For Kacey from CWC
For Kacey from CWC is a video uploaded by Chris, under the guise of being the "real" Chris, CChanSonichuCWC, to Liquid Chris's girlfriend, Kacey.
[The video takes palce in Chris Room, obscured by low contrast to conceal his hideous appearance]
Hey Kacey, it's me. I'm sorry my, huh, computer seems to be haunting up. But, you know sometimes this just happens so you know, just give me the shoutout I promised:
I love you Kacey. you are a good girl, and the more I talk to you the more- the more I get to appreciate you very much. And there are so many things yet-you have to learn you have learn about me, but it will be learned later in the future come.By the way, my parents will be here when you come later. So they will be very happy-they will be very happy to, huh, meet you. You know at least my father will. He is a nice-he is a nicer parent nowadays but back in the old days he was such a stick in the mud, but seriously yeah, he's a good guy. My mom's a good woman too, she will be a redneck sometimes, but you know. You have earned her trust and she will be good to you. But I welcome you, I'm waiting it with open arms. I'll see you later. [Raspberry] [Sings I can't figh these felling anymore] I'll see you later.