I'm a fish, and no, I do not want to make a wish. I saw Chris several years ago, 2008 I think. One of my friends linked me to a thread on /v/ where some idiot was doing horrid photoshops of Chris's comic pages, but I soon learned of the entity that is Chris-chan. I usually just stayed on his Youtube page and whatever shit /v/ decided to poop out that day about him. I read the ED page about him almost daily just to see if there was new shit posted, but I soon got out of that once the CWCki was up and vrooming down the Chris information highway like a freight train on cocaine. By this time, I started dating a girl, Natalie, who was conflicted with Aspergers. We're still dating, by the way. I showed her the horror that is Chris-chan, and she loved it. For a few weeks, she actually liked his comics. She said that the simplistic art style really blended well with the childish story line. Then she hit book 6-8 and all Hell broke loose. She suddenly resented the workings of Chris, calling me every day talking about how much she hated whatever addition he added. I'm pretty sure Chris-chan was an adhesive that kept our relationship together; sure, we got along well and had similar interests, but it seemed we both looked forward to the same thing every day: whatever our acne-scarred, autistic hero happened to be doing that particular day.
I like to transcribe almost religiously, but my laziness sometimes gets the better of me and I end up losing track of whatever it was that I was transcribing, such as Julie Reveals Herself: The Prequel and one of the Mumbles. Transcribing is just so fun, especially rerunning two or three phrases over and over again because one word could be misconstrued as many. This is especially prominent in, well, ANYTHING Chris has ever said ever. Forever.