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For discussion that doesn't fit into the other community pages - though do keep it related to the CWCki.

"No shit is too minor"

This is something that's been on my mind for a while and I feel like getting it off my chest now. It's about our motto "No shit is too minor." I get this impression that people think it means "We have a duty to document every facet of Chris, we must know everything about Chris, if Chris takes a shit we need to document it and keep track of his bowel movements." I think that isn't the case.

First off, "no shit is too minor" is something someone just came up with one day and I thought it suited us well. It's not something I came up with or anything, but I've liked it because what I've always interpreted it as is "We shouldn't overlook things about Chris." At times, people can be like "Oh, we don't need to worry about this recording, we've looked over it before," that is that they will overlook material about Chris or not think it's important. I think the "no shit is too minor" in that as wiki editors we should dig through the content we do have and try and find new insights about Chris in it. For instance, when I first watched the The 24th Wedding Anniversary Special I didn't think much of it. I was like "Okay, Chris is rambling on and doing Animal Crossing shit, who cares?" But then I watched it another day and noticed that he talks a lot about his parents and how they met, that's some pretty significant information. It doesn't mean we have to analyze his choice of font in the video, or we need to do a Freudian analysis of his music choices, but merely we shouldn't overlook things.

Anyways, I could go on but what I think we need to do is not to overlook the little things, that's how I've interpreted, rather than "Chris has a bowel movement, we need to document it and we need to know Chris's regularity" which is how I see a lot of people interpret it as.--Champthom 05:25, 27 January 2012 (PST)

  • I agree completely, and encourage you to consider getting a new motto. I think the current one brings out people's spergy side. --Old meme 06:28, 27 January 2012 (PST)
    • as i have said before, once you start leaving out details its like cancer. its all or nothing eventually. Either include everything because you never know what is or is going to be important (Elvis died on the crapper), or just dont include anything. if chris is irregular, well that sounds unimportant, but down the road that simple detail could help someone figure out something else. Logic requires detail for extrapolation of facts. more detail, more extrapolation, more facts....-~ Slimz ~-. 07:03, 27 January 2012 (PST)
    • a possible new motto would be "Just the facts" or "The devil is in the details"
    • No, cancer would be filling up the CWCki with too many pointless details. Champ's rant was all about how we DON'T need to write about every little trivial aspect of Chris's life. It's fine to leave stupid shit out, and that's what we're trying to do. And, that is also why we are having this discussion about a possible new motto. That said, I think you have some good ideas for possible alternate mottos, and I highly encourage Champ if he's reading this to consider them. Also, you have to sign all your posts, not just your first one. --Old meme 07:55, 27 January 2012 (PST)
      • Define what is 'stupid' clearly... What facts should be left out? COnjecture, that should be left out.. Opinion, that should be left out... But NO FACT no matter HOW MINISCULE should ever be left out, lest it be gone forever. The simple things, the details, the minutia, thats where the truth of Chris really lies....-~ Slimz ~-. 09:12, 7 February 2012 (PST)

Linking quotes

Ok so i was reading the PS3 article over and notices that chris is quoted saying 'I'd throw away the cure for autism' where the word autism is linked to the autism page. well on the Pixelated_PS3 page (where the video lives that the quote comes from) autism is is also linked to the word autism.. ok here is the issue, when quoting chris on a page other then the one that has the original video, should we link the quote to that page directly? i mean we seem to link all kinds of stuff to all kinds of stuff but a barely see any quotes linked back to the source of the quote. Just asking what the protocol is for that?

  • We usually do link back the quotes in the article text around them or in the quote description. I don't think that there is any set in stone policy about it, but I can't really think of any instance where a quote's source has not been linked in the article somewhere. If you can though, by all means show me where. --Old meme 07:55, 27 January 2012 (PST)
  • if i run across it i will rectify it, the source is linked in the citation on the page i was talking about so there is a link, Chris is obviously quoted often so im sure there are quotes on pages with no back links. i guess creating citations for quotes is the best way to go.

Megaupload and Filesharing sites

I've noticed that in quite a few articles that include things for download the link that lead to recently shut down file serving sites have been closed. Is it a priority to fix these? Granola 06:42, 13 February 2012 (PST)

Chris an violence

Chris and violence have a long relationship. He has not only threatened violence, but also responded to threats of violence. He has performed tasks under the threat of violence and requested that tasks be performed with violence as an alternative..

The point here is that anger is one thing and violence is another. Chris has enough of a relationship with different areas of violence, that i believe that it deserves an article in the Chris and series.

Violence itself should not be lumped with anger. Anger is an emotion where as violence is an act (or in many cases the threat of an act) anger deals with how chris feels toward a specific situation where as violence deals with how Chris acts. im not a great christorian but i know enough to understand that 'Chris and violence' is a subject that deserves a page on this wiki... slimz - ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ 05:31, 9 March 2012 (PST)