Takashi Tezuka
The troll who began the Sonichu Alpha Project. Taken over by Shigeru Miyamoto.
General producer of Animal Crossing and leader of the Sonichu-Alpha project.
I gave Takashi my approval and tips for the design of the final version of the characters. The images I have received in the e-mail can be seen below. The first one is from a Fan who accidently received through the WiiConnect24.
And with this, I declare another step forward in the Sonichu Game project, and the downfall of that Impostor, Jimmy Hill. I have also informed them of Sarah Mitchel's message of Sega of Japan leaning to pay the impostor, but Takashi will most certainly step in and avert the mistake from being made. Then hopefully, with their help, I'll be able to claim the copyrights in the UK that should have been mine in the first place. I already had them from the Virginia Library of Congress.
Anyway, when I have new thoughts, I will be sure to add them to this topic.
Love and Peace to y'all. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Christian C.