Rebeckah Bentley E-mails
Troll disclosure: This persona was created, appropriated, or otherwise used by trolls to manipulate Chris. All of the messages here purporting to be from Chris's old high school classmates were written by Thetan, impersonating them. Though this identity is contrived, the CWCki may treat it as if it were a real identity because it was to Chris. (It's also funnier that way.) |
Rebeckah Bentley is one of the personas portrayed by Thetan, a troll who impersonated old high school classmates of Chris's. Not much is known about her yet except that she was in touch with Chris during 2013 and 2014. She was able to send messages between Catherine and Chris. The following covers her email correspondence with Chris.
The letters
Don't contact me
28 September 2013
Christian, I need to ask you to not contact me on Facebook for awhile. This means that I don't want you to tag me in any posts or send me private messages. To be honest, after your last couple of Facebook posts, I'm not sure how I feel about you right now and I really need to put some distance between us. |
Let go of Megan
3 October 2013
You Need To Let This Go For Your Own Sake From Rebeckah Bentley To ChrisChanSonichu Christian, Your obsession with this poor girl Megan is only going to make you even more bitter and unhappy. You're really only hurting yourself. How do you know that she even sees your Facebook posts? What happened between you and Megan was several years ago. People can change quite a bit in such a period of time you know. By now, Megan is probably a totally different person who has moved on with her life. I'm quite certain that she isn't some sort of super villain, or troll or whatever. She's just someone you had a misunderstanding with years ago. If you're honest with yourself, you'll admit that you played a part in what happened between you and Megan, and you need to acknowledge your mistakes. As a woman, I was horribly offended by that picture and I don't blame Megan for being angry with you for drawing it. If one of my friends drew something like that of me, they wouldn't be my friends anymore - period.And, as if drawing it wasn't bad enough, you went and uploaded it to the Internet where everyone could see it. I can only imagine the humiliation and ridicule that Megan has had to suffer through. She's gone through enough already. Please just leave her alone. Anyway, all of this energy that you're wasting obsessing over this poor girl, and something that happened years ago, could be better spent trying to find what makes you happy and to improve your own life. Please think about that. Rebeckah |
14 October 2013
Please Go And See A Doctor Hi Christian, I saw your recent Facebook post about scabies and I decided to email you because I don't feel comfortable about talking about personal stuff on Facebook. Scabies, if left untreated, can be very serious business. It can spread to you, even your dogs. If your dogs end up getting scabies, it could cost you hundreds of dollars to get them treated at the vet. I am especially concerned about your mom. Older folks can be especially susceptible to secondary infections caused by the open sores made in the skin by the mites. You need to go and see a doctor as soon as possible. if you catch this early enough, the treatment is fairly simple. You're going to have to do some work though to make sure you remove all traces of the mites from your home. An infected person can transmit scabies indirectly by shedding mites that can contaminate clothing, bedding, and furniture. After you've been to the doctor, you're going to need to thoroughly clean your house. You'll have to wash all of your clothing and bedding in very hot water as well. The furniture is going to be harder. Your best bet there may be to hire a professional exterminator. Some people say that those portable steam cleaners work well too; killing the mites and their eggs. That might be another option for you, depending on how bad your situation is. Please don't ignore this. If you get this treated quickly, you'll be back to normal in almost no time. If you wait to get treatment, things could get a lot worse. Your health insurance should cover any treatment you need. Here's an article from the CDC about scabies. You might want to read it. CDC Scabies Info. Please take care of yourself! Rebeckah |
Tell your doctor about the scabies
15 October 2013
Good Luck at Your Doctor Appointment Hi Christian, I just wanted to wish you luck at your doctor appointment. Please be sure to ask him about the scabies. I know it's not really any of my business, but I want to make sure you understand how serious this is. You could be infected and not even know it. It takes awhile for the signs to show at first, but a doctor could tell. If you catch it early, you'll just have to use a cream and/or a medicated power. You can only get this stuff from a doctor, there are no OTC meds for scabies. Nobody wants to see you - or your mom get sick! Take care of yourself - OK? Rebeckah |
Use your dogs to meet women
16 October 2013
Better Than Online Dating - And Cheaper :) Hi Christian, You already have a nice, easy way to meet women - and it won't cost you anything! A lot of women are attracted to a guy with a cute dog - and you have two of them! You could walk them around the block or, better yet, take them to a park where there will be more people around. They're pretty small, so you should be able to walk them at the same time. A cute dog is a great conversation starter! I don't know what your experience with online dating sites has been like, but I've never heard anything good about them. A lot people are dishonest in their profiles and the real person is often very different. I would hate to see you waste your money on something like this, only to end up getting disappointed, or worse, hurt. Trust me, give the doggies a try! Congratulations on your weight loss! How did the rest of the appointment go? Did the doctor check you for scabies? Rebeckah |
Worthless, lack-of-purpose premature death case
16 October 2013
Thank you Thank you for your concerns, Rebeckah. The miniature flies have been bothering my mother for over two or three years now; she has been managing well in their removal with many methods, including the suggestions you have recently made, yet she already long had thought of the same ideas, including freezing them with ice packs and frozen peas. Her suffering from countless hours of picking and treating is mainly one thing that her going on and on and on about is bothering me a Lot. Fortunately, she is finally starting to feel Good, and the miniature flies are finally becoming past tense, as she is feeling the pain and bites less often. She HAS talked to a number of doctors about those damn bugs as well; they are mostly dumbfounded. My doctor confirms my TMJ problem, encourages jaw exercises, Tylenol usage and the tongue on mouth roof idea Karla had. It should resolve itself soon. As for my history of online dating, it has often resolved badly, for me; I ended up unknowingly dating fakes often. Damn Internet Trolls and Cyber-Bullies. One was "a girl in Australia", another was "living in a house in Cleveland, Ohio" (actually drove there myself; run down, high-crime looking city; the house at the provided address did not fare any better; occupied by an elderly black woman). And there were at least five more fakers in the list as well. My Two more successful relationships, post MHS graduation, were a lot better, but one turned on me, and the other caught the Trolls' attention and dumped me after being bothered (plus, she didn't fancy my fantasy of moving the relationship forward from friendship). **Groan and Sigh** How about you; what's your story? Seeing anyone? Single? I understand you're in New York. How has the city recovered after Sandy? Also, my half-brother, Joseph Cole Smithey, lives in NYC as well, with his wife and his Movie Reviewing Job ( I have tried time and again to get him to come down here, visit our biological mother, show her some love, and settle his warped perceptions and disputes against her. Sadly, he does not reply. I feel pity towards him, because he has been missing out on time with her. And seriously, he Should be supporting her after all of the sacrifices she has made for him. But I digress. I am a "Cinderella" and "Repunzel"; trapped with the moral obligations and stress of care taking and guarding of my small family and often being stuck forcedly, due to financial problems and paranoia of the terrible people. Causing me nightmares at times with school bus trips resulting in driving off the high freeway edges, flying to dive towards a cliff, water, another road or whatever. I am troubled emotionally and mentally, and I desperately, but still picky, require my destined (?(God continues to mock me by not letting me have her in my life or not for long or ever)) Sweetheart-to-be to see me long after the eventualities. And if I don't find her soon, I may as well be one of those worthless, lack-of-purpose premature death cases. It all really taunts and hurts me. I just do what I am able to help me and my mother get by one day at a time. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler. |
16 October 2013
Re: Thank you Hi Christian, I'm a little confused about the miniature flies you mentioned. I thought you were talking about scabies; they're mites, not flies. Did you check out the link to the CDC article I sent you? It has a lot of good information. I'm not sure how you would kill either flies or mites with ice packs or frozen peas. The only real reliable way to get rid of those kinds of pests is to hire an exterminator, which, unfortunately, can be very expensive. Please have your mom be careful with the picking. This is what I was talking about in my other email. If she has any open sores she may be susceptible to infection. This could create a serious health problem. The doctors you mentioned wouldn't be able to do anything about getting rid of the source of the bugs, but I'm surprised that they weren't able to prescribe a medicated cream or powder that would help with the bites. I don't want to intrude on your personal business, but have you tried communicating with your brother recently? Perhaps if you explained to him what was going on in your life, especially regarding the health of your mother, he might soften up a bit. From the sound of it, you two really do need to talk more. Why is he distancing himself from you? Did you or your mother have a falling out with him at some point? If that's the case, I hope that you find some way to work out your differences with each other. Family needs to stick together, especially during difficult times. My relationship situation is, to say the least, complicated. It's something I may share with you at another time. I'm sorry to hear about your awful experiences with online dating. Maybe you should try my idea with the taking the dogs for a walk. It's a lot less risky, and you'll be able to actually see and interact with real women, not people hiding behind keyboards. I hope things start getting better for you soon. Rebeckah |
Chris has scabies too
18 October 2013
Re: Thank you She has a prescribed ointment, and she has been using it with band aids. I prefer to not really get into the specifics of the bugs; it has been bothering me about as much as it has bothered her. She knows a lot more about them than even the Internet could offer; she could write a book. As for Cole, the problems lie between him and our mother, Barbara Anne Weston Chandler. He has suffered head trauma and hip problems throughout his life. He was often misinformed about her often by his bio father, his step father/her ex-husband before mine, her siblings, cousins and others in Redoak, VA; their hometown. It started when she decided to set off on her own, some time after the passing of her daddy, in search for romance and her future, her mama disowned her. Lies had been stewed in her absence: being a "woman of the night", filthy, horrible, etc.; all lies and deceit; she is the opposite of what hate they filled Cole's head with. I have no confirmed or direct contact with him in NY; he doesn't respond to email, twitter feed, Facebook, YouTube, etcetera, either. So, I am most unable to reach him at all. He is over 50 now, and probably doesn't want to have a look in the mirror metaphor with his own mother, doesn't want to own up to repaying her for bringing him up the best she could, or Lord Knows What Else goes on through his head. It is a crying shame. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler. |
Textile abuse
29 November 2013
Hey From chrischansonichu To Rebeckah Bentley Listen, seriously, my mother would like a word with Sarah (Bevel) in references to her recent textile abuse; do you have her most current phone number, and please provide it for us. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
Sweetheart issues
15 December 2013
Shame About The Reunion Hi Christian, I'm not sure what advice to give you regarding your shyness; I've never had that problem. Have you thought about maybe joining some sort of support group for people who have similar issues? It might help you develop enough confidence to feel more comfortable in social situations. There are a lot of self-help books and videos available as well, but I'm not sure how much these would help you. Still, it might be worth a try if you don't have any other options. I have to say, I'm a little curious about the requirements you mentioned for a girlfriend. Those are some pretty high standards! Why is it so important to you that a potential girlfriend by "hot" and rich. That's a tall order! Believe me, there are a lot of guys that would love to meet a hot, rich woman. You're going to find yourself with a lot of competition. The other problem with "hot", rich women is that a lot of them are very stuck up and shallow people. They don't care about having a real loving, caring relationship with someone; they're looking for someone who will support them in the lifestyle they've become accustomed to and buy them lots of material things. If you're not a rich man, you probably don't have a chance with one of these women. Sorry if I sound like I'm being judgmental or critical. I just don't understand why these particular qualities are so important to you. There are plenty of wonderful women out there who aren't super model hot or rich, but they're good, caring people. I would hate to see you pass up a chance to have a rich and rewarding relationship with someone because you insist on holding out for the perfect woman. It's really a shame that things didn't work out with the reunion. I know how much you were looking forward to it, and you seemed really happy when you were helping Ashley with getting things organized. The same thing happened with the 10 year reunion. It's a shame that people are so apathetic and disinterested. It would have been fun to get everyone together. Rebeckah |
Dead end of a life
16 December 2013
I have tried a social group before, but that was not much help to me. Plus, currently, I don't read as many books as I used to. I'm on a TLDR (too long, didn't read) mindset, because unless I have the energy to really concentrate, I can't really grasp it. Anything self-help, and I have tried videos as well; it is too long a transition between viewing it, trying to absorb it, my mental threads going askew, and any next time out of the house. Even at the moment, if I was watching a video or reading something of the self-help on-location through wi-fi or something; ritualistic/routine mindset and ALL of the paranoia and fears just outweigh anything else. It's as if I need it knocked into my senses or something at the precise moment. You don't have to tell me about the stereotypical (maybe shallow) women, and how attractive they are; that only weighs in further into my fear of EVERY WOMAN being taken by some Damn Male. I have a personal hatred for 99% of the worldwide population of my own gender. I often even find myself disgusted at my own penis, as well as thinking, "I wish I was born female, with the possibility of being a lesbian", or something like that. I find the males most ugly, offensive, horrendous, crazy, creepy and all that shit. Most of the damn Trolls are damn homosexual males; I REALLY Loathe them, especially when they push their damn "lifestyle" into my face. And even just imagining it makes me throw up. I am most definitely Straight, and I take Great offense when Anyone DARES mislabel me otherwise. IT PISSES ME OFF!!! Sarah dared considered me on the mislabel, even back in High School. UGH!!! I apologize; one of my faults; a button gets pressed on the most offensive hot topic, I get emotionally carried away. Do not get me started on the damn Trolls. **sigh** Yeah, Mia Rogers did screw up the original reunion plans for Ashley and Angie, mostly due to Facebook being in its most earliest stages at the time. I was happy to help this time last August after watching "Equestria Girls" and building the first High School Lego set. I was happy, after YEARS of depression, until when Sarah blurted to Mimms about how she, Tiffany and others were not Friends, but "Hired Help", followed by her telling me directly that Tiffany found me creepy and offensive and did not want to ever be anywhere near me. It all just totally redevastated me Worse. I am unable to feel even remotely happy without feeling the heartache again now. At least there WILL be a 15-year reunion, thanks to me. Sad that I will be a most depressed, lonely wallflower going there. I also often ask myself, in this dead end of a life, in a cluttered house with my mother, without a sweetheart, in over our heads in debt, "How is this my life?" I don't know why I'm telling you all this; I have a feeling that you are a genuine, caring woman who listens and keeps it confidential. I pray you will not betray me as well (by not telling any Troll or whoever else any of this, leading towards even more degrading mockery and shit). **sigh** |
Move on from high school
18 December 2013
I'm Ashamed of Some of Our Classmates Hi Christian, Don't let the childish (and cruel) antics of a few of our classmates get you down. I've seen the emails and I don't care. You're an adult, and what you choose to do with your personal time isn't anybody else's business. Just ignore these people trying to have a few cheap laughs at your expense. I wouldn't even dignify them with a response. They'll just try to twist and use whatever you say to them against you. Just unfriend them, ignore them, and move on. Honestly, I'm not even sure I want to be friends with these people anymore. I'm especially disappointed with Sarah. I never knew she had such an awful mean streak in her. Hope you're doing OK. Rebeckah |
Check in with Anna
18 December 2013
Re: I'm Ashamed of Some of Our Classmates You are singing my song, girl friend. I have not forwarded any of the emails to you; how did you get wind of what they were saying? Anyway, it all already has taken me emotionally down greatly. Why can't people just quit believing the damn haters over the ONE Actual person who the arguments have been about. I just considered reporting my ex-past-friends to Ashley Abernathy, but she is super busy with her new child and her family and all. I apologize, but I feel I must state something here. I have had initial instincts and feelings of trust towards you, yet I have yet to have met you in person or inspect further. I am not stating any lack of trust towards you, but I feel need to secure the trust for myself. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Technically, I feel uncertain of what I need of you or what procedures are required. I think it would be good if you checked in with my gal pal, Anna McLerran; she is on my Facebook Friends List. I feel her approval would help me feel better. Plus, I also do think meeting up with you here sometime in the future in person would be beneficial. I am just a blank in my mind right now; I don't know what else to think. My heart continues to ache; I find lack of ability to find much positive... Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
Favorite comedians
18 December 2013
Re: I'm Ashamed of Some of Our Classmates It was not anything what you may have did, but it was mostly my confusion; I often feel lost and confused mentally. Plus, when I read in your last email where you read the emails and whatnot, it raised a bit of suspicion in my subconscious that later hit my conscious. Anyway, your response has touched me some, so you still have a chance staying on my side (I was not certain how to better word that, and I think I could have worded that better). As long as none of the emails between you and I have been "leaked" to the trolls or whatever, I still have some trust in you. If I may ask you, I have read your Facebook profile; your relationship status was left blank; are you single or taken? Also, I understand you studied comedy with the Upright Citizens' Brigade, and you're working for USA Today; I would like to hear a few stories or your points of view on those topics. I find Jerry Seinfeld to be funny. I also like Lucielle Ball and Red Skelton and the Three Stooges. British Comedies are on my likes too. "Keeping Up Appearances" and "Are You Being Served?" being a couple of them there. Stay Safe and Well, Christian W. Chandler |
18 December 2013
Re: I'm Ashamed of Some of Our Classmates Hi Christian, I won't be able to cover everything you asked about in a single email (and I just don't feel like doing all that much typing). I'm actually still doing workshops and courses at Upright Citizens Brigade East, in Chelsea. I just finished an advanced study class, "City of Weirdos". Improv comedy is a LOT of fun but it's also a LOT of work and can get pricey with the different classes, coaching, etc. Being a comedian sounds like a fun job, but it's a lot harder than people think. For now, I'm planning on keeping my day job. I'm also part of Team Hightower, a group of other aspiring stand up comics. My team competed in a "Cage Match" last Saturday. The cage matches are friendly competitions between local improv teams. Each team gets 15 minutes to perform before a panel of judges and receives feedback/criticism afterwards. The audience participates in the judging as well. Hightower didn't win the last one, but it was still a blast. Drinks and hanging out with the other teams and friends at the end of the show is always the best part. My job at USA Today isn't all that interesting. I'm in Marketing and I'm basically responsible for managing a number of large accounts. It's my job to convince my clients to spend mega bucks on ad space. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. I like Jerry Seinfeld, but he's not my favorite. There are a lot of comedians I like, but at the top of my list are George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Dennis Leary, Steven Wright, and Louis CK. I also enjoy political comedians. Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert are my favorites. I absolutely love classic comedy. Red Skelton was a wonderful old school comedian. I love his two seagulls, "Gertrude" and "Heathcliff" bit. Lucille Ball is another favorite. It's funny, if you were to ask most people their favorite I Love Lucy episode, they'll always say the candy factory one. My favorite episode is the one where Lucy gets Ricky's loving cup stuck on her head and has to ride the subway to get it to Ricky. The one where she and Ethel dress up as Martial girls as part of a promotional stunt is a good one too. Of course I love the Three Stooges - who doesn't? Like most people, Curly is my favorite. Just don't get me started on Three Stooges trivia....Did you know that Lucille Ball starred in a Three Stooges short called "Little Pigskins"? As far a British Comedy, I have a lot of favorites. At the top of that list is, of course "Monty Python's Flying Circus", followed by "Fawlty Towers", "Absolutely Fabulous", "Red Dwarf", "Are You Being Served", and "The Young Ones". Anyway, that's enough typing for me! I'm off now to have a very late dinner. Rebeckah |
Autism is not a joke
19 December 2013
Re: Comedy I have the complete Monty Python Flying Circus on DVD, as well as Seinfeld. I feel between Jerry and Larry David, they showed how difficult things were for comedians, especially in pitching a sitcom about nothing. Season 8 and 9 were good, but lacked the sincerity that was there when Larry was working on the show. For Lucy, I liked the Vitameatavegamin episode. Ask me to quote the episode when you and I get together. On a related topic, I recently looked up autistic comedians and jokes, because my mother had heard recently beforehand about an autistic comedian. I just could not get the jokes' humor (?), the comedians were really lackluster and repetitive; NOT good. And search result for best one ever: "Wrote down the result of an online IQ test in a special green book. It's his special book." What the hell was funny about that? It was just repetition over repetition. Unless I hear something better, I find myself feeling detest towards Autism jokes. I could never do stand up. I can do percentages and simple +, -, X, and / in my head, but it can take a long moment depending on the math's difficulty, and how often my thoughts get distracted, derailed and recovery to get back on track. That's another one you can try me on in person. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
Rebeckah doesn't know anything about Seinfeld
19 December 2013
Re: Comedy Hi Christian, I really don't have much to add to the conversation about Seinfeld. I've only watched a couple of episodes. I thought they were OK, but I never really became a fan. I'm obviously in the minority here though, since the show is such a monster hit, even now, in syndication. When I've got some time, maybe I'll start watching it from the beginning. I really like some of the "classic" sitcoms such as "WKRP in Cincinatti", "Taxi", "Night Court", and "Barney Miller". The writing and performances are amazing. I absolutely love Harry Anderson (Night Court). He's quite a character in real life as well. "Latka", "Louis", and "Reverend Jim" from Taxi are favorite characters as well. About the only modern sitcom I watch now with any regularity is "The Big Bang Theory". I was hooked after a friend showed me a couple of episodes. I LOVE Sheldon. He reminds me of one of my best friends. If you're looking for something a little different, comedy-wise, I highly recommend "Soap". It's a parody of daytime soap operas that ran from the late 70s to the early 80s. It's comedy gold. The writing and performances, especially Richard Mulligan's portrayal of Bert Campbell and Katherine Helmond's performance as Jessica Tate are amazing. Soap was very controversial and way ahead of its time. They covered everything from demon possessed babies to alien abductions. Mary Hartman Mary Hartman is another older, highly controversial and incredibly well written and funny series. If you can find them, do yourself a favor and watch them. I've been on a real comedy nostalgia kick lately. I've been watching The Gong Show. It's interesting to me because it's "raw", spontaneous comedy. Most of the people performing aren't professional comics and probably haven't ever taken a class. A lot of them seem like they're just naturally funny, and I like that. The Gong Show has always been a guilty pleasure. I love doing improv and I love living so close to one of the most exciting cities in the world. There is always so much to see and do, and I have a lot of great friends. Tomorrow night I'm going to the 15th Annual Glam Awards. I can hardly wait! I just need to find the perfect outfit. It's a very fashion conscious crowd. Rebeckah |
Chris provides useless Seinfeld details anyhow
20 December 2013
Favorite Seinfelds I checked the disc jackets to refresh my memory of favorite episodes. I liked "The Handicapped Spot" and "The Smelly Car" from Season 4. "The Marine Biologist" with "George and the Whale" (that story was a whopper; commentary, Larry admits they wrote it just a night or two before; Jason Alexander hits the read and recall spot on after one read and ONE Take; Perfect). "The Doll" with the Doll that looks like George's mom. "Georgia, Don't eat with your hands. Why do you eat so fast; you can't even taste it", imagines George as he's eating across from the doll at the restaurant. For the last two seasons, I liked "The Chicken Roaster", "The Serenity Now" and "The Betrayal" (original Backward, AND Forward). Out of those; I would give the top spot to "The Marine Biologist". Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
Chris makes his move
20 December 2013
Re: Comedy I also have enjoyed Taxi when it was on Nick @ Nite, as well as Get Smart, Bob Newhart, Mary Tyler Moore, Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, Munsters, Adams Family, Mr. Ed and others. It is a shame I can not find most of them on iTunes or Netflix. Yet I can find Cheers and Fraiser on Netflix. I have watched all of the Fraiser episodes. Do you find time to come back to Virginia? If you're not seeing anyone, I think I would like to hang out with you. I wish I could afford to actually ask women out, but between the already-taken factor (MOSTLY, and a major reason why I do not like the majority of the male population for YEARS), and being poor, having lack of self-esteem/confidence and the cursed Autism, I am just too SERIOUSLY SHY. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
20 December 2013
Re: Comedy Hi Christian, I've been a little disappointed with iTunes. Their selection of classic TV, especially comedy, leaves something to be desired (in my opinion anyway). I'm a little confused. What do you mean about not liking the majority of the male population? Sorry, it just jumped out at me because it seemed like an odd thing to say. Anyway, I've got to get ready to go to the GLAM awards so I've got to cut this short. Rebeckah |
Hating the majority of the male population
22 December 2013
Re: Improv Comedy Workshop in Charlottesville, VA I appreciate that, but I can't afford much right now; our financial window is for deposit only. As for what I blurted out earlier, about me hating the majority of the male population; I'd say don't worry about it. I have my hangups on my own gender (not counting seinor citizens and children). I hate them, because they take all of the women, leaving me with none to choose from; they all stereotypically hate, abuse, fight and hurt each other (a WHOLE LOT of Jerks); MOST of the trolls are male, and even worse, they are God Damn Gays (I Loathe them, because they push their label onto other people, and they are just really offensive to me, even in vivid imagination, they make me feel like throwing up; Seriously). I just plain do not trust them all. Among all people, regardless, I will be socially civil, but I keep my distance greatly. You do not know who to trust. And Lost and Confused in Life,... I lost my train of thought. |
Stop being a dumb bigot
22 December 2013
Re: Improv Comedy Workshop in Charlottesville, VA Christian, I really don't know where to begin.....I'm a little disappointed to hear about the way you feel about other men, gay men in particular. What I'm trying to say is that I just don't understand. For example, I don't hate other women because they are taking all of the guys, limiting my options. That just doesn't make any sense to me at all. Men and women are free to choose who they want to be with; there is no ownership so nobody can be "taken" against their will. The person you're attracted to has a say in whether or not they want to date you or have a relationship with you. Your gay remarks were especially hurtful because a lot of my close friends are LGBT. They are wonderful, funny, talented people, and I love them dearly. I can't imagine how anyone could find them offensive in any way, especially without meeting them first. You know that I was at the GLAM awards last night, which is a major gay event in NYC. It's a fantastic event and a lot of fun. Lots of people. LGBT and heterosexual go every year. It's one of the biggest parties of the year. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm coming down on you hard for what you said. Your remarks caught me off-balance, leaving me a little shocked and disappointed, as I said earlier. I'm trying very hard not to judge you on this since you did say that you lost your train of thought; so maybe I'm misunderstanding you. Maybe you didn't mean to phrase your remarks the way you did and you didn't realize how nasty and hateful they'd sound to someone else reading them. You never struck me as being the kind of person who would harbor these kinds of bigoted attitudes. This kind of hatred is absolutely toxic to me, and I don't want to be anywhere around it. I broke up with my last boyfriend because he turned out to be a bigot. He would make sick cruel remarks about LGBT folks in general, even going as far as to insult some of my friends right to their faces. That was the last straw for me. I ended our relationship because I just couldn't stand to be around him anymore. I was just wondering, do you have any gay or lesbian friends? A lot of people are uncomfortable around LGBT folk because they've never had any personal experience with them and the don't really know how to relate to them as people. I think that if you had a LGBT friend, your attitude would change. That's one of the things I love about living in the NYC area. People are a lot more cultured, tolerant, and accepting of alternative lifestyles. Ever day presents an opportunity to meet people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, as well as sexual preferences. I feel that I've really broadened my horizons and grown as a person since I moved out here. Anyway, I'm not going to talk about this anymore. I need to give your remarks further thought so that I can sort out my feelings about them. I'm still a bit hurt and it's going to take me some time to work through it. If I misunderstood you, that's great. I hope you'll be able to clarify what you were trying to say. If I came on a bit strong, it's because you touched a nerve. This is something I'm quite passionate about, being a big supporter of the LGBT community. I'm sorry that the improv comedy workshop won't work out for you. It looks like it's really well put together class and it would be fun. It's structured very much like my Upright Citizens Brigade classes and workshops. If you were able to do it, I think you'd make a lot of friends, boost your confidence, and have a great time. Maybe this is something you can do later on when your finances improve. It looks like this group does workshops throughout the year. Rebeckah |
Chris is the real victim
23 December 2013
Re: Improv Comedy Workshop in Charlottesville, VA Firstly, I felt shock myself in reading your response, and I most sincerely apologize for offending and hurting you. For the most part, that is how I feel about the gay males, but as long as they do not get too close or offend me personally, I am most able to cope being around them. Blame the damn bunch of Trolls for their shoving their label onto me as a grave mislabel, sending me lewd and obscene content, images and shit in email, US mail, what they left behind when they hacked into and destroyed my past website, leaving behind most obscene and offensive gay porn images, and the very loud audio file of "Hey, everyone, U'm looking at gay porn", all over my html work. I later took down the whole website shortly afterwards. UGH!!! Just totally offended, majorly grossed, scared the shit, and made me feel most like throwing up all over and dying. I REALLY hate having to think about that travesty and nightmare all over again. I have no personal offense or beef against Lesbians, Bisexuals or Transgenders. If you consider cross-dressing a tranny act, then I guess you may count me as one there. Seriously, if I could do it more often, I would; my mother hates seeing me in a skirt a LOT, and I have a LOT of stress and emotional devastation as it is. But after consideration, with the gender-change operations, I would never want to date or anything like that with any of those trannys. Anna McLerran, my friend; she is a lesbian. Since after Graduation, I had been emotionally falling downhill for YEARS, and the trollings and cyber-bullyings against me since November, 2007 just took the whole freaking cake, and now, when I was feeling better after last August, October 29, Sarah Bevel just totally redestroyed me, after Daniel Mimms, the most bastard devil I have ever had the displeasure of knowing in person, the individual who planted the first Photographic seed AGAINST me Anywhere online, that a week later, just started the domino effect that would have me overreacting to everything THEY have stated against me... Sarah redestroyed me with what she said in her email, which I will forward to you shortly; if I had already forwarded it to you, you don't have to read it again. Just the whole ripped my heart out, tossed it against a wall, bolted a steel plate on the flat side of my heart, leaving bleeding emotions... It still constantly hurts, and I find it even more difficult to smile or enjoy much towards even a remote emotional recovery. I also really miss my father; he died September 6, 2011; two midnights and fifteen minutes after his 84th birthday. After Graduation, I lost most to all of my ability to socialize, and it gradually worsened as the years passed. And all throughout, I lacked total self-esteem, self-confidence and whatnot. The only times I even found remote emotional recovery was when I was in love and relationships with Megan Schroeder, until the night I saw her making out with another dude, which was the same night afterwards when Mimms took that infamous photograph of me, and The Wallflower up until when she broke up with me. And I was neutral between the in and out theoretical relationships on the internet. So my heart was volleying back and forth with LOTS of heartbreaks and heartaches for a few years, with all of the most offensive videos that I was tricked, conned, blackmailed, etc. into doing since November, 2007 until a few years ago. And when you take into account being constantly ignored and considered background art by EVERYONE in Public, and most of our classmates now, I feel like a ghost with pain, heartache, misery, loneliness, and mild appreciation for my family, being the only emotions I have left. It hurts me a lot of the time. *sigh* And even worse with me and my mother being poor and just getting by; it all weighs heavily on my conscious daily. I need real, sincere help from real friends who can actually be HERE for me, in person, instead of scattered miles away every which way. Stay Safe and Well, Christian W. Chandler |
24 December 2013
Merry Christmas! Hi Christian, I really want to give you a proper response to your earlier email when I get a chance. Right now, I'm doing "family stuff" and traveling. I hope you and your family have a merry Christmas and that you've got something fun planned. Christmas and New Years Eve are my favorite times of the year. Rebeckah |
24 December 2013
Re:Merry Christmas! Yes, my mother and I are staying at home with our beagle pups; they are a one and 3/4 human years old. I'll email a photo from my phone to you of them later. Stay Safe, and Merry Christmas to you too. Fun trivia: to "Seinfeld" fans, December 23 (day before yesterday) was Festivus; first introduced in "The Strike" in Season 9. More details can be found on wikipedia about Festivus. It was actually based off a real Festivus that originated from the family of one of the "Seinfeld" staff members. |
25 December 2013
Re: Merry Christmas! Just a quiet day at home. Clover has the mark on her snout; mom is holding Snoopy. Are you or any of your friends 3DS owners playing Pok'emon X or Y? Pok'emon Safari in X/Y; 3DS name is Christian; Friend Code is 2836-0121-9073; secondary 3DS name: BararAnne; Friend Code is 4296-3385-2696. If adding Both Codes, please message your 3DS Name and Friend Code in a Facebook Message, or message/comment on Miiverse to SonichuChandler. Or you may reply with your Friend Code. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
25 December 2013
Re: Merry Christmas! Hi Christian, The doggies are adorable! I've not really been into video games, but my brother Tyler just got me an Xbox One for Christmas, so that may change. Tyler has been bugging me to play Call of Duty with him forever. Who knows, maybe he'll make a gamer out of me yet! I hope you got and your mom got everything you wanted. Rebeckah |
What else does Chris hate? Oh yeah, the XBox
26 December 2013
Re: Merry Christmas! All mom and I wanted for Christmas was just a simple, peaceful day at home together; we got that. I do not care at all for HeXBox; EVERY damn Troll plays one; they used them for Hacking, Trolling and Cyber-Bullying Purposes. Plus they are all pieces of crap. Plus, Blu-Ray and PlayStation WON that format battle for high-definition. Gates should just pull the plug in his Troll-Promoting console. Crappy mood is here due to recent recall of that nightmare of the throw-up-provoking, obscene content added against my will and decision behind my back onto my and Cwcipedia. UGH!!! Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
26 December 2013
Re: Merry Christmas! Wow, I had no idea that the XBox One was such a touchy subject. I can assure you that I don't plan on using mine to do any hacking, cyber bullying, or trolling. I just want to have some fun playing Call of Duty with my brother. I don't know where you got the idea that the XBox One console or Bill Gates somehow promotes trolling. Does simply owning an XBox One somehow make me and my brother troll supporters, or even trolls ourselves? That makes no sense to me. If you prefer Playstation, that's great! Your free to purchase whatever gaming system you wish. I just don't think it's a good idea to demonize other people (like myself) who may own or prefer another console. I honestly have no opinion on the whole console thing. As I said in my earlier email, I've never really been a gamer. I'm usually busy with work, my friends, or my improv comedy workshops. I would never have purchased a gaming console on my own. Since my brother gave me the Xbox One as a git, I'm willing to give it a try. If I don't like it, I'll sell it or give it away. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's just not worth working yourself up and getting all upset about some people preferring another game console to your favorite one. You were telling me earlier that you've got a lot of stress in your life. Why heap more on top of all of that? Everybody's individual taste is different. We like what we like. Nothing wrong with that! I'm glad that you and your mom had a nice day at home together. Rebeckah |
Chris is a slave to his emotions
27 December 2013
Re: Merry Christmas! NO, owning one does NOT make you a Troll supporter or one of them. To me, the Trolling and Cyber-Bullying is the main touchy subject; the console set is an indirect, remote, button towards the bigger topic. CoD is available on multiple consoles; big deal. You do what you personally want with yours; it doesn't matter. I tend to get emotionally carried away, especially on the hottest topic of all time, the damn Trolls and Cyber-Bullies, and worse off what they have done to me. I try not to think about them or it, but it is impossible to go one day without it randomly generated in my mind. As if being lonely, depressed, with heartaches, constantly ignored and overlooked in public by Everyone (not counting employees behind registers), never being approached, talked to, or asked out by ANY woman, because I am Very unlikely to make any first move at all... As if all of that is not enough to make me feel bad about myself or whatever. SERIOUSLY, I am Invisible and Inaudible in Public; EVERYONE just ignores and overlooks me. Charlottesville and Ruckersville, VA are both Ill-Social, Snobish, Unfriendly and Uncaring. I literally could shout out how pathetic, weak and lonely I am loudly, and NOBODY, outside of my house, would give any shred of attention or care or whatever, whatsoever. It really pisses me off. It makes me and my life feel like crap. hell, put me up on a stage; all anyone will see is the microphone with barely a visible ghost behind it. And I am not one to further make myself a spectacle than I already most regretfully have on the freaking internet. GOD DAMN YOU TROLLS AND CYBER-BULLIES!!!!! GOD DAMN YOU 4-CHAN!!!!! GOD DAMN YOU BASTARD FIENDS!!!!! *sigh* Please excuse my rant there; it is good just to vent. I wish I could talk about more pleasant topics, but I have been treated badly too often by the terrible people, and everyone publically [sic] ignoring me... Even that is difficult to me. Stay Safe and Well, Christian W. Chandler. |
28 December 2013
Re: Merry Christmas! Hi Christian, I didn't mean to upset you in my last email by reminding you of the trolls. I was just trying to help you by pointing out that dredging up all of this stuf is only causing you unnecessary stress and hurting you. I'm not denying that what these people did to your was wrong, or that you've had a difficult past; I'm just saying that you'd probably feel better if you put all of this aside and moved on. You're beating yourself up over this and it can't be doing you any good. That kind of stress can seriously impact your overall health. I don't think you're as invisible as you think you are. You just need to build up your self-confidence. Did you take a look at that link I sent you for the free improv comedy workshop near you? You can check it out here: Yeah, I know that I'm biased, given that I'm such as big improv enthusiast, but I think that this is something you'd enjoy - and it's FREE! From our email conversations, it's obvious that you have a love of comedy. I'm sure that there would be people taking the workshop that share your interests and would love to talk to you about them. You already have plenty of material to use as a conversation opener. You just have to go for it. Honestly, what do you have to lose? In a workshop setting, you'll find yourself teamed with other people. You eventually bond with team members as you work on your routines and material. Your team members encourage and support you, giving you honest feedback on your delivery and material in order to help you fine tune your comedic skills. I met a lot of my current friends this way. This could be a great opportunity for you to make friends as well. I think you're being way too hard on yourself. You shouldn't be giving up so easily and giving up on having friends and a social life without giving something new a try. I think that if you put yourself out there you may be pleasantly surprised. Just be yourself and talk about the things that interest you. There's nothing wrong with you. You're not some kind of social pariah - trust me. Just have a little faith in yourself. If you're not interested in doing the comedy workshop, there are other opportunities to meet people. Have you ever considered volunteering in the community, at an animal shelter, soup kitchen, or veteran's shelter. Again, this is a great way to bond with people while doing something good for the community. OK, I've lectured you enough. Just ease up on yourself - OK? Rebeckah |
Banned from everywhere
28 December 2013
Re: Merry Christmas! Firstly, PVCC (Piedmont Virginia Community College), just a FYI: Mary Lee Walsh, "Dean of Student Services"; Banned me from PVCC grounds a few years after my graduation from there with my CADD Degree and Certificate. Long Story(ies) short: I started my Sweetheart Search there; she misinterpreted it as solicitation; interfered in my noble quest; I saw her as a villain; made her into a witch in my comics; eventually the Trolls bothered her; years later, I offer an apology drawing; she serves me a Trespassing notice; The End. Second, with my mother and dogs, I feel I need to remain here the majority of the time for her service. The only times I can get out is upon running errands, or my usual three to four hours out for casual hanging out at McDonalds with Tea and apple slices and paper or whatever, walking laps within the nearby Target store, and the occasional feel-like-it drive-around to the Toys 'R' Us, Best Buy, GameStops or whatever for more walking and 3DS StreetPass Relays at the Nintendo Zone Hot Spots. Plus, I am considering rejoining the Pokemon TCG League that has relocated to The End Game Center from the accursed Game & Hobby PLace. Another long story short: "Manager" now "Owner" bans me from there in April, 2008, after years of going to the League when it was there; he has his hangups against me (still has them); he's either frightened or angry at me for the one or two times I let out a loud shout when there was too much going on at the time and I couldn't take it anymore. Then, October, 2011: I see "New Owner" on the window while driving by there; my mother and I walk in; we fell into his legal trap and setup; we were in trials for about a year; all charges against me and my mother were dropped; I'm still banned; I can't legally state his name; neither of us get anything from the other; The End. And currently, we are still financially poor, waiting for our next SSI checks in less than a week before I can put more gas in the van and be able to have pocket cash again. And the Pok'emon Bank I and a LOT of other Pok'emon Trainers/Fans have been waiting for got postponed due to the maintenance after the high volumes of people setting up new Nintendo Network/Miiverse IDs. Also, I have been just feeling dumb. And I'm feeling blank in my mind right now. Stay Safe and Well, Christian W. Chandler. |
I want my friends back
2 January 2014
From: chrischansonichu To: Rebeckah Bentley Sent: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 10:53 am Subject: Re: I'd Like to Introduce You to a Friend Of Mine I really appreciate your efforts, I will communicate with her, so you may relay my email address and whatnot. I mean, seriously, the source of my heartaches is JUST TOO OBVIOUS: Tiffany and Sarah turned Troll and Against Me. Regardless of being "Hired Help", I had LONG thought of them as my best and closest friends from High School. The solution to my heartaches is as plain as day and night: I WANT MY FRIENDS BACK. They need a good talking to get their heads straightened out and whatnot. Unfortunately, I am just too emotionally weak to talk to them, and they won't listen to me anyway. And I sincerely feel Ashley Abernathy can help, in her free time now; she was elected Class President; surely she has the gumption and sound knowledge to put anyone in good spirits and in line. Also, Brandi sounds like one who can put a voice of reason into Tiffany. My mind has blanked out on me again. Anyway, the best solution to my emotional health is that obvious: I WANT MY FRIENDS BACK. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
Re: I'd Like to Introduce You to a Friend Of Mine Christian Weston Chandler to you Those women need to understand that the LACK OF THEIR FRIENDSHIP is Killing Me! |
Subsequently, the following email was forwarded to Chris by Thetan who was pretending to be Sarah Bevel:
3 January 2014
To: [redacted] Subject: Fwd: I'd Like to Introduce You to a Friend Of Mine From: [redacted] Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2014 14:15:20 -0500 I don't understand why Christian has this obsessive need/desire for Tiffany and I to be his friends. And just what exactly does he think Ashley or Brandi could do to change our minds (as if they'd get involved with this nonsense in the first place). This would almost be funny if it weren't so pathetic. Also, the fact that Christian thinks that anyone can somehow force Tiffany and I to be friends with him clearly shows that he has no respect for our right to choose our own friends. Despite what Christian may think, nobody wants friends forced on them. (The arrangement that Tiffany and I made in high school was a unique circumstance. We willingly chose to enter into the agreement.) This is yet another reason why so many people have a problem with him. Christian isn't entitled to friends - nobody is. Friendship is something you have to work at. Christian isn't willing to put even the minimal effort into this. He doesn't want friends, he wants people to kiss his ass. Christian's idea of a friend is someone who will always be there to coddle him feed his ego in order to make him feel better about himself. Based on his remarks about Brandi and Ashley, it's also quite obvious that Christian sees his "friends" as some sort of personal army. Honestly Rebeckah, do you blame Tiffany and I for not wanting anything to do with Christian? Do you really want a "friend" like that? I'm really puzzled as to why Christian wants us to be friends with Tiffany and I again after he found out that our high school friendship was arranged. He ranted about it on Facebook, and it was obvious that he was very angry and upset. He even tried to paint me as some kind of villain, and claimed that I'd shattered his heart, ruined his life, blah... blah.... blah... Does Chris somehow expect Ashley and Brandi to arrange another pity friendship and, if so, just what kind of benefit does he expect to gain from it? If I were you Rebeckah, I'd seriously reconsider having anything to do with Christian. Do you really want to Google your name one day, only to find out that you've become the inspiration for Christian's latest rape fantasy porn drawing? Seriously, as a friend, I'm telling you to run, don't walk away from this. Sarah |
Mimms chimes in
Rebeckah forwarded to Chris an email by a troll pretending to be Mimms:
10 January 2014
From: Daniel Mimms To: [redacted] Sent: Fri, Jan 10, 2014 9:04 pm Subject: Fwd: We are surviving Rebeckah, Most of the so called "bad people" are very sympathetic to Christian and his current plight. Most of the people of the "troll forums" are pretty decent and didn't wish this on him. There is a very small majority of people who genuinely seem to wish him harm. These people are looked down on, and generally aren't welcome on any of the forums that discuss Christian. They are typically called "A-logs" and even the notorious 4Chan has no love for them. People follow and talk about Christian because of his goofy oddball antics. He's often interesting and entertaining. Christian made himself an Internet celebrity and, as a result, has a lot of people talking and blogging about him. What he's experiencing is no different than what any other celebrity experiences, except on a smaller scale. The difference is, that most celebrities handle their fame a lot better than Christian. I don't know if you'll pass my message along to Christian, since you've made it pretty clear that you trust me, and I suspect that you don't like me much either, based on what Christian has told you about me. Should you decide to pass this along, I want Christian to know that the so called "bad people" are, at this moment, discussing ways they can help out Christian and his mom, through donations of food, clothing, and store gift cards. Yes, we do have the occasional laugh over Christian's antics, but we're not the monsters he's built us up to be. Our sympathies are with Christian and his mom, even though we find the whole coffee maker story a bit unbelievable. Christian's mom is a hoarder, and their house was stuffed floor to ceiling with junk. If the house had been cleaner, they would have been able to plug their coffee maker into a kitchen outlet, instead of the more dangerous bathroom outlet, and the fire wouldn't have spread nearly as fast. This isn't to say that Christian and his mom deserved what happened to them, just that something like this was bound to happen eventually, given their living conditions. Here are some recent videos to give you an idea of the condition of the inside of Christian's house. These were shot a few years ago. Part 1: Part 2 (some of the stuff from part 1, plus shots of the outside: Recent video taken back in the early fall: It's obvious from the videos, that Christian's house is run down and neglected, as well as being horribly and dangerously cluttered. It's likely that the house has faulty wiring, which probably caused the fire, rather than the coffee maker. I'm glad that Christian, his mom, and their pets got out alive. They may have lost some personal belongings with sentimental value, but what they lost the most of was a lot of useless crap. Maybe this will be a chance for them to make a fresh start in a clean home. Daniel Mimms |
Post-fire assessment
11 January 2014
From: Christian Weston Chandler To: [redacted] Sent: Sat, Jan 11, 2014 10:29 pm Subject: Re: Donated Items I have posted a public update on my Facebook earlier with our clothing needs and suggested Gift Card sources, including the copy/paste of the "Anyone who wishes to help" paragraph above that. Particularities, I am not 100% about yet. But we do have all of our medications and vitamins; I made positive about that. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, and Do Not Forward THIS to Mimms or anyone. ALL of the Original Hand-Drawn Sonichu Books, art, and Everything... ALL SAFE and UNHARMED. Plus I still have the majority of my digital data on my laptop, and the PC upstairs, complete with the Cable Modem and the WiFi Router all looked good as before. Our Living Area with most Everything current are virtually untouched (counting the soggy carpet and smoke damage). But the Lego High School Melted some on the top. My mother and I have been and still are able to go in and retrieve most of what is still good. We will need a U-Haul and a Storage Unit, but I am looking into that already. We left our Dogs and Cat with our Pet Sitter, who works at the nearby Vet, and IS a Veterinarian; they were not allowed into the hotel. We have been able to contact our family members recently. You may continue to concentrate on our classmates. I really appreciate your continuing kindness. Thank you, Rebeckah. :) Stay Safe and Well, Christian. |
24 February 2014
Happy Birthday! Hi Christian! Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Hope you've got something fun planned for today! Rebeckah |
25 February 2014
From: chrischansonichu To: Rebeckah Sent: Tue, Feb 25, 2014 1:55 am Subject: Re: Happy Birthday! Thank you. I like the Hoops and Yoyo greeting cards. I'm afraid I was still recovering from the bronchitis that lingers. Nothing was planned. Only highlights were a couple of greeting cards in the mail, rebuilding my Lego (Manchester) High School further, rewatching the Back to the Future movies, my family, and a free ice cream dessert at IHOP. Other than that, I felt lonely and tired during the afternoon. One girlfriend, please. Maybe you can network for me to find a single woman in my area who would be willing to meet in person first. If yes on the networking idea, consult with my friends, Anna and Karla on Facebook on it. I am just too damn shy, paranoid and autistic to do anything by myself, much less make a first move, or financially afford much on the first date. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
25 (?) February 2014
Re: Happy Birthday! Hi Christian, I'm glad you liked the card. Guess I lucked out on picking the right one. As far as helping you out, I'm not exactly sure what I could do. How are Anna and Karla helping you? I'm just getting over a cold as well; nothing as nasty as bronchitis though. I hope you're feeling better, or at least that you're on the mend. One thing I have to say is that I think you're way too hard on yourself. Have you ever tried working on developing your self-confidence? In my opinion, self-confidence is one of the most attractive qualities in a man. There are all sorts of ways you build your self-confidence: positive affirmations....etc. Maybe a quick Google search could turn up some useful articles that could help you. This could be a game changer for you. Just something to keep in mind. Rebeckah ps: I did a quick Google search and found these two articles. I thought the first one was going to be kind of silly, but it's actually pretty good: short, sweet, and to the point. How to Build Self-Confidence (With Examples) Building Self Confidence - Prepare Yourself for Success |
Barb's teeth
24 July 2014
I Hope Your Mom is OK Hi Christian, I just saw your Facebook post about your mom's teeth. Didn't you tell me some time ago that she was on Social Security? If she is, then she should be able to get free or low-cost dental care through them. You should also check around your area. Some hospitals, and colleges that offer dental or medical training also offer very low cost dental services for low income people. I did a quick search, and found that the University of Virginia has such a program. You might want to give them a call. I hope that you can get your mom the dental care she gets very soon. Left untreated, dental issues can lead to serious health problems. Sorry if I'm sticking my nose into in a private family matter. I just want to help. Take care Christian! Rebeckah |
24 July 2014
Re: I Hope Your Mom Is OK Thank you for your concern. My mother already has found a dentist in our area who is affordable. I just need to come up with $600 to swap out her six cavity teeth with the replacements. Hopefully people will come a charging in for more $100 commissions from me, or more than twelve repeat customers for the $50 commissions (with the free color upgrade for repeat customers). I am just doing what I am able to help out around here. The second half of the month is usually the most difficult for us (and anyone else for that matter, am I right?). On a spot of Strictly Confidential, Shaina feels a good amount of trust in me (that is all I will say about that ). So that is good. And Brandi stood up for me against Jon's bullying on Facebook, so we're establishing a friendship there as well (at least through texting). In any case, locally in person, I still remain mostly Publically invisible to everyone outside my house here as far as I can tell. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
2 August 2014
Saying Hello Hi Christian, Sorry I'm often out of touch for days at a time. Life's been a bit busy. I just saw your latest Facebook status and, once again, I'm feeling concerned for you and your mom. You should also know that "certain" people are saying that you're just using your mom's teeth as an excuse to beg for Lego. According to them, you made over $2,000 on eBay, with your commissions and signed photos. Did you really do that well with your eBay auctions? Did you make at least enough to pay for some of your mom's dental work, and you only need to raise another $600? I'm sorry if I sound nosy, I'm just concerned. If you tell me a little about what's going on, I may be able to offer you some advice. I've had my share of financial difficulties. The other thing you might want to look into is a payment plan. A lot of the dentists around here offer them. You may be able to divide up the $600 into 2 or 3 payments, which would be much easier to manage. You should definitely ask you dentist about this. Take care, Rebeckah |
3 August 2014
Re: Saying Hello Oh, for corn sake. I am serious about it, plus my mother and I have bills to pay, and we need the money for real. Now, I even do not have money to ship my more recent orders. I did raise over two Gs last month, but that money was spent on bills, some Lego, the printer ink cartridges, shipping all of the orders from the past moth, and food for my family. So, don't give me doubt on my honesty. **sigh** I'm sorry, I have a lot of the at home stress and all. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
3 August 2014
Re: Saying Hello Christian, I don't know what to think at this point. Somebody has apparently been monitoring your eBay account. - US $4.91 - Jul 30 2014 - US $189.95 - Jul 21 2014 - US $100.00 - Jul 12 2014 Christian, if this is true, you've spent $294.86 on, useless and unnecessary luxury items. That's almost half of the money you need to get your mom's teeth looker after right there. Christian, you know that I like you, and I'm trying to be a friend here, but I've got to be honest: you *really* need to get your priorities straight. And you bought Lego on top of this?! How much did you buy? Sorry if it seems like I'm being harsh here, but, as your friend, I feel you're in dire need of a reality check. I'm still willing to offer you financial advice if you're interested and I'm always here when you need someone to talk to. I am always going to be up front and honest with you though (you should be used to that by now). As a friend, you deserve no less than that from me. Please be careful Christian. With everything else you've got going on, I don't want to see you start getting yourself (and your mom) into serious financial trouble as well. Rebeckah |
The following set of undated emails was exchanged between 16 September 2014, 10:44 PM; and 18 September 2014, 1:47 PM. Some information has been redacted. In a missing email which preceded the first one, Chris apparently was asking Rebeckah for his old high school gal-pal Tiffany Gowen's email.
Facebook drama
Re: Hey, Rebeckah From: Rebeckah To: Christian You know how much I hate Facebook Drama. She's emailed you before, why don‘t you just email her, and ask her yourself? If you start drama on Facebook she can just pass your message around to the others in the group that have been giving you grief. You'd just be adding fuel to the fire. Keep it between you and her. Nobody else should be involved. The email address I have for her is [email address]. Don't tell her you got it from me. If that email address isn't any good, let me know, and I‘ll see what I can do. (No promises I don't really want to get involved in this.) Rebeckah |
Introducing the un-clit
Re: Hey, Rebeckah From: Christian To: Rebeckah I understand, and I appreciate it very much. By the way, I had forwarded an email from Shaina to Catie; she emailed her, and they became good friends. They're going to meet up and hang while she's in New York visiting her Scottish mother. Check in with Shaina; maybe y'all can hang out together! :) Something else fun Catie knows something that I'm sharing with you now. I Just got pierced In my taint about where my clit would be had I been born female! She is really lucky now, because as a Bisexual, I can pleasure her both ways. Tribadism included; look it up on Wikipedia. But I mainly did it for myself; I had been Long thinking about that for a few years. Marking my identity as a female, lesbian soul! Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
Re: Hey, Rebeckah From: Rebeckah To: Christian Funny. Shaina never said anything to me. When are they supposed to be getting together? You're really brave to get a piercing 'down there'. I'm a total wimp. I don't think I could have done it. Sorry if this is a silly question but did it hurt? How do you keep it clean? I'm just curious, the only thing I've ever had pierced is my ears. Rebeckah |
Wait, Chris is bisexual now?
Re: Hey, Rebeckah From: Rebeckah To: Christian Christian. sorry for being nosy. but I just have to ask: You're bisexual now? I thought you didn't like gay men? Not that I have a problem with this, I think it's great! You've really grown a lot as a person this month, and I'm very proud of you. I'm curious though... What happened to change your mind? Rebeckah |
Apparently not
WRONG!!! WRONG!!! I am NOT Bisexual; my girlfriend is the Bi. I am a Lesbian and a Transgender: I AM TOTALLY INTO WOMEN!!!. Please, do not confuse a male with a female soul that is Lesbian, with a male with a regular female soul. The piercing did sting, but I was mentally prepared to take it. I have had worse pains, mostly emotional, before. And I wash my privates, taint included, daily in a bath or shower. Also, Tiffany's email address seems outdated; I had composed an email, but it was bounced back to me, because the receiving address was unknown. I will forward it, or copy/paste it and let you relay it to her for me. I sincerely do want to clear the bad air and vibes between her and me in our friendship. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
Still afraid of the homos
As for the homosexual males. To: Rebeckah From: Christian Since I am a confirmed member of the LGBTQ community, I will tolerate and remain civil and pleasant the homosexual males therein. I would simply just Never be attracted to any of them whatsoever. Seriously! Most of the time, any males I would feel better keeping my distance from. Even my own penis is offensive to me; I am glad I can tuck it far under me, so I don't have to look down at the bulge. Glugh!! Bad kinds of heebie-jeebies all over! Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
The following is an email Chris gave to Rebeckah to forward to Tiffany Gowen (in reality, Tiffany was being impersonated by Thetan):[1]
Peace and good tidings
To Tiffany From: Christian To: Tiffany I come in peace and good tidings, old friend. I still care about you as a friend, regardless of the uncalled for aggression and unpleasantries. I still want to be friends with you again, just friends. I understand you are either married or living with your boyfriend. You have a cute child; covered in cake; was the birthday party recent? I found your Facebook; I promise not to be a bother or a bore. And the petty insults of my feminine behavior go disregarded, as my behavior and habits are rooted from my feminine, lesbian soul, trapped inside this male body. I do not know if you are open-minded to the LGBT community or not. I do apologize for coming off as creepy to you, but I really am more of a Sentimentalist. I would suggest that you forget everything that has stemmed from the cesspools of the Internet against me, and remember me more fondly as the good person I was in high school and still am. We do not have need for such drama to distance our friendship. And whatever problems of your life that bother should not direct anger towards anyone who was not involved there at all, including myself. I forgive you of the past unpleasantries. I remember seeing you back then as a tomboy type of woman; I still see it in your more current photographs. :) Love Conquers Hate. Have a Good and Safe Day. <3 Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
Fuck off
Written by Thetan, impersonating Tiffany.[1]
Re: To Tiffany From: Tiffany To: Rebeckah God Rebeckah, why do you even bother with this bullshit? I thought I made it VERY clear to Christian MONTHS ago that I didn't want anything to do with him. I never would have agreed to that arrangement with the principal almost 15 years ago if l knew it was going to come back and bite me in the ass the way it has. And what makes him think I care about people on the Internet? I don't want Christian in my life because he's weird and creepy and I'm sick of him stalking me. What's up with his new psychotic bag lady look anyway? One other thing, he forgives me - LOL - he really does live in his own warped little universe doesn't he? Anyway, please tell Christian to kindly fuck off. I just want to be left Tiffany |
An attempt to get Chris to move past his high school obsession
Fwd: To Tiffany From: Rebeckah To: Christian Here's Tiffany's response At this point, I think you should just give up on Tiffany. It‘s very clear that she has no interest in being your friend. Why press the issue? You're only going to get yourself upset and it's just not worth it. Have you talked about this to your girlfriend? I've already given you my opinion on the matter, maybe getting a fresh perspective would help/ Your girlfriend may be more impartial as well. since she doesn't know Tiffany Speaking of your girlfriend, why not focus on building your relationship with her and forget about Tiffany and the others? Life is looking pretty good for you right now. Get out and enjoy yourself, and stop dwelling on the past. Trust me, you'll be a lot happier |
Chris didn't get the message
Re: Fwd: To Tiffany From: Christian To: Rebeckah Well, after finding her Facebook page, I thought I might be able to better understand any stresses she may have that projected her anger and misdirect it to me. And frankly, I would like to clear the air on her impressions of me being "weird" and "creepy", a "stalker", and now the "psychotic bag lady look". I want to understand why she feels that way about me, and see if I am able to clear the air with her about that. Also, can you tell me if she is openminded to the communities and equal rights for all? And back in High School, I always saw her as a Tomboy. Also, a lot of the trolls saw her as a lesbian. And according to her Facebook, she is In a Relationship, is she married to that shaved head dude or not? She has a cute child Also, I have just relayed your email address to Catherine, and told her about you being the friend who introduced me to Shaina. She may contact you to invite you to hang with her and Shaina while shes there. Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
Another fruitless attempt to help Chris
Re: Fwd: To Tiffany From: Rebeckah To: Christian Christian. I'll forward your message along to but, I've got to ask you again: why, are you doing this to yourself? I'm not taking side here but, it's obvious that she really doesn't care what you think, nor is she obligated to. She's not obligated to be your friend, just because you want her to be. And why do you care if she‘s married or not? You have a girlfriend, How do you think she'd feel if she thought you still had some sort of crush on Tiffany? Did you even read what she said? According to her, she was never your friend, it was all part of some sort of arrangement she had with the principal. I'm not mad at you Christian, just exasperated. It's painful to watch you continue to beat yourself up over this. I'm trying to stop you from hurting yourself and/or causing yourself embarrassment by starting drama on Facebook. The more you bother Tiffany, the more pissed off she's likely to get. Her reply was actually fairly polite compared to some of the messages I've passed along for her. Why not Just let her go and concentrate on enjoying your time with your girlfriend? Rebeckah |
He can't let go
I'm moving on again To: Rebeckah From: Christian While I still would like to knew specifically what it is about me that makes Tiffany and Co. hate me; anything more valid than "No Reason". The Facebook page stirred it about in me again. Perhaps you can ask her for me about that and get back to me. But I am moving forward once again. Please enjoy hanging out with Catie and Shaina; make a good outing and day of it. :) Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
You're worrying Catherine
Re: I'm moving on again From: Rebeckah To: Christian Christian, If you are moving on, then why do you still want to know? Catherine sent me a message earlier. I'll forward it to you. She seems worried that you're more invested in your relationship with Tiffany then you are in your relationship with her. Is the answer to your question really worth putting your relationship in jeopardy? I'm finding Tiffany's Facebook page triggered hurtful emotions in you, then stop following her!!! I already forwarded your last message to Tiffany (copied and pasted it into a new email with no mention of Catherine). I'm not going to ask her any other questions. Lets see if she replies, Ok? Rebeckah |
Chris finally backs off
Just letting you know From: Christian To: Rebeckah And you can check on my Facebook as well; I am not following Tiffany's page. I have promised Catie that I won't even think about bothering Tiffany, Sarah or Kellie ever again. So, you may forget my requeat of finding out the why'a of anything there. Have a good day, and please help keep Catie safe while you and Shaina hang out with her. I want to hear every detail of y'all's day out; some photos would be appreciated too, Thank You! Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler |
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