LoveYouLongTime E-mails, 2011-2012

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This page contains e-mails between Chris and the various Gal Pals played by Emily, from 2011-2014.


Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 6:41 PM

The past week has been fair, but half-weak at the end. The past few days, I have been enduring the pains of a bladder/urinary infection. I saw my doctor, and he prescribed some antibotics for me. It was Thursday night when it started; I felt burning pains at my pee-hole; I only got about less than four hours of sleep at first. The pains kept me awake. Then I awoke at 3AM, and after one set of short excretions (#1) sitting on the john, I found a bit of blood in the water.

I called for the doctor appointment at about 9:00AM. I have been forced to remain at home on the sound experience from my mother, who has had similar experiences and similar antibiotic prescription, that I would feel weighed down and stuck at home for a number of days.

Friday, it was obvious that I felt soo tired, but I mustered the energy to see the doctor, and pick up my prescription after an hourly wait at my local CVS. I arrived back home at about near 2:45 PM; I took my first antibiotic pill, and crashed on the couch for an appreciated number of hours of less pain-interrupting sleep; I awoke later at about 10:20 PM.

Mom has been most helpful and caring to me during the time. After awaking, I felt some mild headaches (I had worse headaches during Friday afternoon as well), and I felt afraid that if I raised myself up, it would get worse for me.

Thankfully my mother came in for a visit and talked to me; I eventually mustered the energy to get up with minimal pain. Then I went to the bathroom for #1; less burning, but I felt pain during excretion and had to make more effort to push it out. Then after flushing and washing my hands, I returned to my couch and my mother. She brought me a carton of orange juice and a carton of chocolate soy milk. The vitamins from both have been helpful.

During the early Saturday Morning, I felt some energy to turn on LBP2 and resume work on my Autism Animation Sets. I have them completed and most satisfactory. I also learned more estensive tricks and tips on the Multiple Layer Glitches, which all are still functional in LBP 1, as well as LBP2. I feel I have successfully mastered that trick; trials and errors gone through, learned and pending. I think everyone who sees them will be impressed once I have completed the scripts and recordings and published the 5 Parts. Dang that Thermometer; I swear, it goes to a limit of about 10MB per level (based on backed-up level data).

Also, I have been feeling sad on the decreasing in communication between you and me; I feel like I have not met your expectations, and I felt I would be an embarasment to you at this point after the previous, recent events. Like a drill sargent who has got lost during a mission for his general; he doesn't know I have failed the mission, and the D.S. understand the situations, and he feels he could not return without success and suffer being court-marshalled (or something like that). I feel I probably shouldn't hang with you, because I do not meet your high expectations. And that, in itself makes me feel sad, cry and feel ashamed of myself more. Under my own will, I hope to eventually cure my Autism, bild a good amount of self-confidence and return to you a real man with medal of honor. Then I think you'll feel more proud of me, [REDACTED].

You are still in my thoughts and my heart, dearest friend. (:_=( Anyway, I am mentioning you in my Animation, under the name of "Mic"; sounds like "Mickey", but without the "key", and with a "c" instead of a "k". I also animate you with two Sackbots and a custom costume; I'll send you an in-game photo later to your PSN.

*sgh* Please pardon me, I have been crying for you, our friendship and your respect.

As for my ailment, today I have felt better, surprisingly the antibiotics didn't weigh me down, or so I thought. I had overslept and missed church, but this afternoon I went out, got some tea with lemonade (an "Arnold Palmer", LOL) and something to eat. After eating, I felt the blood going to my gut worse than I had felt it before (probably the side-effect of the Antibiotics); I marched forward to take a walk around Wal-Mart for a while. A later Aftershock gut pain shortened the walk, so I drove myself back home to my couch with my full big cup of tea. And now I type you this message.

Depending on how I feel in due time, I plan on going to the Valentine's Dance at the Key Center on the 12th (this coming Saturday), but that's still a wait-and-see.

I feel need to back off for now, but I'll check in again later.

Stay Safe, Dearest




Wed, May 11, 2011 at 1:37 AM

I missed you earlier tonight; I had my cellie in my reach and loud waitin' for you. You were busy; I understand.

Anyhoo, I had a good time at Applebees Monday. I sang "Teenage Dream" and "Piece of Me", and I really let out my feminine groove thang. A woman (older than me I think) had a lovely singing voice when she sand. I complimented her, and she thanked and hugged me. It was her first time singing apparently. I also took notice of most of the other women there; there was one in a red dress, a group of four black cuties, and one in pink AND a pink hairdoo (colored; I could tell from her dark roots). And I got encouraged after singing like I was lookin' for; someone shouted, "You go, girl." I also tried a cosmo; it was okay, but I've had better. I was also thinking of trying a daquri (I've heard of it before). You missed out on seeing me this time; I would like to have you in the audience anyway. Perhaps on Friday at the Baja or another Monday at the Apple.  :)

I couldn't get the piercing yet; it turns out I misunderstood over the phone when I called ACME earlier; they charge 45 for a naval piercing. It was unbelieveable for me, especially after I had trouble finding it on the Corner.

I also bought another zebra tank during the Monday outting, and I found another denim mini my size for 8 at Sears. Manufacturers sure do get assymetrical on feminine skirt and pant sizes. As a male, I'm a 38 W, which translates roughly to 18 feminine, and the new mini, which fit me great, was a 13. What a world. I also found on clearance a pair of chained earrings "Hannah Montanna"­brand for only 2; I got it for the 3 pairs of charms, featuring guitars. It also had stars and hearts. I carefully removed the charms and maintained the charm rings. I like the charms to hang onto my hoops and change them whenever. I bought a set of silver hoops Tues on clearance at Target for 5; a lot Easier than the blue ones I was wearing before.

My Tuesday outting also included getting soap at Wal­Mart and searching for a new power cord for my mother's cell; she greatly misplaced her original. I found a good replacement at Big Lots.

I figured out a new swift trick for changing clothes. I can wear pants and a tee over my skirt and tank respectively; I'm like Stripperella. I keep my hairband and bracelets in my bag with my makeup. I keep my sandals in a target cloth bag for the shoe swap in the car. Worth the trouble to keep the secret (I shouldn't really require to have, but I do for the golden oldies) from my parents.

On the topic, I wanted to get your opinion on something else; I'm super fine and very comfortable in the skirts, tanks and everything; I feel very empowered. I was wondering, do you feel it be a step too far if I started using the ladies'restroom? I mean, recently, I have observed when I go into the men's room with my outfit and attitude, I feel out of place in there. Crazily, if a tomboy who takes it soo far started feeling discomfort in the ladies' room, I would not hold it against her for using the men's room.

Something else, Jackie has been soo detailed in her responses, as I have forwarded to you; reading it makes me feel flabbergasted; I have a hard time coming up with an appropriate response after the first read or two. It took me like three times to come up with what I responded. Internet socializing and communicating over it is such a hassle to me.

Also, I have been enoying the Looney Tunes Show that started up on the Cartoon Network recently. This week's episode brought Lola Bunny back into Bugs' life; it was soo fun and cute. It's title is "Members Only", it'll air again Saturday at 2:30 PM. I reccommend checking out the episode. Although IMHO, it appeared to be a TOTAL persona change for Lola since "Space Jam"; she became a scatterbrain, and I feel that is not right for her. Still a fun story, though.  :)

Please call me Tonight if you can.

Stay Safe, Christian.

Tard Rage

Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 10:19 PM

I'm just checking in. I have offered my introductory thoughts on the Kaka page, for June 22; consideringnthe time it was today upon posting, I felt it was appropriate to date it so.

I feel at unease to prattle on about the XL, so here's the skinny. The selling price for the DSi is considerably Low between GameStop and Toys R Us for 25 and 50 at the pawn shops. At Best Buy, however, there is a limited-time offer for selling a DSi there for 75 (see this week's flyer or As its value is decreasing, I felt that I simply must act as quickly as possible, yet feel grand need to keep my FlipNote data in full tact with link to the Hatena and all. The DSi XL (to be refered to as "xl" for the remainder of this message) has a much greater current value compared to the dsi. So, in a nutshell; I'm moving the Flipnotes to the xl, so I can sell my dsi for its greatest current value with less grief. And with that, I can stand to make equal or more than that after the 3DS FlipNote app becomes available to download (or they add the original FlipNote Studio to the eShop, whichever comes first soonest). And as a bonus, I can transfer the pre-installed two Brain Age apps (currently not already owned) to my 3DS from the xl, and I can register it for coins on my Club Nintendo account.

Now that I have explained it to you, I wish to hear not another word on the matter. I have my plans laid out on the payment to Fingerhut and all. I will be deleting this message after sending it.

Another thing for now, remember the past discussion where you mentioned Bobby got a 3DS (please confirm or correct the fact in your reply, because I also remember the tone of sarcasm and catching me in that lie at the time). If Bpbby having a 3DS is true, I wish to add him to my 3DS friends list and have him add me. My Friend Code is 2836-0121-9073, UserName: Chris Chan, and I would require his F.C. and U.N. as well, please. I have also attached the QR code for my 3DS Mii for him.

I will let you know of the next time to call me, but not yet. I feel for your best interest that you moniter your conversational tones and feelings, because I feel a sense of continuous sarcasm and/or feelings of mild anger in the recent conversations. I feel unease from the tone and feeling(s); I would greatly appreciate it if you would work on it, so you don't accidently come off as possibly cynical or of the sort. IIITTYL. Stay Safe,


Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 10:50PM

Well Chris, you could have kept your original DSi and kept staring at your precious flipnotes to your heart's content, but instead you got $75 of Best Buy credit, and put yourself into $260 more debt with Fingerhut. So you're now -$185 in the hole MORE than you were before. Actually, you probably will end up paying even more than that to Fingerhut, since you'll probably only be able to afford to pay the minimum amount due each month, which will load you down with Fingerhut's ridiculous interest rates. And all so that you could gain absolutely nothing more than you already had, since you were perfectly able to keep playing flipnote on your first DSi. And you'll probably just spend that Best Buy credit on more games than you can possibly have time to play. Good money saving skills there, Chris. Totally proud of you and shit.

As for what you do and do not wish to hear, I don't really care. I'm not your servant who is only allowed to speak when spoken to and about what you deign is appropriate. If I feel need to make a friend face something unpleasant for his own good, then I'm going to do it. And don't bother telling me when I'm "allowed" to call you next. I actually have a life (you know, those things like a job, socializing, my boyfriend, so on) and don't have the time to drop what I'm doing and come listen to you gibber about make-up and demand advice, so I'll call you when I feel like calling you. Does that work for you?

P.S.. I'm not going to give Bobby your 3DS friend info, because 1) he's impressionable and don't want him picking up your bad habits, and 2) he's 13 years old and it's creepy for a 30-year-old man to want to be friends with a child.

Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:09 AM

Wow. You've just mean-spirit-talked a friend towards something sad. SERIOUSLY, woman, you need a 'tude check and manners reeducation. It Almost makes me feel relieved that we're not a couple, because you have been most stepsister like.

I do not have any froends on my 3DS, and I thought we could help each other out. Oh, but, OOOOOHH, he's soo damn popular around school making mouth-talk from his navel or some rediculous class clown act.

How's the sex with [REDACTED]? Soo good or soo faked; you may have likely made him up along with the constant daily sex to try to make me feel fucking jealous. I can see why [REDACTED] was good friends with you before, it's because he found a super-strong tomboy brute that He wished he was for real instead of a hispanic trolling liar and con-artist.

I guess I am not such an intelligent individual either; I'm terrible at money-managing. I am a fucking retarded idiot. I'm married to Both my Lesbian Hands. ]:( My life is a sucky one, because I have no job and, ooh! Ooh! I have not my girlfriend face-to-face towards commitment. I do not own the car I drive. I show up at Cinderella's without a fairy godmother to tux or dress me up to dance with her. Oh, I'm on a one-way ticket to hell, because I am doing what I can to stay in the emotionally and socially costing house my seinor citizen parents own. I have been sarcastic throughout this message, minus the first paragraph, in case you haven't noticed.

Well who the hell are you to belittle me to make yourself better or telling me that I am better than you? Putting words into my mouth. I am slow in the head and autistic, but do what I can to get by and better myself, even though I make mistakes sometimes or often shoot myself in the foot. Is a LITTLE good natured support for my decisions or whatevet THAT hard to offer these days, even though I have my own emotional trauma dramas to constantly deal with in my own fucking head?!!!

'sigh" E-mail me when you are as good-natured and Optimistic as Pinkie Pie in this generation of My Little Pony.

I still care about you.

Stay Safe,


Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 2:14 PM

Wow, Chris. And you're pretty much a jerk. No, seriously. You're a big fat, lying jerk. Don't "woman" me. Are you trying to be derogatory? What are you, sexist now? Manner reeducation? Yes, Chris, I'm the one who needs the manner reeducation. I'm the one who constantly lies to their supposed best friend. I didn't stick around for over two years for shits and giggles. Apparently you have forgotten all the times I have TRIED to help you. I emphasize on "tried," because you don't listen. You've told me countless times you will change or you "will work on it" or "take it into consideration." And it's not because you're autistic or "slow in the mind" that you won't change. It's because you don't want to. No, you can't fix being autistic, but I have shown you and given you the tools to fix the things you can. But every single time you give me excuse after excuse on why you can't do it. I mean, for Christ's sake, you lied to me about working out.

Chris, you had the GALL to ask me for Bobby's friend code after the attitude you gave me. Why would I want him to be friends with you? His parents and I have worked hard to help him. I don't want these years of effort gone to waste. And Chris, it's extremely creepy that a 30 year old wants to be friends with a 13 year old. You two should have nothing in common besides having a 3DS.

And about [REDACTED], you're the one who keeps asking about him. Why would I make something up out of nowhere? You asked about the sex, so I told you about it. And it sounds like you ARE jealous if you had to bring the subject up with no basis behind it. Chris, I get laid because I don't lie to my friends, commit fraud, and actually work on a daily basis to better myself mentally and physically. No, Chris. I'm able to get laid and have friends because I stick by them. Sticking by you is what I've done for you the past two years, but you don't appreciate it. Not one bit. Or you wouldn't lie to me ALL THE TIME.

Chris. You're not on a one way ticket to hell because of what you just said. Apparently you stopped listening when it got too stressful for you to deal with. You're on a one way ticket to hell because you lie, commit fraud, are prejudice against people you don't even know, and you find absolutely nothing wrong with that. That's you're problem. You don't think you're in the wrong for doing it. You act like a child when called out on your bullshit and try to justify it by making up excuses. As an adult you need to say, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" and move on. You bitch and moan about the gays "showing their business in your face", but then you go and shove your tomgirl shit in everyone's face and demand they accept and respect your differences even though you won't respect theirs.

I mean, Chris. Whatever happened you NEVER EVER getting another credit card again? That's exactly what Fingerhut is, minus a physical card. It's the same principle; borrowing money, then having to pay back extra when you don't pay it all off at once. That's my problem with you using Fingerhut. You have admitted numerous times you have a spending problem and are a compulsive buyer. Somebody like that should NEVER use credit, because they end up spending more than they have. Chris, a good rule of thumb for using credit is never using it if you don't have the actually money to pay it all off at the time if necessary. Chris, I highly doubt you have $700-800. I tried to explain to you that you're just wasting money in the end. This was all over you trying to get $75. RIGHT NOW despite you having to eventually pay back MORE THAN DOUBLE that much. No matter how you look at it, you're losing money either way.

Good natured support? I'm supposed to support your unecessary and damaging buying habits? That's like supporting a drug addict or alcoholic. You honestly don't care how your actions affect other people. In the past, it has affected your parents because they had to bail you out of your debt. Ever thinking about buying your own car or your own home? Forget about that, your credit score is most likely shot. What your doing now is affecting me as well, because it's just putting the nail in the coffin of you not caring what other people say if it doesn't go along with what you want.

I have supported you over the past two years. I supported your safe endeavors, like recently, with you being a tomgirl. Or you being with Jackie. Those things should HELP you either discover yourself and/or make you a better person. When I first met you, I saw a bright, creative individual. Sure, you had your flaws, but those could have been fixed with support from a friend. But as time rolled by, I realized how much of a selfish, lazy jerk you are. You don't want to improve yourself. You want others to do the work for you. In the past when I gave you the tools to help yourself, you expected me to do ALL the work. Even now, you want others to do all the work for you. Do you think people get fit or get jobs or significant others because it was handed to them? Hell, no. People work hard for those things, yet you think you're a special snowflake who deserves to have everything handed to him. Nobody is going to hand you a job, a house, a car, etc. In the past you have expected Jackie to make all the effort in the relationship. You expected her to come to you, despite her being busy with school. And don't give me the bullshit that you're afraid of your parents kicking you out. No they won't. You're their last child who hasn't left them yet. Do you honestly think they're going to kick you out? They might scare you and say they will, but they'll just turn around and accept you back. They control you because you let them. And you love to let them, because you can use that "they'll kick me out" bullshit as an excuse to not do anything.

I'm sure at this point you're wondering why I even bother to be your friend. It's because I care. And see hope. There have been times when you have made improvements. In a sense, you took a step forward, but then something would come up and the idea of working to keep moving forward would seem less appealing, so in the end you take two steps back. But this is the last straw, Chris. No more lying. I can't be friends with somebody who consistently lies to me to avoid getting in trouble. Chris, you lie because you know what you did was wrong and you're trying to avoid the consequences. Grow up. I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't tell you when you were wrong. If let you do whatever you pleased and let you keep hurting yourself, then in a sense I would be a troll. And I do not want to be a troll in your life.

So, Chris. When you actually want to talk to a real friend then send me an email back. Until then, feel free to complain to all your other friends about how horrible and mean I am for not being a doormat to your delusions.

Lost Inspiration for Sonichu

File:Galpal 111217 - Lost Inspiration for Sonichu.jpg

Purpose in life?

Everything has been doom and gloom these past few weeks. Don't get me wrong, I'll always been here to listen and help with your problems,

but I also like to hear about the happy things as well. I enjoy reading about your day. :) The other day you posted about your mom going to the hospital. Is she doing okay now? I'm sure the puppies are like therapy to her. What about you? I know you've been really stressing about leaving the house because of the trolls, but have you been going out some? Being cooped up all day isn't good for you health.

Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:50 AM

Mom is fair; she is mostly recovered from pnumonia again. She currently has more energy than I do. The puppies are healthy, strong and mostly well­-behaved.

I really, Really, REALLY pray, hope, and wish everything was NOT frigging doom and gloom with me either. I Wish I was NOT Hated and Feared by the entire world for the wrong reasons, as it has been.

I am soo tired from stress, it is harder for me to maintain focus in thought. I feel like I just want to go ahead and die naturally, unless the stress kills me first, and I am not going to commit suicide of any sort. At least I don't have to worry about dying a virgin. I feel like my dream of starting up a family with my future sweetheart and having our Crystal daughter is not going to be realized, or come true.

We do get out; it was just for June second that I had to stay at home to remove me from any suspicion by the damn Jerkops. We have no respect for the local "police". I slept most of the day away after staying awake for a long while worrying; I crashed at about 8:00 AM.

My only great purpose now is for my mother, our two cats, and our two puppies; NO Girlfriend/Sweetheart, as freaking promised from multiple dreams, for Christian Weston Chandler. Only hatred, fear, discrimination, and a whole wide world of extreme, unjustifiable shit... lies in the wake of my once good name.

Nobody really, truly understands me. I am sad, confused, lost,... I do not understand.

Stay Safe with Peace, Christian W. Chandler (sent from my iPod)

The Hooker and a Court Date

Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 3:55AM

Right before getting out of my car, I had the radio on at Z-95.1; Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" was playing at that moment. And Right after I left, after starting the vehicle, Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" played. If you think about it, at the right times of the occasion, BOTH tracks were soo appropriate and spot-on. Also, the night before, I rewatched the "My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic" episode, 2-18: "A Friend in Deed"; Pinkie Pie sings her delightful "Smile" Song, so in relation, it was playing in my head at times during the day, and it still comes up upon the recall of the whole.

And yesterday, the 5th, having all of the pleasant goodness of Mia sexing me up, her likeable friendliness and everything, it really helped me throughout the troubling Court Date (Hearing). I have had to put up with Snyder telling his side of the testimony. He still lies about me and mom hitting him with the van, and even worse, he adds a Third Hit that "Sent him flying through the air". I made my disagreement obvious as stated my "Uh-uh"s, "No"s and left-to-right head shakes; audio backed up on a recorder the judge used, and I can bet there is a camera or more in the courtroom. There were at least 3 or 5 additional instances where the bastard lied within, and his own adding into, what had transpired.

And unfortunately, while I still am out of jail, the whole process is still being belabored; mom and I, we have another court date in two weeks to schedule another court date to follow in about two months at the most. Eventually, mom and I will present our testimony, and it is well good that Rob speaks and deals on our behalf. And Snyder got his renewed Protective Order, even though after hearing the reasons, with the Facts that I, myself, acted NOT Violently, but Cowardly on the 10/28/2011 day, the "Owner of a Toy Shop" got his way, mom, Rob and agreed amongst ourselves that the bastard does not deserve it at all. But, on the other hand, Snyder did have a number of slip-ups in giving his testimony; slipping out a few incriminating details about himself, so as long as mom and I keep our distance from him, and our noses clean, we may get out of this yet. But the wire is thin on Me.

Well, I have had the down emotions during the excruciating greater-than-three-hours there, but after leaving and some distance away from the building, recalled the events of Wednesday Afternoon, and perked up and smiled again. I Had Sex. I Had Sex. Yes I Did. Yes I Did. (: D

I will delete this e-mail from my end, and trust you to keep the details in strictest of confidentiality.

Please reply with your thoughts from reading the previous e-mail; look forward in delight to reading your thoughts and input. :)

Stay Safe, Christian.

Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:07 AM

I haven't heard back from you for like a week.

I have been feeling more self-confident since I had sex with Mia. I gave her a gift basket with three apples, lavender air-freshener, breath mints, a 4-gig flash drive with the track sets of the 1990 WTJU jazz marathon, Teenage Dream and Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) ablum tracks, and a Hello Kitty Pez Dispenser to show her my appreciation for the best introductory sexual experience ever, new friendship and new-found self-confidence. I will be hanging out with her again after she gets back into town; more conversation, maybe some lunch; whatever. I can talk with her more about the Cherokee Tribe. She has given me more reasons to Smile a Lot.

I have also made more social progress recently by flirting with a pretty banker at the local Kroger's inside bank; Recognizing facial expressions towards the positive is a great, and flattering, ice-breaker. Although finding a number of strict, sad and lonely faces is a bit of a downer. Progress is progress.

I also went to Redoak with my mother on vacation last weekend; I hung with her while she planted new bulbs by her father and Corina's graves. We stayed in a hotel on the lake in Clarksville; she always wanted to enjoy a hotel stay, and she did.

BTW, I told Rocky half about that as well yesterday; I did not mention Mia's name, OR the details of the act. And while I have told mom about Mia, I half-lied to her about how we met; I told her that Mia and I met at Wal-Mart, had the pleasant conversation and exchanged phone numbers. My mother would freak if I told her that I paid for sex.

Anyway, please reply and let me know what's been good with you and Phil, and please let me know what came to mind after reading the details of my first time.

TTYL, and Stay Safe; Christian W. Chandler.

I owe you one as well for that. :)

Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 5:32AM

Fwd: Another thing —-Original Message—— From: Christian Weston Chandler <>

Before meeting up with Mia, I went to Ultimate Bliss for information on finding the female escorts, this was before trying Mia on the phone; I found a printed flyer on MTV Inexperienced Young Adults Auditions (on the electronic-locking door). I sent them an e-mail recently with interest in finding my Sweetheart.

Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 9:35PM

I have made my final decision; I will make up an open note confirming the unvirgin fact, and as long as they do no get the whole truth, they still have nohing on me, and the can't hold the prolonged virginity over my head anymore.

Thank you, TTYL, and Stay Safe. Chrstian.

Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 7:21 PM

Yes, it IS frustrating to deal with mixed signals in communication; a misunderstanding is common in causing fights and wars. The best we can do is attempt to clear away the misunderstandings towards a clear and better understanding towards peace. And you Have stuck by me a long time in keeping communication and keeping close in our friendship, and for that, I am truly grateful.

I have also hung out with Mia again today; treated her to a pleasant and good lunch and another good amount of conversation. We got to know each other a little better. Then after returning her to her hotel room, I gave her another little donation towards her funding, and gave her the Missionary. I am Naturally Really Good; a Lot better than had thought before. If I may state, you really missed out on having this bad boy, that has felt tightness within a pussy that gave birth to two girls beforehand; I'd say that hallway would be loosing all of the doors off their hinges with my penetration, relatively speaking (referencing to the "Robot Chicken" sketch with the woman tossing a wiener down a hallway in front her boyfriend; look it up on YouTube).|42ZE

And I have just watched The (New) Three Stooges Movie; it was a lot of laughs, it had a fair set of plots, and I feel the actors captured the essence of the original Moe, Larry and Curly very well. It was neat seeing Larry and Curly watching Moe giving the MTV Jersey Shore gang the pokes, slaps and gags. And the placement of the classic theme song and Act Cards (out of three) were well-placed. And all of the classic references make this movie a real feat for the classic reproduction. Oh, and it had scandal, attempted murder, and a "Dizzy Doctor" bit with mishapped diaper changes that ended up in a water pistol fight.

It was very good. :)

I will be deleting this e-mail from my end, so please delete the original text when replying, or start a fresh e-mail.

TTYL, and Stay Safe, Christian. :)

Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 7:19 PM To:

I'm glad you had another great time with Mia. :) Any future plans with her? How much did you pay her the last time? It doesn't sound as much the way you phrased it. I bet she gave you a discount as a repeat customer, lol

Anyhow, didn't you have to go to court the other day? How did that go? Honestly, the way you phrased your Facebook status, it got me worried that it didn't go so hot....Just let me know you and your mother are doing okay. As long as you did nothing wrong, then the justice system will see that you and your mom are innocent, so don't give up hope. There's that saying, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Just remember there's a light at the end of the tunnel (and possibly more fun times with Mia. ;)).

Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:06 PM

Firstly, and actually, I paid her 15 minute rate last time, which was 80. I will be seeing Mia again to get some flirting advice and tips, because recently when I tried my ice-breaker of being contemplative on a couple of women's faces, I blanked a bit, lost my place and had to recover, and stuttered a bit. I also plan on getting some more professional kissing practice and input from either Mia or one of her gal friends (she's not fond of tongues in mouth; she is a spot of a germ phobe too, like me). I can't help but feel for her in her situation, like the number of female escorts; she sets a goal of making 3,000 before Saturday to rewards herself with a weekend off. I mean, at the most, she would have to get business from eight people a day to a total of 40 a week. And considering the varying personalities and all, THAT is really tough. But she Really is a good, nice and compassionate woman, and she really appreciates the kind and understanding person that I am. :)

On the recent Twitter topic, aside from the Trolls getting that tweet I made after the court date, which went fine; only the waiting was excruciating. I found from the talk pages of the Cwcki on the subject of my sexual intercourse, between the "facebook" and "Virgin With Rage" pages, I laugh now at their crazy talk and theories. I found they get their info from the admin, "Cogsdev", who has a Twitter account, and that was the main reason why I reactivated my account there, to look up her tweets (learned she was a woman from her user page). The trolls' theory of me "spending 250 dollars on a prostitute" spawned from @cogsdev; I do not know where she got that idea from, other than making it up, because I Never used the terms of "spending" or "prostitute" in the sourced facebook entry and Note I typed. I followed her tweets and links within, and could not find much on her source of information. So, earlier today, I Direct Messaged her, asking simply, "What makes you think that I "Hired a Prostitute?" I had the good feeling in sending that message, as well as the Note I earlier typed on facebook. I really shocked the bitch, and gave the Trolls another thing to worry about from me. I am finally giving THEM a scare back; it is to laugh. ::j

I have a couple of thoughts to offer in your vacation paragraph. "Relax or Party"; that is a question. It depends on what you really feel. Do you really feel that you have been pestered, bothered or such from at least 5 or 10 people? Or do you feel that your life has been considerably repetitive and needs something zesty and fresh? I feel it good to analyze the recent events of your life, so you can get a better idea towards your answer of "To Relax or to Party". Also, I have heard of Ocean City, but what is "Nags"? I have never heard of that place before.


Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 10:18 AM

Just checking in. Have y'all returned from your cruise yet? And a reminder to renew and inform me of your P.O. Box number, please.

Other than that, it is same-old, same-old for me; the usual financial complaining from my mother; me feeling depressed, lonely, afraid and paranoid; etc.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:41 PM

We got back from our cruise and Magfest! :) Haven't renewed my P.O. Box since were still getting back into the swing of routine here. Also, we have a pile of work to accomplish since our absence. I'll let you know once I get that down. Why are you feeling paranoid? I thought that trolls have been leaving you alone. :(

At least you have your mom, the dogs, and the cats. And you're BFF, me! Teehee.

Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:42PM

We should talk on the phone again soon. :) I enjoyed our conversation last time and it brought back good memories.

Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 8:23 PM

Actually, the Trolls still continuously call me and my mother on our respective cellphones. They continue talking ill about me on the Internet. Googling my name still results in over 2 million, 800 thousand negative pages, images, etc. Pranksters still come over and egg our home and vehicles. And what makes me feel most paranoid of people, in addition to not being able to separate the single women from those taken by the majority of the male population, but ANYONE, including and especially the "Police" around here, can be and are the Trolls who continue to haunt me and my dreams. So opening up to new people by myself is THAT much more difficult. I continue to feel lonely and depressed daily, and my heart aches as well.


Anyway, I will ship the figures to you as soon as I get your P.O. Box, plus I lost the zip code in my mess, so I need that as well, please.

Sent from my iPhone


I wish I could travel back to 1999 and re-route my future for the better.


Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 4:26 PM

Ah man that's really a bummer! What kinds of clubs and bars have you been going to to attract women? How are you strutting your stuff to attract women? Are you being as confident as Danny from Grease? Great movie, you should definitely check it out. :) Danny is such a cutie that all the gals want. Try to keep your chin up and stay positive. Only you can change your future. One day you'll find your Sandy. ;)

Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 10:59 AM

Ha. I have watched Grease twice, so I get your references.

Actually, I have been feeling compelled to keep at my mother's side to help her. I do not go to bars much now, only relative place I would go to once in a while is TGI Fridays. I am most UNABLE to fake confidence, so referring some past leather jacket wearing, hair gelled, possibly Jewish and Italian 60s or 70s icon is not going to help me out much. Aaaaaayy.

Answer: Arthur Fonzerellifrom "Happy Days".

I feel like I have shut emotions out to most everyone. It would take a LOT, and only from a woman who was truthfully in love with me for the long haul, in person, for me to take down my emotional walls. It also hurts me, in the heart, when I feel a certain amount of happy or positive emotions. And I think I have mostly forgotten the happier person I was over the half decade ago. Why does my adult life have to be cursed with cruel people not only locally, but Around the Freaking World. I really wish I could go back to 1999 and reroute my future. And the heartaches come about more often, but still mildly, when I am outside of my house.

To change the subject, I have recently downloaded and watched "Flatliners" (a 1990 movie starring Joe Schuemaker). I found it very interesting and well put on the theory of what a person may see after dying. It may not be the path towards a light, and not necessary hell, but trapped in a continuous looping of the event of what one has been subconsciously feeling guilty about from their life. It is a thriller that really makes you think more about your life. I recommend it; available on PSN and iTunes; maybe on DVD.


Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 7:50PM

I sympathize with you about what you're going through with your mother. But one thing that comes to mind about that is that you're not really qualified to take care of her. Taking care of an elderly parent is a full time job, especially with her past health problems. Have you considered putting her in some sort of home or having an at home nurse? It would alleviate some of the stress caring for her and give you more time to socialize and get out into the World.

Since you couldn't go to Magfest I'll be going to another convention in March. It's called Madicon and it's actually being held at JMU, so that's not far away at all! It's a small convention but it looks like fun. You could come down for a day. Let me know what you think. :)

Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 12:35AM

I would Never ever put my mother in one of those homes. And she is against having someone else coming in, because not only of the great amount of mess inside, but she is paranoid of most anyone coming in and thieving any of the (valuable?) stuff among the mess.


I have given the Madicon lots of thought since I read your email a few days ago. At first, it did spark a small interest in me, because it was local. But I feel my lack of presence, even for an extended amount of time greater than half a day would not be suitable and the what ifs are present. Also, we are considerably poor, mostly due to my impulsiveness on the credit cards, and I continue to pay her back from my SSI and all. I am sadly unable to afford the (shorter distance) trip, and mom is insistent on the gasoline costs as well as the temperature conditions.

My great responsibilities here, constant mishaps upon myself, the lack of socializing, and my Great Depression, I feel is all among the greater Punishment upon me from God for ALL of the shit I had put onto the Internet under troll influence and my spending habits and whatever else only Emanuel knows.

Even when I leave the house for the usual errands and coffee break, I feel the loneliness and depression within me worsen and my heart aches.

I feel I am beyond help, and that saddens me more.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler

Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 4:02 PM

It's a bummer that you can't get the house cleaned up for an in care nurse. You'd definitely need to pick the right one to prevent thieving, but typically there's nothing to be worried about. I'm only worried about your health as well, because it seems the burden of caring for your mother is wearing you down, physically and emotionally. I apologize if this seems too brunt and honest, but at this point your mother is holding you back from having a social life (or any sort of life), let alone a girlfriend. I suggest asking Rocky about this, because I'm sure she has the resources to help you with this. Or at least some ideas to help you get back on your feet. I understand that you want to keep your mother happy, but sometimes it's okay to be selfish every once in a while to keep yourself happy. :)

Which brings me back on the topic of Madicon. Since it's not that far from where you live, you can go down for a day instead of the entire weekend. Its only $15, plus gas money which shouldn't be THAT much. Geting to and from there would maybe cost me $25-30 in gas and I drive a truck. I'm sure your car gets better gas mileage than me. I didn't realize that you signed up for credit cards again. What kinds of stuff are you buying?

Chris, I really want you to think about going to Madicon, even for a day. What kind of things are you worried about? I can try and alleviate some of your worries. It seems like you'll be afraid of being ignored or something, but you'll continue to remain invisible if you allow yourself to be. I know you're stronger than that! Just think of going to Madicon as a way to treat yourself for the hard work you've done to take care of your mom and the dogs!

Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 1:41 PM

I have talked with my mother about Madicon, she is allowing me to make the one day trip on the Saturday. I will preregister soon. I still have ill feelings about meeting people in a convention, which I will go into detail about in my next email to you.

On another topic, did you get the Skylanders games? And if so, I am still able to ship the figures to you anytime, or I will bring them with me and deliver them to you personally at the convention. And let me know how you like the games so far.

On that note, the few figures I am currently selling on eBay are Only the one remaining extra Cynder #2 I have, plus a few more I have acquired on the side towards completing my collection, including the limited time recent GameStop promotion of the Frito Lay Skylanders Sidekicks; got all four. At the least, to try to get back at least the 65 spent on the Wii U version of the Giants game.


Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler


Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 4:15 PM

mostly paranoid and nervous when I am among groups of people. There is also the matter of wanting to stay out of trouble and dangers. After I had turned 21 in 2003, I ended up in the amounts of trouble from trying to meet people and make (female) friends. Starting from the start of my Sweetheart Search, where my Trying to Make Friends was constantly mistaken for Solicitation of the wrong variety. Mary Lee Walsh destroying my signs and cheap newsletters, making it Obvious True, Honest Love was Illegal in Virginia. The various Manajerks and Jerkops causing me grief with Handcuffs, Arrests and Shit. Me being constantly ignored and forced to feel Publically Invisible by the general public. The Trolls and Cyber-Bullies killing me deeply and emotionally for over five years. Most ANYONE in Public Anywhere can be any one of the Trolls I try to avoid. Michael Snyder Banning me and then worse. My autism has also caused me to react in a way greatly misunderstood by others even long before, scaring everyone around me at those times.

There is A LOT going on in my head and subconscious that greatly keeps me from socializing as good as I was, at my best in High School.

I feel really pathetic and weak.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 9:29 PM

There has to come a time in your life where you have to rise above your paranoia. Even if somebody at Madicon recognizes you, you can say either, you're cosplaying as Chris(you). Or take advantage of how well known you are and milk it for all it's worth (ie have people pay money to get a picture with you). If they make fun of you, just blow it off. If you care, then they will have more of a reason to go at it. Who knows, considering how well known you are you might find a girl who is impressed by you. I just think that Madicon would be good for you because it'll be getting you out in the public again to mingle with people who have similar interests as you. A few years ago you had more spirit and fight in you. I miss that part of you. .(

Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 11:25AM

Yes, I wondered where the me from before October, 2007 went off to. Oh, wait. He fell for all of the blackmail and influence of Trolls and Cyber-Bullies, made a bad name for himself with the shit he uploaded, became paranoid and afraid from all of the bad events and shame of it all, and became me of today.

Anyway, I will be attending the Madicon on Saturday, and I am planning on going inconspicuously. Did you see the movie, "Eyes Wide Shut"? Spoiler Alert; I will be going in costume as the lead man did with a cloak, hood and gold mask. I will check the party store next week after I get some more funds. I would feel better remaining unrecognized and being known for the actual person inside and NOT based on the bad shit online. I spent nine dollars on that cake "Jackie" coerced me into sitting bare-assed and pretending to freaking fart on. :(

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,


Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 6:04 PM

Hey [REDACTED], I had given a suggestion from one of my acquaintance church members of some thought, and decided what the hay. I had found someone else used my email address and made up a fake account name and password on there (both of which were obscene and yuck), so I've changed both of them to better suit. There was no profile info inputed, so I filled in the blanks. I am thinking of waiting 'til the income to begin subscription at 15 a month.

I went with "cwcvilleguardian" for my username (same as my Facebook, and linked, but all posts relative are set to Only Me).

I still plan on going to Madicon on the Saturday, paying at the door at that time. I would like your thoughts on the plan, and if you are able to read my profile on there, I would appreciate your input on the details as well.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Sat, Feb 9, 2013

You should definitely go for the thing! :) Sorry it took me a while to get back to your email. Have you been using it yet? Found any lovely gals, teehee! Oh yeah, so OKCupid has this new app thing called Crazy Blind Date you can download on your iPad or iPhone and it basically sets you up on a blind date with somebody. Don't really know too much of the details. but you should check it out!

But hey, I noticed you deleted that eyebrow picture. What's up with that? If you're embarrassed, don't be! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

So, what's the update on your eyebrow situation? Have you drawn them on? I think that'd work pretty well. If I over pluck my eyebrows, sometimes I just fill in the sparse spots!

Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 8:00 PM

The eyebrow photo; I wanted to make sure you were the only one who saw that. And keep out of the wrong hands. I would believe Clover would lick the eyebrow pencil off; they are growing back fine. I will get back to you about end of the month on discussion of meeting up at Madicon. I will subscribe to next month when I am able to afford it easier.

New topic: do you like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? I have enjoyed the original 1987 shows as they aired. And I am liking the new 2012 show. Only downer for me is April's current season age. In the 1987, she was a 28 year old news reporter; now she is a 16 year old high school student keen on science. From Twenty Eight to Sixteen in over a decade; that is just totally messed up.


Sent from my iPhone

Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 8:46 PM

You can always use sharpie. Some girls use that to draw in eyebrows. But there's plenty of smudge proof eyebrow pencils out there. A lot of girls actually wax their entire eyebrows off and just draw them on everyday. Anyways, you should definitely check out that Crazy Blind Date app. I looked into it a little bit. All you do is pick days and times you're available, then you pick a location for where you want this blind date to happen. People (gals, in your case) can accept and voila, you have a date. It's also vice versa; you can look at a list of girls and where and when they want to meet up and you can accept their's. Apparently OKCupid will scramble your picture so it's like a mystery! :)

Eh, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is okay. I watched it with friends when I was a kid. But you're right, they should have kept up with the timeline and made April like 40-some years old! That kind of stuff can be really confusing.

Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 4:00 PM

I see. On the C.B.D. app: on one hand, I am about desperate for meeting new women, But on the other hand, "Jackie" and I met through OKCupid, and "she" turned out Troll/Cyber-Bully; everything that I uploaded for "her" was turned over to my enemy by "her". And as you and I are aware, True Love (online at least) does not consist of such grossly embarrassing acts being uploaded. I still have the mild $9 cake grudge every time I am reminded of that bitch.

*deep breath*

I will ponder more about the app, as well as shopping for smudge proof eyebrow pencil.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler


soul and you wanna make sure those windows have some choice frames. I've always DREAMED of giving you make up tips. What better time to start then now, when you could use a little pick me up in making the best of an iffy situation?

Let's start with some basics, babe! Brooke Candy is a fierce, fine, free female that smolders with defined ARCHES in her brows! Check out that powerful stare. This bitch knows what she wants!) Meow. I know you love old Hollywood movies, and this lady had the best brows in the biz for years. Try them on for size sometime! 1280261841877 full.jpg Bigger CAN be better! Don't be afraid to mix it up a bit and go for the Labyrinth look. 80s beauty Connelly totally snagged Bowie on these fuzzy docks.

Now, if you wanna go edgy (and let me tell ya, you SHOULD. you have the cheekbones and personality for it!), I totally recommend these looks:

This is my FAVORITE GIRLY ROCKER EVER!! Amanda Palmer is just the baddest bitch ever (thats good, okay) and your new Daria 'tude totally reminds me of this bodacious diva. Work it, baby! Feminista~

Now, I don't know about you but Jem is totally my favorite cartoon lady and this look here is truly, truly outrageously AMAZING. Definitely mix up the colors and express yourself sometime! I'd love to see the battery blue on you.

Okay, I hope these photos give you the inspiration you need to really get out there, and turn that mistake into a signature stare! You've got it, Chris! Not you just need to put on the finishing touches and flaunt it.


PS: Don't forget to snap some glamor shots of you testing out these new looks! Don't be greedy, share with me. =D bffs!

Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 6:22 PM

I will further consider the eyebrow options you've shared with me, and I will look at other eyebrows on women as well. Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Vanessa Hudgens, Lucille Ball, even all of the featured women in "Eyes Wide Shut", including Nicole Kidman.

Among the photos, I felt most shocked, and least attracted to, Amanda Palmer's eyebrows; too freaky eyebrow design, and her face was just scary.

Wow. I would have never guessed you for a Jem fan. I have checked out a few episodes when they were aired on the Hub; it is a good show, but I had a busy schedule that kept me from really getting into it, and was more into MLP at the time too.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler image.jpeg 2316K

Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 7:28PM

They are looking good! :D Definitely look at other eyebrows to get some inspiration to give them some personality! Try different arches for them, different widths, designs, or whatever! Even colors. Eyebrows really define a person and their face. They're also a reflection to who a person is. Don't be afraid to experiment! How's your OKCupid thing coming along BTW.? I took a look at your profile and it definitely speaks volumes about your character. I bet you're beating the ladies off left and right. :)

Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 4:21 AM

Meh, not really beating down my door.

Let me change the topic, my mother and I are considering selling the thousands of records from my father's collection to make money to pay our debts. Do you know of any record collectors or dealers who would pay top dollar around here? Also, I would appreciate some advice towards getting started on selling them.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 12:37 PM

Just checking in. I am still on for the Saturday at Madicon. Just a reminder, I will meet you and [REDACTED] at the check-in desk area at about 10 or 11 am. Look for me in a whole face white mask with a gold eye mask on it, midnight blue robe and grey hood. Plus, one color update; I went back to being a brunette. Blonde was not working out as well as I had hoped months ago. My hair is still long and growing.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Chris march2013.jpg
Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 12:50 PM

Yes, I understand it is in the convention center in James Madison University; I was referring to the check-in desk for the convention there as to where to meet.

Blonde was not attracting any more attention than brunette was, so I feel more preference to resume my natural color and stay that way. Thank you for the compliment and suggestions.

It is good to know that email will get to you nearly as fast as texting, which I am still having difficulties with.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 7:17 PM

Hey Chris! Wow, your new look is pretty kewl. I don't know how you manage to hang out in public without the ladies dogging you.

Oh, one thing I was wondering... I've been looking at your facebook posts recently. They all seem to be from your phone or from twitter or something. Do you still have internet at home? Or do you rely on your phone for your internet connection?

Just curious.

You excited for madicon? It's gonna be a lot of fun~

Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:07 PM

The only answers I can give for "why don't I have women coming to me" I can think of are...

-I am Publically Invisible.

-My Trolled Internet (un)popularity gives me an unrequited smeared, horrible, crappy name.

-Charlottesville, VA has become an ill-social/antisocial city occupied with paranoid people.

-(Here's a new one) Charlottesville has become as or worse Autistic than me.

-I do not know what it has been about me that is either repelling or frightening to other people, but they have been either or both of me.

-Everyone is SOOOOOOOO busy with their lives to give a penny or a fuck to someone like me.

-I have been constantly overlooked.

I continue to maintain Internet Wi-Fi connection through my cable company at home. My phone is a convenient way to swiftly connect to Facebook for a brief update. I feel timidly nervous about Madicon, and I am keeping my expectations for what happens there low. I plan on bringing you the Skylander Figures I have been hanging onto for you since December.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 9:39PM

Hmm, well, unless something has changed since the last time I saw you, I'm pretty sure you're not invisible. :)

No one I've talked to in Charlottesville knows anything about you, so I don't think your internet reputation is what's keeping the ladies away.

As far as Charlottesville being autistic or anti-social, in my experience, while there are some autistics in Charlottesville, they're very rare. Doesn't seem like a related issue.

I would imagine a lot of people in Charlottesville would give a penny to you. Have you been asking for pennies? Because if you haven't asked, they wouldn't know you need any.

I'm not sure what you mean by a "fuck," but that would be worth a lot more, if what I'm thinking of is accurate. So, I don't blame them for not giving you "fucks" or whatever you're talking about.

I don't think you're getting overlooked, because you get a lot of pictures taken of you. It's like you're famous among paparazzi!

The only answer I can't figure out is the one about you being repelling or frightening. That's a tricky one. Maybe you could ask your stylist about it?

Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 10:10 AM

It's one day I before go to Madicon. I am still feeling nervous and timid. That's all; I will see y'all tomorrow.




I then replied requesting his more direct contact info, offering my email address and iPhone number, and that I would think it over and consult with my people (Rob Bell). I sincerely think there is a chance of a legal lawsuit, with a settlement. But those details are being discussed between me and Rob at the moment. But according to Hassan's reply, the photos do need to be signed off as ok for airing, FROM the Original Owners/People who Took Them. I took the photo myself, and was not informed beforehand, so chances should be fair to good.

just have to wait and see what Rob says.


Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler.


Well that really stinks that they used one of your photos for your show. I think it's rather flattering somebody said they would marry you! What has Rob Bell said to you about the situation yet? I'm under the impression that if a photo is found publicly on the internet then it's fair game. Who knows, but that's kind of tricky. Anyways, good luck with that! Beside that, how have you been?

I'm really glad you had fun at Madicon! :) It makes me happy that you finally had a day to relax and be in a more social setting. Maybe next year you can aim for Magfest. The panels and people are 100% better and bet you would learn a lot from the panels Magfest has to offer. Either way, I'm glad you could make it to Madicon.

Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 1:59 AM

Yes, I agree the photo is definitely one of my better ones, among all of the rest similarly nude pics and videos. :( The White MALE was the one who used the word "marriage". UGH! And worse, the woman would not only Not Date me, but have me thrown in jail over a couch that my Aunt Harriet gave to me years ago. And not only is it a couch, but it is also a fold-out bed.

I have not yet heard a reply from Rob, but I will call him later today, and let him know about the emails, since there is the chance he was too busy to check.

And there is a small, possible light towards a resolution. I have found contact with the host of "Failosophy", Hasan Minhaj, on facebook, from the "Failosophy" page's about section. I have contacted Hasan with the following:

Hello. I was just made aware of your show on MTV, "Failosophy", when I had heard that a photograph, that I had taken myself, for a woman, fell into the possession of Internet Trolls/Cyber-Bullies, was featured and mocked on your show in the fourth episode alongside two old men with bacon and plushies. I have already been trolled and bullied for over five difficult years. What you are doing on your show is Promoting Trolling, and Trolling is Bullying. Not a lot of people take kindly to Bullying, and I do not take kindly to Trolling.

Tell your crew and crap-filled producers that for Promoting Trolling, you all will Pay unto everyone you have further emotionally damaged and embarrassed on television.

I am not a fan of "Failosophy", and I despise your kind of people continuing to Troll for the LULZ.


Christian Weston Chandler,

Ruckersville, VA, USA.

He swiftly replied:

Thank for being in touch. That wasn't my intention at all. I agree that trolling is just a digital form of bullying. I was told that all the photos on the show have been signed off as ok to be used on air from the original owners/people who took the photos. I'm only ok with doing these jokes as long as the people who took them are in on the joke as well. If that didn't happen with your photo I am truly very sorry. Please accept my apology because that wasn't my intention at all. If there's anything I can do please let me know.

Used Porn for Sale

Mon. Dec 16, 2013 at 5:58AM

I am listing my lot of pronographic DVDs on Craigslist for sale (54 in all), for $1,000 cash; no special prices, bartering or haggling accepted. Anyway, I felt it good to offer you and Philip first crack at the bunch, for the obvious reasons.

The lot includes the following titles:


Love Lessons 1 and 2, Love Doll 1 and 2, Anime Fiction 1 and 2, Sailor and the Seven Balls 1 and 2, Desperate Carnal Housewives 1. Vintage XXX Cartoons (featuring little Annie and the Phallum), Pure Love2, Fruits Cup

From Adam & Eve:

The Edge, Black Safari: Legend has it, XXX pleasure Seekers, Wicked Now and Wicked Classic, Titanium 5 star Video Collection, Rawhide (2 disc set), Jenna's Private Parts, The Best of Amateur Angels, Amateure Angels 5, The Perfect Secretary, Carmen & Friends, Build Your Own Collection, Extreme Behavior 2, Nina Hartley's Guide to Sex Toys

Educational from Sinclair institute and Alexander Institute Spearmint Rhino:

101 Advanced Sexual Positions. Sexplorations Wols 1, 2, 3 DVD and Music CD Set, Creative Positions For Lowers: Beyond the Bedroom. Sexual Positions for lowers: Beyond the Missionary Position, Kama Sutra: Sensual Secrets to Amazing Sex 1, Sex: A Lifelong Pleasure: Satisfying Heil Him Wol 1 and 2. Erotic Seduction, More of What Women Want, New Erotic Seduction, The Art of Erotic Dancing, Sexual Satisfaction, Sexual Healing. Sexual Fitness


Playboy Girls of Reality TV, Playboy's Girlfriends, Sex Trivia, pleasure principle, Sweet Young Things 1.2 and 3. Latin Sinsations, Pamm & Tommy Lee: Hardcore and Uncerts ored. On Top of Of Woody, Teen Models 1, Just Vagina, Cal Wash Girls. Angelina Aimani Statlets. Kagney Linn Karter: Superhero Sex Therapist

Please reply and let me know if y'all are interested. Stay Safe and well,

Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 5:43 PM

Lol, Chris. I have most of them got for free for downloading them.

Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 2:49PM

Of course, Why would I bother offering you something that in return can help turn my mother's financial troubles around. when you can get a online porn video site subscription and just pay per View.

I am having rough emotional times that have steeled my heart. Ugh.

Sert from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler

Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 4:05 PM

I would be careful about selling used porn because people are probably worried it's covered in your jizz.

Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 7:41 PM

They are not, and that is not funny.

Sent from my iPhone Stay Safe, Christian W. Chandler

Fri, Dec 20. 2013 at 10:29 pm

I'm being serious. Porn and sex related things can be questionable used.

Sat. Dec 21, 2013 at 7:21 PM

Hey Chris, I know you're having money troubles, but $1,000 is really a lot of money to ask for a box of used porn, and even if I thought it was a good deal I don't have that kind of money.

Maybe it's time for you to talk to the people at Region 10, and of your probation officer, about getting job placement. they both have programs set up to get jobs for people like you, and they do it all the time for people who have worse autism than you or other disabilities they can find jobs where you don't have to deal with a lot of people that you don't know, and they won't care about google results on you because those jobs exist to help people just like you.

I know you applied at McDonalds once like three years ago and didn't get it, but there isn't a single person who gets every job they apply for, You don't have a lot of options because even though your friends care about you, they simply can't take care of your problems for you. These people can help you not only get a job you can handle, but they can also help you deal with your spending addiction,

Let me know how it turns out.

Chris fucks himself

File:Galpal 140419 - Chris fucks himself.jpg

Positives and Negatives about myself

File:Galpal 140506 - Positives and Negatives about Myself 1.jpg File:Galpal 140506 - Positives and Negatives about Myself 2.jpg File:Galpal 140506 - Positives and Negatives about Myself 3.jpg

OKCupid and Impotent Rage

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OKcupid - She's overweight and unappealing

File:Galpal 140424 - OKcupid - She's overweight and unappealing 1.jpg

File:Galpal 140524 - OKcupid - She's overweight and unappealing 2.jpg

File:Galpal 140524 - OKcupid - She's overweight and unappealing 3.jpg
