User talk:SargentPickles

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Hi there

I saw you added a fifth year at PVCC to the table of Chris's education-history I made. I reverted your edit because Chris was expelled from school in September 2004, so he can't have been in fifth grade for longer than a few days. (And it's quite probable that he didn't even attend classes during those days because he was allready been banned). Adding fifth year would thus be confusing and would request further explanation that would fuck up the table. If you have any new evidence that suggests Chris did actually attain fifth grade in PVCC, please let me know. Take care and edit hard. RachmaninovDESU 01:41, 19 May 2010 (UTC)

  • Actually, I just realized that the table is wrong, with or without my edits. Chris graduated in 2006 (as evidenced by the dates on his "degree's"), therefore their needs to be 6 columns for his PVCC years (perhaps a denotation for the year he was banned?) SargentPickles 23:10, 18 May 2010 (EST)
  • Ok, look here buddy. I know you're new here, and that you're trying to do your best, and that's cool and all, but you're not an ace detective who's digging up shit that's going to rock the CWCki-world. The table was fine as it was. We don't need two extra columns. The table is supposed to show years Chris followed education, not years that he didn't, and if you plan to keep editing it with confusing shit that shouldn't be on there I can guarantee you that you're ride here on the CWCki is going to be a bumpy one, and that you won't be making any friends anytime soon. Now, you seem pretty hellbent on changing my table, and that isn't a bad attitude. I'm not a bad guy, so if you want to dig into Chris's past and try to prove me wrong, I'd say you're welcome, I even like that. I would, however, advise you to look further than the stuff that's on the CWCki for this goal. I know Chris's education history. I wrote the CWChronology. If you want to outsource me you're going to have to look very far and wide. And untill you find something that's extremely new and interesting you better lay your hands of of mah table because YOU'RE PISSIN ME THE FUCK OFF!!! Have I been understood? RachmaninovDESU 18:42, 21 May 2010 (UTC)