Megan emails, 2005-2006

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The following is a transcript of the known e-mails between Megan and Chris between November 2005 and June 2006. The only thing that has been removed are the email ads at the bottom of each page.

Megan's e-mails are in pink, Chris's in light blue.


Megan wants a Tintin episode

−−−−−Original Message−−−−−

From: pearl3 <>
To: Cc:
Sent: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 3:14 am
Subject: quick!

Hey quick! Please go to ebay and type Tintin videos

There's a buy it now near the bottom. The episode is Cigars of the Pharoahs. it's $9.99 and shipping is 5.75

Please can you get this video for me? please hurry! thanks!

Chris wants to date Megan at McDonald's

−−−−−Original Message−−−−−

Sent: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 8:12:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Hi Hi, Meg.

I've just talked to my father about him coming one Friday. Currently, he's a bit under the weather. But if he feels better by this coming Friday, he'd like for us to get together at the McDonalds closest to the Game & Hobby place after the League-Play. I'll let you know for sure Friday.

Thank you for the drawings you gave me. For your island's name, I feel that, "Parodyse Island," is a slightly better name.

Everytime I see your drawings, I get inspired to want to work more on my comics. So, I'll be working more often on them; I hope you're still working on your Strawberry Pink story, because it fascinates me. ;8)

I'll talk to you again soon.

Stay Sweet;

Chris Chan.

Don't kiss me, bro

From: pearl3

Sent: 20 Dec 2005 Subject: happy holidays


Yes I did watch the musical and John and I agreed we officially hate that bad-guy, we think he's kinda queer. I thought the ending was the best part. I like how Eternal Sailormoon came out. We should try and find the fourth season that includes my favorite villains the Amazoness Quartet. I heard they sing a lot with Chibiusa.

I love the first season of the anime. It's got that old mono sound quality to it. I like anime that sounds vintage. but of course the american version re-did all the music...

Thank you again for such nice gifts! I wasn't expecting that!

Although I really don't mean to be cold but please don't try and advance on kissing me please. The truth is I don't want a boyfriend because I don't desire and idolize boys like other girls. I enjoy being independant. So you see what I mean? It's certainly nothing personal towards you. I'm just ag irl who doesn't care about loving guys. That doesn't mean I can't be friends with them though.

Well since I bought models and been working on them I think the glue has made me ill, so in case I don't feel well enough to go on the computer I'll go ahead and say

I hope you have a Merry Christmas and the holidays go well for you.
ps no one in my family is autistic. uuuuh I feel ill I'm gonna take a nap watching sailormoon!

Chris wants her number

−−−−−Original Message−−−−−

Sent: Sun, 7 May 2006 2:03:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Subject: Hey, Meg-Chan.

Hey, no worries about the park meeting yesterday; I enjoyed watching the ducks and the fish. I've also talked to some of the ducks... have I done my "Donald Duck" imitation for you? And the children that passed by were fun to watch as well. I'd love to ride the train with you. :)

I plan on working on my room as well this week.

I'll jump in on the 87-photo lot tonight at about 7:45...wait till the last minute... and punch in my max. bid. I'll let you know about the monetary total after winning the photos for you. ;)

That's funny you've bought Super Princess Peach; so did I, and I am enjoying it as well. I'll send you a list of the games of your selected systems in my next E-Mail in a MSExcel file. I'll bold the ones I'd be willing to trade/give to you; you can print it for yourself and highlight the one's you'd like (I've misplaced the list with your underlines... I'm sorry).

Megan, I'd feel much better if I could converse with you about these situations vocally (than written), because I feel a bit of tension from waiting a day or two for your reply. And I feel that our points would come across between us more effectively. I understand that you don't like to "waste time on the phone," but how often do you receive calls at your house or cell from anyone other than telemarketers? So, could I get your phone number, please?

I know that I've given you mine a few times, so you have that.

Love, with you always in my mind and heart;

Chris Chan.

Megan comments on Chris's photos

−−−−−Original Message−−−−−

From: pearl3 <>
To: Cc: pearl3 <>
Sent: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 12:18 am
Subject: My tour through CWCville

Hi! I'm leaving tomorrow so I have time for one more email!

I'm typing this and looking at the pics of your stuff at the same time!

Let's see what I see....

pic#1: I notice the Octan signs right away. John had several sets from that. Wow this is neat, I never combined my sets like that. I only have a few small ones.

pic#2: First of all you have the same window air cooling unit I have. I see Houndhowl hanging down! No offence but your room looks a little cluttered and messy. Sometime I'll be like Brock the super maid and get that place organized!!

pic#3: Is that a japanese temple I see!? I've NEVER seen that before! OH!! You have an Egyptian set!! With my lego hero!! Johnny Thunder!! I have a set with a sphinx.

pic#4: Neat Pokemon poster! Hey I see my german boys down below!! I wonder....did you do that on purpose so I'd notice? ;)

pic#5: your closeups are really professional. I wish my camera was that good, cause I'd give you pics of my anime collection!

pic#6: Interesting combo: Spiderman and a Sonichu car...!

pic#7: Neat sign. Neat lego dude. I've always liked the heads with the shades.

pic#8: Nice patriotic scene you got going there. Like the flag too.

pic#9: Holy Wow it's CHRISTIAN!!

pic#10: Is that a plane? I can't really tell.

pic#11: Cool cops! Look it's your gamecube! Am I an animal? :D

pic#12: Sonichu and you. How did you make the heads?

pic#13: read above

pic#14: I'm guessing that's the mayor? Otherwise you've cloned yourself with different hair!

pic#15: blurry

pic#16: dark and scary

pic#17: A wee blurry. Who's the red one again?

pic#18: nice little cafe. Is that Johnny too I see?

pic#19:'s just a Johnny imposter.

pic#20: I totally want those sharks! :D

pic#21: Can't make out the sign

pic#22: The infamous birthday hospital!!

pic#23: Who's the wierdo with blue arms?!

pic#24: AAAH There he is again!!

pic#25: I don't know these people. Fill me in

pic#26: What's going on?

pic#27: Wahahahaha!! Either Crazy Hand or Master Hand came to visit!!

pic#28: That's a dudey-dude!

pic#29: You ever dust them off? hahaha

pic#30: *coughcough*

pic#31: Nice truck *please dust me, please dust me!*

pic#32: He looks scary and mean

pic#33: The almighty......something

pic#34: Whoa! It's Prince Fagalot, Batman, and the Easter Bunny! NO WAIT!!! It's Liberty Bell, Mange, and Harmony Bunny!!

pic#35: Post Office

pic#36: Please.....please dust that poor horsey

pic#37: Why is there a witch in the middle of a fuel station! Looks like someone died too.

pic#38: A Red Cross office?

pic#39: What's this little place?

pic#40: Hoooooly Craaaaap......Obi Wan, Luke, and Qui-gon are at the freakin bank!!

pic#41: Is this a night scene? Nice special effects

pic#42: Hey I see some of the stuff I gave you! Omigod! I can't BELIEVE you have that Mewtwo picture still!! hehehe can't wait til my birthday! Just a little request. can you please wrap the pieces in toilet paper so the paint won't scuff up the other parts? know what I mean? Anyway that was a nice conclusion of my tour through your city!! Thank you! JUST KIDDING!!! I already have my own plush of him!

picture of you, sonichu and rosechu.: Wow this part of your room looks clean!! Oh wait it's a hotel room. wahahaha!

I've got the full poop on that lego car!

Transformers! More than meets the eye! Tranformers! Megan-likes-gundam-better-then-you-so goodbye!

Thanks for the pictures! I'll put them on my computer and use this cd to burn the tracks I have for you I meant to do a while ago. The English song and German song and others.

I'll talk to you when I have come back from my trip! Thanks again! Bye ~Megan

Megan calls Chris out

From: pearl3

Sent: 7 Aug 2006 Subject: hey

Ok thanks.

You know I haven't talked to this person in a year. I'm not really wanting to get together with him either. Boyfriends aren't for me. Don't want em, don't need em. However I can't say I like how you call him a lucky "jerk" Why is he a jerk? Why do you call ALL guys that? Because they "Take all the pretty girls leaving you none to choose from?" Hate to be blunt but that's a pathetic way to think! You don't go to a mall and buy a girlfriend! The thing is, the guys didn't take all the girls.....the girls just didn't choose you. Quit blaming other men! Girls chose who their boyfriend was too! You should know, that girl Soshii loves has a boyfriend. But does he hate Night or other guys?

Just because YOU don't have a girlfriend doesn't give you the right to HATE ALL MEN!! It's not THEIR fault! The world doesn't revolve around you. And keeping this grudge will really get you nowhere.

Personally I think you shouldn't be so picky about what they look like. All you say is you want a "pretty girl". Well it's the INSIDE that counts! Afterall, a pretty girl can have the personality of Satan, meanwhile an "ugly" girl may have a heart of gold but you wouldn't even give a second look would you?

I often wonder: If I was an ugly girl, you wouldn't even come near me would you?

Which also makes me bring up something else. During the tag team, you yelled how you didn't want to pair up with a beginner! Did it even occur to you how many little kids' feelings you just shattered? And so if I was a beginner, would you say that to me as well? Or would you just pair up anyway cause I happen to be a GIRL? Your insults and hatred towards other guys can offend me cause it offends my brother!

Well sorry all that sounds mean, but I hope it gave you something to think about. I remember seeing a letter posted by you in Shoujo Beat. Then a couple issues later there was a reply to that. Did you see that? Well that girl is absolutely right!!



MeganNoBG.png Megan Saga MeganNoBG.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Stackhouse, GAMePLACe, ED