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In [[March 2009]], [[Chris]] went on his first (and only) [[dating|date]] ever with a [[troll]] called [[Emily]]. For posterity's sake, the event was recorded, and is now presented in text format for your enjoyment here.
#REDIRECT [[Date with Emily]]
The voices heard in the recording are those of an elite crack team of courageous trolls and trollettes.
*The trolls worry about a possible appearance by [[Snorlax|Barb]], run a mic check.
*Emily talks to Bob, ignores Chris.
*Bob recites his work history, from serving in the army to retirement. Chris talks a grand total of 9 times, gets ignored.
*Bob goes on at length about being retired. Chris tries to interrupt several times, and fails several times.
*Chris reveals his favorite artist is [[Britney Spears]].
*Bob reveals his patchy medical history.
*Finally, Chris gets a whole minute in which to talk. The [[Amnyfest Ring]] makes an appearance.
*Chris asks why [[University of Virginia|UVA]] doesn't have a [[Sonichu Girls]] chapter.
*Chris brings up his [[Heterochromia|pink-eye]].
*Bob goes back to his health problems.
*Bob and Chris mention their [[Cherokee]] heritage.
*Chris flirts.
*Chris [[fail]]s at flirting.
*Chris does the infamous Donald [[Duck]] impression.
*Chris talks about Sailor Moon.
*Emily and Chris leave Bob and go out into the mall.
*Chris brings up winning the [[Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes|Sonic competition]].
*Emily tries to be discreet about going to the bathroom. Chris announces she's on her period.
*Emily flees.
*The [[Man in the Pickle Suit|Pickle]] Man arrives and saves Emily, whereupon Chris announces "HE KNOWS CLYDE CASH."
*Chris tries to kiss Emily goodbye.
*Emily makes good her escape and goes home with the Pickle Man.
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> A whiz kid, his high-tech know-how keeps the group online.
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> "Emily's friend", her mission is to capture video of the event.
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Queen of trolls, she risks both life and limb on a plunge into the heart of darkness.
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Brave and daring hero, he protects Emily from certain peril.
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Misshapen manchild, his disgusting nature seeps into the very recording of his voice.
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [[Bob|Robert Chandler]], the proud Internet lumberjack, yet also slave to the manchild.
Throughout the recording, a mall full of shoppers produces a background din.
===Prelude (00:00 - 03:12)===
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> Okay... lock it?<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> Okay--<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Are you wearing a thong? With a--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> That better be fuckin' ''tight''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> It's tight.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> That may pop out while you're walking around, while you're like--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I should be like--<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Or a robotic vagina.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Say "It's my vibrator."<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> It's one of those things that you see taped to those-- those hentai--<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> Well, the thing is, Chris-- he [unintelligible, but clearly imitating Chris's voice]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs''] Ungh, ungh, ungh, ungh! Okay, if he get's, like, ''way'' too close to me, I'm just gonna be like-- get my chair farther away.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> I really like your [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [''laughs''] Maybe Barb-- Barbara can come.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Apparently, she doesn't leave the house anymore.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> No, I'm just [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> There-- there are Barb candidates ''everywhere''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> No, no, no, no, no, no. But-- but in all actuality, there should be no Barb; if there ''is'' Barb, I will shit myself.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> If there is Barb, we're-- we're done.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> We're not showing up.<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> "You brought your mommy?"<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I should be like, "No – just put that shit in the bag, and we're not doing anything today."<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> That's it.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> And you can call him and be like "You owe me a ''dire'' apology, and you're the… jack-off--"<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No – I'm sure I'm gonna yell at him, and make him ''cry''.<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> And I'm gonna be like "Oh – I live in Clyde's playboy mansion now." [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> No – even better!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> [aside] I'm waiting. I'm ''part'' of Clyde's playboy mansion.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> I'm the janitor.<br>
[''all laugh loudly'']<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Okay – let's go see if he's there.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> ''You'' go see if he's there.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''No!'' 'Cause-- 'cause it's--<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible (but about "a girl")]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> 'Cause I'm gonna make it like an entrance, like… ''"Hiii!"''<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Did he say where [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No. Like, he wants to be-- he wants to meet in front of Chick-Fil-A, so…<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Figures! But the ''general'' idea would be you park near where you wanna… go.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''chuckles'']<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> What if that [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> [aside] [inaudible] Do you see those pile of balloons right there? Swear to God: it looks like a penis.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> The balloons. Right here.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh… [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> It's a fuckin' penis.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Nope.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, okay.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''sighs'']<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> [''sighs'']<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> There's that ugly bitch that looks like Hamster Girl… at Starbucks.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''chuckles'']<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> She ''looks'' like Hamster Girl.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> ''Which'' one looks like Hamster Girl?<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Right there. The only one that you can see working?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Oh – over at Starbucks? You should see her with that hair off.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> No, no, no. She looks like Hamster Girl. [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> I'm telling you: you should see her with that hair off!<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Oh– she don't have no hair?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Um...<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Oh– she has a fake--<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> She has fake hair, or… she has no hair… or the hair back like this.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> Well, yeah– I knew that.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> I was gonna say: I don't-- I guess she dyed her hair blond. 'Cause I remember seeing her with some ugly, strange-colored hair.
===Target Acquired (03:13 - 04:43)===
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> There he is!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [startled] What?<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> [unintelligible (but about "a jacket")]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh my God! [jokingly] Eject! Oh my God!<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> Is your [inaudible] on? [unintelligible (but clearly about "a jacket" again)] Are you ready?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah – I'm ready. [''laughs nervously''] This is gonna be my best acting moment ever.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> He can't see my face before I suit up.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah – go, like, look, 'cause he has to get down first.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#000099">'''Frosty:'''</font> He'll realize later: that's what it was.<br>
<font color="#FF6EC7">'''Camwhore:'''</font> I don't feel bad.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Okay. Hopefully, he, like, won't come, like, around and-- [inaudibly interrupted] Huh? I don't have my phone.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh my God…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> If this goes all smoothly, I should get, like…<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible] Where do I sit… to, like, watch [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Um, there's some ''benches'', like… by the tables. [abruptly] Oh! Oh! Oh, no.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Okay – there's some benches, like, ''nearby''…<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Yeah?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Um, just sit and watch him [unintelligible] you need to go change or whatever.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Okay. Well, I-- I started the-- I [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Okay. I'll [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''exhales loudly''] Yeah. Or just, like… kinda walk around and see if you can… see us.
===The Green Mile (04:44 - 05:19)===
Nothing but Emily's footfalls can be heard as she marches off to meet the manchild.
===Meet the Parent (05:20 - 07:17)===
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Hi!''<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Hello! Emily?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah! I'm Emily. So nice to meet you!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Hi, Emily. This is my father, Robert.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Hello.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Hello.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I've started shopping a little bit.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> That's alright.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You're from West Virgina?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah... I used to live here for a while, but then, I--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [abruptly] Hey!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> But then, I moved to--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Cute hat!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– I thought you might like it.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''laughs contentedly'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You go to school over there?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– University of West Virginia. My friend, uh, wanted to go to school there, and she's my best friend, so I have to… go with her everywhere! [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> That sounds like the best way to do things!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. Hey, Emily – you mind, uh, a photo of you and me together?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Sure!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> What are you taking?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I'm doing journalism.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> What?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Journalism.''<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Journalism?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Ah! You wanna be a writer!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah! [''giggles''] I did a lot--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> He has a… [[Cole Smithey|''half-brother'']] who's-- who lives in New York City… and, uh, does ''freelance'' writing and show reviews and things… for newspapers and magazines.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Is it-- does he love it?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I ''guess''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''giggles again'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I haven't talked to him in years…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I can't this dang camera to work!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah – that's-- I worked at, uh-- I'm an engineer… and engineers never learn how to spell.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I think very logically, but I--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Shoot! I got bad batteries in the camera.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [disappointed] Oh...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> If I would-- if I would ''write'' anything, half the words would be phonetically rather than the way we're… ''supposed'' to do.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I got along fine… writing stuff… on my ''word'' processor… when I had a ''spell'' checker.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Without that, I'm [unintelligible (but clearly self-deprecating)] [''laughs heartily'']<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Did you like doing engineering?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well... I-- I had a real ''u-''nique situation…<br>
===Bob's Work History (07:18 - 16:58)===
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Look, uh… I'm-- I'm really old.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Okay– to start with: I'm 81. And, uh, I came along ''before'' transistors.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Not-- not [unintelligible] stuff we have now, but even before ''transistors''… when we had vacuum tubes.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I, uh… got drafted after World War II. That's how old. But, uh... then, they put me in the Signal Corps, and they knew things I didn't know. They taught me how to install valve systems and switchboards and telephone [unintelligible]. So, I found out: yeah– I'm pretty good at that. So, when I got out– 'course that was in 1947– I found out-- now, I know that we had a deflation on our hands; I didn't know it then.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You couldn't get a job, so, I thought "Well, I got the G.I. Bill. I'll go to school."<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– now, it's really hard to become an engineer.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah– now, ya-- I, uh--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I went to… a state [unintelligible] college to start with, 'cause I had the philosophy that if I went to a big school I'd be just… swallowed up.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, I went to a small school and took Pre-Engineering for two years, and that was the best thing ''I'' ever did, 'cause I wound up, uh-- well, I got-- I got through my two years of Pre-Engineering in small classes.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And also, I loved music, and I was in the band and everything. And I got in the symphony orchestra… and learned a lot about music while I was up there.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And then, I went to Auburn, and then [unintelligible] swallowed up!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Then, at that time, Auburn-- which now has what: 30,000 students, or something? Auburn had about 5,000 students.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I got my Engineering degree. And then, when I got out, I said "Well, I'll, uh... I can do anything with relays and telephones and valve systems, and [inaudible]. I'm gonna work for Western Electric."<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> That seems logical, right?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [suddenly offended somehow] Hey!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Because they make, uh--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> You-- no– you listen to my father… because he's somethin'! Because I get some of my intelligence from ''him''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Especially my ''technological'' intelligence.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But anyway, I, uh-- I went to work for them for 40 years, and, uh… at that point in time…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Uh, this is even ''before'' the Atlas missile… the ICBM.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> ''Before'' the Korean War… and, uh-- but, I-- I found out they were building ''radar'' systems. Well, that was fine, but also, they had lots of government money, so they wanted some automatic test equipment. At that time, ''nothing'' was automatic. They ''had'' none!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, that's what ''I'' went and built. [unintelligible] what I learned in the army, right?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, I started working with the first automatic test equipment that we ever made. And then, GE heard about it… and they came down to [unintelligible] in North Carolina.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And-- so, GE came down; they offered me a job… up in upstate New York. Cold country in Utica.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And then, uh... I went down to build some automatic test equipment for the ICBM [unintelligible] Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Nobody knows how, 'cause we haven't done it before.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> We'd done some of this automatic test equipment down here. "Why don't you come up there?" "Well, okay!"<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, I went up there for three years and helped develop the, uh, automatic…equipment… for testing the missiles, and… all the guidance systems, and things… in the [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But-- but I got-- I was a soldier, true and tried, 'cause I was born in Texas and raised in Alabama.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And then, I was in North Carolina first. And then, I hit upstate New York, and I froze to death. [''chuckles'']<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs''] Yeah, that must be really different! [''laughs again'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well, after three years, I said "I'm going back to somethin' [unintelligible]" Well, GE-- I didn't know it then, but I had a real, natural ''draw''… to the mountains.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And I knew about Roanoke, since I'd been in, uh, [unintelligible] So, I wanted to come back to Roanoke, and GE had plants there.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And… they were there developing-- specializing in industrial automation. Except they didn't done any ''automation'' yet. They were just industrial-controlled.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, I finagled a transfer back to Roanoke, and… I got there just at the time when they were startin'… to make… any kind of automation controls for engines.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, I got into what they call "a new business area". And I got to do ''all'' the great things. All my-- I-- I really had it right. I was in the right places at the right time.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Because I am very ''logically-''inclined.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> That doesn't really happen nowadays, with the economy…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah– and I-- I'm a logician.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Oddly enough, I never learned how a transistor even works… on records. But I ''use'' 'em all the time.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I use 'em. I'm retired now, a long time. But… when I started out with this group, and the first thing we got into was trying to automate a steel mill… for rolling [unintelligible] steel for your cars.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well, we did that. And then, I got into… how to roll papers so you could get Kleenex.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''giggles'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And, of course, y'know, he's the guy that designed the controls for all the plastic water machines, so without him at this time, you couldn't have the plastic for your glasses.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And-- and then-- then, I got into-- I was in the new business area [unintelligible] we could do the first one… and then, somebody else would take over and do the others.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And-- and then, I got into managing a paper mill. But then, I got into the… industry of-- of, uh, like [unintelligible] warehousing, automatic transition, like BART: Bay Area Rapid Transit.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Automatic railroads and all that kind of stuff. Automated a bunch of that. Then, I got into automating a bunch of mine [unintelligible] around the world.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> You've been through a lot!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And then, I went to automating tanker ships, so you could run 'em from the bridge and have nobody downstairs.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Just someone else involved--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Want some water?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No, thank you.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And, uh... then, uh-- then, um, I got into… I developed [unintelligible] I found out that there was very few people like me in the world that had this natural… inclination… for logic.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Anyway, like the ands, and ors, and the what-ifs, and the what-if-nots.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And then, I developed a system… called a [inaudible] that stands [unintelligible].<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Hardware-oriented Y2K pile of junk!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Similar fortune… was in… ''hardware''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, okay.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Hey, everybody– I got [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, thank you.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> What this enables--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [unintelligible, but clearly addressing Emily]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''giggles''] Thank you.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> What this enables everybody to do-- and me, too, but I was lazy…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Was to write down on-- on paper– and design on paper from the start– a sequence of parallel lines.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And up to that point, nobody had a way of writin' it down on paper.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''half-stifles a genuine laugh'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And they ''still'' don't, really! [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But that [unintelligible] to mind, horse and buggy.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Elevator-type system that's over a 5,000 ft hole!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Then, I got into, uh, designing… ''scooter'' machines, which fused all the plastic around wires, and things like that…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Scooters. And then, I got into... die-cast machines… and the machines automating ''them''. They make things like carburetors, and cans, and whatever.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And then, I got into ''plastics''… and even the ''plastics'' were [unintelligible] automating their machines. In the process, I ended up with about… ''two'' patents [unintelligible] in ''my'' name that ''they'' own. And all this… dumb stuff. And I saw the first 2-liter Coke bottle…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Come off the line in New England.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible] on it, and all these [unintelligible] ''doors'', and-- and, um… ''shutters'', and stuff like that made out of plastic. All this stuff we got plastic.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [unintelligible] in your frames!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yep! [''giggles'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Including, uh, Tupperware.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Can't… go without Tupperware…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, then [unintelligible] ''finalized'' and-- and perfected, basically, this [unintelligible] process…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Of design and documentation. [unintelligible] It came time for me to retire. And so, I did! [''chuckles'']<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, now, I'm ''un-''indated with all this stuff I did, and I don't know whether I did the world a good thing or not.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I think you did!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But I can't--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> You did a lot of things.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I can't spell the word "cat" without a K in it.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, yeah, well, y'know, [[Chris and his ego|I'm proud of him anyway]], for his [[fail|accompliment]]-- accom-''plish-''ments.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> He's got a ''half-''brother who [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''His'' son.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Oh...'' okay.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And he's got a-- and I have a daughter, who is his-- his half-sister… that's a… Phi Beta Kappa outta UVA Atlantic.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Oh...'' [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> She's workin' for the federal government, and she's got a PHD now. She's working somewhere for the federal government. All these math people… I dunno.
===Retired Life (16:59 - 24:22)===
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I'm not very good at math. [''giggles'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I'm not that--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> That's why--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I'm good at ''logic'', but not at math.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> But ''I'm'' good at math!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> He's not good at math when it comes to managing money.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Hey– look! Hey– look it! I have… ''your'' plastic lid on it!<br>
[''Chris chuckles and Emily laughs'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> We've been working with him, now, for 27 years.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> It was a challenge. ''Most'' of the time, I've been retired, so I could [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah... usually, if you're not very good at math, you're really good at writing, which is why I'm going for journalism.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah– well, I, um... I did-- I do alright with writing as long as I got a spell checker.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I just, uh-- I-- but I enjoyed my life. It-- it, uh-- it-- I had… things; I had-- I had opportunities that most people don’t get.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I got to see all this stuff now.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> That’s good. I hope that, like, y'know, I can travel around the world and, y'know... write up-- do some journalism, like, overseas.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah– I’ve been to Australia, and I’ve been to Korea, and I've been to England. ''Most'' people [unintelligible] to see 'em, but [unintelligible] I've never seen, 'cause they work too good.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well, it-- it was interesting.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I wish I could get-- find out what ''Christian's'' really good-- well, he’s pretty good in drawing…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And writing.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah – he-- she should know; she-- you’ve-- you should know; you've seen a bunch of [[Chris and art|my artwork]].<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah! It’s really good! All my-- all my friends like it, as well.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [[Chris and copyright|He’s ''creative'']]… but he’s, um… I-- I guess you know he’s-- [[autism|he's high-functioning autistic]]… and, um…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> At 6, he couldn’t even ''talk''… but he was… ''programming'' [unintelligible] computer: his Commodore computer…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Commodore 64.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [''laughs''] Which was his first little--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh! I don’t know very many-- much about computers! [''giggles''] Sorry! [''giggles some more'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You’ve probably got a laptop, with a word processor, don't ya?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [reluctantly] Yeah...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. Yeah– but you--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Now, we've-- we-- we’ve brought him a long way.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> It’s been interesting.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... well, that’s a little piece for you-- that you can, uh, write about, if you want to.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah! That-- that would be interesting.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Anyway, you-- anyway, you came all the way here from, uh, VCU? Or did you make a few stops along the way?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No – I came all the way from VCU. Um… like, a lot of my fr-- uh, friends over at VCU? They're into the whole Sonichu thing, but there’s a lot more… uh, like, I guess "Sonichu Girls"…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Up in, uh, the University of West Virginia. And we… k-- we kinda do, like, a newsletter-type thing every week.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Wow.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But this is in one of my favorite spots in the country.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [responding belatedly to Emily] I commend you for that.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible] little trees on West Avenue.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Have you heard of West Avenue?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You know where West Avenue is?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah – a little bit; I don’t… really go in that area.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> They're at the end of VCU, then?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [''laughs politely''] I don’t know that area very well.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> It’s-- it's a street of, uh, townhouses. And it's about three blocks long. And it’s got a second name called "Stork Alley".<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And every spring, they have a "Stork Alley Rally".<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh? Oh…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> At the same time, they have the Easter parade over on Monument Avenue.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– I’ve never seen it before, but my friends tell me about it. But I’m usually stuck in, y'know… college.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah– but-- but I was only in Richmond… um… 1975 through 1980. And then, I got married to ''his'' mother. And, um... ''he'' was born, and then, we got transferred over here; I worked for GE. And we lived in Chesterfield County… but I ''love'' West Avenue; that’s my favorite spot.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I call it "Sesame Street".<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, that’s… [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Because they call it "Stork Alley", 'cause there’s so many kids.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, yeah?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I-- I-- I love the Virginian area.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> His ''mother''… was raised – but you wouldn’t believe it – she-- she was raised in a [unintelligible] home. And one that's [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Right there on, um… I can’t think of the name of that street: the one that goes right in front of the Burger King… down at… VCU.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I don’t know what… streets really are--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well, again-- but that is a street that goes right in front of Burger King…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And right down the street from there is where… ''his'' mother lived for about 20 years and raised her first son. And he’s got a lot of ties to the family, too; he just doesn’t like me.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh... do you guys have a big family?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well, uh, we’ve got-- we've got ''my'' son, and my daughter. You-- my son’s in Richmond, and my daughter’s in Washington.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And then, we’ve got ''her'' son, who's in New York. And then, there’s the three of us.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah – Schiflett's a really big family.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah – we got… two-- really, two separate families.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mmm.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah… but it’s not as big as The Brady Bunch!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> No… it isn't.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But we-- we-- we enjoy it, and I-- I have-- uh, I grow flowers. And… I don’t have to worry about… makin' a livin' anymore…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> With Social Security, and… the GE pension. And GE's good and sound… fortunately!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, uh… I-- I grow day lilies. I’ve gotten my yard full of [unintelligible] And in the middle, I’ve got a, um... well, about 15 [unintelligible] greenhouse.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Except… inside this greenhouse, it’s different.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Inside this greenhouse, there’s ''plastic'' flowers.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh – ''plastic'' flowers?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> A ''swing''… and, uh, all my ''stereo'' stuff, and, uh…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah – but he’s got ''real'' flowers in his garden.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh. Oh, okay.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah – the day lilies are real, in the garden; but inside here, it’s all flat.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah – day lilies bloom about once a year, during-- dur-- about ''once''--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> In the summer.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> This-- this summer.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> There-- there's also that--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And then, they stay that way for about a month or so. It’s a beautiful garden.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, I can imagine!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah – I’ve got about 15,000 healthy--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [dreamily/creepily] ''Imagine!''<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And I-- I love all the music from-- from [unintelligible (but seemingly naming a pair of musical artists)].<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Raise me on music, he did!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''giggles'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And-- and musicals. And soundtracks.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Well, what’s ''your'' favorite artist?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, my favorite artist? Well, he didn’t raise me on it, but, y'know, my favorite ss-- uh... ''singer'' is Britney Spears.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Britney Spears?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And, uh, he's got all-- uh, mine are all back from the '40s, and '30s, and '20s, and--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> And he’s into… more ''modern'' pop music?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Although… I guess if I had to pick a ''classic'' favorite, it would have to be ''Satchmo''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> "Satchmo"?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Louis Armstrong.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And-- but [unintelligible] all these big ''classics'' now--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''does Satchmo impression''] "Ten feet off the ground!"<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''imitates trumpet melody'']<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''giggles'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I couldn't ''afford'' it when it came out. All the European [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I couldn't ''afford'' it when they came out, 'cause they were [unintelligible] but now, you can get 'em at Goodwill and Salvation Army…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Well--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> A ''quarter'' to ''fifty'' cents apiece.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [feigning enthusiastic agreement] Yeah! [''laughs weakly'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> ''Thousands'' of them now!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And inside, uh, I found out that inside this, um… um… ''greenhouse''…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> It's got a ''dome'' ceiling… which gives it the ca-- ''cathedral'' [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well… I found this ''great'' stereo system at, uh-- in the 1970s, at Goodwill… and put ''it'' out there… along with the swing.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And… if you turn the volume up, then that music just sounds like it’s the hall where they ''recorded'' it! Ah– it's great! Goin' out there and swingin' with my music for hours on end!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [''laughs heartily'']<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> That must be really relaxing!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well, yeah– it's a nice life!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah! [''laughs politely'']
===Bob's Health Problems (24:23 - 25:29)===
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> If I didn't have to worry about ''him'', I'd be in ''great'' shape!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs sympathetically'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [''chuckles'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''laughs nervously''] [unintelligible] But he's been-- still been in… good shape all his [unintelligible] I mean, he's been in-- he's been through, uh, ''three'' triple-- ''two'' triple-bypasses?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah – I was supposed to ''die'' in 1980.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, no! What happened?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> In fact, I ''did''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> What happened?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I smoked too much…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And, um... I worked for GE.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I did all this dumb stuff I shouldn't have.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah-- but yeah – he-- but yes – uh…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And, um…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> God let him survive!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I had a couple heart attacks, and…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [responding to Chris] Yeah – for a reason!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And he's got a pacemaker now!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah… I-- I've been through-- I lived through a triple-bypass in 1980 [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And survived that… so, [[Chris and death|I've only died a couple times!]] And then, I got-- I got through that. Then, ''he'' came along.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Hey! He come--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And then, I-- I got retired…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Hey!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Hmm?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– hey– he's the one that's b-- that has seen the light, but did not actually go ''to'' it…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And, um...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> A ''number'' of times.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I had ''another'' triple-bypass in '92… And I died a couple times [unintelligible] And that was at Chippenham, over in Chester County.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...
===Memories of High School (25:30 - 26:12)===
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And, uh... when I was over there with him, I-- I put him to school through, uh, ''Chesterfield'' County's school system.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well, they're the best in the country…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> For-- for schools [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And-- and, um...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Manchester High.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [disinterested] Oh, really?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Then, um...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> That's my birthstone: [[Amnyfest Ring|amnyfest]].<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> And the ''side'' of it… What does it say: "Lancers"?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Is that-- wait– is that your mascot?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Then…what's on the other side? "2000"?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes... that's my class and coat'a arms.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Manchester High School. And look at the jewel! It's a galaxy cut on top, and a [[rainbow]] on the bottom. If you look at-- in the ring--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Do you see--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I see it!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Do you see the rainbow?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. [[speech impediment|Well, anyway, like, y'know,]] I guess that's enough-- y'know, that's enough talk from ''him''. Uh... you were gonna ask…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Aww...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''Me'' something?
===The "Sonichu Girls" Club (26:13 - 29:01)===
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Now, I wanna find out about these… ''Sonichu'' Girls!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs''] Sonichu Girls?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> 'Cause I didn't know about them.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh– didn't… Chris tell you about them?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> No– he doesn't-- no– he doesn't normally-- he doesn't… ''tell'' me much about them, so… See– he's a-- he-- he and his mother stay up all night… and I stay up all day.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh... actually reminds me more-- actually, we're more-- sometimes, you stay up in the day; sometimes, you stay up in the night.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> So, you've got, like, ''mixed''… like, sleep schedules, I guess?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''Yeah''... my mom-- and my-- my mom picked up my bad biological-- my messed-up [[biological clock]].<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> She stays up all night! But anyway… I-- I-- yeah – I found out about 'em from… I guess, when you called on the phone…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh! [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And-- and left a message.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– it's a pretty big fanbase. Um... there's actually about-- about 30-some girls… at University of West Virginia who, like, are part of the fan club.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Hmm!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> And then, there's-- I mean, there's, uh, plenty of others, like, around the world, too, that-- we talk to… um, on the forums that we have?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Do-- you got one here in UVA?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I don't know… [''giggles''] I don't have very many friends at UVA.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely''] That's why I heard-- that's why.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> VCU's [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. They're a lot more laid-back over there.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah. Well, they're in the sand! How else could you be?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> 'Cause in the sand, you have to be laid-back.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Y'know, I was curious about this-- this club…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I-- I didn't know he even knew about it! ''I'' didn't know about it. I think it's great!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Hey– I've been on the Internet chat! And plus, y'know...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Y'know, certain--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Plus [[medallion|the ''medallion'']], Christian!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... um...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> He's got this yellow medallion with Sonichu on it…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah! Why-- why aren't you wearing your… [suddenly concerned] m-- medallion?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Um... I just believe I expressed that, uh... in a video on, uh, YouTube? But I-- I, uh...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I might've missed that; I'm not sure.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– um... I'd rather not say in front of-- I'd rather not say in front of ''Father''… but, uh...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> There's a lot of things he doesn't tell me; he doesn't share things with me.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Oh''... [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [whispering] If I told him why, he'd have ''another'' heart attack…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, no! [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah! [''laughs politely again'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... But I mean, y'know… think of it this way: at least you don't have another face that you have-- you don't-- it saves you one face to have to look at!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah... [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– and look at 'em, y'know: they're ashually ''green-blue''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– I see it!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– pink eye in that eye, and then, uh, the prescribed eye drops changed the pigment!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Wow… I didn't know that… could happen! [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Mmm. ''Yeah''... looks like you kinda, like, uh, have green-brown eyes yourself?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I thought they were just plain brown! [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– it's just that-- y'know, it's-- the angle of the light kinda gave it a little bit of a greenish tint…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible]
===Emily Isn't Hungry (29:02 - 29:58)===
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... but ''anyway'', uh… you came all the way from VCU; uh... you hungry?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh– no, I'm not hungry. I ate on the way here, really.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh– you--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Stopped at, like, a rest stop. Got some vending m-- [''laughs nervously''] vending machine snacks… and that's it.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''Oh.'' That's good. That's good; uh... ''Father'' was thinkin' about, like-- was gonna get us ''spaghetti'', and, uh... [truly flustered] we wanna sh-- we wanna split it be-- he was gonna split it between me, and, uh...… I'm gonna split mine with you…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, no… I'm not hungry. Thank you, though!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [weakly] Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> We usually split a spaghetti, 'cause I-- I can't eat it all!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''Yeah''... it's a really big bowl for him…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Really… ''whoop!''<br>
[''Emily laughs and Chris chuckles'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> It's not as big as I'd like… y'know... it's bigger!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No… [''giggles'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Let's see… well, Dad– why don't you go get your spaghetti?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Do you want some?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No. I'm-- I'm not hungry. Thank you, though…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... we could get you some ''water''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No– I'm not thirsty, as well.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Mmm. Okay– well, go ahead and get your sh-- go ahead and get the spaghetti, Father.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Alright.
===Bob's Health Problems Revisited (29:59 - 32:11)===
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah– I got one other thing I was gonna tell you about…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Since we've talked about it: on that, uh... I've died about five times now. The last time, I was at Golden Corral. The restaurant?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And… my mom was there with him.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [''chuckles''] I just… hit the floor!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, no!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> No– not really; uh... he was-- uh, he was pullin' out his credit c-- not really "hit the floor", but… he was pullin' out his, uh, credit card?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And he would've… hit a-- he was standing in front of, like, the cash register, and there was a bar railing there; the bar rail was there. If he-- if my mom wasn't there to catch him…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> His-- like his guardian angel, he would'a hit the bar and would've been… worse…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Would've been worse off!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, wow…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But anyway, uh, now, I've got a pacemaker.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Wow. [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– and ''that's'' when he got his pacemaker.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I guess that won't happen in, uh...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But I-- I think the [unintelligible] reason why I survived all those attacks… which I think I'm ''proud'' of…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I don't know about you.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''He's'' proud of it.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> ''I'm'' proud of it. I don't know whether ''he'' is or not.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I'm proud of him, for it!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But I'm, um-- I found out a few years ago-- about… 10 or 15 years ago…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> That I was… at least one-fourth Cherokee!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– so, that makes me an eighth… Cherokee.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So, I figured that-- and then, I checked back all my father's… relatives [unintelligible] all the way up to be up in their 80s, and 90s, and even over ''100'' sometimes.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Dang! [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well, I figured: well, that's why I keep bouncin' back from this.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-hmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> This ain't my time yet.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– either that or, uh, God's lettin' him stick around for my… c-- for ''my'' case.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Somebody's gotta look out for him!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh... [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [''cackles'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''cackles almost identically'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Somebody's gotta pay the bills!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs nervously again'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah… okay, Dad, uh... you s-- alright, Dad--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Now-- now, I'm dismissed, so I can go [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh... [''laughs nervously yet again'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Well… not really "dismissed", because… y'know, I'm a little hungry myself… So… [''laughs nervously''] y'know, Dad, please go get the spaghetti and the bread.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You sure you don't want something?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– I'm sure. Thank you for asking, though.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– y'know, I was concerned, myself.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well, I'll let you two talk… mainly to save the table…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs''] Yeah…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [''laughs heartily''] Then, I'll come back, and… If you don't mind us eatin' in front of you!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I don't mind.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You better tell me more about this club you've got!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
[''Bob walks away'']
===Chris Fails at Flirting (32:12 - 36:48)===
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Mmm. Yeah– y'know, you-- uh... I must say you look ''good''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh– thank you!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And, y'know, you are the first, uh, female Sonichu fan to have actually come a long distance to see me.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh– well, it's not that far! I’m sure, like, maybe some of the girls from VCU would come down sometime: like, maybe during s-- uh... summer break.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– but I mean, at least all the way from, uh, West Virginia.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I mean, that’s farther than VCU, I'm sure.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah! [''laughs politely''] We might take a road trip down here.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [in a sing-song voice] "Take a road trip! It's a little road trip!"<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Mmm. [''does terrifying Donald Duck impression''] "And this is my duck talk! This is, uh, Donald Duck!"<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs in disbelief''] [almost fearful] Is that the one that scared that child?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh... at the--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> At Wendy’s.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I don’t know how that’s scary.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> No– not-- not-- no– not-- really scary; y'see, he was ''tired''…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Oh''... okay. So, you…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, okay.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> But it makes a lot of children smile, ‘cause they’re familiar with that D-- classic Disney character.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''Yeah''... you mi-- you don’t mind if I t-- if I, uh, have my hand on your shoulder?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh, not for too long…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''chuckles''] "Not for too long".<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Okay''... not-- not for too long…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Okay...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Mmm. [''chuckles again''] This is like-- wow– I finally… get, like, this… beautiful girl in front of me…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely''] Thank you.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And she's like-- and she actually got to know ''me''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [weakly] Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Just, like, y'know, uh... Yeah. So… what’s your-- what's the reason you need ''your'' glasses for? I’m ''near-''sighted myself.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– I’m nearsighted, as well.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I don’t have very good eyes.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''chuckles''] It's like, y'know, we’re close, so it's like, y'know, we don’t need glasses to see each other…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Do we?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Hmm... no– it's still blurry…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''Yeah''... Mmm. How do you look without that hat? I mean, I want-- I'd like to see the, uh…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I-- I like this hat. My hair doesn’t look good today.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Your hair doesn’t look good today? Are you sure?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– I’m sure. [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> How’s my hair look?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> It looks good!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Mmm. Looks good. [''chuckles''] Boy– I've had it sleepin' against ''pillows''… and I took a shower before I went-- before I went to-- um, crashing on the… couch.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [slightly disgusted] Oh...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– but I put on some, uh, bod-- body s-- some [[Axe|Axe body spray]] before I left. Do you like that smell?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– it depends on which one it is.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh, which one is it?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I believe it's, uh... it's called "Proximity".<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh– I ''really'' like the choc-- the new chocolate one.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh– the, uh, "Dark Temptation"…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Yeah.''<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh– I was running low on that can anyway.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh... okay.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> It's like I-- if I-- if I-- if we-- if we was hookin' up, I would've gotten more of that!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs'']<br>
[Note: Chris both stutters ''and'' laughs through "if we was hookin' up", so it's not at all clear that Emily realizes what she's laughing at.]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''sighs''] But seriously, though: you ''are'' cute.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh – thank you.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Mmm. ''Mmm''... Yeah – I like-- I like this-- I like this-- I like the get-up you’re wearing. It's like you're-- you c-- you straight-- came straight from, uh... the, uh, PGSM… show.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, yeah... [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> It's the live-action [[Sailor Moon]].<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– I’ve seen some of the episodes for that.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I’ve got the entire series--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Saved to my PlayStation 3, including the, uh, wedding episode.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh– I don’t… think I’ve… seen that one… so…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> It's, like, the very-- it's, like, a very special ''last'' episode.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, okay.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [in a strange, baby-like voice] You actually get to see ''Usagi''… [back to his normal voice] and, uh-- aww, shoot– I forget his name, but, y'know…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh... Mamoru?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah – Samoru. That’s it; ''you'' got it.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> You ''got'' it!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> You got it.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– I used to be a really big fan of Sailor Moon. Well, I still am; I’m just not as big of a fan as… nowadays.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [unintelligible] entire anime series?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Um, I haven’t seen the ''last'' season.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– Sailor Stars.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Yeah''... 'cause it didn’t come out in America, 'cause they’re, like, afraid of the transsexuals?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''chuckles''] Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... Yeah – I kn-- I know that. But I ''have'' that on, uh-- I have that on ''DVD''--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, y'know, with J-- Japanese audio and English subtitles.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> How do you feel about that? Like, the transsexuals and… the Sailor Starlights?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah. Um...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Does it, like, make you uncomfortable, or… would you--<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> No.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Would you have minded if, like, it came out, and the TV showed just, like, little kids?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Um... ''Yeah''... [pitiful] I don’t have much of an opinion…<br>
[''Emily and Chris both laugh'']<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> It's kind of a… sketchy subject, there.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– it's, uh-- it's… [in a British accent] ''itchy''…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs nervously'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– but you can sketch a lot in your, uh... journalism, don't ya?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. Well, I m-- I mean, we don’t draw a lot; we just… We do, like, the little outlines, and then, we start writing.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Okay– well, I mean, you-- I mean, you sketch your ''letters''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I bet you sketch your signature pretty… don’t you?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No– I thinks it's, uh-- it's just basically a bunch'a scribbles.<br>
[''Chris and Emily both laugh'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Eh... a lot of people would say that about their signatures, I’m sure.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Well, I mean, some people just, like, put an X for their signature, and that’s it.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''Ah''... but not you. You put…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> An E and… an S, basically. [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh-- uh, an S?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah– Emily Schiflett.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh– ''that’s'' your last name!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> "Schiflett".<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah – my middle name’s Julia.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> ''"Julia"!''<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Yeah.''<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> "Emily Julia Schiflett".<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [weakly] Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Flows nicely, doesn’t it?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> It's beautiful!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Aww... thank you.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> D-- do you dot your I in "Julia" with a heart?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No... [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''chuckles'']<br>
===Eating Spaghetti and Conversing (36:49 - 44:46)===
[''Bob comes back'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''sighs''] Alright, Dad – uh, I'll let you, uh, divvy up the spaghetti onto my plate.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I get to divvy it up!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [''chuckles'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Wow! Christian – I don't know… [unintelligible] my ''treat'' to finally come down here! I love their spaghetti!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Oh''... really? I don't think-- I've only had their pizza there… before…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah– the, um-- all the spaghetti places in town are too expensive.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> My favorite, though, is, um, Olive Garden.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> ''Oh.''<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– b-- but--<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But they don't have one here!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> But they should have one here.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> ''I'' think they should.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [weakly] Yeah…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> You ever been to an Olive Garden?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mm-mmm.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Mmm. Well, yeah– it's a good place to, uh, get, uh, spaghetti.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, okay.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I-- I've actually-- yeah– y'know, I was there with my father… when-- the few times we visited, uh, Olive Garden.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– a good place to get, uh, spaghetti; really good.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And also, we've been to the, uh, few, uh, nearly-- to the ''other'' nearly esstinct, uh, restaurants: y'know, like Shoney's [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh– I haven't seen a Shoney's around in a ''while!''<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> There's one in Chesterfield Count-- there's a bun-- there's a few in the Richmond area…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And one over close to VCU!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh! Really? I didn't see it! [''laughs politely''] Of course, I'm-- I'm usually not looking for them, so…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah – we even ha-- yeah – we even-- at-- at home, somewhere, we even have a t-- we even have the-- the teddy bear: the ''Shoney Bear''.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> The Shoney Bear?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– it's-- that was their mascot.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, okay.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And I mean, if you look it up-- if you look up "Shon"-- if you-- I'm sure if you Googled "Shoney's", you'd, uh... find their mascot being the teddy--<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Being the bear.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [in a somewhat cutesy voice] "Bein' the bear in the shirt…"<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [''laughs politely'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [unintelligible] "to… wan-- to wan-- to… gawk-- to ''gander'' at!"<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Christian– they got lots of juice!<br>
[''Chris chuckles and Emily laughs'']<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Well, ''you'' can have it…<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I don't need to, uh, ''slobber'' all over myself… Especially in front of my, uh, "lady friend", here.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [''laughs politely''] Aww...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Mmm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible] a little bit more?<br>
[long pause]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You can deal ''without''…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah– he doesn't usually eat the bread, so, uh, I'll take his-- so, I take his breadsticks.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I'm gonna go get some more water.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Okay!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I'll be right back.<br>
[''Chris walks away'']<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible] share with him.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs politely]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I share with my wife. [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Does she do anything for a living or is she retired as well?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> She's retired. She used to be a secretary. She worked for uh, General Power<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You know, our nice power company, whatever they're called now... Dominion?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And uh, she worked for uhm Circuit City for a while before she retired.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Well good thing she's gone- she got out of Circuit City before they started going downhill.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah, well they were going downhill [unintelligible] retired.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh really?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah, [unintelligible] got retirement. She didn't retire 'til, a couple - three years ago. She's younger than I am [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But she's younger than I am, but uh [pause] [unintelligible] she uh worked [unintelligible, Chris comes back, still unintelligible] she loves that. Grey Street. Grey Street.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Do you know where Grey Street is over there? Do you uh, Do you know where the Burger King is over there by BP is?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [chuckles] Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [Unintelligible, Emily is laughing while he is saying it]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> The Burger King is on Price Street.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I-I-I'm an [unintelligible] uh, Main uh what you would call Main Street.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> VCU is all back in [pause] all back in here like this,<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible] and downtown Richmond is this way.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [says something about Pokemon]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> He loooves Pokemon.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, we used to come down here for the Pokemon league or uh [unintelligible] Yeah, I remember that.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible] for you is-is here. Well all around in here, they're everywhere, but fifth Avenue is over there.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And Grey Street is 3 blocks, all the way through there like this where the lower side of VCU is.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And they got all their little restaurants and their little stores and things like that and they're all along Grey Street.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And where his mother lived for about twenty years was right about here... On Grey Street.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Hey, by the way I have used uh chopsticks before.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> See there?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> That may be kind of hard with a fork and a knife. [laughs]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Heh heh heh hey that's close enough.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [laughs]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I can't...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah, well while we were over there in Richmond.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I'm sorry, are you a little bit Chinese or Asian or Japanese?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Nuh uh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I think it's just from wearin' glasses.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah, I think it's just the glasses... And the dark hair [chuckles]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I'll bet ya [unintelligible] over there was Reverend [unintelligible] of the Korean Church.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh huh.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And this is in [unintelligible] County.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh-.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah and he was from Seoul, Korea, and I was in Seoul for about a year. Went in about the time he was born.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But he was my best friend over there, and used to spend talking with and talking to. Because he was really interested in the world.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mmhm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And I'm really world oriented, and my favorite institution is the United Nations.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I think they're the answer to everything we got in this world, but..[delayed pause]. We went to the Korean church while we were over there in [unintelligible] County when he was in school. I tell you, that's where picked up the chopsticks.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [starts talking but is cut off by Chris.]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> They gave me, they gave me my bible that I used in my [unintelligible] when I graduated from High School.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Is it part, like, in the other language? Or-<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob'''</font> and <font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> No.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh, only English, okay. I know there's some that have like two different languages in it.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, it's a King England bible.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And what they do in the Church is-[trails off quietly].<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> King's English, whatever it is.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [still quiet, hard to hear]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> It's all Korean, maybe except for a few words. And then they had like, a wireless [unintelligible], those little earphones, where you could hear the translation.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [chuckles]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> It was kind of neat, I enjoyed it.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, everybody was able to bring their own food and we'd get to sample it for uh-, and we'd get to have a nice lunch meal every Sunday there.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs] You like spicy food?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I like spicy.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> What I was gonna say, uh, Kimchi.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah. Go away, you know?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs] Too spicy for you?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah, it's too spicy for me.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [sounding it out] Kim-Chi, hm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But, uh, like they told me if anything that's red, forget it.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [chuckles]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Except your spaghetti sauce, right Dad?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> They didn't have spaghetti sauce, no they watched that to me, they gave me that more bland stuff.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh. [chuckles]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> If it was me I can handle spicy, seriously, I can even probably even handle the kid-the kid- the kimchi, what he said.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I can't handle spicy food that well, it upsets my stomach.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I like Jalapeno a little bit<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [chuckles]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Hah, yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [something more about jalapenos, followed by silence] Yeah, they told me anything that was red, don't pick it up.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [laughs politely]<br>
===Bob on World News (44:47 - 51:00)===
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah, I miss Reverend Chen, he was really interested in learning about the world.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mhm.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And he didn't have a chance-[trails off quietly, very hard to hear]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [still talking, still hard to hear]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Good. [after Bob's latest very hard to hear statement] I wish I could, like, pick up the newspaper and read more. I mean I pick up, like, our school newspaper and that's about it, but I mean when it comes to world events I read some of the articles, but I mean some of them I just can't get into.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah, it's a new thing on TV.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Mhm?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I know we have it here on Comcast, I don't know what you have though.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I'm not sure what-<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Over there.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I'm not sure what-<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> It's a program on public television, it's really a station here, we have three different stations, [unintelligible] and one of them's called World News. [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I don't think we have that.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> And, they uh-they have uh English translations of everything on it, but they have programs that originate all over the world. [unintelligible] So you see how the rest of the world looks at the U.S.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> So you see what they're saying about us and what's going on over there. Half the time I find out things that are happening in the United States, that somebody in Germany or Russia or China or in Japan-<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs] That's always nice.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah, that's one of my my favorite stations, and they have it here. I-it's a public radio sponsored thing, but it's called World View.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Dubya-vee(WV).<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I think my school has that, I'm not sure, I might have not never noticed or anything like that.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well they might have it, because it's very educational.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I was watching Discovery Channel.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah, I watch Discovery, and World Discovery Science, and World History, and-<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Yeah there's lots to see on TV. [unintelligible] He came up with it, believe it or not. He taught himself to read.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Really?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Oh he could really read, by turning on those stations [trails off].<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Wow, that's-<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> That's go-that's clever!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [still hard to understand, something about PHDs and psychologists]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [background noise starting to pick-up, Bob is becoming much harder to hear, hopefully someone can decipher this completely]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [something about learning how to read]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [more about learning to read]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah!<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But they won't listen to me, I'm an 81 year old [unintelligible, sounds like player].<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But he came up with-<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> But you know they'll come up with it and someone else will take the credit for it later on.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [at this point the people in the background are becoming easier to hear than Bob, lasts around 20 seconds.] I thought it was such a phenomenal good idea. [more hard to hear sound.]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well he-he's a photographic memory.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> But I think those were the autism a little bit.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And I got an audio memory too. [apparently they were talking about him.]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Cause he can, you ever heard of, um Mario World?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah. [chuckles]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [chimes in to correct, sounds a bit upset] He's talking about Super Mario World.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Well in three days, he-he [unintelligible stuttering] killed King Koopa. I can't get off of Yoshi's Island.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs] I'm not very good at those games either. [more laughing]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> The reason he is, is cause he can remember all those different moves.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> It's like taking a picture, [unintelligible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs] I reckon I wanna know about that.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I'll tell you one thing, you've got pretty face. [not a mistake]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Aww, thank you.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> She looks like Margie, doesn't she?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> What?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> She looks like Margie.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> What you mean the Peanuts character Margie?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> You know Margie?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs again]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh...no. [cuts off Bob with more laughter from Emily] No, I'd say if anything she uh, wait a minute I'm trying to...I'm trying to figure it out. Um...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> She doesn't look like Peppermint Patty.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah I'd say, uh, you compare [unintelligible] you look more like Rei from PGSM.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah, [pause] she's one of my favorite characters.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> You like Sailor Mars, [something nerdy and unintelligible].<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Who's your favorite character?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Um, with the exception of uh Usagi and Chibi-Usa. I like, uh, Ami. <br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Any particular reason, like?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [chuckle] Well, I don't know it's just like [short ramble]...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Cause she's smart? <br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And uh also, I think it's, I think also it's the blue hair, I'm not sure.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Do you like blue?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, blue is my favorite color, what's your favorite color?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I like [[Pickle|green]].<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> You like green. So I guess you like Jupiter.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah, Jupiter. [laughs]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [apparently doing a horrendous impression of Sailor Jupiter] Jupi-tahhh!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> You know, if you uhh, you uhh, [unintelligible] car, you'd- you'd be all right by yourself at this point, right?<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [something about taking care of himself]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs] No.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I mean, it's like, uhh you know, if you, uhh, don't feel like moving around any more, we can go, uhh, walk and talk.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I don't want to leave him by himself. I mean...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> He's all right.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Will you be here at the mall very much longer, or...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I dunno.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> [laughs]<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Well, [unintelligible] by the time we get back, he'll be here for that much longer.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> OK...<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> I can stick around, but I'm slow.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, he's slow.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> [starts rambling about something]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
===(51:01 - 01:14:22)===
===A Walk to Remember (01:14:23 - 01:21:43)===
Chris and Emily awkwardly leave Bob who continues to ramble as they clomp off through the mall.<br>
<font color="#545454">'''Bob:'''</font> Take care.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Alright come on, Emily, let's, let's walk…<br>
Bob babbles on about sending something.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font>Okay... okay, you can show me around the mall…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Okay! Here's our… heights… You… you come to just about my eyeline.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *nervous tittering*<br>
They walk quietly for a moment as Chris mutters something quietly.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> *sigh* So where you li… where do you usually like to go shopping at when you're at a shopping center?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *impatiently* Clothes stores.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, uh, they have a number of clothing stores in, uh...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> … a J.C. Penney and a Sears, among other places that uh, more name brands…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah a lot of the stores here are, if you take a look, take a look at the prices and they're pretty expensive.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... Yeah... but, you know, they used to ha- they used to have a Kay-Bee Toys here and I- that's where I got my- turns out- my thousand dollar shopping spree I won around the… around the Adventures- the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> That sweepstakes, you might remember I put something about that…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> … you might remember that, uh, news clip…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah! I've seen it.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
Chris nervously takes a few steps.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Wow… you're like… I'm sorry.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *nervous laughter*<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I'm just fascinated like… you're just like… a character from PGSM or from- came all the way from Japan- just leapt out of my television!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *nervous laughter* No I'm definitely all American.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> You're all American.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I'm all American.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Okay- so it's just- it's just your eyes that are excepting.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *shameless subject change* Yeah... so what's your favorite store here?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah it's- currently, since they took away the toy store- I think it's- I would say it's mostly Gamestop, but I also go to the bookstore or Sears, or even the Spencer's that's down on the other side of the mall. And they used to have an FYE here, which was a Suncoast before- before it- before they all merged and became an FYE, but then they closed that to make the next business here.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> What's down the other way… cause I've been… I came down this way, but I haven't been down that way.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Okay, we'll go down that way! Alright. I hope- Hope you don't mind me sticking around your left side…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *bravely* Okay, that's fine!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I mean, I guess I should keep my hands to myself and behave, right?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah, you should probably do that.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I mean, I'm just trying to be friendly.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *nervous laughter*<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> But, you know, not- but you know- respectful- touch you gently on the shoulder or the back-<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *vomitously* Yeah…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I mean at least I'm not that guy from Inuyasha that… go- eh- go for the bum.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *vomitously* Yeah…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Heh-heh, that's funny. Always get slapped in the face, he does.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I forget his name, I think it's Mamoru, or something like that<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh... it's Miroku.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> *talking over her* Do you watch Inuyasha? Yeah, Miroku, that was it, you hi- you hit it on the head right there…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah…<br>
Emily awkwardly walks several steps.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *delaying* Is that the… food court there?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah that's basically the food court.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> OK…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah it use- it used to have McDonald's here-<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> … soooo many years ago across from the Gamestop there, back then it was called Babbages…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And then between them and Suncoast was FunCo Land and Software Etc. and they all merged into a Ga- they all merged into Gamestop.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh... never heard about that…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... I'm sh- I'm sh- I'm sure you must've at least noticed those game stores back in your youth-<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah... I play video games sometimes, but not very often…<br>
<font color="#000000">'''Salesman:'''</font> HELLO WOULD YOU LIKE HARAAGARALABHGH<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, no thank you!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> No thank you! Yeah... right over- see- where that *unintelligible name of store*, that's where PacSun used to be, where Anna McLerran<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh yeah... I've… I've heard of her as well…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Is she still around?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> No she, uh- moved to Utah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Utah…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> She's a Mormon. Found that out after I met her. But we cam- but we- but we could became good friends and I gave her, uh, you know, gave her a going away/birthday party before she left for Utah…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Uh-huh!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> For her 20th birthday… and actually her- actual- and actually her friends, uh, her friends and I got together and put together the party. *emphatically* I k- I bought the cake.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, that's nice of you… and… there was also Megan. Do you keep in contact with her?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah uh... no, not-no-n-n-not-been-touch with her for a long time.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> That's cause she moved to another state.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh... did she move to Utah too?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh, no, I don't think she moved to Utah, I don't even remember where she moved to.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> But you know, sometimes, I, uh, I dream I'm back in uh, Manchester High, you know, I get to see all my- all my old s- c- all my old friends… there.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Sometimes I even see Megan and John in there… John's her brother…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh ok…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Can you believe that, attending Manchester High like I was back then,<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *small laughter*<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> … but yet they never went- they never been- they never been to Manchester High, neither of them. Isn't that… kinda funny?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *slightly sarcastically* Yeah… that is kinda funny!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... FYE was over there…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh... I guess it's becoming a LensCrafters?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I guess… anyway here's the Spencer's.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> If you like looking at the, uh, naughty stuff-<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *quickly* No, I'm not into that.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Not yet anyway! *laughs*<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *nervous laughter*<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Ah, but you might. But it's mostly humorous, anyway.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah... well... doesn't look like there's anything down here…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah... not much… not much to look at around here… the toy stores around here are down here…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh... well I gotta get going soon, it's gonna be a long drive!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Long drive…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Well I hope, uh, you at least, uh, keep the memories we've shared…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah I'll walk you to your car, if you want…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> No, I'll probably have to go to the bathroom first… it's that time of the month…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, when you're on your, uh, period…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah… *nervous laughter*<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, you know, aside from the, uh, first time, uh, meeting, this first meeting, uh, how do you feel about me? In general…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> You're a really nice guy!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Thank you…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I don't know why people pick on you and all that…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, they should get to know me in person…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I mean I'm a gentleman, I behave… behave…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *steering the beast* Have you been into any of these stores over here?
===Meet the Pickle (01:21:44 - 01:25:29)===
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible] Yeah, so, um, you wouldn't want to go see Watchmen, would you?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Uh... no.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I'd see that movie.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> *shocked* Uh... any particular reason why you're dressed up like that?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Not in particular.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Come on, Emily.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> What?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Hey, hey, maybe the lady wants to go with me. Ya, ya want to go see Watchmen? Lots of, uh...<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *gloating* Why, what's wrong?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> The man in the pickle suit… a- it's apparent this guy's amongst the… trolls.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> You think…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> What's a tro…<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#000000">'''Passerby:'''</font> Sir… sir, what are you?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> I'm a pickle.<br>
<font color="#000000">'''Passerby:'''</font> You're a pickle! I love pickles.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Yeah? Pickles are pretty cool.<br>
<font color="#000000">'''Passerby:'''</font> And who are you advertising with?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> I'm not really advertising.<br>
<font color="#000000">'''Passerby:'''</font> You're just dressed for fun?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Just bored.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Dressed as a pickle to HAUNT ME.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Excuse me? I don't even know you.<br>
<font color="#000000">'''Passerby:'''</font> You're just bored?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Yep!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> *questioningly* You don't even know me… are you sure… do you have internet access?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Lots of people have internet access.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Do you know Sonichu and Rosechu?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> No, I do not.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Do you know about Encyclopedia Dramatica?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> No, I do not. (turning to Emily) Want to go see Watchmen?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> *stress sighs* No, no, no, she's with-<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Alright!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> … she's h- she's headed over to- she's heading back to her home town.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Uh, Watchmen would be pretty cool.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah, it would be pretty cool!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, alright, uh…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Let's go see it!<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font>Okay, cool.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> (to Emily as they turn to leave together) You've probably seen Watchmen (he refers to the novel), haven't you?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> (answering the question meant for Emily as he is clearly left behind) I've heard of Watchmen…<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> *laughs at Chris*<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah!<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> (inaudible, but clearly saying something to the effect that he doesn't like the Pickle Man.)<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *gloating* What's wrong with him?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> What, you like pickles?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah… I do not like pickles.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> No pickles?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> And also particularly a guy in a pickle suit who tricked me on the internet pretending that he was Blanca!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> There's nothing wrong with him!<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Who's Blanca?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> *stress sighs/grunts*<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> There's nothing wrong with him! See, he's a nice guy.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> (inaudible, but stressed as he moves closer to Emily)<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> I think you're making the lady uncomfortable there, Chris.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> *stress sighs* I'm sorry, Emily.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> It's ok… I think I have… to go to the bathroom now…<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah, go change my tampon.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh boy. [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> [inaudible] … but I guess I do now.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *attempting to brush him off* OK, well it was nice meeting you… maybe we'll talk online or something.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah well… I kinda… [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> (as they continue trying to walk away) Well, we're going to go now.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah well…<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I'm going to the bathroom.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, uh, either of- (to Pickle Man) you're not going where she's going…<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Uh, we're- we're leaving together.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Are you with her?<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Now we are. We're going to go see Watchmen.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> No! N- no! She's going b- you gotta go back to West Virginia, don't you.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> We're going to go see Watchmen first.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I'm kinda- just- gonna- Watchmen's not that long of a movie.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> *suddenly concerned for Emily* Yeah, but you got a five hour drive!<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> *dismissively* It'll be ok.<br>
The Pickle Man and Chris indistinctly carry on a short dialogue. The Pickle Man seems to be asking Chris why he is following along, and Chris replies:<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> I'm just staying close to my friends<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Alright, see ya!<br>
===Hiding Out In The Bathroom (01:25:29 - 01:29:34)===
There is a long pause as Emily hides from Chris in the bathroom.<br>
<font color="#000000">'''Passerby:'''</font> (inaudible)...very fashionable looking.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, thank you!<br>
<font color="#000000">'''Passerby:'''</font> The mall should pay you for walking around.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> (laughs)<br>
Another long pause as Emily finally leaves the bathroom.
===A Precious Farewell (01:29:35 - 01:31:10)===
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> So, you ready to go?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah, my car's that way.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Okay.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, her car's… Your car's [inaudible] didn't you?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, so did I.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh, you did?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Which [inaudible]?<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Tha- that way.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh... I'm over there.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh. (continues walking alongside Pickle Man and Emily)<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Chris… you don't need to walk me to my car.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Okaaay.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> This is… Alright.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> So, you have yourself a safe trip back to uhh… West Virginia.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Oh… (feigning cheerfulness) okay! I might call you on Skype later.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Okay, you take care.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> You too.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Hey… (attempts to hug and kiss Emily)<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> (tries to avoid Chris) No… no… no thank you! (nervous laughter) No thank you.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> (Chris gives up) Okay.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Alright, see you.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> Alright, well you take care, be safe.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Alright, you too.<br>
8 seconds pass as Pickle Man and Emily walk away from Chris.<br>
<font color="#4682B4">'''Chris:'''</font> (yelling from a distance) HE KNOWS CLYDE CASH!<br>
There is laughter from Pickle Man and Emily.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> (laughing) Mission accomplished!<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Is he gone yet?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> I don't know, let me look behind.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible] I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry. I'm so sorry.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> That's okay!. [inaudible] worse than me…<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> I'm so sorry.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> That's okay.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> [inaudible]<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Yeah...<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Okay... [inaudible] man in the pickle suit?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> (laughs)<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> (laughingly says something about Clyde Cash)<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> (laughs) Wait there… there's Frosty.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> What?<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> Looks like he's gone now. I'm gonna go tell him what happened.<br>
<font color="#009900">'''Pickle Man:'''</font> Okay.<br>
<font color="#CD5555">'''Emily:'''</font> (presumably walking to see Frosty) Yes! Still recording!
==External links==
* [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hgz03i1wj4n The Date Audio]
[[Category:Historical Documents]]

Latest revision as of 20:13, 19 June 2022

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