User talk:Tomgirl4life

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Hey Guys!

I'm trying right now to create an article for Chris' trip to Ohio, and am gathering pics, mapping information, chatlogs, etc. to try and extrapolate a sequence of events.

Trip to Ohio

Files needed:

Nnocac.jpg--already uploaded
picture of the sonic where chris ate (not available in google maps, need sauce)

Starting/Stopping points:

1. 14 Branchland Court (Chris's house)
399 miles, 7 hrs, 36 min
2. 2229 East 46th Street, Cleveland, OH ("Julie's" house)
.3 miles, 2 min
3. 2229 East 40th Street, Cleveland, OH (alternate address given by resident @ julie's
31.8 mi, 35 min
4. 4:25 PM: 9746 State Route 14, Streetsboro, OH (Sheetz convenience store where Chris refueled on the way home)
315 ft
5. 4:29 PM: 9780 State Route 14, Streetsboro, OH (Sonic fast food where Chris ate after refueling)
350 mi, 6 hrs 58 min
6. 14 Branchland Court (Back to Chris's house)

This section is just conjecture for now, I will try and do some more research to get more accurate information. Not sure what can be done as far as accuracy goes since the trip was 2 years ago and the chandlers are famous for not answering their phone, but I'll do what I can intelligently.

the recorded times we have for the trip are 4:25 @ the gas station, then 4:29 at Sonic (loyal to a fault, eh?). The sonic is right off the interstate, and the one hamburger at 4 in the afternoon probably took about 5 minutes to come out, and an estimated 5 minutes to eat and leave at around 4:40. With the 7 hour drive home as estimated by Google Maps this places Chris back home a little before midnight assuming traffic laws were obeyed. of course, Chris didn't make it back until 3 AM the following morning so he f'ed up along the way. He brought a novel, it's safe to say he read some of it while at Sonic.

working backwards, assuming he left the second location with the intention of gassing up and going home he left that location at approximately 3:45, taking 35 minutes to get to the station and put in ~6.5 gallons over the course of 5 minutes. NOTE: receipt is from a physical pump and so was prepaid with a card.

I'm going to estimate for now approximately 30 minutes of dickery at both locations, putting him at the old lady's house @ 3:15. factoring in a 7.5 hour drive has him leaving his parents' house at 7:45. He actually left at 5:30 according to the emily transcript, so there's about two hours missing from their that could be any number of factors. I doubt chris can go 7.5 hours without eating, and since he had a book with him he probably sat at the table eating for a while.

  • don't forget he stopped at a toll booth and locked his keys in his car, more like a troll booth am i rite -Acousticvirgin 20:50, 29 May 2011 (PDT)
  • yeah, saw a lot of details in the Emily transcript. Gonna try and figure out when stuff actually went down. Try and get in touch with the old lady he spoke with, etc --Tomgirl4life 20:55, 29 May 2011 (PDT)


Summary at top


the trip itself


--will fill out the above sections later; I'm at work right now

I looked up the address that was given for Julie's Residence, the house is known as the Andrew Dall House and is listed in the National Registry of Historic Places. Andrew Dall was a builder in the 1800's - early 1900's, not sure if there was any significance in the address that was given or if it was just a random address; probably the latter.

  • A page on the trip itself might be interesting, depending on how you do it. Not a totally bad idea though, if you need to know anything, I can see about asking the people involved.--Champthom 06:01, 30 May 2011 (PDT)