CWCki talk:Frequently Asked Questions

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Revision as of 04:16, 2 January 2010 by VanKrause (talk | contribs)
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  • I thought this might be a good idea. I had a few more questions but I forgot them due to stress. If it's a dumb idea, feel free to delete it. I'll understand. And cry :( Loli-tan 09:00, 6 May 2009 (CEST)
    • This was something I was actually going to suggest, and it's a lovely Web 1.0 way of addressing some common concerns about Chris. --Champthom 09:04, 6 May 2009 (CEST)
  • Added a few more questions today, trying to go for general knowledge as opposed to repeating what you can find in the Misconceptions thread on PVCC. Although, we might want to bring that over here and incorporate it into this article at some point. Feel free to keep adding questions!! I like the last question (11 currently) though in terms of it being the "final one" so I'd recommend keeping it as the last one. Loli-tan 07:41, 8 May 2009 (CEST)
  • There should be a FAQ concerning his college education. People still assume that he earned an Associate's Degree, which people give credit Chris more than he deserves. The retard earned an Associates of Applied Science, which is the equivalent to a degree from a vocational school.Decoy Octillery 02:16, 29 May 2009 (CEST)
  • The questions and answers should be sorted into maybe categories, or at least moved around so important questions (like "Why doesn't he just get a prostitute?") are towards the top and less important ones ("Was Ivy imaginary?") towards the bottom. --Champthom 23:12, 21 October 2009 (CEST)
  • In the FAQ about him being a possible pedofork, one of the arguments given was the fact that he's often described himself as "young at heart." I took that out, because I interpret his "young at heart" statement as a euphemism for his own childish tendencies, not an indication of any preference for underaged partners.Senzuri 09:16, 2 January 2010 (CET)