Mailbag 10

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Mailbag 10 is a new mailbag, uploaded to the CWCipedia on 5 December 2009. Chris is scheduled to answer it on the same day.

Awaiting Answers

From: Greg Renner <>


For years, us autistics have struggled being relegated to the lesser role compared to those higher functioning than us.

You say you fight for our people. But let me ask you, if you found a cure for autism, would you use it to eliminate us all?

Or, how about if you found a cure for neurotypicalism? Would you use it to liberate us from being of the lower social caste?

I would pray that you made the right choice, and even the playing field for humanity. Imagine, there would be no more indifferences. Everyone would be equal.

There would be no trolls or people to bully you for what you are, because they also would be the same! Nobody to make fun of you for being autistic, because they too would be autistic.

So, what do you say? I pray that after all you have done to bring glory to us Autistics, that you would not in the end betray us all.

Greg Renner

From: Maryanne Penny <>

Hello, Christian Weston Chandler!

I am with the Autism Society of America. Me and my associates of the Aspergers Syndrome division of the foundation have noticed your rise rise in fame over the last few years and would like to congratulate you on a job well done! We are very impressed with your ability to overcome the limitations your Aspergers Syndrome gives you. Not many children with Aspergers Syndrome or it's variations (autism especially) can overcome those hurdles, and they fall short in life.

You, however, are an inspiration to them. A brave little boy I know with Aspergers Syndrome came up to me and showed me a drawing he had made. He took Mario and drew him as a wizard from the popular Harry Potter franchise. He then told me that his "Marry Potter", as he liked to call it, also had Aspergers Syndrome. It was a little weird, so I asked him why he would burden such a wonderful character with such a terrible disease like Aspergers Syndrome. He told me, and I'll never forget this, "Marry Potter does a lot of great things and he's super amazing! His Aspergers Syndrome doesn't hurt him like it hurts me, and I think that's really awesome. I hope to be like him someday, but I know getting rid of this Aspergers Syndrome is impossible." Normally, I would have nothing to say to that, but thanks to you, I can give these Aspergers Syndrome inflicted children the hope they need. They now know that overcoming Aspergers Syndrome is not just something only superheroes like Marry Potter can do.

So once again I thank you, Christian. You're a Super Aspergers Syndrome Hero, and I would feel honored if you put up a page on your website supporting Aspergers Syndrome and its less prevalent variations(like autism).


Maryanne Penny

From: Alec-chan Asperchu <>


This is Alec. Why have you not responded to the truly amazing comic I sent you?

I am referring of course to my one TRUE and HONEST creation, the original ASPERCHU, the electric/aspergers type hedgehog pokemon, which I recently showed to you as a token of my esteem for you. I think you are perhaps scared and confused by my rise to greatness. If I knew you were to ever be worried by my meteoric rise to fame, I would NEVER have written to you with such uncareful regard for your feelings. I wanted you to know that you have inspired me to GREATNESS, NOT to take anything away.

You have recently written your feelings on the ASPERGERS, which shows me that you are indeed worried that one such as I wants to take away your fame and glory, and I assure you this is simply the furthest from the TRUTH. Allow me to enlighten you on the real nature of the aspergers, which as you say is not like the autism. For one, we aspergers folks have the troubles with communicating to other people, we are very shy and have trouble making others to understand us. We also, secondly, have trouble with focusing too much on one thing at a time. I think that is where the confusion lies, for people see your utter DEVOTION to only Sonichu and your Playstation 3 and NOTHING ELSE as perhaps connected to aspergers; they do not realize that the fact you do not have time for the lesser things like work and friends as a sign of a TRUE and HONEST artist.

On a second note, I think you were scared of my speaking to you because I compared myself to you. You see, I did not mean to compare my ASPERGERS to your AUTISM, for as you say the two are totally and completely different and are never and have never been the SAME. The only way I wanted to compare myself to you is that as you are an artist, I aspire to be an amazing artist as well. I hope you will accept my peace offering of ASPERCHU and SONICHU meeting as friends that I have attached.

Your friend and protege,

Alec Benson Leary

From: Bill Riley <>

Dear Chris,

I just have to say I LOVE your Sonichu comics! It has really captivated me and I feel I can't stop reading! I have to say one of my favorite characters in the comic is the creator himself, Chrissy! My favorite quality in him is that he is SO CUTE! I love his courage and will-power to overcome such intense experiences! Never give up you hunk!

Stay sweet! Bill

The middle east is a wonderful place to live.
From: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad <>


Thank you for for kind reply, Mr. Chandler. I have tried being kind and courteous, but my people will not believe I won the election fair and square! Is there anything else you can suggest I do to make them calm down?

And thank you for your kind consideration of including an Iranian character in a future comic! Sonichu is very popular in Iran, and your face is well known here. Adding an Iranian character will only make it more popular.

Here I include my humble suggestion for a new Rosechu. She is adhering to the standards of Iranian beauty by wearing one of our traditional cloaks, which protects us from the harsh climate of our country.

The cloaks hold special powers, and if she finds a sweetheart he can finally take the cloak off of her and reveal what she looks like.

I'm sorry, but my drawing skills are not good! Not nearly as good as yours! Your friend,

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad


While some comics feature dates, other comics have no dates on them, so it's hard to tell how much time has passed between the stories in the CWCiverse. For instance, how much time passes between episode 19 and episode 20? A Sonichu timeline, featuring dates when things happen in the CWCiverse, would really help.

From: Cad Earnest <>

I don't really see your point in your argument in the aspergers page on cwcipedia. It kind of seems that you're JEALOUS of people with the syndrome and that you hate them for accomplishing more than you despite having similar conditions.

I mean if they shun you by having better communication skills. Doesn't that mean everyone with out a mental disorder shuns you by being better than you? I think you need to accept when you're incorrect about something.

I'd also like to deconstruct your point:

"I have not only Helped cultivate the First Generation ofAutistic People, but I have gone beyond the Autistic Dreamsacademically, communicatively and socially. Still, I have troublemaintaining Eye-Contact, my mentality is sometimes slow yet quick atother times. The people who first evaluated me ever even stated that Iwould never even make it to High School, much less even Write His Name. Take That and Smoke It, oldest doctors.I have worked very hard to achieve and maintain Honor Roll throughoutMiddle and High School, and even to make the PVCC Dean's List, andfulfill my parents' wishes to work for and earn the Degree andCertificate for Computer Aided Drafting and Design."-Christian Weston Chandler

This is while claiming to have high functioning autism. It's not like you're low on the spectrum and getting these achievements. High functioning has to be the closest to aspergers so whoever first diagnosed you had mis-information... unless you were diagnosed as low functioning autism(with an IQ of lower than 80) there's no way you couldn't have made it through highschool taking remedial courses.

I've also noticed however haven't you admitted several times that you are "Sometimes retarded"?, I also think there are better autistic role models out there than you. I apologise if there is any offence but you currently don't even have a job and it REALLY doesn't seem like you're that serious about marketing Sonichu. You may have passed high school and got a 2-year CADD certificate in 6 YEARS. But you've done nothing with it.

Most notably in your comics you never use a ruler, your maps aren't even to scale could you tell me what they actually taught you in CADD classes? Also Doesn't CADD Chef relate to your CADD teacher who gave you F's, how did you make the Deans list when you got F grades? You have to be either lying or everyone must have been put on the list for simply passing.

Your argument is flawed, beforehand you were saying autism is superior. Now you're saying people with aspergers are faking it too simply look better than you. You haven't really showed the world how successful Austic people can be because you just play videogames and waste your life away.

From: Steven Shaw <>

awesome to finally get a chance to talk to the creator of the Sonichu comics. Hope you can answer a couple of questions for me.

My questions are: 1: I know sonichu evolves into Metonic/Ulrta Sonichu and Rosechu evolves into Vamprosa, but do any of the other Sonichus or Rosechus evolve? If so, what into?

2:Where did Darkbind come from? he ssems like a really cool character but he only got a 1 page summary for his back story.

3:What happened to the people/pokemon who brought up the chaotic combo? Did the whale come back and finish of Swampert? Don't leave us in suspence!!!

4:What's the deal with the new site ads? I think someones trying to mess with you (I mean, "Duck Presevation Society" really?)

oh well that's all i wanted to ask.

Toodle-pip (Yes i'm British) SS

He gave it his best.
From: Randy McFalsa <>

First allow me to introduce myself. I am Sebastian Wulver and I am a humongous fan of your comics. I've been reading through the fan mail and seen all sorts of fan made sonichus, so I thought I'd make my own... it's not quite as good as yours but I gave it my best.

He's called Pepe'. I hope you like him.

Peace from a true and honest fan


From: D Follett <>

Autism vs. aspergers is NOT a competition. You don't need to prove that you're more pathetic than anyone else - the fact that you crap your pants like a 2 year old proves it enough.

As someone with aspergers, I am insulted by your ignorance and outright hatred towards someone with a very similar problem to your own. I don't care what YOU have, or what you think you are - you insulting anyone else, ever, in the entire universe, is hilarious.

You have conquered nothing. You have deluded yourself into thinking you're better than your autism, but you have accomplished nothing in your life but making yourself look more and more foolish every day.

I'd put some serious work into myself if I were you. Your parents will not live forever, and when they are gone, there is no way you could afford to keep that house. You will be moved into a home with the 'slow minded' and the developmentally disabled, as you have completely failed to prove that you are a mature human being who is capable of managing anything more complex that a little LEGO universe.

I felt sorry for you for a long time - for the trolls who make up fake girls that you fall in love with, to the trolls who have you honestly believing that people like your shitty artwork. You are racist, homophobic, and ignorant.

Shut the fuck up and leave those with aspergers out of it, you asshole.

D Follett

Panel from Sonichu is Dead
And a panel from Sonichu is Gay
From: Sean Watley <>

Hi Chris,

Glad to see you're working on the comics again, although I think Episode 20 is dragging on too long. The Dating Education one and Issue #8 said "Christian Weston Chandler" more than this really recent stuff. I'd also like to see more comics about the things you accomplish each day, and maybe see your family in the comics. I'm sure you lead an interesting life.

Anyway I read your recent blog entry about how you don't care what other people do with Sonichu, so here's my stupid bullshit. I'm not great with digital coloring yet but I figure I'll get better with practice:

Sonichu is Dead: Sonichu is Gay:

Stay straight,

Sean August Watley

(P.S. I'm still working on Sonichu is Gay. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them!)

From: Jamie Stevens <>

Hello there Chris!! Parkour or Free-Styling as it's also known as; is an awesome sport to get into. Will you be making more parkour videos?? PLEASE DO!! you should have someone record you doing crazy flips and tricks like the pros do. Perhaps even a Sonichu doing parkour?
