User talk:Sparklemilhouse
You're unsure Jackie is a troll? "The consequences will never be the same"? Just a protip- practically everyone, and I mean really almost everyone, who comes into Chris's life is a troll. Or a counter troll. Or an anti-troll. Or in some way related to the trolling. When real, actual people such as The Wallflower meet Chris, there's a mad rush of doxing as the trolls try to find out who they are. Did Jackie get doxed? No. Troll. --Ronichu 01:07, 28 January 2011 (PST)
P.S. they tend to run away screaming for obvious reasons. --Ronichu 01:07, 28 January 2011 (PST)
Re: jackie
I figured as such. At first I thought "might be real...but she likes Chris' dumbass drawings too much to be real." But the troll didn't do his/her research about Staunton. I attended the college there, and no way would they let someone who already has one degree stay in a dorm with three other people. The only triples at this school are the freshman dorms. Also, noooobody at this school goes home every weekend even if they live the next town over.
Argh just the thought of Chris almost trespassing at my Alma mater makes me panicky.
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Thank you. Freecell 00:14, 30 January 2011 (PST)
Strange YouTube Message I got about Chris+South Park
I received this message in my YouTube inbox, yesterday October 3rd. Ages ago I replied to a fan video of Chris drawn in South Park form, and I commented with:
"I think that all of Chris-Chan's exploits need to be "southparked""
Today I got a message sent to me from a YouTube user by the name of MiHiVidz:
Tune in to this week's season opener of South Park on October 5th. Word has it that you may finally get your wish. ;)
Has anybody else heard that South Park might be parodying Chris this week? I looked on and this week's episode is titled, "Assburgers."
--Sparklemilhouse 22:46, 3 October 2011 (PDT)
---False alarm, just a rumor. Sparklemilhouse 19:33, 5 October 2011 (PDT)
Talk page messages
Just thought I'd leave you a quick message to say there's nothing wrong with leaving talk page messages on talk pages even if they are to say something you have since taken care of - such as fixing the formatting of the lyrics on the Raspberry Swirl. Where possible, talk page messages should be preserved, if only to show how an article has been discussed, developed and shaped and what things were discussed while it happened. People sometimes like to clear their own user talk page from time to time, but again we encourage people to add the cleared messages to an archive sub-page (e.g. User talk:Sparklemilhouse/Archive1) rather than erase all the content and leave it that way.
Also don't forget to sign your messages - as mentioned in the post above. --Anonymax 03:09, 15 November 2011 (PST)
--Oh, was this because I undid one of my posts on the talk page for that article? Sparklemilhouse 19:34, 16 November 2011 (PST)
- Yeah --Anonymax 20:38, 16 November 2011 (PST)