/c) 08:14, 1 March 2011 (PST)
I understand your doubts and appreciate them. You guys do a lot of fine work. Here's the call that I've already transcribed: (http://www.mediafire.com/?zgfmopa0zmv67wh) If I get some free time I'll put the second transcription and call up as well on this page as well. FourPLUStwo 08:52, 1 March 2011 (PST)
I'm a liar, I'll have the next call ready to drop Thursday at the latest, tomorrow at the earliest. FourPLUStwo 18:08, 1 March 2011 (PST)

NO MORE FROM ME I leaked "Kacey Call 2" and did the original transcript for it. Was planning to leak "Kacey Call 3" and was working on the transcript for it but someone beat me to the punch so I put up the transcript I had and there you go. I'm not part of the PVCC, they'd leaked that out a long time ago and I couldn't believe it never made it here. That's all I've ever had that the regular CWCKI public didn't. Enjoy. FourPLUStwo 18:47, 2 March 2011 (PST)