Talk:For Women ONLY

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Revision as of 23:04, 29 June 2010 by MoarLurk (talk | contribs)
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Ah shit here we go again.--Beat 02:09, 30 June 2010 (UTC)

It's official- FH is his new dating site. --Eniggy 02:20, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
Oh Chris, why did you have to come to Flipnote Hatena? WHY?!--Whoopwoo 02:40, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
Can someone translate that first paragraph for the flipnote illiterate? Specifically, I have no idea what "Once again, he attempts to get others to tag in, but Chris, paragon of intelligence that he his, once again locked it." means.--Star Platinum 02:41, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
I think it means that he wants others to edit it, but made it so no one can edit it.--Jerkop 02:46, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
Yeah. Sorry I didn't make it clearer. My bad.--Blazer 02:47, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
Dammit, a 10 year old is reporting me just for trolling. Fucking little kid Twilight fangirls... --Eniggy 02:54, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
Make new account. Continue trolling.--MoarLurk 03:04, 30 June 2010 (UTC)