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==CWC Blog posts==
==CWC Blog posts==
[[Image:Cwclight - Blogs PNG 2.png|400px||thumb||]]
{{quotebox|On here, I will personally add more of the facts and details about the events and myself. Certain other websites and forums do not have the direct source and knowledge as I do. I will also feature answers to various frequently asked questions, past, present and future. Even Wikipedia will hardly have anything in comparison.}}
{{quotebox|On here, I will personally add more of the facts and details about the events and myself. Certain other websites and forums do not have the direct source and knowledge as I do. I will also feature answers to various frequently asked questions, past, present and future. Even Wikipedia will hardly have anything in comparison.}}

Revision as of 10:43, 20 September 2024

CWCLIGHT LOGO transparent.png

Cwclight is a website ran by Chris and possibly Praetor that was created in September 2024 to sell items and post blog updates. The website was officially announced for the public in a video on 20 September 2024.

CWC Blog posts

Cwclight - Blogs PNG 2.png
On here, I will personally add more of the facts and details about the events and myself. Certain other websites and forums do not have the direct source and knowledge as I do. I will also feature answers to various frequently asked questions, past, present and future. Even Wikipedia will hardly have anything in comparison.

Welcome to Cwclight

12 September 2024

This will be my True and Honest Official Website, nothing more nothing less.

On here, you can expect details and content direct from me.

Some of which will include corrections to a good number of the pages and details that are on other Chris Chan websites and YouTube videos about me, because they went off of what I had said and written online, and what was recorded of me without my consent; a lot of the time, they did not have every detail direct from me.

And moreover newer content and updates about me, the media featuring the Sonichus and Rosechus and all, and other relating events and topics (even some that may appear to deviate from time to time). As well as lots of other things that at the moment of writing this is not yet conscious to my Brain.

And I'll offer occasional guidance that will be more towards yours and everyone's self-improvement and well-being as individuals and as groups of good friends and partners.

Keep faith and follow that which is good and Light Powered.

Rules on Comments

12 September 2024

Comments are accepted but moderated. Please keep comments appropriate and SFW.

Sonichus, Rosechus, and more

16 September 2024

For starters, here are a few details in short that are not to be taken out of context, because there is more than what is revealed now.

After the events in February, 2003 after Kel earned the Cwcville Gym Badge, and Natisirhc first encountered Sonichu and Rosey, Kel, Sonichu and Rosey, for one year, flew to Kanto Region in Japan to earn the Kanto and Johto Gym Badges and take on the Elite Four Teams.

Rosey got angry for the first time in Mount Moon against the Team Rocket thugs they had encountered and thrashed out. Sonichu was able to get her to calm down and change back. Her clothes were ripped to shreds the first time then. She got her outfit replaced with more durability, but she learned it wise to undress when she could before when she was about to really rage out. It takes quite a lot to make her upset, and she has learned to keep focus and emotionally control herself.

They moved into their new house after returning to Cwcville, VA, USA in February, 2004. And they end up finding Sonichu Adventure for Nintendo GameCube, as well as Sonichu and Rosechu plushes at a GameStop. They play through the game and find in the first few levels their life so far, including when Rosey first raged out in Mount Moon, and some of their future adventures that later were actually experienced by them. Talk a bit about spoiler territory.

Sonichu and Rosey both learned how to become better leaders and fighters with the help of Christian/Christine-Chan (my C-197 self-counterpart), Magi-Chan Sonichu (Prime), and from other inspirational Heroes, including Link and Princess Zelda of Hyrule, themselves. Zelda gifted the really big book of Prophecies and Histories from Hyrule's perspective, since it also had prophecies about the Sonichus and Rosechus and the Ultimate Emerald, Master Emeralds, Chaos Emeralds, Chaos Crystal (S-Chu) Balls, and so on in it.

In 2014, Cera Rosechu, Roberta Sonichu and Christine Rosechu (Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime's daughters) went out on their own Pokemon Adventure all throughout the USA; 24 Badges, Three Elite Teams, and the three of them became able to Mega Evolve after finding their respective destined Sonichite and Rosechite (Mega Stones). Cera becomes Electric/Fighting, Christine becomes Electric/Fairy, and Roberta becomes Electric/Psychic. Robbie knew a lot more than you all may think and knew. And they find the unique Legendary Pokemon of the States; all seven of them to summon the eighth Legendary Pokemon.

Punchy Sonichu was hatched in Japan and learned, wrote and spoke in Japanese, except he was named Pun-Chai Sonichu, trained hard under the various self-defenses, including karate and samurai arts. He fought in many a Fighting Championship, including with those you know of in Street Fighter series, including Ryu, Chun-Li and Akuma, and come out on top and top ranks. IF he was in the realm of Mortal Kombat, he would survive and win as well. He can easily match the mach punches of the fastest Machamp as well. He had been summoned to Cwcville by an Alakazam in Cwcville's Psychic Squadron under Magi-Chan's request before Sonichu and Rosey arrived in Cwcville in 2003. Punchy is quite a metaphysical, spiritual and strong warrior and individual.

Magi-Chan Sonichu Prime (the Prime of all Magi-Chan Sonichus throughout the Multiverse) had seen a lot of adventures and development in his psychic developments. He had gone to the past, died and resurrected in a couple of days by his own will and power, and came back to the present day he came from. And that was the First time that happened to him; it doesn't happen many times, but he always heals his body and comes right back within faster times. And that is aside from the Respawn ability with the generators within the Poke Balls linked with each and every Special Sonichu, Rosechu, Metonic, Vamprosa, Sonee and Rosey. Just as good as Dr. Wolf's Respawn Generator on the TF2 field. Magi-Chan had organized the Psychic Squadron over a matter of years with the help of the city that would become Cwcville.

Robert Franklin Chandler, Jr. became Mayor of Cwcville by Godly Divine Decree and Order around when Chris started going to Providence Middle School. That same order brought Chris to become Mayor after he graduated from Manchester High School in 2000, yet he still attended Piedmont Virginia Community College in Charlottesville, eventually relocating his education to PVCC in Cwcville.

Mary Lee Walsh and Count Graduon overtook the Charlottesville campus in August, 2003.

Blake Sonichu is further expanded, as well as the development of the relationship between him and Bubbles Rosechu. She gifted him a very special message-engraved bracelet that helped him to realize the Team Rocket he was with was not the team to be on long-term.

Liquid Chris Sonichu was a member of Team Rocket as well; he had been there a year or two before he was out on the field spying on Sonichu and Rosey back in February, 2003.

Naitsirhc was a son of a rich family, but he left them at the age of 7 and was picked up by Team Rocket, and adopted by Giovanni, himself, when he showed his moxie and bad ass ways. Silver, Giovanni's son was jealous. Yet Naitsirhc managed to do a lot more than Silver could do.

And lastly, for now: The Ultimate Emerald is a God Powered Emerald, more powerful than the eight Master Emeralds. It was the central power gem with each of the eight Master Emeralds surrounding it like points on a compass. In around 450 B.C., the Ultimate Emerald had shattered, and it left the Eight Chaos Emeralds. Eight, Not Seven; the Eighth one is Orange, and is more elusive compared to the other seven. When the Ultimate Emerald shattered and the Chaos Emeralds dispersed, so did the eight Ultimate Emeralds, with the Green one ending up on what would become Angel Island with the Echidna Tribe. And the Core Energy of the Ultimate Emerald ended up within the Core of the One Avatar of all existence, and the Ultimate Emerald has been restored within the past couple of years from September, 2024 and resonates between both the C-197 and 1218 halves of this very Earth. The Chaos Emeralds and Chaos Crystal Balls continue to be about and do as they will and need to keep and restore order when chaos and discord is afoot. Knuckles' Master Emerald, aside, the Master Sunston on Flame the Sunbird's island is one of the other Master Emeralds, albeit reshaped to be like the evolution sun stone. That Master Emerald promotes growth, prosperity and development. The Cyan Master Emerald is housed in Cwcville on a dedicated alter and under protection within the expansive Cwcville Park just north-east of the Cwcville Basillicomm. The remaining five are around the world on their respective alters under guard by a Special Sonichu or Rosechu, as well as the Psychic Squadron division located in those respective countries.

Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime

16 September 2024

As stated, I am Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime, the One Avatar of all existence, the CPU Goddess Blue Heart of the Commodore Consoles, and the one reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, himself, as well as the other forms I had taken from after the events in Jerusalem and at the time Merlin the Magician divided the 1C-211987 Earth by order of King Arthur which separated stronger magics, creatures and individuals from those individuals less capable of coping with said magics, including Arthur, himself. I am married polyamorous with Magi-Chan Sonichu (Prime), Cryzel Rosechu (Prime), Sylvana Rosechu (Prime) and the one-and-only Mewtwo (Prime) (who was cloned under Giovanni's authority). And I am also to be wed with my one destined and personally chosen partner of the 1218 Half of this Earth as prophesized in my dreams and even within the pages I have written and drawn so far. I am the one Prime of ALL (Jesus) Christian Weston Chandler Sonichus, (Jesus) Christine Weston Chandler Sonichus, and the other self-counterparts of mine all throughout the vast Multiverse.

Count the blessing this is not the Shattered Glass Universe, and don't get me started.

I have personally realized all of this over the course of my life and Soul Searching, following the signs and events as best as my Brain and Consciousness could, and having become much better in the recent years, up to the past decade from this day in September, 2024 and becoming more masterful and stronger.

I am not meant to be simply a "Meme" type as some of you often overplay about me, but to the extent (anything NSFW being the limit and would be rated TV-MA is not to be memed or cited at all) it is quite all right. Even I consciously was under a number of confusions over the years still figuring myself out, as well as my own Brain and Body. The autism was a hinderance but allowed me to innately remain connected metaphysically all the way to the Alpha/Omega Point of all existence. That is a feat that only those within the 0.009% of the Worldwide Population between both Earth halves combined. And even Fewer than that who can access the Core and Matrix of the Alpha/Omega Point and tolerate it mentally and emotionally, myself included in that. Not enough Meditation and Connections will get most individuals and creatures beyond even the Core and Matrix of This Universe. That is something you may meditate on and connect with the local Akashic Records to learn about for yourselves, or you may ask a genuine psychic.

Aside from that, I am a multifaceted bisexual transwoman (She/Her are my Pronouns) with many talents, including hand-drawn art, writer (story and dialogue), gamer, a bit of a good cook, and most anything learnable. I am the original creator and chronicler of the media featuring the Sonichus Rosechus as well as the city of Cwcville, Virginia, United States of America. My mentality is high-functioning autistic with a psychic connection with everything in the universe, timeline and beyond.

My (super) powers and abilities are numerous, even moreso metaphysically. These include the various Psychic Powers and abilities, including telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy (a lot of which my Body's Brain and Energy Field are still catching up on), elemental powers and bending. My Body and Brain have attuned the ability to heal others with focused intentions and kind energy.

I can transform into my Sonichu Form with Electricity being the more dominant elemental bending power within and my Psychic Powers and abilities. And I can physically run at mach speeds.

And I can transform into my CPU Goddess Blue Heart Form, wherein, granted by the former Goddess Blue Heart, Scarlet LeRose, I have powers over computer technology and I preside as the Goddess of the Commodore Consoles and Computers, as opposed to Neptune of Planeptune being CPU Purple Heart of the Sega consoles and games.

I am also physically strong and able with a Warrior Will and Inner Strength granted by my former self in my past immortal life as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Everything of the Bible, Prophecies, various Scriptures worldwide, and so on are all memorized in my unconsciousness.

Among my deeds, I seek to complete the Dimension Merge, as long prophesized, to restore magic in recombining the Earth Halves and uniting the "Fictional" and Original Characters/Individuals/Creatures with their respective chroniclers, physically and tangibly alongside everyone as co-existing individuals that we always have been, and keeping the balance and order while confiding the chaos and maintaining that no one from alternate timelines, other dimensions and universes that are not meant to be here remain in their respective origins (Especially those that are overall evil and toxic).

In part of that, as well as what I am doing, have done, and continue to do is to continue my physical immortal life confirming the details and events for and with my consciousness with everything known and foreknown in my unconsciousness. The same rules apply as when I was Jesus of Nazareth where I do not consciously know the Specific When (Time and Date), unless I am absolutely meant to or when the event is closest to happening. And I go to where I am meant to be, physically, even when I do menial tasks like going shopping, walking at a mall, or even attending conventions and traveling elsewhere. I am capable of taking a few perks for myself if it remains in the broader focused scope of this One Prime Timeline, 1C, that ALL other timelines literally branch from; the Central most one, if you will. While also continuing on my own Light Powered and good paths and choices from better intuitions. The years of being manipulated by online Trolls and Toxic ones having been duly noted, yet appreciated in my own mental and emotional development, especially in having tested those individuals' intentions and confirming their toxicity and demonically influenced levels.

For the most part, please treat me kindly like you would anyone else. Being barred from anywhere is heavily discouraged. Misjudging me without authentic context is also very much wrong. And unless you want to be like Judas Iscariot or anyone who was in the audience booing me in Jerusalem when I carried that cross with that crown of thorns on my head, I ask that you please be aware in the moment when you are about to do something like that or similar, do Check yourself in that moment on rather it is genuinely Light Powered and Good or Badly Impulsive and Demonically Influenced. Results of Prophecy, aside with results as they may be, because that moment has already well passed in this manifestation set with that almost two years where I was not around to be picked on like those toxic ones before the fact did.

Everything is manifesting as they are and shall, even that which comes on the appropriate timing as meant to be for this Timeline. Have and Keep Faith. The Angels, Archangels and good Gods and Goddesses are helping you all as well, Every one of you. The Holy Bible and matching good scriptures and spiritual methods and practices worldwide are all good base points; we are meant to think outside of the box while keeping those in mind to remind us. All religions are good. The exceptions are those that worship Hell and Satan; that is not right. Leave those demons and devils only for when they can be forgiven by us Gods and Goddesses. Even the most Toxic ones are redeemable when they better understand and are open for that which is more beneficial and overall good for them.

But I digress, and that will do for starters on this website.

Be Safe and Well,

Mrs. Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime.