Isabella Loretta Janke

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As always, refrain from going into detail about Bella's personal life on this page. Despite being a plethora of fuckitude, a lot of it has little or no relation to Chris. Encyclopedia Dramatica already has that covered.
Isabella Loretta Janke
Name Isabella Loretta Janke
Date of Birth 18 August 2001 (age 23)[1]
Also known as Bella[1]
Kelly Osborn[1]
redpilled single dad[2]
Gender Female
Race White/Latina[3]

Isabella Loretta Janke (born 18 August 2001),[1] also known as ILJ, Bella or Kelly Osborn, is the sociopathic, foot fungus-ridden leader of a trolling ring based at Texas Tech University,[4] best known for her participation in the leaked July 2021 call in which Chris revealed that he had been having an incestuous relationship with his mother. It was later revealed that she extorted him out of significant sums of money required for Barb's care,[4] and some even suspect that she was the one who coaxed Chris into having sex with his mother in the first place, though there is no conclusive evidence for the latter as of this writing.[5]

Isabella is arguably the worst and most dangerous troll to have ever targeted Chris, having malicious intentions that somehow manage to overshadow every single previous controversial troll before her. Isabella's sadistic personal life was exposed not long after Kiwi Farms doxxed her: she is known to be a white supremacist[5] (despite being mixed race herself),[3] animal abuser,[5] and fetishist for all things unholy (including incest,[5] snuff, bestiality,[5] zoosadism, scat, pedophilia[5] and Naruto). Even before meeting Chris, she was known for bullying and blackmailing other students to the point of suicide, all with the help of her cult-like circle of friends. This page is solely focused on Bella's interactions with Chris, but for more information, Encyclopedia Dramatica has an article on her which goes into much deeper detail on her disturbing pastimes and abhorrent hygiene than this page likely ever will.

Isabella's reasons for trolling Chris were extremely dark. Whether or not she was the main culprit behind the Incest saga is unclear, but it is known that she was intending to gather incriminating information from Chris and blackmail him; her intentions were most likely to either extort Chris out of large sums of money (which he simply didn't have, since he was 200 dollars in debt) or to try and use the information or get Chris to commit suicide or self-harm, which her cult was known to have done in the past.[5][6]

After her personal information was leaked, Isabella went into desperate - albeit futile - damage control, using sockpuppet accounts on 4Chan, Reddit, and Kiwi Farms to rant about how the info regarding her was fake, exaggerated, and/or a psyop conspiracy led by transgender puppetmasters. Ironically enough, in trying to ruin the life of a lolcow, Isabella became a lolcow herself.

Interactions with Chris

Early interactions

It is unclear exactly when Bella first met Chris, but some users on the Kiwi Farms have speculated that one of their first face-to-face interactions happened on 31 July 2019 at a Rubik's Cube convention in Baltimore. However, her interest in Chris would not be sparked again until some time in early 2020, when she began watching Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History. Their next interaction would not happen until July of that year.

On 5 February 2021, Bella was likely involved with a plot by a Watchman, which involved getting Chris to taze himself in order to activate the Dimensional Merge.[7]



Despite what you may have been led to believe, although she may have encouraged him, Bella did not force Chris to rape his mother. Chris was doing this long before he conversed with her about it,[8] and has expressed positive views on incest dating as far back as 2016.[9]

On some unknown date, but believed to be as early as 20 April 2020, Bella hatched an idea to have Chris eventually be blackmailed to commit suicide. The earliest known mention of this had happened on 19 June, 2021. In order to do this, Bella would rally up several people to help her out with this plan, which included other students from TTU and people outside of TTU that had some degree of familiarity with Chris. Many of these recruits were also members of two distinct "chess-club" Discord servers run by Bella.

In July 2021, Bella recorded a call of her and Chris discussing Chris's incest with Barb, most likely for blackmail purposes.[4] Despite Chris going into graphic detail about the act, Bella acted nonchalant throughout, and even encouraging at times. Judging by the fact that it took until late July for this audio to be leaked by the Everfree Suitress, it is likely that Bella would have simply continued with her plan and allowed Chris to continue his behavior indefinitely. When the Suitress eventually did leak the conversation, Bella's response only confirmed this.

To add to the degeneracy, instead of calling any authorities when they did discover Chris's dirty little secret, several of the trolls from the two Discord clubs decided to make a bunch of fake texts in which Chris had admitted to having BDSM style sex with Barb before they would plan to leak this call, which would not have happened until Bella's suicide plot took effect.[10]


Immediately, Bella tried to do everything in her power to distance herself from the now-growing drama surrounding her. One of the first things she decided to do to remedy this was shift the blame of any damaging effects that may occur all on the Everfree Suitress. Semi-popular Youtube carpetbagger GiBi, desperate to showcase the events early for his Youtube channel, then decided to interview Bella, who told him that all of the events were the Suitress' responsibility. Gibi then accidentally leaked her phone number in one of his videos for thousands to see. Despite having the video being taken down for this reason, he decided to upload the video a second time without changing anything, not even removing the Suitress' phone number. This attempt had of course failed quite significantly, when GiBi attempted to share these "findings" on the Kiwi Farms, where it has already been made abundantly clear that Bella was a compulsive liar.

Eventually, Bella herself was doxxed, not in small part due to one of her own lackies, one Louis Herz, posting an image of Bella’s mistreated rescue dog.[11]


During her plot, Bella manipulated and/or enlisted many people to help her out with her plans. Some of them were genuinely unaware of Bella's true intentions, while others had intentions as equally as depraved as hers. Though, given her known plans for one particular associate, as well as the fact that she had driven at least one TTU student to suicide, and how she eventually decided to backstab almost all of her associates directly after the leaks by doxxing them, it may turn out she had nefarious plans for many of the people listed below.

The Everfree Suitress


Like with the Wallflower, the true identity of this person will be concealed by the CWCki, even though it is an open secret.

However, unlike with the Wallflower, we decided entirely for ourselves that the true identity of the Everfree Suitress will not be disclosed on this wiki. The Suitress was manipulated by Bella, then thrown under the bus, repeatedly doxxed mercilessly by her and her cronies, and framed as being behind the whole affair - all for rightfully leaking the incest call to the public.

Note that none of this is meant to portray her as a hero - the Suitress has shown weenish tendencies herself, most notably attempting to use throwaway accounts to join the Bella hate bandwagon, even when she was banned from using the Internet.

Nevertheless, usage of her real or screen name(s), or more importantly attempting to connect any names with this codename, will result in a permanent ban. Also, for the love of God, do not attempt to contact her.

One of the most important people Bella had gathered to help her with her plans was a young autistic woman who had organically formed a crush on Chris and was a former moderator of the Chris Chan subreddit. For the sake of anonymity, said woman will be referred to as "The Everfree Suitress", or more simply "The Suitress" for aforementioned reasons.

The Suitress was originally planned to be sent with Chris on a trip to the brony convention Everfree Northwest, part of her codename's namesake. According to Discord leaks, Bella planned to have the Suitress and Chris copulate during the convention, and record it. The exact purpose for this is unknown, but Bella, sexually attracted to the Suitress in the past, had also claimed in those same leaks that she planned to "steal" the Suitress for herself.

Despite all of this elaborate scheming, Chris did not seem to show very much interest in the Suitress at this point, and a lot more interest for Bella. This made things more difficult for Bella, as when she tried to book a room for the both herself and the Suitress, Chris kept insisting that a room be booked for both him and her.

Sean Walker

See also: The WCT

An old photo of Sean Walker

Sean Walker, known on Kiwi Farms as Psychic Espeon, or elsewhere as The Wildcat, WCT, Neko Onyx, and plenty of other pseudonyms, is a former Watchmen member who archived calls involving Chris, and self-proclaimed "final CWC protagonist."[12]

Despite his claims to the contrary, it has come to light that he conspired with Bella to frame the Suitress.[12] He released and spread the fake BDSM texts,[1] and claimed himself to be a "successor" of Joshua Moon of the Kiwi Farms, even having one of his pseudonyms be "Conner", Josh's middle name, for white-knighting Chris. This was despite having done so so that he can control Chris himself.

More importantly, Bella's plot to have Chris kill himself was most likely inspired by Sean's previous manipulations of Chris. Sean was a long time follower of fellow lolcow and mass shooter Randy Stair, who eventually committed a mass shooting and killed himself in a bizarre plot to reincarnate as a cartoon character. It is speculated that Bella intended to have Chris commit suicide in a similar fashion, having Chris kill himself in an attempt to finally complete the Dimensional Merge.


Devon John, better known by his Youtube name GiBi, is a YouTuber specializing in Chris-centric content since 2019. He would upload videos summarizing Chris's weekly activity, while giving commentary, typically in the form of reading articles from this very wiki. Bella was able to manipulate GiBi in an attempt to throw off Christorians scrutinizing her.

In an attempt to clean her hands from the drama she got herself in, Bella decided to shift all of the blame onto the Suitress, telling GiBi that she was the mastermind behind everything. When Bella was quickly unmasked as a lying troll, GiBi removed the video. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done by that point, and the Suitress' dox was leaked to thousands of GiBi's subscribers.

Jasmine Jade Velez

Jasmine Jade Velez is one of the most prominent members of Bella's "chess club", and likely the closest thing to a real friend for Bella. Despite not being very active on the club's Discord, she has been a major component in the group's harassment towards other TTU students, along with the group's involvement with Chris.

See also


