CWCki:Operation Mailbag

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I'm just kinda throwing them up there whenever. Love [ Clyde ]. Check the mailbags to see if it was posted!

Post your e-mails to Chris here. Please see CWCki talk:Operation Mailbag for Rules of Engagement and details. --Champthom 00:31, 29 November 2009 (CET)

From: Lacey Stone <>

Hi Chris! I'm glad to see you're taking questions from your fans! I was wondering if you could help my sister, Danielle. She's a very beautiful and successful woman, but she's afraid she'll never find a boyfriend. She used to be my brother, Daniel, but she says she's always felt like a girl on the inside, and she's finally gotten medical help to make her body match what she's always felt like. She's so much happier now - she even went back to school and became a doctor! But she's afraid boys won't like her, even now that she's had the surgery, because of her past. I told her that she's crazy, that she's pretty and smart and successful (I even think she's prettier than me!), and that any boy would be glad to go out with her. What do you think I can do to help her get a boyfriend?

Sincerely, Lacey

P.S. Here is a picture of my sister: [1]

From: Brigitta MacBridge <speedygirl@bitnet.uucp>

Hello Chris!

I like Sonic games a lot. My fave Sonic game is Sonic 3. Which is your fave of the oldschool 2D Sonic games? How about the new 3D games?

I've watched some of the LittleBigPlanet videos you made. They're really awesome and well done! I like to watch some speed videos often, like on ... I wish I could play games that fast!!!!!!

Have you tried making a speed video? I would love to see how fast you can play through, say, Sonic 1. Can you please make the video too? I know you're busy with the comic, so if you can't make the video soon, that's fine, take your time.

But meanwhile, could you at least tell me about your best times in Sonic games?

--# Brigitta #--

From: Danny Torrence (

Hi! I like your cartoons! What are you getting your mom and dad for Christmas? My dad is a writer so I'm getting him some fancy pens, and I bought a nice sweater for my mom. What did your mom and dad get you for Christmas last year? I asked Santa for some Webkinz and Legos and a new Wii game. What did you ask Santa for??

Merry Christmas!!!!


From: Colin Baker (

Hello, Christian! I'm just a stranger from England who is a longtime fan of your work. It quite difficult to find a good sci-fi/adventure writer nowadays; you are one of the most notable exclusions. Keep it up!

May I ask you a few questions?
1. If you had the ability to travel through time... to any place and time you desire... what would you do?
2. If you worked with a beautiful and sexy woman, but your work ethics forbid you to have any kinds of romantic relations with her... do you think you could stand this challenge?
3. Do you believe in reincarnation?
4. Last but not least... I'm absolutely fascinated by your clothing style. It's so non-ordinary and unique, it truly manages to express the bohemian aesthetics of your creative individuality! But I'd like to know - did you make this bold fashion choice on your own, or was it inspired by any outside influence?

Thanks in advance! I hope the "Sonichu" saga will continue for all eternity! :)

Colin "Curly" Baker.

P.S.: Say hi to all your cute kitties for me!

I would be grateful if some actual English speakers could proofread it and correct where needed. Thanks in advance! --Goku