Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 8

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Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 8 is the eighth and last of the available phone conversations between Chris and Alec Benson Leary, the creator of Asperchu. It took place on 18 February 2010.


Alec calls Chris, at the latter's request, to discuss the inclusion of Sonichu Revolution in CWCikipedia's adspace. Chris admits he was at fault, to a limited degree, and the conversation shifts to Alec urging Chris to upload more pages and launch a series reboot.



Chris: Hello?
Alec: Hey Chris, it's Alec.
Chris: Hi Alec.
Alec: So uh, <Chris attempts to talk over Alec, but Alec wins> I got your e-mail, uh, looks like you want to talk. What's, uh, what's up?
Chris: Okay, well, uh, just to let you know that I'm uh, that I'm in the middle of dinner right now so we'll have to make this short. But, ahh, yeah, I am a bit, uh, concerned that you have continued with the, ahh, oversized ads on the CWCipedia... I mean those- the smaller banner ads- that was that was okay. I would have accepted that- I would have accepted that on a daily basis. But, no, you had to add- you had to go and <Alec beings to talk over Chris>
Alec: Chris-
Chris: add-
Alec: Chris-
Chris: a whole-
Alec: Chris-!
Chris: to the big-
Alec: Chris-!
Chris: to the big -
Alec: CHRIS!
Chris: page-
Alec: CHRIS!
Chris: Yeah?
Alec: You asked me to call you... *right* at 9:30 and when I do, you're [[obesity|eating dinner?]

Alec sounds understandably annoyed.

Chris: Well- <unintelligible gibberish>
Alec: What are you eating?
Chris: I'm having some chicken.
Alec: I- uhgh. Chris, if you're going to ask someone to go out of their way for you for something you should probably... actually allow them to do so and not act like you are inconvenienced when they do. That's just a suggestion. But I-
Chris: <unintelligible gibberish>
Alec: But I- well... I-I-I think <Chris attempts to talk over Alec for this whole sentence> maybe, if you actually want to have a serious discussion- that's why I called... but... maybe let the chicken wait until we're done with our call, how about that? Cuz' I don't like calling you only to hear that you have something else to do even though this is the exact time you told me to call.

More to come. Deep Space 9 now.

Chris and Alec Call 7 Alec Benson Leary calls Current

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