Rebeckah Bentley E-mails

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Rebeckah Bentley was a troll who impersonated an old high school classmate of Chris. Not much is known about her yet except that she was in touch with Chris during 2013 and 2014. The following covers her email correspondence with Chris.

Don't contact me

28 September 2013


I need to ask you to not contact me on Facebook for awhile. This means that I don't want you to tag me in any posts or send me private messages. To be honest, after your last couple of Facebook posts, I'm not sure how I feel about you right now and I really need to put some distance between us.


14 October 2013

Please Go And See A Doctor

Hi Christian,

I saw your recent Facebook post about scabies and I decided to email you because I don't feel comfortable about talking about personal stuff on Facebook. Scabies, if left untreated, can be very serious business. It can spread to you, even your dogs. If your dogs end up getting scabies, it could cost you hundreds of dollars to get them treated at the vet.

I am especially concerned about your mom. Older folks can be especially susceptible to secondary infections caused by the open sores made in the skin by the mites. You need to go and see a doctor as soon as possible. if you catch this early enough, the treatment is fairly simple. You're going to have to do some work though to make sure you remove all traces of the mites from your home.

An infected person can transmit scabies indirectly by shedding mites that can contaminate clothing, bedding, and furniture. After you've been to the doctor, you're going to need to thoroughly clean your house. You'll have to wash all of your clothing and bedding in very hot water as well. The furniture is going to be harder. Your best bet there may be to hire a professional exterminator. Some people say that those portable steam cleaners work well too; killing the mites and their eggs. That might be another option for you, depending on how bad your situation is.

Please don't ignore this. If you get this treated quickly, you'll be back to normal in almost no time. If you wait to get treatment, things could get a lot worse. Your health insurance should cover any treatment you need.

Here's an article from the CDC about scabies. You might want to read it. CDC Scabies Info.

Please take care of yourself!


15 October 2013

Good Luck at Your Doctor Appointment

Hi Christian,

I just wanted to wish you luck at your doctor appointment. Please be sure to ask him about the scabies. I know it's not really any of my business, but I want to make sure you understand how serious this is. You could be infected and not even know it. It takes awhile for the signs to show at first, but a doctor could tell.

If you catch it early, you'll just have to use a cream and/or a medicated power. You can only get this stuff from a doctor, there are no OTC meds for scabies.

Nobody wants to see you - or your mom get sick! Take care of yourself - OK?


16 October 2013

Better Than Online Dating - And Cheaper :)

Hi Christian,

You already have a nice, easy way to meet women - and it won't cost you anything! A lot of women are attracted to a guy with a cute dog - and you have two of them! You could walk them around the block or, better yet, take them to a park where there will be more people around. They're pretty small, so you should be able to walk them at the same time. A cute dog is a great conversation starter!

I don't know what your experience with online dating sites has been like, but I've never heard anything good about them. A lot people are dishonest in their profiles and the real person is often very different. I would hate to see you waste your money on something like this, only to end up getting disappointed, or worse, hurt. Trust me, give the doggies a try!

Congratulations on your weight loss! How did the rest of the appointment go? Did the doctor check you for scabies?


16 October 2013

Thank you

Thank you for your concerns, Rebeckah. The miniature flies have been bothering my mother for over two or three years now; she has been managing well in their removal with many methods, including the suggestions you have recently made, yet she already long had thought of the same ideas, including freezing them with ice packs and frozen peas. Her suffering from countless hours of picking and treating is mainly one thing that her going on and on and on about is bothering me a Lot. Fortunately, she is finally starting to feel Good, and the miniature flies are finally becoming past tense, as she is feeling the pain and bites less often. She HAS talked to a number of doctors about those damn bus as well; they are mostly dumbfounded.

My doctor confirms my TMJ problem, encourages jaw exercises, Tylenol usage and the tongue on mouth roof idea Karla had. It should resolve itself soon.

As for my history of online dating, it has often resolved badly, for me; I ended up unknowingly dating fakes often. Damn Internet Trolls and Cyber-Bullies. One was "a girl in Australia", another was "living in a house in Cleveland, Ohio" (actually drove there myself; run down, high-crime looking city; the house at the provided address did not fare any better; occupied by an elderly black woman). And there were at least five more fakers in the list as well. My Two more successful relationships, post MHS graduation, were a lot better, but one turned on me, and the other caught the Trolls' attention and dumped me after being bothered (plus, she didn't fancy my fantasy of moving the relationship forward from friendship).

**Groan and Sigh**

How about you; what's your story? Seeing anyone? Single? I understand you're in New York. How has the city recovered after Sandy? Also, my half-brother, Joseph Cole Smithey, lives in NYC as well, with his wife and his Movie Reviewing Job (>

I have tried time and again to get him to come down here, visit our biological mother, show her some love, and settle his warped perceptions and disputes against her. Sadly, he does not reply. I feel pity towards him, because he has been missing out on time with her. And seriously, he Should be supporting her after all of the sacrifices she has made for him. But I digress.

I am a "Cinderella" and "Repunzel"; trapped with the moral obligations and stress of care taking and guarding of my small family and often being stuck forcedly, due to financial problems and paranoia of the terrible people. Causing me nightmares at times with school bus trips resulting in driving off the high freeway edges, flying to dive towards a cliff, water, another road or whatever. I am troubled emotionally and mentally, and I desperately, but still picky, require my destined (?(God continues to mock me by not letting me have her in my life or not for long or ever)) Sweetheart-to-be to see me long after the eventualities. And if I don't find her soon, I may as well be one of those worthless, lack-of-purpose premature death cases. It all really taunts and hurts me.

I just do what I am able to help me and my mother get by one day at a time.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler.

16 October 2013

Re: Thank you

Hi Christian,

I'm a little confused about the miniature flies you mentioned. I thought you were talking about scabies; they're mites, not flies. Did you check out the link to the CDC article I sent you? It has a lot of good information. I'm not sure how you would kill either flies or mites with ice packs or frozen peas. The only real reliable way to get rid of those kinds of pests is to hire an exterminator, which, unfortunately, can be very expensive.

Please have your mom be careful with the picking. This is what I was talking about in my other email. If she has any open sores she may be susceptible to infection. This could create a serious health problem. The doctors you mentioned wouldn't be able to do anything about getting rid of the source of the bugs, but I'm surprised that they weren't able to prescribe a medicated cream or powder that would help with the bites.

I don't want to intrude on your personal business, but have you tried communicating with your brother recently? Perhaps if you explained to him what was going on in your life, especially regarding the health of your mother, he might soften up a bit. From the sound of it, you two really do need to talk more. Why is he distancing himself from you? Did you or your mother have a falling out with him at some point? If that's the case, I hope that you find some way to work out your differences with each other. Family needs to stick together, especially during difficult times.

My relationship situation is, to say the least, complicated. It's something I may share with you at another time. I'm sorry to hear about your awful experiences with online dating. Maybe you should try my idea with the taking the dogs for a walk. It's a lot less risky, and you'll be able to actually see and interact with real women, not people hiding behind keyboards.

I hope things start getting better for you soon.


18 October 2013

Re: Thank you

She has a prescribed ointment, and she has been using it with band aids. I prefer to not really get into the specifics of the bugs; it has been bothering me about as much as it has bothered her. She knows a lot more about them than even the Internet could offer; she could write a book.

As for Cole, the problems lie between him and our mother, Barbara Anne Weston Chandler. He has suffered head trauma and hip problems throughout his life. He was often misinformed about her often by his bio father, his step father/her ex-husband before mine, her siblings, cousins and others in Redoak, VA; their hometown. It started when she decided to set off on her own, some time after the passing of her daddy, in search for romance and her future, her mama disowned her. Lies had been stewed in her absence: being a "woman of the night", filthy, horrible, etc.; all lies and deceit; she is the opposite of what hate they filled Cole's head with.

I have no confirmed or direct contact with him in NY; he doesn't respond to email, twitter feed, Facebook, YouTube, etcetera, either. So, I am most unable to reach him at all. He is over 50 now, and probably doesn't want to have a look in the mirror metaphor with his own mother, doesn't want to own up to repaying her for bringing him up the best she could, or Lord Knows What Else goes on through his head. It is a crying shame.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler.

Girlfriend issues

15 December 2013

Shame About The Reunion

Hi Christian,

I'm not sure what advice to give you regarding your shyness; I've never had that problem. Have you thought about maybe joining some sort of support group for people who have similar issues? It might help you develop enough confidence to feel more comfortable in social situations. There are a lot of self-help books and videos available as well, but I'm not sure how much these would help you. Still, it might be worth a try if you don't have any other options.

I have to say, I'm a little curious about the requirements you mentioned for a girlfriend. Those are some pretty high standards! Why is it so important to you that a potential girlfriend by "hot" and rich. That's a tall order! Believe me, there are a lot of guys that would love to meet a hot, rich woman. You're going to find yourself with a lot of competition.

The other problem with "hot", rich women is that a lot of them are very stuck up and shallow people. They don't care about having a real loving, caring relationship with someone; they're looking for someone who will support them in the lifestyle they've become accustomed to and buy them lots of material things. If you're not a rich man, you probably don't have a chance with one of these women.

Sorry if I sound like I'm being judgmental or critical. I just don't understand why these particular qualities are so important to you. There are plenty of wonderful women out there who aren't super model hot or rich, but they're good, caring people. I would hate to see you pass up a chance to have a rich and rewarding relationship with someone because you insist on holding out for the perfect woman.

It's really a shame that things didn't work out with the reunion. I know how much you were looking forward to it, and you seemed really happy when you were helping Ashley with getting things organized. The same thing happened with the 10 year reunion. It's a shame that people are so apathetic and disinterested. It would have been fun to get everyone together.


16 December 2013

I have tried a social group before, but that was not much help to me. Plus, currently, I don't read as many books as I used to. I'm on a TLDR (too long, didn't read) mindset, because unless I have the energy to really concentrate, I can't really grasp it. Anything self-help, and I have tried videos as well; it is too long a transition between viewing it, trying to absorb it, my mental threads going askew, and any next time out of the house. Even at the moment, if I was watching a video or reading something of the self-help on-location through wi-fi or something; ritualistic/routine mindset and ALL of the paranoia and fears just outweigh anything else. It's as if I need it knocked into my senses or something at the precise moment.

You don't have to tell me about the stereotypical (maybe shallow) women, and how attractive they are; that only weighs in further into my fear of EVERY WOMAN being taken by some Damn Male. I have a personal hatred for 99% of the worldwide population of my own gender. I often even find myself disgusted at my own penis, as well as thinking, "I wish I was born female, with the possibility of being a lesbian", or something like that. I find the males most ugly, offensive, horrendous, crazy, creepy and all that shit. Most of the damn Trolls are damn homosexual males; I REALLY Loathe them, especially when they push their damn "lifestyle" into my face. And even just imagining it makes me throw up.

I am most definitely Straight, and I take Great offense when Anyone DARES mislabel me otherwise. IT PISSES ME OFF!!! Sarah dared considered me on the mislabel, even back in High School. UGH!!!

I apologize; one of my faults; a button gets pressed on the most offensive hot topic, I get emotionally carried away. Do not get me started on the damn Trolls.


Yeah, Mia Rogers did screw up the original reunion plans for Ashley and Angie, mostly due to Facebook being in its most earliest stages at the time. I was happy to help this time last August after watching "Equestria Girls" and building the first High School Lego set. I was happy, after YEARS of depression, until when Sarah blurted to Mimms about how she, Tifany and others were not Friends, but "Hired Help", followed by her telling me directly that Tiffany found me creepy and offensive and did not want to ever be anywhere near me. It all just totally redevastated me Worse. I am unable to feel even remotely happy without feeling the heartache again now.

At least there WILL be a 15-year reunion, thanks to me. Sad that I will be a most depressed, lonely wallflower going there.

I also often ask myself, in this dead end of a life, in a cluttered house with my mother, without a sweetheart, in over our heads in debt, "How is this my life?"

I don't know why I'm telling you all this; I have a feeling that you are a genuine, caring woman who listens and keeps it confidential. I pray you will not betray me as well (by not telling any Troll or whoever else any of this, leading towards even more degrading mockery and shit).


18 December 2013

I'm Ashamed of Some of Our Classmates

Hi Christian,

Don't let the childish (and cruel) antics of a few of our classmates get you down. I've seen the emails and I don't care. You're an adult, and what you choose to do with your personal time isn't anybody else's business. Just ignore these people trying to have a few cheap laughs at your expense. I wouldn't even dignify them with a response. They'll just try to twist and use whatever you say to them against you. Just unfriend them, ignore them, and move on. Honestly, I'm not even sure I want to be friends with these people anymore. I'm especially disappointed with Sarah. I never knew she had such an awful mean streak in her.

Hope you're doing OK.


18 December 2013

Re: I'm Ashamed of Some of Our Classmates

You are singing my song, girl friend. I have not forwarded any of the emails to you; how did you get wind of what they were saying?

Anyway, it all already has taken me emotionally down greatly. Why can't people just quit believing the damn haters over the ONE Actual person who the arguments have been about.

I just considered reporting my ex-past-friends to Ashley Abernathy, but she is super busy with her new child and her family and all.

I apologize, but I feel I must state something here. I have had initial instincts and feelings of trust towards you, yet I have yet to have met you in person or inspect further. I am not stating any lack of trust towards you, but I feel need to secure the trust for myself. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Technically, I feel uncertain of what I need of you or what procedures are required. I think it would be good if you checked in with my gal pal, Anna McLerran; she is on my Facebook Friends List. I feel her approval would help me feel better. Plus, I also do think meeting up with you here sometime in the future in person would be beneficial.

I am just a blank in my mind right now; I don't know what else to think. My heart continues to ache; I find lack of ability to find much positive...

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

18 December 2013

Re: I'm Ashamed of Some of Our Classmates

It was not anything what you may have did, but it was mostly my confusion; I often feel lost and confused mentally. Plus, when I read in your last email where you read the emails and whatnot, it raised a bit of suspicion in my subconscious that later hit my conscious. Anyway, your response has touched me some, so you still have a chance staying on my side (I was not certain how to better word that, and I think I could have worded that better). As long as none of the emails between you and I have been "leaked" to the trolls or whatever, I still have some trust in you.

If I may ask you, I have read your Facebook profile; your relationship status was left blank; are you single or taken? Also, I understand you studied comedy with the Upright Citizens' Brigade, and you're working for USA Today; I would like to hear a few stories or your points of view on those topics. I find Jerry Seinfeld to be funny. I also like Lucielle Ball and Red Skelton and the Three Stooges. British Comedies are on my likes too. "Keeping Up Appearances" and "Are You Being Served?" being a couple of them there.

Stay Safe and Well,

Christian W. Chandler

18 December 2013

Re: I'm Ashamed of Some of Our Classmates

Hi Christian,

I won't be able to cover everything you asked about in a single email (and I just don't feel like doing all that much typing).

I'm actually still doing workshops and courses at Upright Citizens Brigade East, in Chelsea. I just finished an advanced study class, "City of Weirdos". Improv comedy is a LOT of fun but it's also a LOT of work and can get pricey with the different classes, coaching, etc. Being a comedian sounds like a fun job, but it's a lot harder than people think. For now, I'm planning on keeping my day job.

I'm also part of Team Hightower, a group of other aspiring stand up comics. My team competed in a "Cage Match" last Saturday. The cage matches are friendly competitions between local improv teams. Each team gets 15 minutes to perform before a panel of judges and receives feedback/criticism afterwards. The audience participates in the judging as well. Hightower didn't win the last one, but it was still a blast. Drinks and hanging out with the other teams and friends at the end of the show is always the best part.

My job at USA Today isn't all that interesting. I'm in Marketing and I'm basically responsible for managing a number of large accounts. It's my job to convince my clients to spend mega bucks on ad space. That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

I like Jerry Seinfeld, but he's not my favorite. There are a lot of comedians I like, but at the top of my list are George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Dennis Leary, Steven Wright, and Louis CK. I also enjoy political comedians. Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert are my favorites.

I absolutely love classic comedy. Red Skelton was a wonderful old school comedian. I love his two seagulls, "Gertrude" and "Heathcliff" bit. Lucille Ball is another favorite. It's funny, if you were to ask most people their favorite I Love Lucy episode, they'll always say the candy factory one. My favorite episode is the one where Lucy gets Ricky's loving cup stuck on her head and has to ride the subway to get it to Ricky. The one where she and Ethel dress up as Martial girls as part of a promotional stunt is a good one too. Of course I love the Three Stooges - who doesn't? Like most people, Curly is my favorite. Just don't get me started on Three Stooges trivia....Did you know that Lucille Ball starred in a Three Stooges short called "Little Pigskins"?

As far a British Comedy, I have a lot of favorites. At the top of that list is, of course "Monty Python's Flying Circus", followed by "Fawlty Towers", "Absolutely Fabulous", "Red Dwarf", "Are You Being Served", and "The Young Ones".

Anyway, that's enough typing for me! I'm off now to have a very late dinner.


19 December 2013

Re: Comedy

I have the complete Monty Python Flying Circus on DVD, as well as Seinfeld. I feel between Jerry and Larry David, they showed how difficult things were for comedians, especially in pitching a sitcom about nothing. Season 8 and 9 were good, but lacked the sincerity that was there when Larry was working on the show. For Lucy, I liked the Vitameatavegamin episode. Ask me to quote the episode when you and I get together.

On a related topic, I recently looked up autistic comedians and jokes, because my mother had heard recently beforehand about an autistic comedian. I just could not get the jokes' humor (?), the comedians were really lackluster and repetitive; NOT good. And search result for best one ever: "Wrote down the result of an online IQ test in a special green book. It's his special book." What the hell was funny about that? It was just repetition over repetition. Unless I hear something better, I find myself feeling detest towards Autism jokes.

I could never do stand up. I can do percentages and simple +, -, X, and / in my head, but it can take a long moment depending on the math's difficulty, and how often my thoughts get distracted, derailed and recovery to get back on track. That's another one you can try me on in person.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler