How to Talk to Girls

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A book that Chris recently purchased under the guidance of his church's Pastor, It is written by 9-year old Alec Greaven and in Chris's words a "Great Book". The book itself is a guide on how to gain a boyfriend-free girl, however it's not a good book to take advice from seeing as the pages are 2-3 short sentences long and is advice aimed at children around Alec's age.

Note that the advice is pretty obvious things "The first thing you should say to a girl is hi" or "Don't act desperate, Girls hate desperate boys" Despite this Chris believes that the book will help him get a girlfriend when keeping a older girlfriend is a lot harder to do than a 9 year old one and most of Alec's points are null when it comes to older women especially ones around Chris's age who won't be swooned by a simple "hi" or "I like to draw, how 'bout you?"

Something to think about is that his Pastor recommended this book to Chris, it could lead us to believe either the Pastor knows how hopeless Chris is with women or that it's a hilarious joke made by his congregation.

See Also