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The following is the unabridged (with the exception of removing e-mail ads at the bottom of each e-mail, for space purposes) transcript of the known e-mails between [[Megan]] and [[Chris]]
#REDIRECT [[Megan emails, 2005-2006]]
Megan's e-mails are in light red, Chris is in light blue.
==Megan wants a Tin Tin episode==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: pearl3 <pearl3@velocitus.net><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com Cc: pearl3@velocitus.net<br>
Sent: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 3:14 am<br>
Subject: quick!
Hey quick! Please go to ebay and type [[Wikipedia:Tintin and Snowy|Tintin videos]]
There's a buy it now near the bottom. The episode is [[Wikipedia:Cigars of the Pharaoh|Cigars of the Pharoahs]]. it's $9.99 and shipping is 5.75
Please can you get this video for me? please hurry! thanks!
==Chris wants to date Megan at McDonald's==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: pearl3@velocitus.net<br>
Sent: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 8:12:18 PM Eastern Standard Time<br>
Subject: Hi Hi, Meg.
I've just talked to [[Bob Chandler|my father]] about him coming one Friday. Currently, he's a bit under the weather. But if he feels better by this coming Friday, he'd like for us to get together at the [[McDonald's|McDonalds]] closest to the [[The GAMe PLACe|Game & Hobby place]] after the League-Play. I'll let you know for sure Friday.
Thank you for the drawings you gave me. For your island's name, I feel that, "[[Parody|Parodyse]] Island," is a slightly better name.
Everytime I see your drawings, I get inspired to want to work more on [[Sonichu (comic)|my comics]]. So, I'll be working more often on them; I hope you're still working on your Strawberry Pink story, because it fascinates me.  ;8)
I'll talk to you again soon.
Stay Sweet;
Chris Chan.
==Chris wants her number==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: pearl3@velocitus.net<br>
Sent: Sun, 7 May 2006 2:03:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Hey, Meg-Chan.
Hey, no worries about the park meeting yesterday; I enjoyed watching the ducks and the fish. I've also talked to some of the ducks... have I done my [[Donald Duck impersonation|"Donald Duck" imitation]] for you? And the children that passed by were fun to watch as well. I'd love to ride the train with you.  :)
I plan on working on my room as well this week.
I'll jump in on the 87-photo lot tonight at about 7:45...wait till the last minute... and punch in my max. bid. I'll let you know about the monetary total after winning the photos for you.  ;)
That's funny you've bought [[Wikipedia:Super Princess Peach|Super Princess Peach]]; so did I, and I am enjoying it as well. I'll send you a list of the games of your selected systems in my next E-Mail in a MSExcel file. I'll bold the ones I'd be willing to trade/give to you; you can print it for yourself and highlight the one's you'd like (I've misplaced the list with your underlines... I'm sorry).
Megan, I'd feel much better if I could converse with you about these situations vocally (than written), because I feel a bit of tension from waiting a day or two for your reply. And I feel that our points would come across between us more effectively. I understand that you don't like to "waste time on the phone," but how often do you receive calls at your house or cell from anyone other than telemarketers? So, could I get your phone number, please?
I know that I've given you mine a few times, so you have that.
Love, with you always in my mind and heart;
Chris Chan.
==Megan comments on Chris's photos==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: pearl3 <pearl3@velocitus.net><br>
To: cwcsonichu@aol.com Cc: pearl3 <pearl3@velocitus.net><br>
Sent: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 12:18 am<br>
Subject: My tour through CWCville
Hi! I'm leaving tomorrow so I have time for one more email!
I'm typing this and looking at the pics of your stuff at the same time!
Let's see what I see....
pic#1: I notice the [http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/Octan Octan] signs right away. John had several sets from that. Wow this is neat, I never combined my sets like that. I only have a few small ones.
pic#2: First of all you have the same window air cooling unit I have. I see Houndhowl hanging down! No offence but your room looks a little cluttered and messy. Sometime I'll be like Brock the super maid and get that place organized!!
pic#3: Is that a japanese temple I see!? I've NEVER seen that before! OH!! You have an Egyptian set!! With my lego hero!! [http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/Johnny_Thunder Johnny Thunder]!! I have a set with a sphinx.
pic#4: Neat [[Pokemon]] poster! Hey I see my german boys down below!! I wonder....did you do that on purpose so I'd notice? ;)
pic#5: your closeups are really professional. I wish my camera was that good, cause I'd give you pics of my anime collection!
pic#6: Interesting combo: Spiderman and a Sonichu car...!
pic#7: Neat sign. Neat lego dude. I've always liked the heads with the shades.
pic#8: Nice patriotic scene you got going there. Like the flag too.
pic#9: Holy Wow it's CHRISTIAN!!
pic#10: Is that a plane? I can't really tell.
pic#11: Cool cops! Look it's your gamecube! Am I an animal? :D
pic#12: uuuh....wow. [[Sonichu]] and you. How did you make the heads?
pic#13: read above
pic#14: I'm guessing that's the mayor? Otherwise you've cloned yourself with different hair!
pic#15: blurry
pic#16: dark and scary
pic#17: A wee blurry. Who's the red one again?
pic#18: nice little cafe. Is that Johnny too I see?
pic#19: nevermind.....it's just a Johnny imposter.
pic#20: I totally want those sharks! :D
pic#21: Can't make out the sign
pic#22: The infamous birthday hospital!!
pic#23: Who's the wierdo with blue arms?!
pic#24: AAAH There he is again!!
pic#25: I don't know these people. Fill me in
pic#26: What's going on?
pic#27: Wahahahaha!! Either Crazy Hand or Master Hand came to visit!!
pic#28: That's a dudey-dude!
pic#29: You ever dust them off? hahaha
pic#30: *coughcough*
pic#31: Nice truck *please dust me, please dust me!*
pic#32: He looks scary and mean
pic#33: The almighty......something
pic#34: Whoa! It's [[Homos|Prince Fagalot]], Batman, and the Easter Bunny! NO WAIT!!! It's Liberty Bell, Mange, and Harmony Bunny!!
pic#35: Post Office
pic#36: Please.....please dust that poor horsey
pic#37: Why is there a witch in the middle of a fuel station! Looks like someone died too.
pic#38: A Red Cross office?
pic#39: What's this little place?
pic#40: Hoooooly Craaaaap......Obi Wan, Luke, and Qui-gon are at the freakin bank!!
pic#41: Is this a night scene? Nice special effects
pic#42: Hey I see some of the stuff I gave you! Omigod! I can't BELIEVE you have that Mewtwo picture still!! hehehe can't wait til my birthday! Just a little request. can you please wrap the pieces in toilet paper so the paint won't scuff up the other parts? know what I mean? Anyway that was a nice conclusion of my tour through your city!! Thank you! *translation: megan's just being nice so she can grab that knuckles plushie when you least expect it!* JUST KIDDING!!! I already have my own plush of him!
picture of you, sonichu and rosechu.: Wow this part of your room looks clean!! Oh wait it's a hotel room. wahahaha!
I've got the full poop on that lego car!
[[Transformers]]! More than meets the eye! Tranformers! Megan-likes-gundam-better-then-you-so goodbye!
Thanks for the pictures! I'll put them on my computer and use this cd to burn the tracks I have for you I meant to do a while ago. The English song and German song and others.
I'll talk to you when I have come back from my trip! Thanks again! Bye ~Megan
==Chris apologies for being a douche==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: pearl3@velocitus.net<br>
Sent: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 9:01:29 PM Eastern Standard Time<br>
Subject: Re: Alright
Hey, Megan. To start... the manga, the ponies and the [[Yu-Gi-Oh]] CD; that works for me. Cool; Pink Panther it is then. I'm certain that you all will enjoy the jugs/washboards/kazoos and boogie-woogie that my papa shared back in 1990 on [[Wikipedia:WTJU|WTJU]].
And... I am sorry that I hurt your feelings; I didn't mean to, and I was not being contradicting. Also, I did not "dismiss" the story, I just gave it consideration, and I offered my honest and open opinion about it. I did picture your Skitty in your Metune outfit, and I can honestly say that it is a cute idea.  :) I just feel that the permament (or the world-switch) transformation rubs me the wrong way... How about this, let's say your future daughter is transformed into the skitty of Team Courage, and she and her team time-travel back to aide you and me in our battles and steps towards the future (kind of a [[Wikipedia:Chibi-usa|Chibi-Usa]] situation). And this would happen after we get the seven Crystal [[Sonichu Balls]] together, get my imiginary sister out of the mirror, awaken [[Darkbind|Darkbind's]] [[Princess Zelina]] and put an end to [[Mary Lee Walsh|Mary Lee Walsh's]] terror. You can provide the new set of villians that [[Reldnach Notsew Naitsirhc]] will recruit (after having left the hospital). Also, Houndour and Absol... let's put Hound-Howl and Apocolypse in those shoes (with the random evolution to Pending Doom and Devolution Spray that Skitty will have). And I'm not so sure about Charmander on the team... could you go with a Vaporeon, and draw him/her like Hound-Howl or Apocolypse (making a better balanced type-match for the team... Normal, Water, Fire and Dark vs. Normal, Fire X2 and Dark (they would be more weak against ground or water attacks). Does that work better for you? I support your cute and fun ideas as much as possible, and I feel a little sad from having hurt your feelings... I'd like to put a smile on my favorite friend's face.  :)
Also, how do you feel of the idea of [[Megagi]] and [[Bionic]] dating behind the comic?
And I am flattered that you said that I am a good storyteller; thank you so much.  :)
Still caringly fond of you;<br>
Chris Chan.
Did you read the part in the latest episode where Black Sonichu tells Sonichu about Reldnahc having put whipped cream in his rocket boosters? In the original drawing, he said "[[semen|some creamy stuff]]", in reference to Reldnach being the TOTALLY opposite of me.
==Chris on Soul Calibur and writes a shitty poem==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: pearl3@velocitus.net<br>
Sent: Mon, 7 May 2007 12:41:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Re: wheee!
Well, I just heard that the person of RareRomance will have just sent the cards, so maybe by this coming or the next Friday you will have your cards.  :)
Another issue, I've just recorded a Battle Theatere from [[Soul Calibur]] 3 featuring you Vs. Yosimitsu, as well as me Vs. [[Mary Lee Walsh]] and a couple of others. I will have the [[Speech Impediment|Battle Thetere]] shows in MP4 format soon, and all you to watch them this coming Friday on my PSP. I've unlocked all the Custom Character Jobs, so everyone is at the highest role. I started your character as a Ninja, which later unlocked Assassan, which later unlocked Samurai; you are now Samurai Class. I started as a Saint (because that sounded like basically who I am), then I've got upgraded to Sage (no more beyond that). Also available were Thief >>> Pirate, Barbarian >>> Gladiator >>> Knight, Dancer, Monk, and the topper, Swordsmaster.
Each Job has a specific number of compatable weapons. Like for you, as Ninja: Kunai, Katana & Shuriken, Sickle (flexible), and weapons of Taki & Setsuka. Then as Assassin: Wave Sword, Iron Sword, Chinese Sword, and weapons of Lizardman and Tira. And NOW as Samurai: Katana (only), Katana & Shuriken, Sickle (flexible), and Weapons of Mitsurugi and Yoshimitsu.  :D
I, as Saint, welded: Staff (Personal Weapon of Choice), Dagger, Steel Fan, and Weapons of Zasalamel and Talim. Now as Sage I get: Chinese Blade, Sword & Shield, Staff, and Weapons of Sophita and Casandra.
The list of weapons for each job were listed from lowest level earned to highest (Lv1, Lv10, Lv20 and Lv30). And my source of information: GameInformer.com.
BTW, John was started as Barbarian, and now is Knight. Also, there was not enough room for "Schroder" in the name spaces, so for both of you, it was shortened to "Schroe"; nothing personal.
Well, enough Soul 3 talk. Let me ask you something, and John may input his opinion for this question as well, Have either of you played Gauntlet 2 or Rampart? I am asking, because the two games are avilable in the PSNetwork Store, downloable to PS3. And I wanted your feedback if either or both of you played either one.
Oh, I did download the new Super Rub-a-Dub game; it is so cute and fun. With the [[PS3|Sixaxis]], I rotate and shake a tub with the hero Rubber Duckie, and guide it to collect the trapped smaller ducks and lead them to the Drain Exit. And I have to stay away from the wind-up toy Sharks, unless I'm playing the bonus level as the shark and I would have to eat the ducks.
Well, if you find a website where the PGSM episode are downloable with the appropriate format, let me know and I'll get to work on that. Otherwise, I'm killin' time on PS3 or PSP or DS, or with family. Here's a cute rhyme-scheme I've made up recently (inspired by a Wii Comercial):
"On your (GBA) SP,<br>
create your Mii,<br>
and play it on Wii,<br>
with your PSP,<br>
hooked to the PS3,<br>
because it's fun see?"
Okay, I'll check in again later, and I await your next E-Mail. You all take care.
I'm thinkin' of you fondly, sweetie;<br>
Chris Chan.<br>
==Chris talks about Megan while she's away==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 5:57:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Hey Megan,
I hope you are having a safe trip to [[Wikipedia:Kentucky|Kentucky]] at this time.
As for me, it's not bad here. I'm finishing up copying the G1 Transformers episodes to DVD-Rs. I've learned I could download games/demos from the JAPANESE Playstation Store (I had to create a Japanese account, with a made-up street address). It's cool, I've downloaded free demos of [[Wikipedia:Folklore (video game)|Folklore]], [[Wikipedia:Everybody's Golf 5|Everyone's Golf 5]] and the Playstation1 Demo of XI Sai (a dice game (it can be copied for play on PSP)). And this game I'm learning about that is internet based (similar to the upcoming Home), from the Dokidemo title (the import Cat game on PSP). I'm going to see if I can learn more on GameFaqs.com.
Also, I've learned from the US Playstation website about a NEW Gundam title coming soon for PS3 (hopefully rated better than Crossfire) titled "[[Wikipedia:Dynasty Warriors: Gundam|Dynasty Warriors: Gundam]]". Apparently its gameplay will be based on the previous Dynasty Warriors games, but the Gundams will be the main playable mechs. FYI, I've purchased the [[Wikipedia:Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire|Crossfire]] game during Gamestop's Game Days sale for practically a steal at $29.99.
I have de-weeded [[CWCville|Cwcville]], and I'm working on getting it back in shape. I look forward to our first Wi-Fi visit; please let me know the date and time YOU or I should have your/my gate open. By the way, my DS's touch screen in the middle is out of order; I won't be able to touch the "g" key, so I will have to type the letters with my control pad and A button (it may be slower).
I will await your E-Mail, or I may check in again later. You all take care.
Thinkin' of you fondly and sweetly;<br>
Chris Chan. <3<3<3
==Chris is sad about Patti==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 9:22:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan,
I lost a bit of sleep last night, because I remembered that yesterday (June 27), one year ago, [[Patti]] passed away. I cried for a while, with my mom, being reminded of the Burdens hardest to bear; I'm fine now. Funny side-stories, I didn't remember till just after I hit the sack, but earlier I was playing [[Guitar Hero]] to complete the Hard Mode. One song to go, "[[Wikipedia:Bark at the Moon|Bark At The Moon]]"; I said to myself that this one was for Patti. And before that, my mother suggested we go to the SPCA, in addition to finding about the upcoming Rummage Sale, we'd look at the puppies. Subconsiously, we were, without realizing it, being reminded of this one-year anniversary. At least now, Patti's resting in peace, and she's looking down and protecting us and our cats. Did I tell you that Patti and our elder kitty were really close; they would chat on and on, share food and sleep together.
On the bright side, I took up Gamestop's current offer of trading in 2 PS3 games to get one FREE; I got the new Transformers Game after trading in Untold Legends Dark Kingdom and Armored Core 4. I plan to getting replacement copies of those two in the near future. AC4 is among the Game Days Sale offer at 25% off.
I hope you all are safe and doing well. Take Care.
Thinkin' Fondly of you (alongside Patti; bless her soul); Chris Chan. <3<3<3
==Chris talks about the Pokemon League and Megan memories==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: cwcsonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 2:16 pm<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan
I hope that you are able to get my messages over in Kentucky. BTW, which time zone are you in, [[Wikipedia:Central Time Zone (Americas)|Central]] or [[Wikipedia:Eastern Time Zone|Eastern]]? That will matter to when you'd like me to visit you/open my gate.
As for the Dynasty Warriors - Gundam demo, I have enjoyed it. It has better graphics than Crossfire, I get a bird's eye view of the scene, the sword and shield is used more than gunfire, and the control is easier and mech movement is faster.
Last Friday at the League was not bad. A new kid entered who started his membership from a tournament, so he already had a [[Wikipedia:Pokémon Organized Play|POP]] ID number upon his first arrival to the Game Place. I won a few games; lost a couple. I didn't buy any Soul Calibur packs then, but I plan to this coming Friday. On that issue, I will enclose scanned images of the cards I get in the e-mail I send you just after getting a pack or so. Brianna and her family are doing good as well.
I miss you a lot, but I'm okay; I still get a sweet, happy feeling each time I think of your fun wit, your charms, your pretty face and the fun you and I have shared so far.  :) I hope you and your family are safe and doing well.
I hope to hear from you soon, and I will send another message later on. XOXOXO
Your Faithful Friend who thinks fondly of you;
Chris Chan. <3
==Chris lists Soul Calibur cards and talks about the Transformers movie==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 8:52:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan,
I'm guessing you all have been busy, getting settled and enrolling John and whatnot, but I would appreciate a reply soon.
Anyhoo, I got the last 4 Soul Calibur (First Expansion) packs that were at the Game Place tonight, so I got to keep the box. Quite a lot of cards to scan, so I'll just list them. And you may look them up on eBay. The picked up cards are as follows:
* Shishi-Oh - Asset<br>
* Inhuman Fortitude - Asset<br>
* Reverse Spiral - Atk<br>
* Thrust Throw - Atk<br>
Despair - Atk **Voldo**<br>
Destined Greatness - Atk<br>
The Power of the Gale - Found<br>
Twin Splitters - Atk (X2)<br>
Shadow Split - Atk<br>
Hem Stitck - Atk (X2)<br>
Cross Style Mastery - Found<br>
Helm Divider - Atk (X2)<br>
Belligerent Aggression - Found<br>
Holy Purification - Atk<br>
Sublime Contmplation - Found<br>
Dark Destroyer - Atk<br>
Swift Edge - Atk (X2)<br>
Disembowel - Atk<br>
Ax Grave - Atk<br>
Annihilation - Atk<br>
Tornado Shot - Atk<br>
Persistence - Found<br>
Thrust - Atk<br>
Earth Scroll - Atk (X2)<br>
Bamboo Cutter - Atk<br>
Lost Memories - Found<br>
Rising Ripper - Atk<br>
Evil Eye - Atk<br>
Material Advantage - Found<br>
Tenpu-Kosai-Ryu-Kai - Found<br>
Made not Born - Found<br>
Sword Buster - Atk<br>
Circle of Steel - Found<br>
Destruction - Atk<br>
Hades Break - Atk
That's it for this time.
Briana is still doing good, so is Tony and Ty. We had three new members come in this time; I put together 3 decks for them. Two them were brothers, Mason and Brandon, and Brandon, I've learned from their mother, is [[Autism|High-Functioning Autistic]]. He also was born with weak legs, so he gets around on crutches. Anyway, they all should know the Pokemon TCG rules well now.
I will not be attending the League next Friday; my mother and I will be attending the [[Wikipedia:Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals|SPCA]] Rummage Sale Opening that day, so no new cards then.
On [[Wikipedia:Independence Day (United States)|Independence Day]], [[Barbara Chandler|my mother]] and I went to see the [[Wikipedia:Transformers (film)|new Transformers movie]]; it was awesome. It was very dramatic, had chunks of [[Wikipedia:Motion Picture Association of America film rating system|PG-13]] humor and a dash of romance. One humorous moment I remember was something I didn't get to see everyday, [[Wikipedia:Bumblebee (Transformers)|Bumblebee]] leaked lubricant onto a bad man of secret organization "Sector Seven" like he was doing number 1. There was of course plenty of Military Land and Air action and drama. One soldier was looking forward to coming home to hold his newborn daughter for the first time. A few of the other soldiers were speaking [[Ricardo|spanish]] in front of the Americans. And there were confrences at the Pentagon. You don't have to be a total Autobot fan to enjoy the bunches of Men In Action that I know you would.  :)
Well, I have things to do, but I hope you all are doing well in Kentucky. And I miss you, sweetie. <3 Please reply soon.
Faithfully yours with fondful thoughts;<br>
Chris Chan.
==Megan still away, Chris continues talking about video games==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 6:01:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan,
Just checkin' in again.  :)
I've completed my [[Transformers]] game with all missions and sub-missions completed and all icons and energon cubes collected. I've unlocked all the bonus movie/toy/comic images, all seven movies and the ability to play as Generation 1 Optimus Prime and Megatron. I've enjoyed the fantastic detailed graphics, a bit of "Deceptive" Destruction, flying around with [[PS3|Sixaxis Tilt control]], Saving the day, crusin' the streets, and of course the transformations.
Currently, I'm playing Genji: Days of the Blade (free rental due Sunday); It's great ninja-style action, and the story is good too.
I hope you've been able to have fun with your PS2 and the [[PSEye|Eyetoy]] or the [[Gitar of Fail|Guitar]].  :) There is still nothing new in video games on Sailor Moon. And upon investigation, I can download ALL the PGSM episodes from Veoh and get them burned to DVD (regardless of the subtitle situation; you can still watch it fully on PC or zoom out on your DVD Player), so I will start work on that soon.
And I have some dough set aside for the Rummage Sale this Friday; I could make out great with finding working systems and games for trade-in and profit.
Aside from all that, I think fondly of you lots, and I count down the days until you and your family return, as well as an E-Mail from you. I miss you so much, and I hope you all are well and safe.
I got to go; the Simpsons are about to come on. [[Love Quest|Hey...I like you]]. <3<3<3
Faithfully yours; [[Chris]] Chan.
==Chris continues to be boring, Megan continues to be away==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: cwcsonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 11:18 am<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan,
I just rested after getting home from the rummage sale. My mother and I left at about 1:00, we went to Chik-fil-a for [[Barbara Chandler|Cow Appreciation Day]] (Free Combo for looking like a cow; I made cow masks for us). After lunch, we went straight to the sale, where we were the 4th and 5th in line, and we waited about 2 1/2 hours. I kept myself entertained with the original Transformers Movie on my [[PSP of Fail|PSP]] for the most part. The NBC news crew was there, and it islikely that I got my face on television (I'll find out on "Film at 11"). And we were interviewed by a paper reporter. As much to my excitement of hopeful finds of Gamecube, PS2 and such for profitable trade-in, after getting a shopping cart, I rushed (without running over anybody) to the electronics. And to my dismay, all they had were a Sega Genesis, a Playstation 1, and the only PS2 they had was priced at $125 (whereas in previous years, it was priced at only $25), so I didn't buy anything. Although my mother made out in her big bunch of fabrics and stuff. On the way home, we picked up a couple more free combo meals, and I decided since I still had the dough, I went ahead and picked up at Wal-Mart a [[PS3]] Intercooler set and a (Autobot) Bumblebee PS2 Slim Skin (for my [[PS3]]). The day wasn't as swift as expected, but it wasn't a total loss.
I wish I could hear from you. I hope you all are doing well. I will send another e-mail soon.
Faithfully yours,
Chris Chan. <3<3<3<3<3
==Chris talks about a soap opera, has "gunky ear", and is still thinking of Megan==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 9:59:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan,
From the [[Wikipedia:Rubí|"Rubi"]] (Spanish soap opera with english subtitles) DVD set I spent a few of my saved points on [[Wikipedia:My_Coke_Rewards|My Coke Rewards]], which I've received Friday, I just watched the first episode; it was good, I've enjoyed the drama, as well as the scenery of Mexico.
I'd tell you more, but it's moderately hard to think with the return of the gunky ear; it just happened earlier today but in the left ear. I've used some of my previously perscribed ear medicine, but I will attempt to wash it out in the shower later. It's quite the bother like last time.
Aside from that, I'm still thinking of you sweetly and fondly; it is good.  :) I long to see you again at the [[The GAMe PLACe|Game Place]] and welcome you back with open arms. I sometimes feel lonely, but it is so worth the wait just to be close to you again. <3 I hope you are safe and well.  :)
I'll send you another message soon.
Faithfully yours; Chris Chan. <3<3<3
==Chris enters PaRappa the Rapper contest==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 6:03:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan, (Parappa the Rapper)
About June 29th, I created, edited and submitted an video entry for Playstation.com's [[Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown]]. I submitted it through e-mail, as well as uploading it to [[YouTube]] and [[Wikipedia:Veoh|Veoh]]. I just got an E-Mail from the Playstation people, and Good News...
"Congratulations! Your [[PaRappa the Rapper]] video contest entry has made it into the voting phase of the contest. We will post your video on us.playstation.com and invite the PlayStation Underground to vote on their favorite. Before the fun begins, please print and sign the attached SCEA video release form and fax to my attention at 310.482.4201. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck! Nathan PlayStation Community Support"
So I've printed the form, signed it, rushed to [[Wikipedia:FedEx Office|Kinkos]] and faxed it. It would be so awesome if I won the Grand Prize... a trip for two to Seattle, WA for the [[Wikipedia:Penny Arcade Expo|Penny Arcade Expo]]. And I couldn't think of anyone better to be there with me than you.  :) But given your currently being in Kentucky, and if you all come back home that soon... it could be iffy.
I wanted to let you about that. If you are able to, you may check out the video on Youtube or Veoh; I even mentioned you in it.  :)
Seriously, I really wish I could hear from you real soon. I'd like to know how you all are doing, what's been good in Kentucky; all that good jazz. I miss you. <3<3<3
I'll send another E-Mail soon.
Faithfully yours; Chris Chan.
==Chris wishes her a happy birthday, Megan still in Kentucky, Chris whores himself for votes==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 8:46:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan,
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy 21st Birthday, Sweetest [[Megan]]! Happy Birtday to you! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 :)
I hope you are having a great Birthday over there in Kentucky. This is what I am able to do for this time, but I did give you your presents earlier. And since you have me in your locket, it's as if I was actually there for your 21st turn.  :)
And while I'm thinkin' about it, last friday was okay; nothing special. I got one pack of SC Blades of Fury, and the cards included were as followed:
<nowiki>**</nowiki>[[Wikipedia:List_of_characters_in_the_Soul_series#Mitsurugi|Mitsurugi]] (Character Card) Sole Survivor (Foundation~Yoshimitsu) Spinning Sword (Attack~Yoshimitsu) Mezentius Head Butt (Attack) Killing Bite (Attack) Raise the Shield (Foundation) Tornado Swell (Attack) Jolly Roger Hoist (Attack) Phantasm Fleet (Attack) Dread Charge (Foundation)
I am spreading the word throughout [[MySpace]], my Sonichu, Pokesite 2 (english and spanish), [[Hot Wheels]], and Bionicle websites, through the Playstation Network (with help from playing online with Motorstorm to get names), and Locally at the Game Place and such about voting for my [[Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown|PaRappa the Rapper]] Video. I'd really like to win that trip and those [[PSP of Fail|PSPs]], so I can share the expierence with you, my closest, sweetest friend. <3 Who knows, maybe I can wing it for good results.  :)
At least I can keep you up-to-date, even though it may still be a while before you can read these E-Mails.
I'll send you another one soon. Have the Happiest of 21st Birthdays, because you've got a nice family to share it with and me.
Faithfully Yours; Chris Chan.
==Chris talks about trading cards and tells Megan he wants to go to Seattle with her==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: cwcsonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 12:18 pm<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan,
It was rainy about 3-5 this afternoon, but fortunately a bunch of players showed up today at [[The GAMe PLACe|the Game Place]]. I didn't get a Soul Calibur Pack this week, but I noticed that they have in stock a two-deck pack for Street Figher UFS; Ryu Vs. "Ayku" (wasn't sure of that name) and new Yu-Gi-Oh (GX) Starter Decks featuring Jaden (the Holo card is Elemental Hero Necroshade) and... the boy who plays with the machanic toon vehicles (I forgot his name). Tony warned me last week that he wouldn't make it today, so I worked pretty hard.
I had to sign up two new members; Bridget and Perry. Bridget's deck was perfectly Psychic, so I didn't have to work on hers, but Perry's was a bit of chaos; one [[Yawning Squirtle|Squirtle]], one Wartortle, one Blastoise EX, one Turtwig, one (stage 1 for turtwig), one matching stage 2, and the same column scheme applied to Plipup to Empoleon, Chimchar to Infernape and Charmander to Charizard. And he had a bunch of non-evoling basics that made it a real messed-up haymaker, and the rest was about 2 Boost Energies, one Cyclone Energy, one Multi Energy, one Rainbow Energy, one Psychic, some of the other basics (excluding Metal and Dark) totaling to 28 Energy Cards. And he had no Trainer cards. And what he had in his book was somewhat out of order. But I perservered with a mostly colorless deck for him.  :) I got a few small headaches and head-quits (that's where my brain would just zone out for about a few seconds).
Aside from today, last week at the Playstation Store, after like a couple of months, they finally added a NEW PS1 title for download and play on [[PS3]] and [[PSP of Fail|PSP]]: Castlevania - Symphony of the Night. It set me back about 9.99, but I downloaded it. I have made it about half-way to fully through; I'm now playing in the inverted castle (it's upside-down...freaky).
Also, I have been working hard on spreading the word around locally, on [[MySpace]] and on the [[PlayStation Network|PSNetwork]] about voting for my video on the Playstation website. I've played Motorstorm online to get a bunch of names for new acquaintances; I've rarely been able to make it at First place. But one time I did manage to make 3rd. Quite the stress-work, but it will be worth it if I win the trip to Seattle. I fantasy you and me taking the trip, having fun at the Penny Arcade Expo, maybe take a tour of the Nintendo of America company, playing Guitar Hero with you on my PS3 in our hotel room, and basically just being with you, period.  :) And I would give you and John the two PSPs (but I would keep one of the two PaRappa the Rapper games). But I digress...
I hope you and your family are doing well and good in Kentucky. I'd wish for you to come back sooner, but I can't control how soon John will be able to finish his mechanic course. I'll be happier when you are standing in front of me again, safe and sound.  :)
That's enough from my [[Heart level|heart]] (blush) for a while, my sweet friend. I'll e-mail you again soon.
Faithfully yours;
Chris Chan. <3<3<3
==Adam Stackhouse wins, Chris is sad and likes Megan "so much"==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 9:08:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Well, I'm emotionally busted... :(
I just learned that I am not the [[Adam Stackhouse|winner]] of the PaRappa [[Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown|Chop Chop Master Onion Contest]]; among their ten videos, they were organized Alphabetically (I checked the html source, and that explained why I was number 7. Anyway, that lucky jerk, admstackhouse (assumed to be his e-mail name), gets to go to Seattle. That SOB should have really been disqualified; his dance was supposed to be MUSIC-FREE, yet he has some s***y beatbox noises in the background throughout his video (so did two others).
I am [[Chris and Anger|Angry]], Depressed and Lonesome ALL SIMULTANEOUSLY. I worked so d*** hard; I sent like over 500 messages between MySpace, Playstation Network and AOL. And I even made up over 120 dummy e-mail accounts to match with their dummy Playstation accounts, so I could stuff the f***in' ballot...
I really wanted to take you somewhere fun and exciting so you and I could be together for longer than usual...and I really wanted to give you and John each a PSP... *sigh* [[Fail|I've failed]]. So much effort...rappin' and dancin' with goofy effects to be even considered...spreading the word as far and wide as possible...wasted. And I did it all for you, Megan; I had you in my heart as I chopped the Onion A-La Mode dance...I gave so much energy, even had a gut virus for a couple of days...crazy I guess.
Anyway, I'm not in such a delighful mood at this time; it may take a few days or so for me to recover...then again, you make me feel happy...I just realized that you were and still are a continuing inspiration for me. I looked at you in our photo ever since you left for Kentucky, and I get a happy feeling... from the feeling of having you to fall on when I feel low. You are such a delightful listener, and you are truly intelligent when you talk about what interests you and such. I am so delighted to have you in my life, and I appreciate you everyday. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Oh, so what if I didn't win that trip; I still can look forward to being able to coming over to your house, or you to mine, sometime. And I will get to see you at least on Fridays (although I'd like to be able to be with you much more than that). I like you so much, Megan.
As for the what happened at [[the Game Place]]; it was so-so, and I didn't get any Soul Calibur cards today. Although from my monthly tugboat, I did get the new [[Guitar Hero]] game and the PS1 classic, [[Wikipedia:UmJammer Lammy|UmJammer Lammy]], some ink for my printer, a bunch of slim cd and DVD cases and a 4GB memory stick duo.
Although I'm certain you have oodles of stories of your days in Kentucky, and I truly look forward to listening to you telling me about them.  :)
Thank you, Megan, for being my continuing inspiration. I hope you all are doing well, and I await your safe and sound return. Take care.
Faithfully yours; Chris Chan.
==Chris hopes to make Adam Stackhouse lose by a loophole in the rules==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 8:13:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Dearest Megan,
Yesterday, after some rest, I still felt [[Chris and Anger|anger]] and resentment against that [[Adam Stackhouse|lucky S.O.B. winner]]. But I have found two faults in his video that were against the official rules; there was music, and there was more than one person in the video. I also found three more out of the remaining nine with the similar violations. I have sent some e-mails among the Playstation consumer services, and I have called the company personally and registered my grand complaint. It's not a matter of jealousy or loss; it's the principal of rule violations. Justice will be done to the seven people involved in the four violating videos, or I am not [[Autism|Autistic]].
Anyway, I wanted to let you know about that. I hope you all are still doing well in Kentucky, and I will truly feel so much better when I see you personally in front of me [[Chris and sex|safe and sound]].  :)
Faithfully yours; Chris Chan. <3<3<3
==Shit hits the fan, Chris confesses his love==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 2:51:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: OUCH....My Heart...
Megan, sweetie, [[List of Chris's lies|I NEVER said anything about you being my "girlfriend"]]; in the video, I said, "The only song I know is 'Master Onion' which I got from a demo I borrowed from my friend, Megan. [[List of Chris's lies|I truly care about your feelings, and I am 500 times sorry...  :_( I meant what all I did when I talk about you to be complimentive and flattering, not the contrary. I was only trying to make you happy.]]
I NEVER meant any [[Fuck Quest|"sexual harrassment"]]; granted that [[ShecameforCWC.JPG|I have had one or two fantasies before]], but [[Lie|I sincerely would NEVER intentionally do anything of the sort to you without your consent]]. You mean SOOOOOO much to me... As youu are aware, I'm guessing, I do not have many [[gal pal|gal-pals]] in or around [[Charlottesville]], and I treasure having you in my life, and as my closest, sweetest friend I could ever have in this one-hores, [[Virgina is for Virgins|VIRGIN-ONLY STATE]]. If I lost you... it would [[Heart level|TOTALLY SHATTER my heart]], my soul, my being. I CAN NOT AFFOARD to lose you; I need you. Having you in my life, and as my gal-pal, is essentally wkat keeps me from reverting to a sad, lonely, depressed, apocolyptic state, like I have expierenced before when that witch of [[Piedmont Virginia Community College|PVCC]], [[Mary Lee Walsh]], SHATTERED MY HEART AND SOUL when I was searching for a [[boyfriend-free girl|BOYFRIEND-FREE]], caring, [[Tobacky|smoke-free]], [[Alcohol|non-alcoholic]], white girl to be my friend, and over time maybe grow into a SWEETHEART. Even right now, as I type this E-mail, I feel like I have been torn vertically into two, and I am typing on a keyboard that has been turned upwardly crooked from being banged against a raised knee... It really hurts...
I will remove the video from the internet soon as per your request, and I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want you and me to still be friends. And as much as I truly understand how you feel about romance and love, I can't deny the feelings in my heart... I MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUCH; I would look at our [[Chris and religion|sacred photo]] every night, and I would feee soooo much happier, because I have you as my one-and-only, single-solitary, once-in-a-lifetime-like, gal-pal. And I would wonder how you were getting along and faring in Kentucky, and I would hope to get to see you again in front of me soon... Megan... [[Love Quest|I love ou]].
I gotta go.
Faithfully yours; Christian W. Chandler.
==Megan is annoyed and creeped out==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: pearl3 <fourdogs4@sitestar.net><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com Cc: pearl3 <fourdogs4@sitestar.net><br>
Sent: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 12:42 am<br>
Subject: .....
I haven't been checking my email until recently, and I just want to say that your [[Chris and psychology|behavior has irritated me]] for the last time. First I'll start off with saying that I'm glad you didn't win the contest because I have no interest in going on a trip alone with someone who can't keep his hands off me. I'm not your girlfriend and I never will be. When I say "don't touch me" that means DON'T TOUCH ME! What may seem friendly to you is [[Fuck Quest|sexual harrassment]] to me. You whine that you're just being friendly but you obviously have no consideration for my feelings. The way you went off on Nina because she patted me on the head was very rude and uncalled for. Just because someone else has made physical contact with me doesn't give you the authority to do so. Remember, I have the right to decide who can come near me.
Also I can't say I like how you used my photo in your video and on the cover of your comic book. I want them removed from the internet immediately. Since I'm not a myspace member I can't view what you post. If there are any photos of me on your blog I want them removed.
And I don't like your [[Megan Shrine|"Megan Obsession"]] I don't like being [[Sailor Megtune|a character]] in your [[Sonichu (comic)|comics]]. I don't like how you made me a character in [[Soul Calibur|Soulcalibur]] and [[Animal Crossing]]. That kind of behavior really freaks me out.
With all that said, we're down to two options: A: We remain friends and ONLY friends period. As in no more touching me, following me, asking me personal questions, and giving me things. We can still battle and trade cards and talk. -or- B: Never see me again
I'm sorry it's come down to this but I've told you repeatedly in a nice way to stop, but you've never listened.
I hope you will finally take what I just said into serious consideration, and know now that if try your advances again I won't be very nice about it.
Please listen to me next time ~Megan
==Chris begs Megan not to leave him==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: cwcsonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 11:55 am<br>
Subject: Hey.
I took care of the video; I edited the original video by removing the pic, then I uploaded the new to repace the old. So your face is not in there anymore.
I was depressed ALL DAY from those harsh words, [[List of Chris's lies|but I'm not blaming you]]. I can only guess something unexpected happened that wasn't in favor. I apologize if I have offended you in any way. Please don't leave me, Sweet Friend, Megan.
Faithfully yours;
Chris Chan.
==Chris says he's not angry or jealous of Adam Stackhouse anymore==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 3:46 pm<br>
Subject: I now understand.
I understand the possible irriation from being touched, but I now realize what may have set off the [[Chris and Anger|burst of anger]]. It was because of my immature behavior (with jealousy) over the winner of that contest, wasn't it? I wanted you to know that [[List of Chris's lies|I have honestly given up on that erronious behavior]]. I do apologize for having expressed that anger, and I offer a peaceful rainbow as my promise to not get jealous and express such anger again.
You, Megan, truly are an inspiration for the better, even a neccessary [[Love Quest|"better half"]], for me. I thank you for leading me toward the light of better judgement.
I hope to see you again soon. <3<3<3<3
Faithfully yours; Chris Chan.  :)
==Chris continues to beg Megan not to leave==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 8:27:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Hey...How you doing?
It's been a while, and I haven't heard anything from you. So I thought I would check in.
I can only imagine what your may be feeling from the recent trauma. I truly care and worry about you. I wanted you to know that I blurted out my confession, because [[Heart level|my heart was hit so bad]], that it sprung a leak... it leaked pain, torment and the [[Semen|deep feelings I had held in for so long]]. *sigh*
I can't apologize enough for hurting you the way I did with my jealously over the [[Adam Stackhouse|rule-violating winner]], for my lonely, [[Chris and sex|wandering hands]] wanting to feel your gentle, and spunky, soul, for figiting over such trivial gestures that some others were permitted to share with you, whereas you wouldn't permit me to for your reasons... Not knowing your current feelings, not knowing what else is going on in your world, not knowing if you and I are still the closest friends to have been for almost two whole years... is all a great weight on my still-recovering heart and my tearful soul... It's hard for me to enjoy things as I did while I knew you and I were sweet friends, and as I felt there could have been a strong foundation for my one bright future in this [[Autism|cursed Autistic life]]. But since I read that message last week and not having heard anything new from you, my faith for that future felt sooo lost; my faith in our friendship wained thin.
[[Virgin with rage|I CAN'T LOSE YOU, Megan Schroeder]], you are the foundation of my happiness after the depression from my LONG, ENDURING Love Quest, you are the inspiration for me to carry on as I was able to for the past greater than a year and so on, you were the reason that I was able to shed fewest tears for that time.
Please, please, please, forgive me, let me know that you and I are still the closest friends, and don't deprive you and me of our fun by boycotting the Friday trips to [[the Game Place]].
Truly, I just would fall into an infinite sink-hole of depression if I lost you from my life, and it would be an unbearable tragedy... *sigh*
Please reply as soon as possible.
Christian Weston Chandler.
==Chris talks about another contest and his ENDURING LOVE QUEST==
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Subject: Hey, Megan<br>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:09 pm<br>
Attachments: Patti-Chan_Folklore_plus_details.jpg (238K), Patti-Chan_Folklore.jpg (111K)
I didn't get a chance to tell you, but it was truly good to see that you all got back safe from Kentucky...I truly did miss you. Also it is a weight off my shoulders to hear from you that we are still good friends.
Anyhoo, how did John do in his Mechanics class; what was his grade and such? How was your stay in Kentucky? And have you been practicing your Guitar skills on your PS2? *I hope you got better.  :)
Also, a few weeks ago, I learned about the Folklore Create-A-Creature contest on the Playstation website; make up a unique creature suitable for the Fantasy world of the upcoming PS3 game, write up the details of the character and send in the .jpg file. Five will be chosen, among whom will win a copy of the PS3 game and a matching artwork book, and Only One will be programmed into a upcoming Downloable-from-the-Playstation-Store Add-On where the creature will be catchable and playable in the game. Simply put, I sent in Patti-Chan (see image below). Speaking of Patti, cute-like story, it was June 27, 2007, the date of the first year anniversary since her accent to heaven. On that date, neither of us realizing the anniversary yet, but my mother talked about going to the local SPCA building and adopting a new dog. That night, I realized it upon a Random Remembering, and I cried for a while, so did my mother after I had informed her. But we did realize that we talked about adopting a new dog on the date of the first anniversary. Bless her soul.
Well, like I said, I will be returing to the [[University of Virginia|UVA's Alderman Library]] twice a week starting Sept. 4 to resume my Sweetheart Search (AKA [[Love Quest]]). *sigh* It will be lonely, torturing and enduring like it has been in the past, but I have my dream of a lil' [[Crystal Weston Chandler (daughter)|Crystal Weston Chandler]]. And the movies and games on my PSP will give me something else to think about as I go back to wishin', hopin', and prayin' to be found by an "18-25-Year Old, caring, sweet, smoke-free, non-alcoholic, white girl" (hopefully a virgin) "to make into a Sweetheart from the Ground-Up". And at the end of each lonely wait, I will quote my old [[random access humor|joke]] of a commercial, "Call Right Now, and we'll send you a Beautiful Girlfriend FREE". Then I will pretend to call RIGHT NOW, and always get BUPKIS. *sigh* Whatever.
One more thing, while I'm thinking about it, are you finished with the [[Wikipedia:Pokémon Ranger|Pok'emon Ranger]] DS game yet, because I still remember our deal?
Well, take care you all; I'll see you all again next Friday.
Your Friend; Chris Chan.
==Megan is going to give Chris some stuff, appreciates him backing off==
From: pearl3 <fourdogs4@sitestar.net><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
Cc: pearl3 <fourdogs4@sitestar.net><br>
Subject: hey<br>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 5:37 pm
That's odd...according to my yahoo sent items folder it was sent.<br>
It pretty much said how I had all the unwanted cards. And I am looking for 3 cards now since you somehow figured out Revenant was on that list as well. Dang you're good! The [[Wikipedia:Universal Fighting System|UFS cards]] I'm looking for are these: Manas & Ayas (note I think the card spells it "Ayus" which is different from the game's spelling) It's from the first SC expansion Voldo (from the first exp. 4 dots, standing upright, arms crossed) Voldo (a promo card, back facing us, butt visible, the image is an official namco drawing) And I'm also really looking for ANYTHING on the StreetFighter character [[Wikipedia:Vega (Street Fighter)|Vega]]. And one more thing, a Promo card of R. Mika. (I think the picture- she has her arms in the air.) And that's it. I hope you get lucky! Not saying you would but please don't start a R.Mika deck...I worked hard and hate being copied. You stick with the Greek Girls!
I also said how I'm doing a major room clean and can give you things I don't want. I'm still finding more stuff but so far I have:<br>
Absolute Boyfriend poster<br>
figurine of Primera from the series [[Wikipedia:Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle|Tsubasa Chronicle]]<br>
[[Wikipedia:Tokyo Boys & Girls|Tokyo Boys and Girls]] vol.1 (manga)<br>
[[Wikipedia:Someday's Dreamers|Someday's Dreamers: Spellbound]] vol.1 (manga)<br>
a [[My Little Pony]] badge/button/pin thing<br>
Some more extra [[Sailor Moon|Sailormoon]] cards
I'm sure I'll find more stuff, let me know if you want any and all of the above. In exchange for whatever cards you find or something Still haven't played SCIII <nowiki>*sigh</nowiki>...I'll get around to it soon...
Let me know and thanks!
PS I also said thank you for finally understanding and giving me space and toning down your affections. Even so I also said that you are still my good friend and take everything you've given me and done with great appreciation.
==Chris talks about cards and how lonely he is==
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Subject: Re: hey<br>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 11:24 pm<br>
Okay, here's the summary:
[[wikipedia:Universal Fighting System|UFS]] SC Set 1 FOIL UR SR Manas & Ayas<br>
UFS New UR SR Promo Foil R Mika<br>
From same Vendor for total of $8.25<br>
UFS Street Fighter Vega SF02 092/126<br>
From another Vendor for a total of $4<br>
UFS Street Fighter VEGA'S CLAW SF02...096/126 Rare<br>
From another for a total of $3.99<br>
UFS Street Fighter FOIL Vega SF1P****06/12 PROMO<br>
UFS Soulcalibur III FOIL Voldo SC3P****14/16 PROMO<br>
UFS Soulcalibur III FOIL Voldo SC01****091/143 URARE<br>
From Paladin Game and Hobbies for a total of $10.72
Which totals to (rounded up) $27, and with the $4 from Revenants, that makes it $31. Although I would feel better with a total cash settlement (or installments totaling to), I will take off $18 for your listed merchandise in your recent e-mail, taking the total down to $13. Also, for your information, you have mentioned the Revenant card in your e-mail from your Yahoo address you sent on the 30th of Sept. And as for the whole toning down the affections thing... in a nutshell, yes that's what I did... but I had to redirect them towards going back to my Sweetheart Search... Until I am found by a Boyfriend-Free Girl who can and is willing to grow into my sweetheart, (since I have no new special someone to call upon yet) I am finding myself still silently calling for you when I'm feeling lonely... Quite the quandry.<br>
Anyhoo, I will let you know of any updates, or I will read your reply.
Take care;<br>
Chris Chan.
==Megan also talks about cards==
From: pearl3 <fourdogs4@sitestar.net><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
Cc: pearl3 <fourdogs4@sitestar.net><br>
Subject: Re: hey<br>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 10:53 am
Thank you very much. I will bring you the 13$ and merchandise this friday. Thank you for finding these cards I never find what I'm looking for too often.
I will also bring the lot of girl cards and I hope to find the rest of the cassandras as well. Can you list me the holos you have and I'll tell you ahead what I'm interested in. Only list what you're willing to trade. And when you list found/act/attk please write beside- the character they go with like Despair-Voldo.<br>
Thanks so much again! See you soon!
==Chris talks about Crocs and how he was kicked out of the library for soliciting sex==
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Subject: Just wanted to warn John...<br>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 8:37 pm
I've just learned on the [[Wikipedia:John_Tesh#John_Tesh_Radio_Show|John Tesh Radio Show]] that people who wear [[Wikipedia:Crocs|Croc Shoes]] on escelators are having their toes, toenails gnashed, torn off or worse. If he is in an area where there is an escelator, encourage him to use an elevator or stairs.
I have not received the cards yet, nor have I been able to get that second [[Wikipedia:Manaphy#Manaphy|Manaphy]] egg yet. I've had a surprise Tuesday while I was sittin' at the [[University of Virginia|Alderman Library]] (waitin' to be found by a Boyfriend-Free girl). Some old hag and her bodyguard approached me and made it obvious that it was verbodden to find True Love there. Who did she think she was; the wife of the Pope? I disregarded her intrusion, but I am cautious about the possibility of another clash of battle, like in the past with that Witch of PVCC, Mary Lee Walsh, that Jerkief at Fashion Square and the Manajerks at Wal-Mart and Target. Unlike Tuesday and the previous events, I am much saltier than I was.
I will never fall for the FALSE Law of True Love searching and sharing being illegal in the State of Virginia, or in short "Virginia is for Virgins," nor will I quit chillin' at the Library's Lounge Tuesdays and Thursdays with a printed advertisement in the neighborhood.
But I digress. I will see you at the Game Place tomorrow.
Take Care;<br>
Chris Chan.
==Chris is angry about Megan kissing her friend, then pities himself==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 3:10:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: I'm sorry... <nowiki>*sigh*</nowiki>
The hugging was one thing, but when I heard the smack of your kiss on his cheek, it started a chain reaction in my head from "OMG" to simultanious infuration and jealousy. I assure you that I would not do anything extreme to Christopher.
Originally, I was not fond of him, because it was obvious that he was a [[homos|homo]]. Yes, I am a homophobe; I fear them all, and I fear the tormenting temptations of falling off the straight path. But then I mentally, sometimes from a DVD (and if you'll pardon the expression), shove some pussy in my face. I tell you what, if I ever stoop down to changing my path, I might as well would get a gender change operation. I've seen [[Wikipedia:Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina|the episode]] of "[[South Park]]" where [[Wikipedia:Herbert Garrison|Mr. Garrison]] had that operation; they showed the gruesome details. ugh...
I was programmed to be more favorable towards women over those of my gender. With the infinitely high Boyfriend-Factor, I am not fond of about 99.999999999996% of the total male population, with a margin-of-error of the 4 billionth of a percent (for about 100 men) of whom are okay acquaintences. Those doofs get all the luck, having a Sweetheart to care for and to be cared from, getting all the hugs, kisses and e motional support and the security of a solid future without lonliness and with love and children. And besides that, my Autism is not much help on the programming of my mind. *sigh*
Oh, my life.
I have been trying to move on, but I still have caring feelings for you, Megan, since I still have not found another Boyfriend-Free woman to transfer the care to. I sit at the UVA's Alderman library for Three Hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with a printed advertisement taped on the bar-type furniture across from me, and I am waiting, hoping and praying to be found/picked up by a Boyfriend-Free, 18-25-year old, caring, smoke-free, non-alcholic, white woman, who will voluntarily be my Gal-Pal to Girlfriend to Sweetheart. Can you understand the loneliness I feel from days and days of not even being approached by a caring someone while I wait and wait and wait to be found by a caring someone? Not only is it Very Lonesome, but it is Tiresome, Troubling and Frustrating... *sigh* It's been that way since the beginning of my Sweetheart Search in August, 2003. Granted the relieving heart poundings I felt for you for over a year, until the e-mail I received during the Parappa contest last August.
But rest-assured, aside from the past issues and angst against the males of the Boyfriend-Factor, I, Christian Christopher Weston Chandler, have not and will not ever have any intention of killing or murdering or physically ensue pain towards any person, including your Christopher.
I am sorry about Friday night, Megan.
Take care; Christian Christopher Weston Chandler.
==Megan had it worse in school==
From: pearl3 <fourdogs4@sitestar.net><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
Cc: pearl3 <fourdogs4@sitestar.net><br>
Subject: ok<br>
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 5:18 pm
Ok, thanks for the reassurance. Yes I can understand your lonliness because I was the same way...worse maybe. I mean you actually had friends through school. I didn't have any friends at all. I was treated very badly by everyone. To the point where I had to drop out and graduate through homeschool. I still want you to know that you are still my friend. And I am grateful for everything you've done. When I look through my huge book of Sailormoon cards, I'm almost to tears because YOU were the reason it has grown into a magnificent collection! :) I appreciate everything you've done and given me. Thank you. I'm still not interested in marriage though. It's not my style. ;) Well hopefully things will work out now.
And let me know if there was anything you wanted for the foil [[Wikipedia:Street Fighter Alpha 3|R. Mika]] cards you have. I even have extra commons for her if you're interested. Talk to you later You take care and feel better soon. haha I'm still shy about his affections though! I'm like, ok, I'm on his lap, what do I do? hahaha<br>
==Chris wants to know why she sat on Christopher's lap==
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Subject: Hey, I'm cool.<br>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 9:25 pm
Yeah, I'm mostly over what happened Friday. But I have a single quandry to ask, and I would appreciate an [[Honest Content|honest answer]], please. Did Christopher ask you to sit on his lap, or what incentive gave you reason to do that? Please reply with an honest answer.
Other note, I picked up a couple of blank [[wikipedia:Universal Fighting System|UFS League cards]] for you and John to sign your names on; I'll give them to you two Friday. No tournament happened earlier; not enough people.
Take care;<br>
Chris Chan.
==Megan is pissed that Chris is nosing in her business==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
To: cwcsonichu@aol.com<br>
Sent: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 4:24 am<br>
Subject: what's up?
Christian I can probably understand how you're feeling. You looked [[Chris and anger|pretty pissed]].....not to mention giving my friend the "fucky finger".
Why? Why do you hate him so much? Cause now he's really scared that you're going to go after him and kill him!
Besides if you have to hate someone, it should be me because I'M the one who didn't return your feelings and didn't want a serious relationship. Remember I have the right to decide who I want to be with. Now I'm not saying that I hate you. You are still my friend....that is if you're going to stop keep getting grudges and tormenting my friend. You're hatred and jealousy towards him is affecting me as well. How do I know you're not going to do something rash? So please just leave us alone.
I'd like for you to just accept this and move on. You have no right to hate him, he did nothing bad to you! Personally I thought you'd actually be happy for me. So please listen to me and please don't do anything bad and just leave Chris alone.
Please get back to me ~Megan
==Chris is scared of some fanart==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net<br>
Sent: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 11:50:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Megan, I've had so much to worry about today
The Good News though is that I've had more fans for Sonichu than I thought. Now the worse to bad...
I got this [[Evan|E-Mail]] earlier that had a set of four fanart of Sonichu and ME. While I enjoyed more the spoof of me sitting at by a box on a sidewalk, "Girlfriend Auditions," and the one with me glaring in the eyes of a blue hedgehog in armor. The OTHER TWO in that set of four... FREAKED, CREEPED AND SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!! (A lot worse than my freak-out over you on Christopher's lap last night; please keep that in private, in other words, "Get A Room.") I sent him a reply with respective [[Masturbating and squirtin'|criticism]]. I WAS INFURIATED!!!
Then later, I learn from an anonymous tipster about this girl'ss profile page on deviantART, while she has good and fun fanart of Sonichu, SHE IS TAKING THE CREDIT, AND PLACING A FAKE COPYRIGHT, 2007 WITH HER NAME ON IT!!! You, Me, and the rest of the Sonichu Fan Club know that Sonichu Was Born On MARCH, 17, 2000 (Y2K). I sent her a message requesting her to remover her claim of copyright with a warning of Legal Actions.
All the images are attached to this e-mail, or I can show them to you on my PSP later. &#61;0 A I just needed to get that off my head and heart, since my mom fell asleep on me at the moment.
Okay, I'll see you hopefully at the UFS Tournament. Also, don't forget to set your clocks one hour back this weekend.
Take care; Chris Chan.
==Chris talks about cards and mentions Lori==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: fourdogs4@sitestar.net Cc: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 2:45:14 PM Eastern Standard Time<br>
Subject: Just to let you know...
Hey, Megan. It became kind of a ghost-town at the Game Place last Friday; most of the children left. It's too bad you didn't make it. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I got a Piplup and Turtwig through SUCCESSFUL Trades through the [[wikipedia:Global Trade Station|GTS (Wi-Fi)]]. Also, have you or John gone underground with the Explorers' Kit? I found 4 Skull Fossils, so I have 3 extra Craniados; if I don't get one through the GTS by the Friday after Thanksgiving (NO LEAGUE this coming Friday), I need the other fossil Pokemon of the Diamond/Pearl Generation (the one that evolves into Bastiedon). I will trade you or John a Craniados for that Fossil Pokemon. One more thing, please Show me a Palkia in my Diamond game, so I can try to get one through the GTS.
That's about it for now. Please reply ASAP.
Take care; Chris Chan.
P.S. This is [[Lori Lopez|Lori]]; the girl my buddy [[Joshua Martinez|Joshua]] is hooking me up with. She had it done at JMU; that's why it has her name on it.
==Megan is curious==
From: Megan Schroeder <yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
Subject: Re: Just to let you know...<br>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 10:05 am
Well I'm not too far with Pearl but John has a lot of Pokemon. Have you met this girl yet? Well I hope it goes well for you. Let me know how it goes! I forgot to ask last night but could you find out if there will be UFS this coming sunday? Thanks!
Bye bye<br>
==Chris really likes Pokemon==
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Subject: Re: Just to let you know...<br>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 2:17 pm
I'll be meeting [[Lori Lopez|Lori]] soon. I've traded a LV.20 Male Burmy for a Shieldon over the GTS, so I'm good on the fossils for now. Not this coming Sunday; it's Thanksgiving Weekend; No Pokemon this week either. Thank you for replying and letting meknow. Please work on getting that Palkia, so I can have my character see it, so I can find it through the GTS. I will likely start the Ranger adventure again so I can get my own Manaphy. BTW, try Manaphy and Ditto at the Day Care; my Player's Guide says there's a non-evolving baby Manaphy to be hatched from that combination.
Take care;<br>
Chris Chan.
==Megan asks him for Nazi music or something==
From: Megan Schroeder <yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com><br>
To: Christian Chandler <cwcsonichu@aol.com><br>
Subject: one more favor?<br>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:08 pm
Hey, I hope things go well between you and Lori.
Hope it's not a problem but I have ONE more request from [http://sailormusic.net/ Sailormusic.net]. I was going to download the ogg.vorbis thing but it didn't work...
On the international Albums could you please save all the German stuff for me please? I think each link is compressed file of several songs. Would that be ok with you? I would really like them and can't find them anywhere else...
Thanks again, I'll remember to bring Pokemon next time<br>
PS is it possible to save them and maybe email me the converted files?<br>
==Chris is boring and still likes Pokemon==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com Cc: polizeigewalt@aim.com<br>
Sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 8:42:27 PM Eastern Standard Time<br>
Subject: Hey, Megan.
Just a reminder; please reply if otherwise, but please don't forget my [[wikipedia:Memory Stick#Memory Stick Duo|Memory Stick Duo]], as well as yours and John's Pokemon Diamond/Pearl games and DS Systems for when I meet you all at The End tomorrow.
I will be sure to come with my Wii and Pokemon Battle Revolution and my [[wikipedia:Datel Action Replay|Action Replay DS]] accessory.
I will check my e-mail tomorrow in the afternoon for your reply.
Take care, and see you all tomorrow. Chris Chan.
==Chris wants Megan to live with him==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 7:06:12 AM Eastern Standard Time<br>
Subject: A thought for you, Megan
Considering [[Chandler Family Tree|my family]], and [[14 Branchland Court|"I'm livin' under their roof"]], you may want to consider typing up all that you told me last night to back you up in the face of my family. And you may want to set some additional funds aside for rent. Also, offering to help with the chores is good.
I am unanimous with myself in welcoming you to our house as our guest for as long as you need, and I truly meant every word I said. It's my mother's and father's opinion you may have for another obsticle.
I hope my family will be willing to help you, a descendant [[List of Chris's lies|German Warrior Traveler]].  :)
Take care; Chris Chan.
==Megan doesn't want to be on Chris's websites==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: Megan Schroeder <yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
Sent: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 7:49 am<br>
Subject: Thanks again
Hey thanks again SO VERY much for your thoughtful and kind and generous trade. Though I feel as though I took all your money since it mostly goes to your parents. :( But Thank You very much. I doubt I will be asking for much in the future, so just as an appreciation bonus I will go ahead and give you the [[wikipedia:Hamtaro|Hamtaro]] toys along with the rest of the manga and stuff. I'm sorry to hear about [[Grace Baptist Church|the Church thing]], I mean God forgives and gives second chances. Some people just aren't meant to work under His name, like all the priests who abuse young boys. Yeah that internet thing is getting very much out of hand and would like t o ask if you could please take down or remove anything that has to do with me from any of your websites. I don't want to appear on those sites as well. Thanks again! ~Megan
==Chris apologizes for something, what could it be?==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 6:23:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: I am sooooo sorry
I didn't realize how much of an... a-hole I could have been; I was [[Chris and anger|caught up in the rage]] from that weekend in November when I did that; I couldn't even see straight. But I have done what I should have done long ago; inform [[wikipedia:AOL|AOL]], as well as other places on the web who can take down offensive websites and pages.
I've really shot myself in the foot, and I am sorry. Not only am I mad at myself for being such a complete enraged a-hole, but my rage against those jerks who put that page up in the first place arose with greater flame, because my closest friend got hurt emotionally (that's you).
I will see to that website's demise, or my name isn't Christian Weston Chandler.
[[ShecameforCWC.JPG|Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you. Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you]].
[[List of Chris's lies|Megan, I'm sorry for hurting you]].
And I am prepared to repeat that hundred times from the bottom of my hurting heart.
==Chris emails her some detective work, Megan likely doesn't give a shit==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 1:23:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Follow up
I have been investigating, in addition to out-of-spite "adding fire to the flame", since I've first found it randomly in that fateful day, November 2, 2007. Please allow me to fill you in. My first major clues of a matching duo were the original date of the document creation, Wednesday, Ocotber 31, 2007, and this .jpg, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4chan, which was obviously taken on the previous Friday, October 26, 2007. For the week, my family and I were pondering the major suspect; the dude who took that pic, which I distinctly remember seeing the camera flash while I playing a young gentleman in Pokemon TCG. Thus, my family came in and we found that [[Daniel Mimms|Mimms]] had the camera in question, but he did not take the picture. Then we've suspected [[Lucas]], but we did not question him at the time. But a more obvious expression reply was found by myself, when Saturday March 8, 2008, at the Gamestop in Forest Lakes, the Midnight release event of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mimms and I were watching a pair of tournament players brawling; one was playing Donkey Kong. So it brought up to mind my first word being "Monkey", so I told Mimms that. And with a turn around towards the accompanying Lucas, I said in his direction, "Well, that's something new you didn't know about "be-4" about this "Chan". I noticed a look on his face like, "Wow, I can totally wail on that tidbit of information." He said nothing. And today, I looked up 4Chan on Wikipedia.com, http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Image:Chrischannov2007.jpg, apparently 4Chan is solely a web thing that people can go on and mess around for the attention, with examples of false bombings, hackers on MySpace, and more similar events listed on there. Upon the collected information on this case I've let set on the back-burner for a while, I can only suspect Lucas for being the culpret in putting that page up in the first place, because, seeing how close Mimms and Lucas were, he had as much access to the beforementioned pic from October 26 as Mimms did. Also, I photographically remember the person who took my pic that day being tall and wearing a long coat. I'd like to put Lucas under a spotlight and question him about this whole thing, then put him behind bars for descreation of someone else's character. I'd question him myself, but [[Michael Snyder|Mike]] of [[The GAMe PLACe|the Game Place]] said after my mother and father questioned Mimms that Friday night, if I were to bring up ANYTHING about that page again, he would kick me out of the Game Place for like a month. If you'd like to talk to Lucas discreetly about the subject, I'd appreciate it for the benefit of my investiga tion.
Megan, I am sorry about this whole mess, and having drawn that drawing, and raging the fire and hurting your feelings and emotions. If I can, not only will I get that drawing off that webpage, but I'll try to take down the whole thing. But I can't do it alone (my mother and father have been letting it set on the back-burner without giving it much thought).
I can only hope you'll forgive me, but no matter what, I still love you as my closest gal-pal.
I hope you feel better soon; Chris Chan.
==Megan is scarred by [[ShecameforCWC.JPG]]==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: Megan Schroeder <yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com><br>
To: cwcsonichu@aol.com<br>
Sent: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 7:33 am<br>
Subject: well...
I just don't know what to say now.... I am very much scarred by that image and it will never leave me. And I can't decide what's worse, the image in general, or the fact you intentionally drew it AND gave it to the webmaster for that site that you hate so much. Not only have you [[Fail|poured gas on the fire by doing that]],(adding obscenity to the already horrific site) but you have also embarrassed and humuliated me, and degraded and demeaned me whether you realize it or not. I mean I'm not that kind of girl, and you know that. So why? And you also lied to me about it. Between that and my recent [[Heart level|heartbreak]] how am I to trust another man again? Simply put: I can no longer trust anyone now. You have very much hurt me on an emotional level. And when I get hurt emotionally it'll take a physical toll. As in no appetite, feeling tired and sick, no sleep. So I am unsure what to do about this. I can't say I really think of you the same anymore, I'm sorry to say. I will continue to give the remaining items for the zune and that will be all the contact you have with me unless I decide otherwise. I hope you understand. So we'll let time decide how I feel about this current situation. Until then please d on't come up to me anymore unless it's to give you what I owe which seems kind of awkward now. I know how it feels to be alone but, I can't keep throwing away my pride little by little just to keep you satisfied, you know what I mean? There has to be an "enough is enough" at some point. And I cannot continue to disgrace myself by forgiving things that I never find forgivable in the first place. That's all I can think to say right now I'm sorry, we'll just see ~Megan
==Megan wants Chris to leave her alone==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: Megan Schroeder <yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
Sent: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 4:06 am<br>
Subject: ok..
Ok well look, I am unsure how I feel and what to do. So here's what I think. I'd like for you to just completely leave me alone for a while, until I can sort things out myself, you understand? It's not like I hate you, but I don't see you in the same light anymore. So just leave me be for a while, let me try to recuperate with my few other friends. And maybe we can just start from scratch sometime. Maybe, I dunno, just depends on how I feel ok? So please let me be, and let me see how it goes ok?
==Chris thinks she was scarred because she doesn't know much about sex==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 4:10:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Re: ok..
[[List of Chris's lies|I understand]]. You may or may not have had much exposure to [[Chris and sex|sexual images]] as I've had, so the idea of a "hand job" (which was the act drawn there) as part of outtercourse (versus intercourse) was a surprise to you. I'm sorry. If it helps put things into perspective, I can reccomend finding information on the internet through this educational website I've found through [[Sex toys|AdamEve.com]]. Or I reccomend renting [[wikipedia:The 40-Year-Old Virgin|"The 40 Year Old Virgin"]]; that movie touches on some of the issues around sex, and how it can really frustrate an older virgin who hasn't had the pleasure yet (or I can loan you my copy of "The 40 Year Old Virgin"). The point is allowing yourself more exposure to sex acts to make yourself feel more comfortable with that fact of life.
I worry about you, and I want to help you as much as I humanly can. While I AM on the verge of taking that [[Encyclopedia Dramatica|EncyclopediaDramatica]] page taken down, I understand that there are a number of other web pages of hate against me, and as much as I would like to be able to track every one down and report them and get on the verge of taking them down as well, someone else may put another hate page up against me. It's a fact of this modern world known as [[Trolls|"Cyber Bullying"]].
And as for the drawings, while I have shoved the text information down their throat in an attempt to drown them in submission; there were too many images of...[[Duck|penises]]...yech, on there. I drew drawings promoting vaginas to go against those dickheads. I did the drawing of Sonichu fucking Rosechu, I did the drawing of Bubbles getting it from Black Sonichu (I had the idea of paring them up in the comic book anyway), I did the drawings of [[Angelica]] and [[Mary Lee Walsh]] (that witch hag) mastubating. And I did draw the drawing of me giving you a hand job, from among my adult fantasies, with your eyes censored to conceal your identity. It was a massive step outside of my boundries, and I did it out of anger, and I regret having done it, and I am really, really, sorry. But we all do things in the heat of anger, and/or out of our boundries, that we end up regretting later.
Megan, Sweetheart, I will give you as much space as you need during your time of recovery and learning how to cope with it and put it into your own perspective. But please remember, I will always worry about you, and even though you may not feel the same about me as you did before, I still Care and [[Love quest|Love You Very Much]]. <3<3<3<3<3
Take care; my thoughts and prayers are with you; Chris Chan.
==Chris bothers Megan about Encyclopedia Dramatica again==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 12:28:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Hey, Megan.
I hope you're doing well. Anyway, I'll get to the point; there is a way you can work with me on the elimination of the "Chris-chan" page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, basically the pages on whole ED website are wiki (similar to html editing), and setting up an account to edit the page is free; you may want to use a fake e-mail address. Anyway, you can remove the all the junk they put about you on there, as well as the drawing from the page for starters, but be careful not to take out TOO MUCH; they may undo your doing, so you may want to make multiple edits; remove the story on the first time, then add some random thing that comes to your mind onto the bottom of the page. [[List of Christian's edits to Encyclopedia Dramatica|I've managed to have the drawing removed and replaced with a different, yet similar image for a while, but they undid that bit of my handiwork]].
I can only do so much at one time, since after I make an edit (behind their backs), they "ban" my IP address from undoing their undoing, and I have to wait a few hours to a day or two before I can anything more against them.
That's the story there.
Also, under a spot of rage against them for the answer some of them gave me when I asked them why they hated me, I've alerted the media about it through e-mail. [[List of Chris's lies|I've said nothing about you to them]], but you may want to try to remove the stuff about you from the page ASAP.
Again, I am really sorry about this whole mess.
I pray for your emotional recovery. Keeping you fondfully in my thoughts; Chris Chan.
==Chris continues bothering her about ED==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 8:46:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Megan...
Firstly, I suggest that you take another look at the page; in the FIRST Paragraph, they theorize and mock me with, and I copy and past to quote, [[Crystal Weston Chandler (sister)|"and drawing pictures of himself having sex with his imaginary twin sister."]] And the images were ALIGNED to the RIGHT, so the theory is matched UP to DOWN with respective image comments from, "... Imaginary sister?" to "I don't like where this is going" and finally, "Chris' own artwork portraying his sick fantasies." And to break my camel's back, they state in the second paragraph under "The Comic Itself", I quote, "A later upload by CWC himself verified that he wants to have sex with his imaginary twin sister. So, this Crystal would be both his daughter and sister... In other words, he wants to impregnate his mother, then have sex with the offspring."
Secondly, I have TRIED to delete the nude drawing, even to replace it, but in the discussion page of my account I created to edit the page away from mockery, but every time I delete or replace the image, they would re-upload the original pic. They call what I'm doing AGAINST the "article" vandalism, and they tell me, "vandalism is completely pointless (click here to find out why), and will get you a swift ban, so you might as well stop." And even though after they "ban" me, I wait a few hours to a couple of days and I am unbanned. [[Fail|You can consider me "The Resistance" against the "Alien Dominators" of E.D., because that's the role I am occupying in this tragedy.]]
Also, I've told them they're not only hurting me emotionally, but they were hurting you, Megan, emotionally and deeply as well, because they were dragging your name through the mud with mine.
As for the drawing itself, I've realized that it was done not only out of inspired fantasy, angst against E.D., and love for you, but also a [[Mass debating|major release for my crazy, mixed-up hormones]]. If I didn't have the foresight to put my pent-up frustrations and feelings in the form of something, I might have become an abusive maniac, so thank god for allowing me to release my bottled up frustrations in a more positive, yet not so "Politically Correct", and not physically hurting others, method.
Be the release as it may, I am hurting [[Fail|SOOOOO MUCH MORE than you can be]], because I have been taking the abuse from those jerks on E.D. If you want to get it all off the "article", be my guest; make your account, send your message of the "Resistance" and delete the Major Chunk off the page in edit; they will only undo your missile barrage of damage in one felt swoop.
I am depressed and emotionally exausted [sic] from [[Stress|ALL THIS STRESS]]. The only thing I can do that won't get undone is be as apologetic as I can ever be from the bottom of my sad, depressed heart.
I'm Sorry, Megan, for the massive warfare I have wrought against you and me in a damn fucktarded release of my damn hormones.
I'm sorry. Christian Weston Chandler.
==Chris does not regret the Meganporn==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 9:03:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Hey, Megan
You know about as much as I know that I have taken responsibility for my error, and it has also been bringing me the darkest pain this month.
I want to patch up our friendship, because I do not want any further discomfort between you and me. Although the acursed page is there now, if we just ignore it, it may fade away in a month or so. Also, if we let every little [[DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS|dirty detail]] bother us, we're just as bad off as any pop or rock star. They get abused a lot by the paparazi and the media for the details of their deeds that they could not have known about themselves at the time. From the maximum amount of [[stress]] from all that; they sometimes get totally out of whack and possibly hurt themselves. But you and I are only civilians without so much fame and fortune; you and I, we do not have to suffer such Star Stress; if we only put it behind us, we don't have to build such a stressful level within ourselves.
I myself had left it a good distance behind me for a few months, but then you were bothered by it. And I couldn't help but dig up the remains left behind, only to build up a very stressfully torturing month for me.
[[List of Chris's lies|Megan, I am sorry for uploading the drawing]], and I really wish I could go back in time and stop myself from making the mistake. Yet I do not regret drawing the drawing, because if I hadn't released my frustrations in the creative sense, I might actually have done something really dumb and stupid. It was really stupid of me to let my impulsive anger get the best of me and make me upload it in an attempt to shove so much information down their throats and drown them into taking the page down.
[[List of Chris's lies|But I've learned from my mistakes]], and I regret letting my frustrations and [[Chris and anger|anger]] get the best of me. All I can do is put the whole thing behind me, try not to think about again, never look at the damn page, and move on with my life.
For the sake of our friendship, Megan, PLEASE just forget about the dang webpage, put it behind you, and let's resume our good friendship like the whole mess never happened.
I still love you, Megan, and I honestly care and worry about you from my heart.
Peace; Chris Chan.
==Chris still wants Megan==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 3:28:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Re: Hey, Megan
I've DELETED ALL of the [[The OFFICIAL Sonichu & Rosechu Blog|ORIGINAL BLOGS]] months ago, just to let you know. I can understand how you're feeling against me now, but it really hurts me and makes me sad that you don't want me close to you.
I'm just a lonly old-feeling fool who needs closure once in a while, and my mother and father won't be around forever. I can remember the times we were close, we shared our honest feelings openly, my PSOne games on my [[PSP of Fail|PSP]], and your Strawberry Pink character drawings...I really miss those tender moments. And I got you all that stuff from eBay; the [[Sailor Moon]] cards, the DVDs, the figurines, the rest of that stuff, and recently the ZUNE, and you have repaid the pleasure of doing all that for you with greater interest. I love to see you smile, I love to see you happy, and I love seeing the sweet, honest, tender and carefree kinda gal who is [[Megan Schroeder]].
But now that I am barred from you for a big mistake I made that I have taken a great deal of responsibility, through trying to undo it, through taking down the previous pages leading up to it, through a month full of [[stress]], tears, lonliness and too many moments standing by myself...
Remember some time ago, you jested that you wanted me to give up my heart to you? Well, basically, I had already done that just after you and I met; my heart still cries for you; not a moment passes by when I don't have a tender, caring or worried thought about you.
Although I do understand your feelings, and I can only respect your wish of staying away from you...<nowiki>*sob**sob*</nowiki>...my heart still cries for you, I'll always be worrying about you, and I will always Love You, Megan Schroeder. <nowiki>*sob*</nowiki>
I'll see you Sunday..., and I guess that's ALL I'll get to do with you...seeing you...from a long distance; as long as the most perilous journey, as long as a dream where I'm constantly running towards you; you'd look like you're near, yet you are soo far away from completing me... [[Love quest|I Love You]], Megan Schroeder.
Peace; Chris Chan.
==Megan asks Chris to leave her alone again, attempts to talk sense into him==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: Megan Schroeder <yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
Sent: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 1:05 am<br>
Subject: Re: Hey, Megan
As I've said, the website means nothing to me. It's the fact that you blab about me on your blogs and therefore it gets put on the website. [[Fail|So in other words, ED didn't drag my name through the mud but you did.]] I don't know, I can't keep disgracing myself and forgiving and forgiving. I have some pride you know. I've forgiven you so many times before it's just getting irritating now. Even I have my limits. So I think I'd like to stay away from you at least for a while then as time passes I'll better know what to do. Until then just please leave me alone
==Megan still wants to be alone==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: Megan Schroeder <yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
Sent: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 8:12 am<br>
Subject: Re: Hey, Megan
Please don't be so hard on yourself. Like I said, I just want some time on my own for a while. [[wikipedia:Lie|It's not like I am hating you or anything]]. I just want to be by myself for a while And I haven't nor will I EVER forget all the [[ShecameforCWC.JPG|wonderful surprises you have given me]] and such. Thank you. This is only a "bye for now" just allow me to be alone and eventually things will cheer up ok? Thanks and try to keep your chin up. And I'll try to do the same. (I'm never real positive...) ~Megan PS I won't be coming this sunday- Easter
==Chris talks about his feelings, then some shit no one cares about==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
To: yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com<br>
Sent: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 9:36:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
Subject: Hey...
[[List of Chris's lies|I understand why you didn't want me to talk to you...]] <nowiki>*sigh*</nowiki> I'd feel better if we can try not to think about that detail and put it behind us.
Megan, I really want to remain your friend, but I feel it growing more difficult with the emotional feeling of long distance between you and me. I feel sad, lonely and rejected when you don't allow me to be socially close to you or even when you won't talk to me. (Besides which, I get lonely everynight in the sanctity of my room, and even when I'm out with my [[Barbara Chandler|mother]], [[Bob Chandler|father]], or alone, so I feel the extra loneliness and sadness like rubbing salt and vinager on a wound.) Also, I can't help but feel the worry about how you are feeling everyday that I feel. Please, Megan, put what has passed behind you and open yourself emotionally to me and let you and me be good friends like before.
Also, aside from my feelings, I wanted to let you know that I got an 8GB Memory Stick Duo; all my Full Downloaded Games and all my Save Data (for the UMD games as well) and all that from between the two 4GB sticks are now on the same Memory Stick. What's more, I am able to give you one of my two for when you get your PSP, and copy your choice of PSOne classics and the game Beats, as well as a cornucopia of Sailor Moon MP3 tracks to play on Beats. When ready, you may check out http://store.playstation.com to look up the variety of PSOne and PSN-Exclusive PSP titles that can be downloaded to the 4GB Memory Stick.
I think you still owe me a bit for the Zune; $20, Hamtaro toys and a DVD set. If you are able to get all that to me next Friday, I would appreciate it, so you and I can be squared-away on that deal.
BTW, I won't be coming in Sundays for UFS; I've been going to the [[Wesley Foundation Methodist Church]] (after being kicked out of the [[Grace Baptist Church]], and upon my father's suggestion) for over a month now. And with that, I've also been attending the Sunday Night service for the young adult church members who are attending UVA. Also, I've started hanging out in the Recreation Room in the upper floor of the next-door Student Centere Tuesday and Thursday Afternoons playing [[Guitar Hero]] on their PS2, or my PS3 which I bring there in a Toys 'R' Us Cloth Bag. I've met a few new female acquaintances, but nothing has come up further than that yet.
One more thing, something good for you to look forward to, in addition to the German Dictionary I'm saving for your Birthday, I'm putting a special present together just for you to go with it. It's not glittery or pricy, but it is a Special Surprise Present.  :) And I'm not letting you in on what it is until the Friday closest to your Birthday.
Anyhoo, please allow me back into your world as your Good Friend, and I promise never to repeat the mistakes I've made.
I also wish John the best of luck and the Lord's blessing on him finding a new, better job.
Peace be with you; Chris Chan.
==Megan can't trust Chris anymore==
−−−−−Original Message−−−−−<br>
From: Megan Schroeder <yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com><br>
To: CWCSonichu@aol.com<br>
Sent: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:40 am<br>
Subject: Re: Hey...
Well first of all, I can't put this behind me because I don't feel comfortable around you anymore. Especially since you said you drew that so you wouldn't do anything stupid. What does that mean? [[Chris and sex#Chris and rape|Abducting me and raping me?]] I'm afraid I can't trust you anymore... I'm sorry but I don't like being around men like that. As for the zune, you said for me to hold on to the hamtaro and dvd's and I only recall having to pay you the 30$ for your credit card. So I don't know what to say right now, but maybe you shouldn't give me anything for my birthday. I hate my birthdays and prefer not to be reminded of them
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[[Category:Historical Documents]]

Latest revision as of 17:19, 20 September 2011