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Frustrated with accusations that he is gay, Chris attempts to set the record straight once and for all. His first video is literally two sentences, warning everyone to remember his straightness. On top of this, he holds up a relatively tame picture of Britney Spears, apparently thinking that owning magazines with sexy photos of women in them is proof of his heterosexuality.

Perhaps uncertain of the effectiveness of this first video, Chris follows up with a nearly ten minute dissertation on how he deeply loves, respects and understands women, in addition to his insistence upon wanting to have sex with them. In this, Chris seems to have confused the issue, assuming that heterosexuality demands more than a superficial physical attraction to women to be credible. In his attempt to laud the qualities of women, Chris ascribes to them numerous qualities, including having superior power, agility, and coping skills than men. Also, nipples and clits.

Much of Chris's talk is completely nonsensical, as he shifts from praising women to the positive outlets of his rage, the tendency of the men in his life to start wars, and how women are perfect, because even when they cop an attitude, they still care about someone, which absolves them of all wrongdoing. There's a passive-aggressive tone to the entire video, almost as though Chris is trying to tell some woman he wronged that he doesn't take their anger personally, because he knows she still cares about the children she'll make with her almighty uterus. Alternately, Chris may be attempting to offer an olive branch to any female trolls that have harrassed him, on the slim chance that he might someday tap dat ass.

While the video fails to prove Chris is straight, it does make a strong case for Chris being one creepy S.O.B. While discussing the beauty of the female body, he frequently pauses to take a deep breath and caress an imaginary woman in front of him, rolling his head back in erotic passion. Partway into the video, Chris holds up a copy of the August 2004 issue of Playboy, but insists that he doesn't need it to demonstrate that he's straight. This begs the question of why he brought it up to begin with, unless he just likes making videos with nudie mags in them.

Watch first video

Transcript of first video

I, Chris--n Chandler am STRAIGHT. [holds up Britney Spears poster] Don't you forget it.

Watch second video

Transcript of second video

You know who I am. But, I have randomly decided to make this video because I am sick of all the false accusations... and rumors and slanders that have been going around on the internet about--against me. (gasps)

So I tell y--So I tell you for sure and for true that I AM STRAIGHT. I cou--And I can tell you why from a lifetime of stories but I'll tell it to you in just a few short minutes.

Anyway, most of my friends in my life... have been female. I've had only few male acquaintances. And they've deffifitely turned me off de majority of dem because they are rude, crude, and inconsiderate, causing wars and such. But, women are so kind and sweet. And you don't have to look at any pict-any, any of 'em in bikinis or in the nude. To no-to-to-not s-to fail to see the attrac--to fail to see the beauty in each and every wonderful woman. But inside that beauty they all have... caring... qualities, the majority of them. You know, between them, and me, and the majority of the world, we all just want to be understood. [sighs] And I understand the ladies. I understand the women.

But, I do not need...to const-to cuh-to fall-stoop down to a level of where the hormones--my hormones would go out of rage to appreciate... them as being my friends, and my gal pals... even as well as acquaintances. Because I can only have one true sweetheart.

But anyway gettin' t-over to the women, you cannot--you can definitely see.... the sheer brilliance... of... their delightful personalities between each and every one of them. And yet some of them can turn, and be... very... distraught. But we have to learn to... abide by them, and just let it pass, even if it doesn't pass... we still love them because, at one point, even bef-at one point before they had--they did a one-eighty, in that sense they were still caring. And they can be still caring. And just because they act in a harsh nature even when it should be calm and peaceful, they still care... about... the men in their--lives.

And especialy the children... that she and her husband... put together... like I will be putting together in my.... Sweetheart. My sweet Panda... [singing softly] "Never gonna give you uuuuuup."

But............ I c--ensure you that I am STRAIGHT. I--'cause you know, I appreciate the women, all the women, for their personalities, purely. But... any man would be crazy....or... even ignorant, to not even notice the outer beauty in addition to their inner beauty.

Chris's Exhibit A. While he wants you to believe he was fondling the picture of Eva Herzigova on the cover, he was in fact lusting after the Captain Morgan ad on the back.

But I appreciate the inner beauty more.... than the outer beauty. But yet I am attracted to the outer beauty as well, as the majority of m... of my sp-of my gender should be able to appreciate.

[picks up copy of Playboy, and holds it up to camera.]

And Playboy has been able to... help us in that sense, to... better relate and further our appreciation for the female species. The females, the women, the beautiful ladies. [graps the magazine in both hands, as if holding the breasts of the woman on the cover, and sighs]..... Mmm!

[puts magazine down]

But I digress beholding a Playboy, because I do not need to hold a Playboy to further prove that I am STRAIGHT. Because I am EDUCATED between my lov--between-- throughout my whole lifetime and the classes I have taken between sex ed and high school, and real life experiences, and my ins and outs in my Sweetheart chur-Search in the past.... [darkly] the long past...

Given that I was thwarted by one female, I would not hold the grudge against her. 'Cause I'm sure that she is sweet to others, especially to the men that ha-are actually closer to her in her life than I have ever was or ever capable of being... I still [coughs] will not hold the grudge against her. Yet, I will, yet I have, drawn, previous times, moments of rage, and anger, against... but... expressing the anger in tha-- sen--in the sense of drawing... in the sense of art... but not... to put into gory details, but makin' it, uh, 'ceptable for even the, uh, to make it applicable to be TV-Y7, of that rating.

That is not total rage, because that is rage--negative rage, being put into POSITIVE. I put most of my rage into positive... outgoing-outcomes, positive drawings, positive inspirations, because I care about the women.

And n-not just the women that I have drawn, and care about personally, but everyone that--every women that I am only acquainted with, or do not know personally, or...or e-or are even just total strangers to me, I still care about the women....

And I even go as far...... as to stoop-i-stoop to one low level......BOOBIES.... vaginas....

[holds out hands and moves them up and down, as though caressing an hourglass figure]



Very gorgeous. I'm STRAIGHT. I love the women... outside....[same hand gesture] and inside.... and that should be enough to prove that I am STRAIGHT, to everyone, even those who dare say udderwise. And those who dare say otherwise? Well, I can only say that... y'all be damned. But I would not hold it against you because... that is a humble, uh, that is your opinion. And even though it is a whole bunch of lies... and it cannot be at set--it cannot be easily determined whether the originator is male or female...... I will not hold those opinions against anybody, because... I care...... and I care more about the women, but... I will... associate and cope with in a po-in a-ok-in an-OK light... with those of my own gender. But, I will show more affection and appreciation and care... for da women. For da women.........because they are surely the delightful, the more powerful, the more agile... the more capable of coping with stresses and the lives in and around us all.

Even the stereotypes. They can--they will express their anger against it. But that is because they care about themselves, and they want us to appreciate them individually for who they are.

But I digress. I am straight... because I care about da women, individually.... I appreciate their humble opinions... and as well as uh, their outer beauty [same hourglass motion with hands].........and their inner beauty.... and to every one of them, I offer a hug. You don't have to get in person....because you ge-because you can eachily get that from those that are very close to you.

Right.... so.... C-Christian Weston Chandler. I am STRAIGHT. [deep breath, same hand motion] Mmmmm-mmmmm!
