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==To do==
#REDIRECT [[Talk:Encyclopedia_Dramatica]]
Add a "Typical threads" like from the [[Krapple]] article. I couldn't think of anything funny. --[[User:Champthom|Champthom]] 06:39, 20 September 2009 (CEST)
*Done.  They all link to the origninal topics, too.  Tell me what you think. --[[User:Anon1Guardian|Anon1Guardian]] 21:28, 25 November 2009 (CET)[[Image:anonlaugh.png|50px]]
== Chatlog ==
This is a log from #legi0n/#trollparadise from when the Legi0nfags trolled several members of the EDF. --[[User:Anonymous|Anonymous]] 07:55, 20 September 2009 (CEST)
Sep 04 16:46:41 * Cojack (ad51603a@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 16:47:00 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Hi!
Sep 04 16:47:04 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Welcome friend.
Sep 04 16:47:21 <Cojack> Well, hello there!
Sep 04 16:47:39 <AlecVanKrause> hallo
Sep 04 16:48:24 <GodBear01|TextOnly> How are you?
Sep 04 16:48:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Cojack, RESPOND
Sep 04 16:48:52 * SteveSteve (SteveSteve@anon-9E3C8A8D.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 16:49:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Why hello stevesteve
Sep 04 16:49:05 * GodBear01|TextOnly gives voice to SteveSteve
Sep 04 16:49:06 <SteveSteve> Oh hello
Sep 04 16:49:16 <AlecVanKrause> hallo SteveSteve
Sep 04 16:49:17 <Cojack> I'm here! I'm just a tad bit busy, I'm sorry.
Sep 04 16:49:26 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Cojack, do you have a EDidiot account
Sep 04 16:49:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you could help us
Sep 04 16:49:34 <Cojack> How so?
Sep 04 16:49:36 * CWC (79db7c36@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 16:49:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Oh hi!
Sep 04 16:49:43 <Cojack> There's only so much that I can do.
Sep 04 16:49:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I would have liked to make a thread
Sep 04 16:49:46 <CWC> OM NOM NOM NOM
Sep 04 16:49:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> with this chat URL
Sep 04 16:49:57 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I think everyone needs to know
Sep 04 16:49:59 * CWC has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 16:50:00 <GodBear01|TextOnly> about the new troll chat
Sep 04 16:50:09 <Cojack> Well, why can't you?
Sep 04 16:50:18 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I am a junior member
Sep 04 16:50:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ;_;
Sep 04 16:51:08 <Cojack> Oooh! Well, I'm sorry. I suppose keep posting until you have enough to upgrade or whatever. I mean, not spam, but...Yeah. Good idea about the chat, btw.
Sep 04 16:51:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> well
Sep 04 16:52:09 <GodBear01|TextOnly> all you need to do is make a thread and post that tinyurl
Sep 04 16:52:13 <GodBear01|TextOnly> it would help get more people
Sep 04 16:52:16 <GodBear01|TextOnly> we need to rally everyone
Sep 04 16:53:55 <Cojack> Hmm. I suppose so. I'm about to leave, however, so I won't be able to do it right now.
Sep 04 16:54:18 * q0hwqp (54391d7e@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 16:54:37 <GodBear01|TextOnly> hi!
Sep 04 16:54:49 * q0hwqp has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 16:55:43 * theld (vesu@anon-1A37E9EF.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 16:56:37 <Cojack> Welcome.
Sep 04 16:57:01 * You've invited NurseJoy to #TrollParadise (yume.ncirc)
Sep 04 16:57:01 * GodBear01|TextOnly invited NurseJoy into the channel.
Sep 04 16:58:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> hi theld
Sep 04 16:58:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> How are you
Sep 04 16:58:53 <theld> Hello.
Sep 04 16:59:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ;_;
Sep 04 17:00:10 <Cojack> Oh, pshaw. Don't cry now. Whose making the thread you mentioned? I would, but I'm really pressed for time.
Sep 04 17:00:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No one is
Sep 04 17:00:31 <GodBear01|TextOnly> We really need more people
Sep 04 17:01:05 <Cojack> I see.
Sep 04 17:01:13 * theld has quit (client exited: ChipzIRC
Sep 04 17:02:44 <Cojack> Well, I need to head out. Good luck, Godbear.
Sep 04 17:02:45 * Cojack has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 17:02:57 <GodBear01|TextOnly> fuck
Sep 04 17:10:47 * DrShoggoth (DrShoggoth@anon-83A8E2E7.cust.wildblue.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 17:11:00 <DrShoggoth> heh
Sep 04 17:11:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> NO
Sep 04 17:11:04 <DrShoggoth> This may be fun
Sep 04 17:11:04 <GodBear01|TextOnly> JOIN AS NURSE JOY
Sep 04 17:11:12 <DrShoggoth> ok
Sep 04 17:11:15 * DrShoggoth (DrShoggoth@anon-83A8E2E7.cust.wildblue.net) has left #TrollParadise
Sep 04 17:11:25 * NurseJoy (AbortionDi@anon-83A8E2E7.cust.wildblue.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 17:12:30 <NurseJoy> alrighty
Sep 04 17:14:36 * fatniggo (president.@anon-765D03EF.triad.res.rr.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 17:14:39 * AlecVanKrause gives channel operator status to NurseJoy
Sep 04 17:31:34 * GhostWriterL (riftwarrio@anon-597A912E.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 17:31:39 * Derpington (43a0f2ac@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 17:31:43 <GodBear01|TextOnly> WHO ARE YOU
Sep 04 17:31:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU
Sep 04 17:31:47 <NurseJoy> Derpington
Sep 04 17:31:51 <NurseJoy> Do you have...
Sep 04 17:31:52 <NurseJoy> breasts?
Sep 04 17:31:54 <fatniggo> trollsta's paradise
Sep 04 17:31:57 <Derpington> Im a guy
Sep 04 17:32:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> FAGGOT
Sep 04 17:32:04 <SteveSteve> The question stands
Sep 04 17:32:05 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YOU SUCK DICK
Sep 04 17:32:05 <GhostWriterL> Guys can have breasts
Sep 04 17:32:10 <GhostWriterL> Amazing Atheist has breasts
Sep 04 17:32:13 <Derpington> Yes, I has man boobs\
Sep 04 17:32:13 * GodBear01|TextOnly gives channel operator status to Derpington
Sep 04 17:32:13 <SteveSteve> Chris has breasts
Sep 04 17:32:15 * GodBear01|TextOnly removes channel operator status from Derpington
Sep 04 17:32:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YOU WANT IT BACK
Sep 04 17:32:25 <NurseJoy> Derpington
Sep 04 17:32:31 <NurseJoy> How long is your erect penis?
Sep 04 17:32:37 <fatniggo> lol
Sep 04 17:32:37 <GodBear01|TextOnly> WE WANT IT TO SAY
Sep 04 17:32:42 <GodBear01|TextOnly> "GODBEAR IS MY ONLY GOD"
Sep 04 17:32:49 <GodBear01|TextOnly> WRITE DIRECTLY ONTO YOUR DICK
Sep 04 17:32:52 <Derpington> But I don't believe in god
Sep 04 17:32:55 <SteveSteve> with a picture of a bear also
Sep 04 17:33:01 <NurseJoy> YOU BELIEVE IN GODBEAR
Sep 04 17:33:06 <NurseJoy> THE SHORT NAME
Sep 04 17:33:14 <NurseJoy> OF CWC'S ONE TRUE GOD
Sep 04 17:33:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You believe in two things while on this chat
Sep 04 17:33:26 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you believe in corn
Sep 04 17:33:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and you believe in godbear
Sep 04 17:33:33 <GodBear01|TextOnly> or you are a faggot
Sep 04 17:33:33 <SteveSteve> His true name cannot be said by non-autistic tounges
Sep 04 17:33:39 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and don't deserve to be a troll
Sep 04 17:33:42 <NurseJoy> You also believe I'm sexy.
Sep 04 17:33:43 <Derpington> I don't believe in corn either
Sep 04 17:34:04 <NurseJoy> Corn is there whether you believe in it or not
Sep 04 17:34:05 * bee (181454de@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 17:34:07 <GodBear01|TextOnly> BEE
Sep 04 17:34:13 <GodBear01|TextOnly> THIS IS FOR MEN ONLY
Sep 04 17:34:14 * bee has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 17:34:16 <Derpington> Corn is a ploy to cover up 9/11 though
Sep 04 17:34:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Corn
Sep 04 17:34:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> is god
Sep 04 17:34:21 <GodBear01|TextOnly> GOt it
Sep 04 17:34:23 <GhostWriterL> Corn is a conspiracy created by vegans
Sep 04 17:34:26 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You don't fuck with corn
Sep 04 17:34:37 <Derpington> It's a 9/11 ploy though
Sep 04 17:34:43 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You know what.
Sep 04 17:34:51 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You don't know our special story
Sep 04 17:34:53 <GodBear01|TextOnly> DO you?
Sep 04 17:34:55 <Derpington> keep the people pleading for corn and cover 9/11 up
Sep 04 17:35:03 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You don't know about our required reading material
Sep 04 17:35:03 <Derpington> that's their plot
Sep 04 17:35:16 <SteveSteve> How to talk to girls?
Sep 04 17:35:16 <GodBear01|TextOnly> If you want to continue
Sep 04 17:35:18 <NurseJoy> http://www.nvhforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4669&view=previous
Sep 04 17:35:18 <GhostWriterL> Shoggoth's hentai fanfic?
Sep 04 17:35:26 <GodBear01|TextOnly> If you want to
Sep 04 17:35:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> troll chris
Sep 04 17:35:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> for real
Sep 04 17:35:33 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you will read that
Sep 04 17:35:37 <GodBear01|TextOnly> all of it
Sep 04 17:35:48 <Derpington> read that forum
Sep 04 17:35:50 <Derpington> right
Sep 04 17:35:56 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Read the entire thing
Sep 04 17:35:59 <Derpington> aight
Sep 04 17:36:29 <SteveSteve> Read it...and 'enjoy' it
Sep 04 17:36:35 <Derpington> ok
Sep 04 17:36:42 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Don't stop reading it for any reason
Sep 04 17:40:36 <Derpington> Needs moar rape
Sep 04 17:40:43 <Derpington> seriously it just does
Sep 04 17:40:49 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Finish it
Sep 04 17:40:55 <Derpington> I have
Sep 04 17:40:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> oh yeah
Sep 04 17:41:04 <Derpington> Really though, it's not that special
Sep 04 17:41:10 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You didn't read it then
Sep 04 17:41:11 <Derpington> just shinji raping people
Sep 04 17:41:18 <Derpington> no I did
Sep 04 17:41:32 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I don't believe you.
Sep 04 17:41:51 <Derpington> All the characters in Neon were mentally unstable allready
Sep 04 17:42:02 <Derpington> So not much of a surprise if this actually happened
Sep 04 17:42:21 <Derpington> I must say Asuka did deserve it though
Sep 04 17:42:42 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Derpington
Sep 04 17:42:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you are a sick fuck
Sep 04 17:42:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> that no one can help
Sep 04 17:42:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> go back to /b/
Sep 04 17:42:52 * GodBear01|TextOnly has kicked Derpington from #TrollParadise (GodBear01|TextOnly)
Sep 04 17:42:56 <GodBear01|TextOnly> faggot
Sep 04 17:43:02 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I hope he bitches
Sep 04 17:48:16 * DYKES (a44d35ec@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 17:48:35 <DYKES> hi
Sep 04 17:49:25 * DYKES has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 17:52:40 * SteveSteve has quit (client exited: SLUMBER)
Sep 04 18:00:03 * GodBear01|TextOnly has changed the topic to: Welcome ED, TO THE NEW CHRIS-CHAN CHAT! http://tinyurl.com/trollparadise
Sep 04 18:10:11 * BlurredOut (4512e9da@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:11:06 <BlurredOut> Evening.
Sep 04 18:11:26 <GhostWriterL> HARRO
Sep 04 18:12:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> HI!
Sep 04 18:12:13 <GodBear01|TextOnly> WELCOME
Sep 04 18:12:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> DO YOU WANT TO TROLL CHRIS
Sep 04 18:12:30 <BlurredOut> I take it this is mostly for us EDiots from the forums to discuss trolling ideas in a more secure environment.
Sep 04 18:12:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Oh yeah
Sep 04 18:12:49 <BlurredOut> I'm PokerFace on the forum.
Sep 04 18:12:58 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Oh hi pokerface
Sep 04 18:13:04 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You are a really epic troll
Sep 04 18:13:10 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Like clydecash epic
Sep 04 18:13:21 <BlurredOut> Nah, just average if you ask me.
Sep 04 18:13:48 <BlurredOut> I only plan, I rarely do anything REALLY out there. Only thing I can take credit for is causing DestinyMew on Deviant Art some butthurt XD
Sep 04 18:13:58 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Wait
Sep 04 18:14:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Do you know cupcake
Sep 04 18:14:05 <GodBear01|TextOnly> can you get him on
Sep 04 18:14:22 <BlurredOut> Cupcake...OH the guy who's been calling the Lumberjack XD
Sep 04 18:14:59 <BlurredOut> Yeah I can go yell at him to get his ass in IRC.
Sep 04 18:16:52 <BlurredOut> So what's all this about Clyde Cash actually having dinner with chris?
Sep 04 18:17:05 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Well
Sep 04 18:17:08 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ok
Sep 04 18:17:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Feel free to tell the forums
Sep 04 18:17:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ClydeCash visited the Chandlers while they were cleaning up
Sep 04 18:17:24 <GodBear01|TextOnly> as a Health Inspector
Sep 04 18:17:35 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Chris almost called him a faggot
Sep 04 18:17:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> but Bob rushed out
Sep 04 18:17:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and invited him in
Sep 04 18:17:53 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Clyde is now in the building looking for the autism papers
Sep 04 18:18:32 <BlurredOut> You know, you always hear about REAL moments of win...but so rarely do you fall flat on your ass laughing so hard.
Sep 04 18:19:03 <GhostWriterL> o.O
Sep 04 18:19:12 <GhostWriterL> So they ARE getting inspected?
Sep 04 18:19:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YEP
Sep 04 18:19:39 <BlurredOut> That's awesome.
Sep 04 18:19:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Make a thread
Sep 04 18:19:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> also get everyone in here
Sep 04 18:20:11 <BlurredOut> And here we were about to send in emails to the local newspaper :p
Sep 04 18:20:15 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No
Sep 04 18:20:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> We need to rally everyone up
Sep 04 18:20:45 <BlurredOut> Sure, why not? Most EDiots browse or lurk /cwc/
Sep 04 18:21:00 <GodBear01|TextOnly> send them this
Sep 04 18:21:06 <GodBear01|TextOnly> http://tinyurl.com/trollparadise
Sep 04 18:21:09 <GodBear01|TextOnly> include that in the post
Sep 04 18:23:00 <BlurredOut> It has been done.
Sep 04 18:23:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> :D
Sep 04 18:23:47 <fatniggo> sweet, i can't wait to have all of the best cchan trolls in one room
Sep 04 18:23:53 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Seriously
Sep 04 18:24:01 <BlurredOut> I tell you, if he's busy cleaning for awhile, this gives me more time to hash out the specifics with my "Creamasaur" stuff. So far I got two artists working on it.
Sep 04 18:24:10 <GodBear01|TextOnly> :D
Sep 04 18:24:20 <fatniggo> explain creamasaur, i haven't gotten a chance to see it yet
Sep 04 18:24:44 <BlurredOut> Basically, we're making a Lesbo character to be a love interest with Rosechu.
Sep 04 18:25:28 <GodBear01|TextOnly> sounds great!!
Sep 04 18:25:30 <BlurredOut> We've created this entire character who became so appauled by CWC in public that she turned lesbian. We're also making her claim to be the original creator of Sonichu when she was at PVCC and mentioned it with Chris while discussing how they both liked Soic.
Sep 04 18:25:33 <BlurredOut> Sonic*
Sep 04 18:25:34 <fatniggo> hahahaha!! i love it!
Sep 04 18:25:46 * SuperTanooki (461bc656@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:25:59 <BlurredOut> She found out Chris stole the Sonichu idea and is ready to RAAGE.
Sep 04 18:26:07 <GhostWriterL> I thought she was supposed to have made Rosechu?
Sep 04 18:26:10 <GodBear01|TextOnly> HI!
Sep 04 18:26:12 <BlurredOut> We may even have some camwhores portray her as real.
Sep 04 18:26:12 <GhostWriterL> And Chris stole her
Sep 04 18:26:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> WELCOME
Sep 04 18:26:20 <BlurredOut> Well that was the original idea.
Sep 04 18:26:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I am open to camwhores
Sep 04 18:26:26 <GhostWriterL> Hey, Bee could do it
Sep 04 18:26:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> BEE IS DEAD
Sep 04 18:26:48 <BlurredOut> But we figured it'd be more lulzy to just claim he stole FUCKING everything and watch him rage out.
Sep 04 18:27:30 * SuperTanooki has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 18:27:36 * Camishio (18d1da61@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:27:37 <BlurredOut> Another trolls suggested we come up with a gay lover for Sonichu...but I'm content to stick with this one.
Sep 04 18:27:42 <GodBear01|TextOnly> hellO!
Sep 04 18:27:52 <BlurredOut> Hey, any incoming EDiots, stay. No seriously.
Sep 04 18:27:53 <GhostWriterL> I wonder if it'd be possible to imply that Family Guy got the inspiration for the "Peter Griffin finds out he's retarded" episode from Chris-Chan
Sep 04 18:27:56 <BlurredOut> Shit is going down.
Sep 04 18:28:07 * Camishio has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 18:28:13 <BlurredOut> FAG.
Sep 04 18:28:19 * BFFJILL (18d1da61@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:28:20 <fatniggo> well, they did do that episode where peter was dressed up like chrissy
Sep 04 18:28:25 <GodBear01|TextOnly> HELLO EVERYONE
Sep 04 18:28:31 <BFFJILL> Hey
Sep 04 18:28:39 <GhostWriterL> Someone needs to point that out to Chris and make him rage at that, too
Sep 04 18:28:48 <GhostWriterL> Send angry e-mails to Cartoon Network
Sep 04 18:28:56 <GhostWriterL> And get put up on those Adult Swim bumps
Sep 04 18:29:07 <BlurredOut> He would send ANGRY videos....his emails are hard to read because of how RETARDED he is.
Sep 04 18:29:21 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YEAH!
Sep 04 18:29:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> But
Sep 04 18:29:27 <GodBear01|TextOnly> we should add stuff the videos
Sep 04 18:29:30 <BFFJILL> So Clydes with the Health inspectors?
Sep 04 18:29:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> like food
Sep 04 18:29:34 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Nonnono
Sep 04 18:29:41 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Clyde is posing as a health inspector
Sep 04 18:29:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> he is eating dinner with the chandlers
Sep 04 18:30:10 <BFFJILL> OH.. That is amazing
Sep 04 18:30:10 <BlurredOut> Wonder if he'll break it to them softly...
Sep 04 18:30:11 <GhostWriterL> Tell him to take anti-biotics after he leaves
Sep 04 18:30:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> He is searching
Sep 04 18:30:19 <BlurredOut> And even better, maybe he has a WIRE on him.
Sep 04 18:30:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> for the papers
Sep 04 18:30:26 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ;3 maybe
Sep 04 18:30:32 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Also kacey
Sep 04 18:30:33 <GodBear01|TextOnly> about her
Sep 04 18:30:36 <GodBear01|TextOnly> she was from south africa
Sep 04 18:31:17 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Also
Sep 04 18:31:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> today is bob's birthday
Sep 04 18:31:28 <GodBear01|TextOnly> So its a birthday celebration
Sep 04 18:31:33 <BFFJILL> Happy 82nd...
Sep 04 18:31:48 <GodBear01|TextOnly> So clyde is there
Sep 04 18:31:48 <BlurredOut> So I heard XD, I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't so naive.
Sep 04 18:31:51 <GodBear01|TextOnly> with everyone
Sep 04 18:32:01 <BlurredOut> I'l brb, phone.
Sep 04 18:32:02 <GodBear01|TextOnly> He went in alone
Sep 04 18:32:22 <BFFJILL> Hope he doesnt go An hero from what he sees....
Sep 04 18:32:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Who and what do you mean
Sep 04 18:32:40 <BFFJILL> Clyde
Sep 04 18:32:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Clyde is a god
Sep 04 18:32:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> remember
Sep 04 18:32:56 <GodBear01|TextOnly> He doesn't die
Sep 04 18:33:00 <GodBear01|TextOnly> And when he does
Sep 04 18:33:03 <GodBear01|TextOnly> another one takes his place
Sep 04 18:33:08 <GodBear01|TextOnly> we have over 200 clydes
Sep 04 18:33:14 <GodBear01|TextOnly> waiting to take the next ones place
Sep 04 18:33:16 <BFFJILL> :0
Sep 04 18:34:40 * abba149 (Menalah@anon-E485B8F3.dyn.centurytel.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:34:50 <abba149> hi im lost
Sep 04 18:35:06 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Hi
Sep 04 18:35:31 <BFFJILL> So does Clyde has any sort of communication devince, or any way to record this?
Sep 04 18:35:38 <abba149> i was lookin for a 4chan irc and i stumbled into this server
Sep 04 18:35:49 <BlurredOut> And I'm back, so I take it he's almost done there...or at least I hope. Its almost 10pm where Chris is...an we all know how Chris has an insatiable hunger for cock.
Sep 04 18:36:03 <GhostWriterL> Clyde gonna get raped?
Sep 04 18:36:14 <abba149> people like to call me a troll so i came in here
Sep 04 18:36:20 <BlurredOut> Only if he stays there too long.
Sep 04 18:36:31 <BlurredOut> Orly Abba? HOW ARE YOU A TROLL!?
Sep 04 18:36:31 <GhostWriterL> How long has he been there?
Sep 04 18:36:38 <GhostWriterL> A troll?
Sep 04 18:36:42 <GhostWriterL> WTF is a troll?
Sep 04 18:36:46 <abba149> i poke to learn things in a unassuming mannor
Sep 04 18:36:53 <BlurredOut> I see....
Sep 04 18:36:55 <BlurredOut> Tell me
Sep 04 18:36:57 <BlurredOut> Do you.
Sep 04 18:36:58 <BlurredOut> Know
Sep 04 18:37:02 <BlurredOut> About the bird?
Sep 04 18:37:13 <abba149> bird is the word?
Sep 04 18:37:18 <GhostWriterL> Shit, he passed
Sep 04 18:37:21 <BlurredOut> He has passed the test.
Sep 04 18:37:26 <abba149> lol thats and old one
Sep 04 18:37:48 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Oh
Sep 04 18:37:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Hell no
Sep 04 18:37:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No family guy
Sep 04 18:37:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Oh speaking of which
Sep 04 18:38:00 <BlurredOut> :p
Sep 04 18:38:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> we do have a test
Sep 04 18:38:05 <abba149> the song is older then the net
Sep 04 18:38:09 <GodBear01|TextOnly> http://www.nvhforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4669&view=previous
Sep 04 18:38:10 <GodBear01|TextOnly> read
Sep 04 18:38:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> all of this
Sep 04 18:38:15 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Don't stop
Sep 04 18:38:17 <fatniggo> the net is 40! is it older than 40?
Sep 04 18:38:22 <fatniggo> probably is now that i think about it
Sep 04 18:38:29 <BlurredOut> Well the song is OLD as hell.
Sep 04 18:38:50 <BlurredOut> but the Jokes has been around since at least the 80s.
Sep 04 18:38:56 <BlurredOut> Family Guy over did it...HORRIBLY.
Sep 04 18:39:04 <BlurredOut> But enough about that shit.
Sep 04 18:39:08 <BlurredOut> THIS IS ABOUT CHRISSY
Sep 04 18:39:12 <abba149> Blurredout you old school
Sep 04 18:39:43 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Read the entire story
Sep 04 18:39:46 <GodBear01|TextOnly> no talking in here
Sep 04 18:39:48 * BFFJILL has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 18:39:52 <BlurredOut> XD
Sep 04 18:40:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ALL OF IT
Sep 04 18:40:35 <BlurredOut> Can I shoot myself now?
Sep 04 18:40:50 <BlurredOut> DATE RAEP 2: ELECTRIC BUGALOO!
Sep 04 18:41:18 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Nope
Sep 04 18:41:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Hey
Sep 04 18:41:22 <GodBear01|TextOnly> by the way
Sep 04 18:41:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I brought plenty of fizzy drinks - for me.
Sep 04 18:41:34 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Spread this story around
Sep 04 18:41:48 <abba149> moo
Sep 04 18:42:16 * abba149 (Menalah@anon-E485B8F3.dyn.centurytel.net) has left #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:42:23 <BlurredOut> Finally.
Sep 04 18:42:40 <BlurredOut> Yeah, no one is really checking out the forum topic...
Sep 04 18:42:51 * AlecVanKrause has quit (Ping timeout)
Sep 04 18:42:57 <BlurredOut> Cupcake pretty much said "meh" to coming in here...
Sep 04 18:43:04 <GodBear01|TextOnly> D:
Sep 04 18:43:12 <BlurredOut> That and he's busy trying to reach Chris.
Sep 04 18:43:32 <BlurredOut> Who has answered the phone only TWICE to say: "WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF DINNER YOU FILTHY TROLLS!"
Sep 04 18:43:34 * abba149 (Menalah@anon-E485B8F3.dyn.centurytel.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:43:41 <abba149> any of you guys pirates?
Sep 04 18:43:49 <BlurredOut> Welcome to T.R.O.L.L
Sep 04 18:43:50 * GhostWriterL is now known as WhiteKnight
Sep 04 18:44:08 <BlurredOut> The REALLY old LUMP LICKERS
Sep 04 18:44:11 * WhiteKnight is now known as GhostWriterL
Sep 04 18:44:16 <abba149> lol
Sep 04 18:44:19 <BlurredOut> Are you a lump licker?
Sep 04 18:44:31 <abba149> yes
Sep 04 18:44:34 <BlurredOut> ARE YOU?!
Sep 04 18:44:41 <abba149> nips?
Sep 04 18:44:43 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No
Sep 04 18:44:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> This is trollstas paradise
Sep 04 18:44:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No exceptions
Sep 04 18:44:52 <abba149> :P
Sep 04 18:45:26 <abba149> lmfao you guys just got your self and abba
Sep 04 18:45:35 <BlurredOut> derp
Sep 04 18:45:36 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YOU HAVE NO E-FRIENDS
Sep 04 18:45:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> THATS WHY
Sep 04 18:45:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I AM AWESOME
Sep 04 18:45:42 <GodBear01|TextOnly> GOT IT
Sep 04 18:45:46 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YOU RESPECT ME
Sep 04 18:45:47 <BlurredOut> DERP DE DERP!
Sep 04 18:45:52 <abba149> He is Awesome GOT TITS
Sep 04 18:45:54 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YOU CALL ME YOUR FUCKING LORD AND MASTER
Sep 04 18:46:04 <abba149> LORD AND MASTER!
Sep 04 18:46:15 <abba149> bater
Sep 04 18:46:18 <BlurredOut> De derp derp, derping de derp derp
Sep 04 18:46:21 <abba149> DERP!
Sep 04 18:46:25 <abba149> DUH!
Sep 04 18:46:27 <BlurredOut> no.
Sep 04 18:46:30 <abba149> NO!
Sep 04 18:46:32 <abba149> lo
Sep 04 18:46:33 <abba149> l
Sep 04 18:46:37 <abba149> LMFAO
Sep 04 18:46:46 <BlurredOut> Satan is my lord and master. This I know for the pastor tells me so...
Sep 04 18:46:48 <BlurredOut> ....in bed.
Sep 04 18:46:50 * SpookyCupcakes (63f7c8e0@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:46:52 <abba149> what lines you got
Sep 04 18:46:57 <BlurredOut> FINALLY
Sep 04 18:47:06 <abba149> in bed i would like some Sects
Sep 04 18:47:07 <BlurredOut> I only sent the message HOURS ago.
Sep 04 18:47:28 <SpookyCupcakes> I heard something about clyde cash trolling as a health inspector?
Sep 04 18:47:45 <BlurredOut> Thats about the gist of it, and now he's searching for the papres.
Sep 04 18:47:48 <BlurredOut> papers*
Sep 04 18:47:54 <abba149> PAPERS!
Sep 04 18:47:54 <GodBear01|TextOnly> its true
Sep 04 18:47:58 <abba149> BILLY CANT READ!
Sep 04 18:47:59 <SpookyCupcakes> what papers?
Sep 04 18:48:04 <GodBear01|TextOnly> THIS JUST IN
Sep 04 18:48:09 <GodBear01|TextOnly> CLYDE MIGHT HAVE FOUND THEM
Sep 04 18:48:13 <abba149> OMFG
Sep 04 18:48:18 <SpookyCupcakes> WHAT PAPERS?!
Sep 04 18:48:25 <BlurredOut> Might or did, I don't deal with the IMPOSSIBLE.
Sep 04 18:48:31 <abba149> THE PASSPORTS FOR THE OPERATION
Sep 04 18:48:42 <SpookyCupcakes> lolwut
Sep 04 18:48:43 <abba149> the mission is clear
Sep 04 18:48:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No seriously
Sep 04 18:48:59 <SpookyCupcakes> guys, I have no fucking clue whats going on right now
Sep 04 18:48:59 <BlurredOut> Also, I'm beginning to suspect this ENTIRE IRC is a shame...a...a....
Sep 04 18:49:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> the chandlers are dumb enough
Sep 04 18:49:03 <GodBear01|TextOnly> to hide them there
Sep 04 18:49:05 <BlurredOut> A TROLL TROLLIN THE TROLL!
Sep 04 18:49:05 <abba149> we needs to makes Transectsuals
Sep 04 18:49:23 <BlurredOut> Sorry, paranoia was taking root again.
Sep 04 18:49:35 <BlurredOut> You get that from having to deal with people like Chris and Chase...
Sep 04 18:49:41 <abba149> TROLL OMFG THERE ARE TROLLS IN HERE
Sep 04 18:49:44 * BlurredOut has quit (User has been banned from helldive (Session limit exceeded))
Sep 04 18:49:44 * SpookyCupcakes has quit (User has been banned from helldive (Session limit exceeded))
Sep 04 18:50:09 <abba149> ARF!
Sep 04 18:50:41 <GodBear01|TextOnly> what the hell
Sep 04 18:51:10 <abba149> Snow cones?
Sep 04 18:51:25 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Fuck
Sep 04 18:51:33 <abba149> im the Celery stalker
Sep 04 18:51:46 <GodBear01|TextOnly> dammit mibbit broke
Sep 04 18:53:19 <abba149> WHat about MY Bit?
Sep 04 18:53:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> >:(
Sep 04 18:54:09 <abba149> WHy is it a chicken
Sep 04 18:55:32 <abba149> NAO!
Sep 04 18:56:30 * abba149 (Menalah@anon-E485B8F3.dyn.centurytel.net) has left #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:58:17 * abba149 (Menalah@anon-E485B8F3.dyn.centurytel.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 18:58:28 <abba149> this seems to be the only good room
Sep 04 18:59:27 * abba149 (Menalah@anon-E485B8F3.dyn.centurytel.net) has left #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:01:16 * abba149 (Menalah@anon-E485B8F3.dyn.centurytel.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:01:43 * abba149 (Menalah@anon-E485B8F3.dyn.centurytel.net) has left #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:27:28 * mib_tqaw8i (18d1da61@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:27:33 * mib_tqaw8i has quit (client exited: mib_tqaw8i)
Sep 04 19:27:43 * BFFJILL (18d1da61@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:27:55 <BFFJILL> So whats happening now?
Sep 04 19:28:00 <GodBear01|TextOnly> working on things
Sep 04 19:28:07 <BFFJILL> Ah
Sep 04 19:30:34 * BFFJILL has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 19:30:45 * BFFJILL (18d1da61@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:31:42 * hannah87 (9e41b2b9@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:32:35 * guy (4087f6b2@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:32:51 * guy has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 19:33:05 <GodBear01|TextOnly> hi
Sep 04 19:33:52 * mib_etzsu9 (440ca4d9@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:33:59 * hannah87 has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 19:34:00 <GodBear01|TextOnly> hi
Sep 04 19:34:07 <BFFJILL> Hey
Sep 04 19:34:24 * mib_bsrrrq (ad47d649@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:34:31 <mib_etzsu9> Hi.
Sep 04 19:34:40 <mib_bsrrrq> Whoa, there is one.
Sep 04 19:35:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> hi
Sep 04 19:35:43 * mib_bsrrrq has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 19:35:49 * Doakes (ad47d649@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:36:26 * crookedpenis (62cbd1b0@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:36:50 * crookedpenis has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 19:37:04 <Doakes> Soooo
Sep 04 19:37:09 <BFFJILL> What "papers" are clyde looking for?
Sep 04 19:37:15 <GodBear01|TextOnly> the one
Sep 04 19:37:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> that proves his autism
Sep 04 19:37:35 <GodBear01|TextOnly> to find out
Sep 04 19:37:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> if Chris is retarded
Sep 04 19:37:41 <GodBear01|TextOnly> or just really stupid
Sep 04 19:37:44 <Doakes> How is Clyde talking with u?
Sep 04 19:37:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Secret
Sep 04 19:38:04 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I aint saying shit
Sep 04 19:38:11 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I am telling you guys as a favor
Sep 04 19:38:15 <Doakes> OK, cool.
Sep 04 19:38:47 <BFFJILL> What time is it in Virginia?
Sep 04 19:38:57 <Doakes> 10:38
Sep 04 19:39:04 <Doakes> I'm in Virginia. :D
Sep 04 19:40:24 <fatniggo> how far from chris?
Sep 04 19:40:31 <GhostWriterL> Clyde better leave soon...
Sep 04 19:40:39 <BFFJILL> Sweet :D I wonder how much longer theyll let him stay their...
Sep 04 19:40:42 <GhostWriterL> He'll get the kitty aids
Sep 04 19:40:44 * mib_t85owr (18a19129@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:40:48 <Doakes> I'm on the other side of Virginia.
Sep 04 19:40:48 <fatniggo> D:
Sep 04 19:40:53 <Doakes> I knooooowwww
Sep 04 19:40:54 <fatniggo> near what state?
Sep 04 19:40:54 * mib_b3p960 (4cb15cd0@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:41:02 <mib_t85owr> what ahppened
Sep 04 19:41:11 <fatniggo> plz change ur name
Sep 04 19:41:15 <GhostWriterL> How do you know they haven't taken him hostage?
Sep 04 19:41:22 <mib_t85owr> how do i namechange
Sep 04 19:41:30 <mib_b3p960> &#3232;_&#3232;
Sep 04 19:41:42 <fatniggo> "/nick whatever"
Sep 04 19:41:46 * mib_t85owr is now known as durrrrrf
Sep 04 19:42:12 <durrrrrf> any new
Sep 04 19:42:14 <GhostWriterL> Niggo, we might need you to go on a rescue mission
Sep 04 19:42:18 <GhostWriterL> Get your pickle suit
Sep 04 19:42:29 * mib_b3p960 has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 19:42:29 <fatniggo> but it's a 3 hour drrriiivveee
Sep 04 19:43:03 <Doakes> 2 hours. :P
Sep 04 19:43:36 <GodBear01|TextOnly> OH FUCK GUYS
Sep 04 19:43:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> CLYDE NEEDS HELP
Sep 04 19:43:44 <GodBear01|TextOnly> WHO CAN GET DOWN THERE FAST
Sep 04 19:43:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> CLYDE IS IN DANGER OF BEING ARRESTED
Sep 04 19:44:15 <GodBear01|TextOnly> HE WENT IN ALONE
Sep 04 19:44:17 <BFFJILL> OH shit.. why?
Sep 04 19:44:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Because
Sep 04 19:44:42 <GodBear01|TextOnly> they would ask questions
Sep 04 19:44:49 <GodBear01|TextOnly> He is disguised as a health agent
Sep 04 19:44:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> remember
Sep 04 19:44:51 <GhostWriterL> Oh shit, did they call the cops?
Sep 04 19:45:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No they are interrogating him
Sep 04 19:45:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> He needs a ride
Sep 04 19:45:25 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Now
Sep 04 19:45:31 <GhostWriterL> NIGGO
Sep 04 19:45:31 <GhostWriterL> GO
Sep 04 19:45:33 * charles_charlemang (47b4b077@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:45:40 <Doakes> Dumbass needs to plan for this stuff. :l
Sep 04 19:45:41 <GodBear01|TextOnly> WE NEED SOMEONE TO DRIVE TO CHRIS'S HOUSE
Sep 04 19:45:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> HE DID PLAN
Sep 04 19:45:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> FOR 2 YEARS
Sep 04 19:45:55 <GhostWriterL> How the fuck did he get over there?
Sep 04 19:45:56 <GodBear01|TextOnly> HE FORGOT HOW TO GET OUT
Sep 04 19:45:58 <GodBear01|TextOnly> BY BUS
Sep 04 19:45:59 <GhostWriterL> If he can't leave?
Sep 04 19:46:00 <GodBear01|TextOnly> NO TRACES
Sep 04 19:46:01 <GhostWriterL> ...
Sep 04 19:46:07 <BFFJILL> .....
Sep 04 19:46:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I am not kidding
Sep 04 19:46:44 <BFFJILL> We need proof :/
Sep 04 19:46:46 * mib_o76q4j (4599110c@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:46:58 <GhostWriterL> It'd take me 2 days to get over there
Sep 04 19:47:16 <BFFJILL> I could run down there right now..If a reel patriot was in need........
Sep 04 19:47:24 <charles_charlemang> Evening TrollParadise.
Sep 04 19:47:26 <GodBear01|TextOnly> He is in need
Sep 04 19:47:28 <fatniggo> fuck..
Sep 04 19:47:37 <mib_o76q4j> good evening
Sep 04 19:47:45 <Doakes> I don't beleive a word of this.
Sep 04 19:47:51 <fatniggo> alright. I can go up US 29 N, but it will take me about 2 1/2 hours
Sep 04 19:48:02 <charles_charlemang> So the house is being inspected thoroughly?
Sep 04 19:48:22 <GodBear01|TextOnly> CLYDE IS FUCKED
Sep 04 19:48:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> SHIT
Sep 04 19:48:37 * ClydeCash (cash.c@anon-597A912E.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:48:53 <BFFJILL> Clyde :<
Sep 04 19:48:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> CLYDE
Sep 04 19:48:56 <Doakes> No, he's right there.
Sep 04 19:48:57 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ARE YOU OK
Sep 04 19:49:05 <fatniggo> WTF?
Sep 04 19:49:06 <GodBear01|TextOnly> THESE FAGGOTS WANT PROOF
Sep 04 19:49:09 <fatniggo> thank god i didn't go
Sep 04 19:49:11 <ClydeCash> Im fucking stranded
Sep 04 19:49:18 <charles_charlemang> Whats this all I'm hearing about on the DAMN INTERNET?
Sep 04 19:49:18 <ClydeCash> someone get me out of this dump
Sep 04 19:49:49 <ClydeCash> I need a ride, someone come get me
Sep 04 19:49:53 <BFFJILL> How are you on the internet?
Sep 04 19:50:02 <GodBear01|TextOnly> EVERYTHING HAS INTERNET
Sep 04 19:50:04 <Doakes> So you jack their compuer?
Sep 04 19:50:06 <mib_o76q4j> Where are you at?
Sep 04 19:50:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> BFFJILL, DID YOU EVER HEAR OF THE IPHONE
Sep 04 19:50:15 <GodBear01|TextOnly> HURRRR
Sep 04 19:50:22 <ClydeCash> Chris let me use his.
Sep 04 19:50:33 <Doakes> Semen stains?
Sep 04 19:50:41 <charles_charlemang> Do you realize. Do you realize, that when you enter a house... that you can get trapped?
Sep 04 19:50:44 <ClydeCash> I'm trying not to think about it
Sep 04 19:50:48 <mib_o76q4j> ITS A TRAP
Sep 04 19:50:56 <ClydeCash> Someone fucking come get me
Sep 04 19:50:59 <BFFJILL> Clyde..Clyde...CLYDE!
Sep 04 19:50:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No its not
Sep 04 19:51:27 <GodBear01|TextOnly> he needs help
Sep 04 19:51:28 <fatniggo> clyde, it'll take me 2.5 to get there
Sep 04 19:51:44 <Doakes> How the hell did you get there?
Sep 04 19:52:00 <mib_o76q4j> Wait, Clyde your in Chris's house?
Sep 04 19:52:06 <ClydeCash> I don't care. I'll pay for gas
Sep 04 19:52:10 <ClydeCash> By bus
Sep 04 19:52:16 <ClydeCash> Then I walked
Sep 04 19:52:26 <charles_charlemang> Could you describe the odor of the residence?
Sep 04 19:52:28 <Doakes> Just walk out and back to he bus.
Sep 04 19:52:30 <charles_charlemang> Cat piss?
Sep 04 19:52:38 <ClydeCash> Buses don't run this late
Sep 04 19:52:41 <fatniggo> alright. PM me your cell number so I can call you when I get close
Sep 04 19:52:43 <mib_o76q4j> Go find Megan
Sep 04 19:52:51 * mib_h1flcp (18c51a72@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:52:54 <mib_o76q4j> She is trap in Chris's mirror
Sep 04 19:52:56 <ClydeCash> Thanks dude
Sep 04 19:53:07 * fatniggo (president.@anon-765D03EF.triad.res.rr.com) has left #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:53:08 <ClydeCash> No, Megan escaped
Sep 04 19:53:14 <ClydeCash> I didn't hear any screams for help
Sep 04 19:53:17 <GodBear01|TextOnly> fff
Sep 04 19:53:22 <GodBear01|TextOnly> clyde quit being stupid
Sep 04 19:53:24 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you could go to jail
Sep 04 19:53:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> we both know megan was a bitch
Sep 04 19:53:38 <BFFJILL> How are you trapped clyde..Why dont you just like leave...
Sep 04 19:53:51 <ClydeCash> I don't have a ride
Sep 04 19:54:02 <charles_charlemang> Well, walk around the block.
Sep 04 19:54:20 <ClydeCash> I'm going to now that I have a ride
Sep 04 19:54:29 <charles_charlemang> But first
Sep 04 19:54:32 * lemmiwinks (president.@anon-765D03EF.triad.res.rr.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:54:34 <charles_charlemang> Share with us some experiences.
Sep 04 19:54:43 <mib_h1flcp> good
Sep 04 19:54:45 <charles_charlemang> What was the highlight of the evening?
Sep 04 19:54:47 <Doakes> Please do. Not enough evedince.
Sep 04 19:54:58 <Doakes> Did you look in their fridge?
Sep 04 19:55:02 * mib_cjfp3e (560ab845@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:55:04 <ClydeCash> I'll post evidence later
Sep 04 19:55:07 <mib_h1flcp> trsegtswegg
Sep 04 19:55:08 <lemmiwinks> hey
Sep 04 19:55:15 <mib_o76q4j> Go find blow up dool
Sep 04 19:55:16 <ClydeCash> Going now... I'm feeling sick
Sep 04 19:55:23 * ClydeCash has quit (client exited: )
Sep 04 19:55:24 <mib_h1flcp> I call shenanigans
Sep 04 19:55:26 <charles_charlemang> It couldn't be that bad.
Sep 04 19:55:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Its real
Sep 04 19:55:36 <charles_charlemang> Yeah, it seems like a 21st Century radio play.
Sep 04 19:55:42 * mib_o76q4j has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 19:55:50 <mib_h1flcp> whats the proof?
Sep 04 19:55:53 <Doakes> We'll see. Will something show up on /cwc/ sometime soon?
Sep 04 19:56:06 <GodBear01|TextOnly> yes
Sep 04 19:56:15 * durrrrrf has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 19:56:16 * mib_h1flcp has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 19:56:17 <charles_charlemang> GodBear01 is the only GodBear01 and Muhammed his messenger. Pbuh. How was this setup?
Sep 04 19:56:34 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Well
Sep 04 19:56:39 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I have a song.
Sep 04 19:56:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Its the song
Sep 04 19:56:46 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I have
Sep 04 19:56:57 <GodBear01|TextOnly> It goes something like this
Sep 04 19:57:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> its called
Sep 04 19:57:14 <GodBear01|TextOnly> "You guys are too fucking gullible and are the laughingstock of the trolling community"
Sep 04 19:57:18 * GodBear01|TextOnly sets mode +m #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:57:24 * GodBear01|TextOnly gives channel operator status to GhostWriterL
Sep 04 19:57:31 <GodBear01|TextOnly> :D
Sep 04 19:57:35 * GodBear01|TextOnly has changed the topic to: lolfaget
Sep 04 19:57:37 * lemmiwinks is now known as fatniggo
Sep 04 19:57:41 * GodBear01|TextOnly sets mode -m #TrollParadise
Sep 04 19:57:43 <BFFJILL> Good one!
Sep 04 19:57:52 <fatniggo> A Monkey ripped off the tires of my car, so i'm back
Sep 04 19:57:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I just got aids and died
Sep 04 19:58:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Happy.
Sep 04 19:58:11 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You guys are all idiots
Sep 04 19:58:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> boxes.
Sep 04 19:58:15 <GodBear01|TextOnly> fucking seriously?
Sep 04 19:58:18 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Phone calls?
Sep 04 19:58:22 <Doakes> Not me. That's gay.
Sep 04 19:58:24 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Boxxy references.
Sep 04 19:58:31 <Doakes> What?
Sep 04 19:58:37 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Your goddamn forums
Sep 04 19:58:41 <GodBear01|TextOnly> has made /cwc/
Sep 04 19:58:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> which was the worst place for chris trolling
Sep 04 19:58:48 <charles_charlemang> Boxxy should be circumcised, blinded, publicly shamed and then summarily executed.
Sep 04 19:58:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> look
Sep 04 19:58:58 <GodBear01|TextOnly> when trolling Chris
Sep 04 19:59:02 <GodBear01|TextOnly> it doesn't involve memes
Sep 04 19:59:02 <Doakes> What is Boxxy?
Sep 04 19:59:06 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and it doesn't involve
Sep 04 19:59:08 <GodBear01|TextOnly> doing shit like
Sep 04 19:59:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> "OH LOL GAIS WE ARE COOL WE ARE LEGI0N"
Sep 04 19:59:35 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Thats the shit I've seen from the goddamn forum
Sep 04 19:59:39 <Doakes> Wait, is this a bunch of 4chan faggots here?
Sep 04 19:59:44 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Wait us?
Sep 04 19:59:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No
Sep 04 19:59:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ED forum
Sep 04 19:59:48 <Doakes> Good
Sep 04 19:59:49 <GodBear01|TextOnly> probably.
Sep 04 19:59:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Fuck 4chan
Sep 04 19:59:55 <charles_charlemang> "Anonymous" died sometime around early 2007, what's the deal with that?
Sep 04 19:59:58 * mib_cjfp3e has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:00:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Yeah
Sep 04 20:00:04 <fatniggo> lol
Sep 04 20:00:05 <GodBear01|TextOnly> but
Sep 04 20:00:08 <charles_charlemang> Why do they continue to behave a particular way?
Sep 04 20:00:08 <GodBear01|TextOnly> some of you
Sep 04 20:00:09 <Doakes> I post there becaue I have nolife. I hate all these dmn Guy Fawes fags.
Sep 04 20:00:13 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Well
Sep 04 20:00:15 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Doakes
Sep 04 20:00:19 * PokerFace (4512e9da@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:00:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you don't have to be like that
Sep 04 20:00:24 <GodBear01|TextOnly> POKERFACE
Sep 04 20:00:26 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YOU ESPECIALLY
Sep 04 20:00:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> AND YOUR PLANS
Sep 04 20:00:31 <GodBear01|TextOnly> GODDAMMIT
Sep 04 20:00:32 <PokerFace> Huh?
Sep 04 20:00:37 <Doakes> He hates you.
Sep 04 20:00:37 <PokerFace> WHAT THE HELL!?
Sep 04 20:00:43 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Doakes you are cool
Sep 04 20:00:45 * GodBear01|TextOnly gives channel half-operator status to Doakes
Sep 04 20:00:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> have fun
Sep 04 20:00:53 <charles_charlemang> Memes aren't funny. The only one I found funny was on 7chan a long time ago and it was Orville Reddenbacher's face and DOES IT FEED on top of that.
Sep 04 20:01:10 <PokerFace> Well what the hell was I supposed to think when I was suddenly banned when I said: TROLLS TROLLING TROLS
Sep 04 20:01:11 <charles_charlemang> I cannot stand 4chan these days.
Sep 04 20:01:12 * GhostWriterL has kicked charles_charlemang from #TrollParadise (MEMES AREN'T FUNNY)
Sep 04 20:01:21 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Doakes
Sep 04 20:01:22 * charles_charlemang (47b4b077@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:01:27 <Doakes> I'm not that much of an internet guy, actually. I'm a closet nerd.
Sep 04 20:01:29 >doakes< join #legi0n
Sep 04 20:01:48 <Doakes> Wait, was that a beep beep I just heard? Whaaaaaa
Sep 04 20:01:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Doakes I like you
Sep 04 20:01:59 <charles_charlemang> Doakes are you running Linux?
Sep 04 20:02:06 <Doakes> Nope, Firefox.
Sep 04 20:02:16 <PokerFace> Okay, so update me here because I'm getting mixed info from many sources from Clyde isn't there and that this is bullshit.
Sep 04 20:02:21 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YEP
Sep 04 20:02:23 <Doakes> It was BS.
Sep 04 20:02:26 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Well
Sep 04 20:02:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> it was more or less
Sep 04 20:02:33 <GodBear01|TextOnly> a wake up call
Sep 04 20:02:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Because those forums suck.
Sep 04 20:02:44 <PokerFace> What ED?
Sep 04 20:02:48 <GodBear01|TextOnly> yep
Sep 04 20:02:50 <charles_charlemang> I idle in #sonichu.
Sep 04 20:02:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> as who
Sep 04 20:02:56 <charles_charlemang> Though I hate those faggots.
Sep 04 20:03:01 <charles_charlemang> I won't disclose.
Sep 04 20:03:08 * SpookyCupcakes (63f7c8e0@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:03:24 <fatniggo> spookycupcakes
Sep 04 20:03:25 <PokerFace> So then, you were just trying to get us riled up eh?
Sep 04 20:03:27 <Doakes> I've just recently discovered CWC. He's what drew me to the ED forms, actually.
Sep 04 20:03:40 <SpookyCupcakes> Well if you have to resort to trolling the trolls, that means that you guys suck harder
Sep 04 20:03:44 <GodBear01|TextOnly> No
Sep 04 20:03:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> We weren't necessarily trolling you
Sep 04 20:03:56 <GodBear01|TextOnly> If we were
Sep 04 20:04:07 <GodBear01|TextOnly> one of you would have driven down there
Sep 04 20:04:11 <Doakes> And by th way, what does trolling mean exactly? It's like being mean to someone, right?
Sep 04 20:04:17 <fatniggo> D:
Sep 04 20:04:20 * mib_6e0mnq (4599110c@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:04:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you are vtec aren't you
Sep 04 20:04:28 <GodBear01|TextOnly> charles_charlemang, You are vtec
Sep 04 20:04:36 <PokerFace> Oh contraire sir. You was trollin.
Sep 04 20:04:36 <GhostWriterL> Trolling is fishing for reactions from people
Sep 04 20:04:38 <charles_charlemang> I will not answer that.
Sep 04 20:04:40 <BFFJILL> Me-Me's are cancer...Unneeded cells that are continuosly multiplying....
Sep 04 20:04:40 <SpookyCupcakes> trolling = trying to make a person believe false info
Sep 04 20:04:47 <SpookyCupcakes> that means you are trolls
Sep 04 20:04:52 <SpookyCupcakes> trolling trolls
Sep 04 20:04:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> hmm
Sep 04 20:04:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Stickmans
Sep 04 20:05:05 <fatniggo> cupcakes, why is your name so familiar
Sep 04 20:05:06 * GodBear01|TextOnly gives channel operator status to fatniggo
Sep 04 20:05:09 <Doakes> I am so confuesd.
Sep 04 20:05:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Because he's the guy who wanted to send boxes
Sep 04 20:05:15 <charles_charlemang> There are many ways to troll, that is one.
Sep 04 20:05:19 <PokerFace> Though /cwc/ is still a reputable sight
Sep 04 20:05:21 <GhostWriterL> Microphones are hard
Sep 04 20:05:22 <fatniggo> ooh, ok.
Sep 04 20:05:34 <SpookyCupcakes> dont resort to trolling the trolls to get attention, thats called being a newfag
Sep 04 20:05:34 <charles_charlemang> ~/cwc/ is not reputable.
Sep 04 20:05:38 <PokerFace> This was a waste of time and would have been GREAT had it been real.
Sep 04 20:05:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Thats the point
Sep 04 20:05:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you guys believe anything
Sep 04 20:05:51 <charles_charlemang> SpoonyCupcakes used the word "newfag".
Sep 04 20:05:58 <GodBear01|TextOnly> well
Sep 04 20:06:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I dont give a fuck
Sep 04 20:06:07 <PokerFace> Course not.
Sep 04 20:06:08 <SpookyCupcakes> I didn't even believe it past 30 seconds
Sep 04 20:06:13 <PokerFace> you're THE GOD BEAR
Sep 04 20:06:15 * fatniggo has kicked mib_6e0mnq from #TrollParadise (CHANGE YOUR GATDAM NAME)
Sep 04 20:06:18 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Yeah I am
Sep 04 20:06:24 <Doakes> What's a newfag, again?
Sep 04 20:06:25 * fatniggo has kicked mib_etzsu9 from #TrollParadise (YOU TOO FAGGOT)
Sep 04 20:06:27 <SpookyCupcakes> you
Sep 04 20:06:33 <SpookyCupcakes> ban me, faggots
Sep 04 20:06:35 <Doakes> Prolly
Sep 04 20:06:36 <GhostWriterL> Ohshi-
Sep 04 20:06:37 <GodBear01|TextOnly> no
Sep 04 20:06:39 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I don't ban
Sep 04 20:06:41 * GhostWriterL sets ban on *!*@anon-19865473.mibbit.com
Sep 04 20:06:43 <GhostWriterL> k
Sep 04 20:06:43 <GodBear01|TextOnly> FUCK YOU
Sep 04 20:06:47 * GodBear01|TextOnly removes ban on *!*@anon-19865473.mibbit.com
Sep 04 20:06:48 <fatniggo> lol
Sep 04 20:06:48 <GodBear01|TextOnly> NO BAN
Sep 04 20:06:49 <fatniggo> LOL
Sep 04 20:06:51 <Doakes> I don't go on 4chan, so I don't k this stuff
Sep 04 20:06:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Thats fine
Sep 04 20:06:58 <GodBear01|TextOnly> doakes i like you
Sep 04 20:06:58 <fatniggo> Spooky, you're the box guy?
Sep 04 20:07:02 <SpookyCupcakes> `/cwc/ is for fags
Sep 04 20:07:04 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you don't seem like a super fag
Sep 04 20:07:07 <GodBear01|TextOnly> SpookyCupcakes, LOL
Sep 04 20:07:15 <Doakes> I just keep it real. B)
Sep 04 20:07:33 <PokerFace> .....
Sep 04 20:07:37 <GodBear01|TextOnly> PokerFace
Sep 04 20:07:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> quit being hated
Sep 04 20:07:41 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Plz
Sep 04 20:07:48 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I do this for your own good.
Sep 04 20:07:58 * GhostWriterL has changed the topic to: lolfaget | <%Doakes> I just keep it real. B)
Sep 04 20:07:59 <Doakes> So what do you guys think about the no internet thing. Real, or is he just not making vids?
Sep 04 20:08:04 <GodBear01|TextOnly> eh
Sep 04 20:08:08 <GodBear01|TextOnly> other shit happens
Sep 04 20:08:11 <GodBear01|TextOnly> its all in #sonichu
Sep 04 20:08:14 <PokerFace> Uh huh...sorry if I'm skeptic.
Sep 04 20:08:17 <GodBear01|TextOnly> we just like to fuck around with you guys
Sep 04 20:08:21 * SomeGuySomewhere (440ca4d9@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:08:24 <Doakes> Too damn cool
Sep 04 20:08:32 <SomeGuySomewhere> Back.
Sep 04 20:08:54 <fatniggo> spooky, you ever figure out how to record phone convos
Sep 04 20:08:55 * BFFROSECHU (18d1da61@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:08:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Seriously.
Sep 04 20:09:03 * BFFROSECHU has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:09:10 <PokerFace> Right, well good luck with your endeavors. Regardless what your opinion of ED is, you guys still do fine trolling. but this lolcow is just about dried up.
Sep 04 20:09:17 * PokerFace has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:09:18 <GodBear01|TextOnly> lolno
Sep 04 20:09:21 <GodBear01|TextOnly> far from it
Sep 04 20:09:27 <SpookyCupcakes> Right, well good luck with your endeavors. Regardless what your opinion of ED is, you guys still do fine trolling. but this lolcow is just about dried up.
Sep 04 20:09:29 * SpookyCupcakes has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:09:30 <Doakes> I hope he dies or something.
Sep 04 20:09:32 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Doakes
Sep 04 20:09:37 <GodBear01|TextOnly> here
Sep 04 20:09:48 <BFFJILL> This is like a lolmilktruck... It always finds cows...
Sep 04 20:09:54 <GodBear01|TextOnly> http://widget.mibbit.com/?settings=53c027be90707773b4398de31aa77d09&server=irc.netchan.org&channel=%23legi0n
Sep 04 20:09:56 <GodBear01|TextOnly> go there
Sep 04 20:10:04 <Doakes> I don't follow links anymore.
Sep 04 20:10:08 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Its a chat
Sep 04 20:10:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you went to this one
Sep 04 20:10:13 <GodBear01|TextOnly> :/
Sep 04 20:10:24 * mib_4krpqb (ae178a12@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:10:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> charles_charlemang
Sep 04 20:10:31 <GodBear01|TextOnly> :3
Sep 04 20:10:34 <Doakes> Oh well. Volume all the way down, preparing for Last asure
Sep 04 20:10:46 <Doakes> Or not
Sep 04 20:10:53 * charles_charlemang has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:11:07 <Doakes> Someones using my name. :l
Sep 04 20:11:10 <GodBear01|TextOnly> lol
Sep 04 20:11:13 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you are using your name
Sep 04 20:11:17 <GodBear01|TextOnly> try doakes2
Sep 04 20:11:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and exit out of here
Sep 04 20:11:24 <GodBear01|TextOnly> we will teach you how to irc
Sep 04 20:11:26 <Doakes> OK.
Sep 04 20:11:29 * Doakes has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:11:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> anyway
Sep 04 20:11:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> the rest of you
Sep 04 20:13:28 * mib_sb14z4 (c8489216@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:14:12 * charles_charlemang (47b4b077@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:14:19 * mib_4krpqb has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:15:03 <mib_sb14z4> .
Sep 04 20:16:01 * charles_charlemang has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:16:06 <BFFJILL> So why should we got to the link?
Sep 04 20:16:19 * fatniggo has kicked mib_sb14z4 from #TrollParadise (CHANGE YOUR NAME BITCH)
Sep 04 20:16:22 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I don't care if you do
Sep 04 20:16:28 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I don't care if you dont
Sep 04 20:16:30 * mib_o36kus (560ab845@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:16:33 <GodBear01|TextOnly> :/
Sep 04 20:18:22 <BFFJILL> Oh BTW GodBear01 you win at life for what you just did :D
Sep 04 20:18:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> :3
Sep 04 20:18:37 * mib_o36kus has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:18:44 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You understand my rage right
Sep 04 20:18:49 <GodBear01|TextOnly> They were acting like faggots
Sep 04 20:18:55 <BFFJILL> Yes
Sep 04 20:19:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> also
Sep 04 20:19:03 <GodBear01|TextOnly> change your name
Sep 04 20:19:12 <BFFJILL> K
Sep 04 20:19:27 * BFFJILL is now known as Wutsyourname
Sep 04 20:19:44 <GodBear01|TextOnly> uh
Sep 04 20:19:46 <GodBear01|TextOnly> not here
Sep 04 20:19:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> in legi0n
Sep 04 20:20:10 * fffffffffff (c8489216@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:20:26 <Wutsyourname> oh..Lol..
Sep 04 20:20:38 * Wutsyourname is now known as BFFJILL
Sep 04 20:21:06 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Yeah
Sep 04 20:21:28 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Look I hate stupid people almost as much as I hate furries, Deviantarts, and Chris
Sep 04 20:21:37 <GodBear01|TextOnly> There is a difference
Sep 04 20:21:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> between being a faggot
Sep 04 20:21:43 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and being a troll
Sep 04 20:22:19 <BFFJILL> Yeah, being a Troll means being clever not constantly spamming.
Sep 04 20:22:39 <BFFJILL> It pisses the hell out of me.
Sep 04 20:23:15 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Chris is an lolcow
Sep 04 20:23:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> he is only dried up
Sep 04 20:23:24 <GodBear01|TextOnly> because faggots like PokerFace
Sep 04 20:23:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> do repetitive shit like that
Sep 04 20:23:33 <GodBear01|TextOnly> then he goes into hiding
Sep 04 20:23:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and does nothing but little big planet
Sep 04 20:23:44 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and lurking
Sep 04 20:23:48 <GodBear01|TextOnly> is for faggots
Sep 04 20:23:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you want to participate
Sep 04 20:23:54 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you have to talk
Sep 04 20:24:04 <BFFJILL> Chris does a good enough job, trolling himself..
Sep 04 20:24:22 <GhostWriterL> People don't need to constantly spam call his house
Sep 04 20:24:34 <GhostWriterL> Just wait for the next video to pop up
Sep 04 20:25:28 <GhostWriterL> Who the hell thinks transcripts with no recordings is at all funny anyway?
Sep 04 20:25:28 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Chris does troll himself
Sep 04 20:25:33 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Seriously
Sep 04 20:25:58 <GhostWriterL> Chris: OMG I HAET U GUYZ
Sep 04 20:25:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> "DURRFF HURFF CHRIS"
Sep 04 20:26:02 <GhostWriterL> LOL THAT'S FUNNY RIGHT
Sep 04 20:26:07 <GodBear01|TextOnly> CHRIS: OMG UT ROLLZ
Sep 04 20:26:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Seriously
Sep 04 20:26:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Those forums
Sep 04 20:26:46 <GodBear01|TextOnly> are /b/
Sep 04 20:26:53 <GodBear01|TextOnly> its /b/ no matter how you look at it
Sep 04 20:26:56 <GhostWriterL> HAY BOB, I HAS SOMETHING TO SAY TO UZ
Sep 04 20:26:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> All it is
Sep 04 20:27:01 <GhostWriterL> DESU DESU LOLZ
Sep 04 20:27:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> are a bunch of people
Sep 04 20:27:07 <GodBear01|TextOnly> trying to be big boy trolls
Sep 04 20:27:12 <GhostWriterL> OLD MAN BOB IS ANGRY I'M SO CLEVER
Sep 04 20:27:16 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Bob is cool
Sep 04 20:27:22 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
Sep 04 20:27:28 <BFFJILL> Yeah bobs ok,
Sep 04 20:27:31 <GodBear01|TextOnly> He is a man who should be left to his peace
Sep 04 20:27:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> He has to deal with his fucking son
Sep 04 20:27:46 <GodBear01|TextOnly> He doesn't need to deal with the entire internet
Sep 04 20:27:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Goddamn 82 years old
Sep 04 20:27:52 <BFFJILL> Thats like... God trolling him.
Sep 04 20:27:56 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Seriously
Sep 04 20:27:57 <GhostWriterL> True, but the guy shouldn't have let his house get so filthy
Sep 04 20:27:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Leave Bob alone.
Sep 04 20:28:08 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Bob is a good man.
Sep 04 20:28:12 <fffffffffff> Hi
Sep 04 20:28:12 <GhostWriterL> So I don't have much sympathy for the whole health department thing, IF that's what happened
Sep 04 20:28:23 <GhostWriterL> Again, no one has actual proof that anyone has gone to that house and done anything
Sep 04 20:28:27 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Seriously
Sep 04 20:28:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Even then
Sep 04 20:28:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you guys are out of the loop
Sep 04 20:29:15 <GhostWriterL> It's pretty ridiculous that people are trying to get Chris to bait himself to religious zealots too
Sep 04 20:29:48 <GhostWriterL> "hay guyz let's get him to shit on a qua'ran!"
Sep 04 20:30:09 <fffffffffff> i doubt that thing ever gonna happen
Sep 04 20:30:16 <GodBear01|TextOnly> It doesn't stop people
Sep 04 20:30:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> from speaking every little fucking thing
Sep 04 20:30:24 <GodBear01|TextOnly> on their mind
Sep 04 20:30:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> And thinking they are a amazing troll
Sep 04 20:30:31 <BFFJILL> It really pisses me off when they long onto his youtube account....
Sep 04 20:30:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Yeah and post gay porn
Sep 04 20:30:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> thats fucking retarded
Sep 04 20:30:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> to get him banned
Sep 04 20:30:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> then we don't get videos
Sep 04 20:31:02 <BFFJILL> Then we have to find him again...
Sep 04 20:31:05 <GodBear01|TextOnly> yeah
Sep 04 20:31:10 <fffffffffff> everione wants is internet five minutes
Sep 04 20:31:11 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and he takes forever to do shit
Sep 04 20:31:11 <GhostWriterL> Nothing about any of this pisses me off, honestly. It's just over the top and stupid
Sep 04 20:31:21 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Also
Sep 04 20:31:23 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I trolled everyone
Sep 04 20:31:25 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I am awesome
Sep 04 20:31:36 <BFFJILL> Yes kudos to you :D
Sep 04 20:31:51 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I still can't believe anyone believe it
Sep 04 20:31:54 <GodBear01|TextOnly> *believed it
Sep 04 20:32:28 <BFFJILL> I know... I did too, well for awhile till
Sep 04 20:32:37 <GodBear01|TextOnly> The trapped part
Sep 04 20:32:44 <BFFJILL> "clyde" said he was trapped and you started ALL CAPSING
Sep 04 20:32:50 <BFFJILL> Yeah
Sep 04 20:33:19 <GhostWriterL> I admit I thought someone had gone over to the Chandler house
Sep 04 20:33:35 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I used to like ED
Sep 04 20:33:37 <GhostWriterL> But then they stayed for over 2 hours and it was pretty obvious it was fake
Sep 04 20:33:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> but then they lost it
Sep 04 20:33:45 <GhostWriterL> ED's good for a laugh
Sep 04 20:34:01 <GhostWriterL> A lof of the articles I wrote though have been made retarded
Sep 04 20:34:08 <GhostWriterL> Sonic-cide used to be epic
Sep 04 20:34:15 <BFFJILL> Now its just me-me' about how me-me' suck
Sep 04 20:34:17 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Yeah
Sep 04 20:34:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> It is about meme's
Sep 04 20:34:28 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Its becoming more about
Sep 04 20:34:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Money
Sep 04 20:34:31 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and advertising
Sep 04 20:34:33 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and shit like that
Sep 04 20:34:35 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Look
Sep 04 20:34:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Trolling is about
Sep 04 20:34:41 <GodBear01|TextOnly> fucking with people
Sep 04 20:34:51 <GodBear01|TextOnly> not making a buck or two or trying to be e-popular
Sep 04 20:34:55 <BFFJILL> Oh but Me-Me's are bad, unless their Me-Me's that WE made...
Sep 04 20:34:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> people are forgetting this
Sep 04 20:34:58 <GhostWriterL> P-p-p-powerbook was fucking hilarious
Sep 04 20:35:04 <GhostWriterL> THAT was epic trolling
Sep 04 20:35:06 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I have one meme
Sep 04 20:35:09 <GodBear01|TextOnly> its called fizzy drinks
Sep 04 20:35:11 <GodBear01|TextOnly> thats it
Sep 04 20:35:17 <GodBear01|TextOnly> http://www.nvhforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4669&view=previous
Sep 04 20:35:18 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Here
Sep 04 20:35:28 <fffffffffff> cool
Sep 04 20:35:46 <GhostWriterL> ED is kind of impressive, though...
Sep 04 20:35:57 <GhostWriterL> It's amazing how many of them still obsess over SnapeSnogger
Sep 04 20:36:32 <fffffffffff> thats mayybe bacose a lot of Ediot are Tartalets too
Sep 04 20:36:54 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Fuck
Sep 04 20:37:07 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Look I love the Chris-chan trolling userbase
Sep 04 20:37:16 <GodBear01|TextOnly> all of them are intelligent and know what they are doing
Sep 04 20:37:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ED is a abomination
Sep 04 20:38:18 <GhostWriterL> ED is a wiki, it just happens to attract people that want to be famous by contributing to it
Sep 04 20:38:31 <GhostWriterL> So they clusterfuck everything
Sep 04 20:38:45 * mib_q11hu1 (792c1dfe@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:38:50 * mib_q11hu1 has quit (client exited: mib_q11hu1)
Sep 04 20:39:14 <GhostWriterL> It's like those gartersnakes during mating season
Sep 04 20:39:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Yeah
Sep 04 20:39:26 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Look if you want more lolcows
Sep 04 20:39:27 <GodBear01|TextOnly> make them
Sep 04 20:39:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> FInd them
Sep 04 20:39:32 <GodBear01|TextOnly> most of them are on ED
Sep 04 20:39:33 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I mean
Sep 04 20:39:35 <fffffffffff> hahaha being a troll is a new fashion
Sep 04 20:39:36 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Deviantart
Sep 04 20:39:43 <GodBear01|TextOnly> there are
Sep 04 20:39:47 <GodBear01|TextOnly> a shit load of lolcows
Sep 04 20:39:49 <GodBear01|TextOnly> But people
Sep 04 20:39:57 <GodBear01|TextOnly> want to chose to troll the ones everyone knows about
Sep 04 20:39:57 <GhostWriterL> I flamed LaraDarkAngel on DA.
Sep 04 20:40:16 <GodBear01|TextOnly> troll isn't a fashion
Sep 04 20:40:22 <BFFJILL> That way they are cool, and awesome.
Sep 04 20:40:31 <GodBear01|TextOnly> wut
Sep 04 20:40:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Look if everyone starts calling themselves a hacker and a troll
Sep 04 20:40:48 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I will shoot myself
Sep 04 20:41:05 <GodBear01|TextOnly> But at the same time
Sep 04 20:41:06 <fffffffffff> thats is what is happening
Sep 04 20:41:07 <GodBear01|TextOnly> it makes them open
Sep 04 20:41:11 <GodBear01|TextOnly> fffffffffff, what do you mean
Sep 04 20:41:29 <GhostWriterL> It's the new way to be edgey and cool
Sep 04 20:41:46 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I've been doing it for like 3 years
Sep 04 20:41:46 <fffffffffff> every kid in the internet want tobe a cool b asemet dweler
Sep 04 20:41:47 <GhostWriterL> "I piss people off on the internet. I'm badass and must have a great life outside of a computer"
Sep 04 20:42:11 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Look
Sep 04 20:42:15 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I fuck with people on /cwc/
Sep 04 20:42:17 <GodBear01|TextOnly> for a reason
Sep 04 20:42:20 <GodBear01|TextOnly> too damn serious
Sep 04 20:43:01 <BFFJILL> I actually dont  troll... I like to watch trolls because ill admit.. I would SUCK as a troll i have no good ideas..I just dont like it when the people who have no troll skill try to troll and kill the fun..
Sep 04 20:43:19 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I don't have good ideas either
Sep 04 20:43:24 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I just caps lock alot
Sep 04 20:43:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> and i happen to be a good troll
Sep 04 20:44:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> But explain
Sep 04 20:44:18 <GodBear01|TextOnly> how trolling is becoming a fashion
Sep 04 20:44:27 <fffffffffff> well is not that dificul i mean everyone is in the internet for some kind of validation
Sep 04 20:44:42 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I want to be the greatest troll ever.
Sep 04 20:44:44 <GodBear01|TextOnly> :3
Sep 04 20:44:47 * Big (47c5611d@anon-19865473.mibbit.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:44:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> And I think I will do it.
Sep 04 20:44:55 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Like bloodninja good
Sep 04 20:45:00 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Thats all i want.
Sep 04 20:45:08 * Big has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 04 20:45:09 <fffffffffff> i put my wizzar hat and my robe
Sep 04 20:45:17 <GhostWriterL> I troll a forum I go to regularly, but I target drama queens and attention whores, not retards with poor impulse control
Sep 04 20:45:43 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Look
Sep 04 20:45:51 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Trolling will never be a fashion
Sep 04 20:46:52 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Also if I sound pretenious
Sep 04 20:46:54 <GodBear01|TextOnly> LOLOL
Sep 04 20:46:55 <fffffffffff> that is what they say abbout punk and now we have pop/punk
Sep 04 20:46:58 <BFFJILL> Real trolling wont ever be a fashion.. But "trolling" is
Sep 04 20:47:05 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Real trolling is fun as hell
Sep 04 20:47:11 <GodBear01|TextOnly> "trolling" is boring and childish
Sep 04 20:47:20 <BFFJILL> Yes
Sep 04 20:47:34 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Look the differences is like how you will see yourself in 2 years
Sep 04 20:47:41 <GodBear01|TextOnly> You will kick yourself
Sep 04 20:47:45 <GodBear01|TextOnly> over stupid shit
Sep 04 20:47:49 <GodBear01|TextOnly> that you thought was funny
Sep 04 20:48:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> well
Sep 04 20:48:05 <GodBear01|TextOnly> im kickbanningeveryone
Sep 04 20:48:07 <GodBear01|TextOnly> fuck this channel
Sep 04 20:48:13 * GodBear01|TextOnly sets ban on *!*@*
Sep 04 20:48:18 * GodBear01|TextOnly has kicked BFFJILL from #TrollParadise (GodBear01|TextOnly)
Sep 04 20:48:22 * GodBear01|TextOnly has kicked fffffffffff from #TrollParadise (GodBear01|TextOnly)
Sep 04 20:48:24 * GodBear01|TextOnly has kicked SomeGuySomewhere from #TrollParadise (GodBear01|TextOnly)
Sep 04 20:48:25 <GodBear01|TextOnly> so
Sep 04 20:48:29 <GodBear01|TextOnly> fatniggo,
Sep 04 20:48:31 <GodBear01|TextOnly> you there
Sep 04 20:48:34 <fatniggo> yes sir
Sep 04 20:48:36 <GodBear01|TextOnly> kik
Sep 04 20:48:38 <GodBear01|TextOnly> lol
Sep 04 20:48:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> i ban everyone
Sep 04 20:48:45 <fatniggo> lol
Sep 04 20:48:46 <fatniggo> that was random
Sep 04 20:48:54 <GodBear01|TextOnly> well i just set wildcard
Sep 04 20:48:57 <GodBear01|TextOnly> so it wont let
Sep 04 20:48:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> anyone in
Sep 04 20:49:02 <GodBear01|TextOnly> here try
Sep 04 20:49:05 * GodBear01|TextOnly has kicked fatniggo from #TrollParadise (GodBear01|TextOnly)
Sep 04 20:49:18 * You've invited fatniggo to #TrollParadise (yume.ncirc)
Sep 04 20:49:18 * GodBear01|TextOnly invited fatniggo into the channel.
Sep 04 20:49:19 * fatniggo (president.@anon-765D03EF.triad.res.rr.com) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 20:49:23 * GodBear01|TextOnly gives channel operator status to fatniggo
Sep 04 20:49:25 <GodBear01|TextOnly> cool huh
Sep 04 20:49:28 <fatniggo> lol yeah
Sep 04 21:43:39 * You've invited CEO to #TrollParadise (yume.ncirc)
Sep 04 21:43:39 * GodBear01|TextOnly invited CEO into the channel.
Sep 04 21:46:20 * CEO (CEO@kkk.kkk) has joined #TrollParadise
Sep 04 21:46:59 * GodBear01|TextOnly gives channel operator status to CEO
Sep 04 21:47:01 <GodBear01|TextOnly> HERRO
Sep 04 21:48:43 <CEO> thats better
Sep 04 21:48:48 <GodBear01|TextOnly> YOU MISS PARTY
Sep 04 21:48:50 <GodBear01|TextOnly> I SET BAN ON
Sep 04 21:48:56 <GodBear01|TextOnly> *!*@*
Sep 04 21:48:59 <GodBear01|TextOnly> :D
Sep 04 21:49:06 <CEO> I noticed
Sep 04 21:49:28 * GodBear01|TextOnly removes ban on *!*@*
Sep 04 21:49:30 <GodBear01|TextOnly> Happy
Sep 04 21:49:34 <CEO> no
Sep 04 21:49:39 <CEO> never again
Sep 04 21:50:00 <GodBear01|TextOnly> D:
Sep 04 21:50:10 <GodBear01|TextOnly> u haet me
Sep 04 21:50:12 <GodBear01|TextOnly> ;_;
Sep 04 21:52:05 * GhostWriterL has changed the topic to: lolfaget | <%Doakes> I just keep it real. B) | RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE
Sep 04 21:52:38 * GodBear01|TextOnly removes channel operator status from GhostWriterL
Sep 04 21:52:40 <GodBear01|TextOnly> THERE
Sep 04 21:52:41 <GodBear01|TextOnly> HAPPY

Latest revision as of 00:50, 13 May 2014