
From CWCki
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Hello, there.

WHY I'M HERE My reason for being here is simple - I wish to contact the trolls and/or followers of the socially deviant asshole we call Christian Weston Chandler. I really hate his guts and wish to know of some way to contact him without him ignoring it so I can maybe (just MAYBE) troll him.

BACKSTORY Some time back, I was a user on deviantart and was becoming arrogant and stubborn about people not supporting my artwork (which was, in some ways, better than Chris-Chan's, but not good enough). If not for my decision to quit being an active user of the site, I'd have become just like him.

HOW I FOUND THIS SITE I'm not sure the exact time I found Chris Chan, but it was some time in early 2010 while browsing Encyclopedia Dramatica. But when I did, I decided to investigate further. After a month or so, I found the CWCki and discovered pretty much everthing I needed to know about the piece of worthless shit that is Christian Weston Chandler.

PS - Has Anonymous (the chaos-loving internet group) ever visited him?