Rebeckah Bentley E-mails

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Rebeckah Bentley was a troll who impersonated an old high school classmate of Chris. Not much is known about her yet except that she was in touch with Chris during 2013 and 2014. The following covers her email correspondence with Chris.


14 October 2013

Please Go And See A Doctor

Hi Christian,

I saw your recent Facebook post about scabies and I decided to email you because I don't feel comfortable about talking about personal stuff on Facebook. Scabies, if left untreated, can be very serious business. It can spread to you, even your dogs. If your dogs end up getting scabies, it could cost you hundreds of dollars to get them treated at the vet.

I am especially concerned about your mom. Older folks can be especially susceptible to secondary infections caused by the open sores made in the skin by the mites. You need to go and see a doctor as soon as possible. if you catch this early enough, the treatment is fairly simple. You're going to have to do some work though to make sure you remove all traces of the mites from your home.

An infected person can transmit scabies indirectly by shedding mites that can contaminate clothing, bedding, and furniture. After you've been to the doctor, you're going to need to thoroughly clean your house. You'll have to wash all of your clothing and bedding in very hot water as well. The furniture is going to be harder. Your best bet there may be to hire a professional exterminator. Some people say that those portable steam cleaners work well too; killing the mites and their eggs. That might be another option for you, depending on how bad your situation is.

Please don't ignore this. If you get this treated quickly, you'll be back to normal in almost no time. If you wait to get treatment, things could get a lot worse. Your health insurance should cover any treatment you need.

Here's an article from the CDC about scabies. You might want to read it. CDC Scabies Info.

Please take care of yourself!


15 October 2013

Good Luck at Your Doctor Appointment

Hi Christian,

I just wanted to wish you luck at your doctor appointment. Please be sure to ask him about the scabies. I know it's not really any of my business, but I want to make sure you understand how serious this is. You could be infected and not even know it. It takes awhile for the signs to show at first, but a doctor could tell.

If you catch it early, you'll just have to use a cream and/or a medicated power. You can only get this stuff from a doctor, there are no OTC meds for scabies.

Nobody wants to see you - or your mom get sick! Take care of yourself - OK?


16 October 2013

Better Than Online Dating - And Cheaper :)

Hi Christian,

You already have a nice, easy way to meet women - and it won't cost you anything! A lot of women are attracted to a guy with a cute dog - and you have two of them! You could walk them around the block or, better yet, take them to a park where there will be more people around. They're pretty small, so you should be able to walk them at the same time. A cute dog is a great conversation starter!

I don't know what your experience with online dating sites has been like, but I've never heard anything good about them. A lot people are dishonest in their profiles and the real person is often very different. I would hate to see you waste your money on something like this, only to end up getting disappointed, or worse, hurt. Trust me, give the doggies a try!

Congratulations on your weight loss! How did the rest of the appointment go? Did the doctor check you for scabies?


16 October 2013

Thank you

Thank you for your concerns, Rebeckah. The miniature flies have been bothering my mother for over two or three years now; she has been managing well in their removal with many methods, including the suggestions you have recently made, yet she already long had thought of the same ideas, including freezing them with ice packs and frozen peas. Her suffering from countless hours of picking and treating is mainly one thing that her going on and on and on about is bothering me a Lot. Fortunately, she is finally starting to feel Good, and the miniature flies are finally becoming past tense, as she is feeling the pain and bites less often. She HAS talked to a number of doctors about those damn bus as well; they are mostly dumbfounded.

My doctor confirms my TMJ problem, encourages jaw exercises, Tylenol usage and the tongue on mouth roof idea Karla had. It should resolve itself soon.

As for my history of online dating, it has often resolved badly, for me; I ended up unknowingly dating fakes often. Damn Internet Trolls and Cyber-Bullies. One was "a girl in Australia", another was "living in a house in Cleveland, Ohio" (actually drove there myself; run down, high-crime looking city; the house at the provided address did not fare any better; occupied by an elderly black woman). And there were at least five more fakers in the list as well. My Two more successful relationships, post MHS graduation, were a lot better, but one turned on me, and the other caught the Trolls' attention and dumped me after being bothered (plus, she didn't fancy my fantasy of moving the relationship forward from friendship).

**Groan and Sigh**

How about you; what's your story? Seeing anyone? Single? I understand you're in New York. How has the city recovered after Sandy? Also, my half-brother, Joseph Cole Smithey, lives in NYC as well, with his wife and his Movie Reviewing Job (>

I have tried time and again to get him to come down here, visit our biological mother, show her some love, and settle his warped perceptions and disputes against her. Sadly, he does not reply. I feel pity towards him, because he has been missing out on time with her. And seriously, he Should be supporting her after all of the sacrifices she has made for him. But I digress.

I am a "Cinderella" and "Repunzel"; trapped with the moral obligations and stress of care taking and guarding of my small family and often being stuck forcedly, due to financial problems and paranoia of the terrible people. Causing me nightmares at times with school bus trips resulting in driving off the high freeway edges, flying to dive towards a cliff, water, another road or whatever. I am troubled emotionally and mentally, and I desperately, but still picky, require my destined (?(God continues to mock me by not letting me have her in my life or not for long or ever)) Sweetheart-to-be to see me long after the eventualities. And if I don't find her soon, I may as well be one of those worthless, lack-of-purpose premature death cases. It all really taunts and hurts me.

I just do what I am able to help me and my mother get by one day at a time.

Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler.