Talk:CWCville Shopping Center

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Revision as of 04:48, 3 January 2010 by Clydec (talk | contribs) (9 revisions)
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To do

Let's add all the mall stores for the sake of reference. Also, the mall stores should stick to the actual mall stores Chris has indicated. Adding unfunny shit like "House of Pickles" and "Fanta 'N Cum" ruins insight into Chris's head. Next person who adds a store that isn't from Chris's mall plans gets BANNED. --Champthom 19:30, 22 September 2009 (CEST)

  • I'm surprised he didn't make up more of the stores. Lots are more obscure, but only a few seem to come from his imagination (Christopher's Pizza, etc). I've added a subsection for the things that don't technically count as stores and I haven't counted all the restrooms yet but there's definitely more than a mall needs. SirCucumber 20:54, 22 September 2009 (CEST)
    According to Wikipedia this place is 1/5th the size of Mall of America. I don't make a habit out of counting the stores at my local mall, but isn't that an absurdly large store for a city in Virginia? Ensign disposable 22:58, 22 September 2009 (CEST)
  • When it's the sole notable thing in your city, maybe not. More interestingly is that I recall someone on PVCC noting that the size of the mayoral office is roughly the size of an (American) football field which is pretty fucking huge for an office. --Champthom 14:14, 26 September 2009 (CEST)
    • The mall itself is also hugely out of proportion - look at how much empty space there is in the middle of the mall compared to the size of the stores. It's absolutely massive! Besides, are you even supposed to plan out what stores are in a mall when you're building it? Doesn't that sort of thing happen after? I mean, stores do move around after all. And another thing, why put the Mayoral Office in a shopping mall? Does the mayor just want to be close to stores so he can waste the taxpayers' money? It makes no sense! SirCucumber 23:23, 22 September 2009 (CEST)


Hmm, looking at the list, I'm wondering if we should make mention of what stores are/should be shut down. I know for a fact that the Circuit City Express, Sam Goody's and Suncoast (of those three, Sam Goody's and Suncoast were owned by the same company) would have shut down (Goody's and Suncoast went under 2007/2008 and Circuit City this past March). Just a suggestion. --Blazer 06:13, 26 September 2009 (CEST)

  • Probably not a bad addition. I'm not even sure how many of them are Chris's imagination or if they're all real stores (Christopher's Pizza, April's Sports), that'd be another thing to check. There's a few like the Anna Joy's (bridalwear?) that I've found legitish sites for, I'm just wondering if it's worth adding links for all of them or if it'll clutter up the page too much. SirCucumber 06:16, 26 September 2009 (CEST)
  • Thirded. It'd be interesting to note which stores are indeed defunct. I'm guessing most of these are legitimate places, just obscure regional stores or independently owned places. --Champthom 14:14, 26 September 2009 (CEST)


someone deconstruct this for me KTHX Clydec 04:51, 12 November 2009 (CET)