For Kacey II
10252009 For Kacey is a video Chris posted in which he ONCE AGAIN attempts to win Kacey's heart from the real Christian Weston Chandler.
Amazingly, Chris has a better picture and sound this time around, so he either a) bought a new camera or b) is using the camera he's used in some of his other videos for this. Either way, it's a whole lot better than listening to Chris Headroom again.
Hmm. Okay, hello hello Ka-hey Kacey, listen. I thought bout it furder, and uh...yeah. I de-I I do love you. Hmm. I'll be h-um-hah-I will take you on as my own belief. H-yes. Yes, I would. I would take you take on as my girlfriend. But I feel like, you know, we definitely should...hang out with each other more often, so, I will be in talk to you later about that.
But Kacey? I want you for my own, and I am capable of doing all the things and comparison to, well, don't don't need to bring him into-volved. We don't need to get him in-li-yeah.
But anyway, Kacey, I'm as-I'm uh I'm pre mu I pretty much would be asking out w-asking you out at this point. Let's get togedder, c'mon. What do you say? Hmm.
Aight. Talk to you later. Love ya!