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(Created page with "This page lists emails exchanged by Chris and Jackie from 6 til 9 November 2010. {{EmailReply|November 6, 2010 - 10:27am Yes, Jackie, I will redraw the pages with a par...")
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
{{EmailReply|November 10, 2010 - 5:26pm
Firstly, the address of the so-called reunion was actually a Region 10
Building.  Obviously a troll, long ago, created him/herself a fake
account on the alumni website, and inputed that location.  It was
obviously a damned ploy.  So, no, I did not go there, because I was too
well-aware of the situation.
Also, I have done some thinking recently, I realized had little
self-respect and confidence, and mentally, I am striking to change
that.  Starting with something I feel you needed to hear from me.  It
was very nice conversing with you through e-mail and AIM and all that I
have done for you, But I have realized that while I have told you in
full honesty that I love you, at this time and before, I've been in
love with the idea of you.  I can not really say, "I feel really good
when I'm around you" unless I have Actually been around you in person
in real life.  Which is a legitimate reason why I have been hesistant
on easily getting rid of certain materiial things of great invested
value.  Unless I actually feel the feelings I should be feeling in
True, Full, Undoubtful Love to the max, I am going to continue to be
reluctant on such things.  Plus  have to also look out for number one
here, Me and what makes me me.  Why do you think I have been very
insistant on meeting in person?  A Pleasant Formality?  It is to
Confirm us to each other, so there would be more less distance between
us emotionally and all that.
Anyway, I will draw and color the pages to find Alec not guilty, give
him a parade and all.  But I am still in the creating process on how to
draw and write it.  And considering my mental relay speed being slow,
it will take a while.  And regardless of When the pages will be done,
You should be wantng and insistant on out in-person meeting if you have
been and are in full support of our relationshp, and if you are
hesistant, then you may as well go back to the black dude who you have
met Before and For Real.  I am not telling you anything negative or
harsh, I am just telling you the deal straight up and full force.
I've been testing you too.
Stay Safe,
{{Email|November 10, 2010 - 7:50pm
Hey Chris!
Your message seems kind of surprising. I have to ask, did Rocky help you come up with this?
I ask for several reasons: One, a lot of these words don't really sound like something you'd say. Two, it kind of sounds like it comes from someone who doesn't know the full story. I know you talk to Rocky about a lot of things that go on in your life, and I know that you probably don't tell her all of the factors at play here.
You make it sound - and if Rocky is involved, it sounds like this is what she thinks too - that the only problem is that I am not appreciative of you. But while I'm sure you've talked to Rocky about how uncomfortable my requests are making you, have you talked to her about your own inconsistencies? Does she know about your continual lying to me? I notice you carefully avoided answering my point about the parade comic: You have repeatedly said that you previously told me you wouldn't do the parade so I should have known that, but then I pointed out that the email where you answered "I will do that for you" was the first ever mention of the parade comic, so there was no opportunity for you to refuse to do the parade comic before that. I asked you to do it and you said you would but you meant not to, that is literally all there is to it, but you kept trying to twist the truth. You are getting resentful that I seem to be asking a lot of you, but you ignored that I am resentful of your continual lying. Did you talk to Rocky about your lying? Or do you only tell her about the things that bother you?
I understand fully your hesitation to make a drastic change like getting rid of the PS3 prior to meeting me. That's why I gave you the contest in the first place - it was something for you to do for me that allowed you to keep your PS3. But then, instead of appreciate and take advantage of that, you repeatedly cut corners and lied to me anyway. So do you understand why I am hesitant to meet you until I see something that has your 100%, like the parade comic? Do you understand why I am especially hesitant given that I have given you numerous chances to show me what you can do, and you take the path of least resistance every time thus far? You're not the only one who has reason to be hesitant, Chris.
So anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the pages. You say that regardless of when you get them done, I should be looking forward to seeing you. And that is true. But given the reasons you've given me to feel hesitant and scared about this, the lies and whatnot, YOU should be looking forward to doing something to put my fears to rest. Which means you should be eager to get the pages done.
Hope to hear from you soon,


Revision as of 02:43, 3 December 2010

This page lists emails exchanged by Chris and Jackie from 6 til 9 November 2010.

November 6, 2010 - 10:27am

Yes, Jackie, I will redraw the pages with a parade for Alec for you, and I will be sure to color them all pre-recording. But after I do this for you, I want to be able to at least meet you and date you, no excuses. I can not really prove myself to you over long distance with videos and e-mails; I can only really prove myself to you in person, and you will truly be able to see me in my best when I am with a wonderful woman like you and only you.

Aside from that, though, I have recently shared some of my other thoughts with Samantha after that conversation on Thursday. I will forward you that e-mail, and let you read them for yourself.

I'll check in again later.

I Love You, Jacklyn. Christian.

November 6, 2010 - 7:10pm

Hey Chris! Thanks for writing me today. I don't have a whole lot of time to talk right now, but I just wanted to let you know that after you do the comic pages, I'll be happy to meet you!! You know what though? in addition to doing the video, why don't you just send me the pages directly? I'd really appreciate that.

Anyway, gotta go, but keep me posted on when you'll have the comic done. The sooner you have it, the sooner we can meet!!



November 7, 2010 - 7:55am

Well, Jackie, I would be happy to scan the pages after draw and color for you, but as I have informed you earlier, my PC is hard to boot up currently, and it is turned off. I won't be able to scan again until after I get the new PC tower. The best I can and will do at the moment is photograph the pages with my digital camera. You will have the pages as soon as possible; I will let you know upon completion.

Also, the communicaton link to my cell phone worked good Thursday night, perhaps when we are discussing the meetng details, we can do it over the phone.

Please tell me what your thoughts were after reading the recent e-mail I forwarded to you in your reply.

Love, Christian.

November 7, 2010 - 3:17pm

Hey Chris! I'll write more later and give a more detailed response to the email you sent, sorry I haven't yet, suuuper busy weekend. I have a big project I got slammed with last week. Anyway, the library has scanners too, so when you go to upload the video, you can just scan the pages and email them to me all at once!


November 7, 2010 - 10:18pm

I found these earlier today, and I felt you should know about these Cwcki pages.

Plus, look at the top two topics on this Trollin Train page,

This is serious. I do not know who got into your computer, but I felt it my duty to warn you about it. Keep on your toes and Stay Safe.

Love, Christian.

November 8, 2010 - 10:19pm

Wow, they got ahold of all that stuff? That worries me. I still am swamped at the moment, I wish I had more time to deal with it. Or more time just to talk to you, at any rate.

Hey, didn't you have that high school reunion recently? How was it? Did you enjoy seeing all your old friends? :D

Also, how is the comic going? I can't wait to see you finally find Alec innocent and put that silly grudge stuff behind you.

I'll write more tomorrow :) :)


November 9, 2010 - 1:48pm

Okay Chris, I've got a little more time now finally. I read fully the letter you sent to Samantha and have been considering my response, and can offer a well-thought out one now.

So you mention the "investment" you've made in the PS3. As both Samantha and myself have told you numerous times, all your games are not an investment. They're a liability. This is about more than just money. You spend what little money you have to buy games, then you spend almost all your time playing them instead of doing something constructive with your life. And you just keep buying more, more, more video games. I told you months ago I wanted you to stop, you gave me a little lip service about doing so, but I know you've continued to acquire more PS3 games at the same exact rate you've always done. Your PS3 game acquisition has not slowed down one bit. And your word choice regarding getting rid of it - saying you were "able" to get rid of it once only because of a complex set of circumstances outside your control - only proves my point that you are addicted to that infernal drug. And besides, Lars invested a hell of a lot in his boats, too - but the money was already gone the moment he bought them. He would never get full value back for those things, or even most of it. The point of getting rid of your addiction is not to get your money back. The point of getting rid of your addiction is to get rid of your addiction, period.

Then, there are the lies. You lied to me repeatedly, about cutting back on PS3 games and such, but most recently and memorably about doing the parade comic for me. You lied first when you told me you would do it even though you had no intention of doing so. Then, you lied about THAT - you claimed that I "misunderstood" you, that you had previously stated that you would not do the parade comic, so I should have known you wouldn't do that because you had made it clear. But there's a hole in that story, Chris, a pretty big one: my email where I told you to do the parade comic, and to which you responded with "I'll do all of that for you", was the FIRST mention I EVER made of a parade comic. Prior to that, we had never spoken of the parade - I hadn't even thought of it til I sent that email! So when you said you'd do the parade comic but meant not to, that was a lie, and when you claimed you had previously told me that you wouldn't do the parade comic, you lied AGAIN.

Another concern I have with you is that you seem to be calling yourself "retarded" an awful lot lately. Frankly, I think it's getting to be kind of artificial, as if you want people to have pity for you whenever things don't go your way. It also seems really odd that you call yourself retarded, but by lying to me repeatedly, it seems like you think I'M the one who is retarded. I know you have autism, but I also know that you're not stupid, and I know that you understand what I mean when I tell you to stop lying, and I especially know that you know that it's not really okay to use a "lack of inspiration" as an excuse to not do something when I've already given you the inspiration for it.

It kind of makes me sad that you are willing to just give in and let Lars win. But hey, if you'd rather just be friends, I guess I'll have to accept that and be your friend. On the other hand, if that's not what you want - if you do actually want to be with me - the door is still open. Lars burned his boats for me but that doesn't mean he's not still on probation, you know. He has to go a long way before I can trust him fully again. Lars told me that he admitted to you that he's afraid if you got rid of your PS3, I would dump him in a heartbeat. Well, Chris, his fears are well-founded. If you got rid of that addictive PS-triple, I would be knocking on your door the next day. Because if you take that drug addiction out of the equation, then you still come out ahead of Lars.

Now, as for our private chats being on the cwcki, at the moment I have no idea how that happened. I questioned Lars about it when you first told me, he seemed shocked but I don't think he has anything to do with it. Lars genuinely seems to like you, I don't think he would do that sort of dirty thing to you, and he KNOWS that he has no more breathing room with me, he's staying on the straight and narrow. As for how it was acquired, and by who, I still don't know. I'm doing a virus scan of my computer currently to see if someone put some data collection virus or something on it. I'll let you know more as I learn more.

Well anyway, I'm still looking forward to seeing the new comic pages! Remember that you can just scan them at the library, so you can still send me the pages. When do you think you'll have that done? How many have you completed thus far?

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3


November 10, 2010 - 5:26pm

Firstly, the address of the so-called reunion was actually a Region 10 Building. Obviously a troll, long ago, created him/herself a fake account on the alumni website, and inputed that location. It was obviously a damned ploy. So, no, I did not go there, because I was too well-aware of the situation.

Also, I have done some thinking recently, I realized had little self-respect and confidence, and mentally, I am striking to change that. Starting with something I feel you needed to hear from me. It was very nice conversing with you through e-mail and AIM and all that I have done for you, But I have realized that while I have told you in full honesty that I love you, at this time and before, I've been in love with the idea of you. I can not really say, "I feel really good when I'm around you" unless I have Actually been around you in person in real life. Which is a legitimate reason why I have been hesistant on easily getting rid of certain materiial things of great invested value. Unless I actually feel the feelings I should be feeling in True, Full, Undoubtful Love to the max, I am going to continue to be reluctant on such things. Plus have to also look out for number one here, Me and what makes me me. Why do you think I have been very insistant on meeting in person? A Pleasant Formality? It is to Confirm us to each other, so there would be more less distance between us emotionally and all that.

Anyway, I will draw and color the pages to find Alec not guilty, give him a parade and all. But I am still in the creating process on how to draw and write it. And considering my mental relay speed being slow, it will take a while. And regardless of When the pages will be done, You should be wantng and insistant on out in-person meeting if you have been and are in full support of our relationshp, and if you are hesistant, then you may as well go back to the black dude who you have met Before and For Real. I am not telling you anything negative or harsh, I am just telling you the deal straight up and full force.

I've been testing you too.

Stay Safe, Christian.

November 10, 2010 - 7:50pm

Hey Chris!

Your message seems kind of surprising. I have to ask, did Rocky help you come up with this?

I ask for several reasons: One, a lot of these words don't really sound like something you'd say. Two, it kind of sounds like it comes from someone who doesn't know the full story. I know you talk to Rocky about a lot of things that go on in your life, and I know that you probably don't tell her all of the factors at play here.

You make it sound - and if Rocky is involved, it sounds like this is what she thinks too - that the only problem is that I am not appreciative of you. But while I'm sure you've talked to Rocky about how uncomfortable my requests are making you, have you talked to her about your own inconsistencies? Does she know about your continual lying to me? I notice you carefully avoided answering my point about the parade comic: You have repeatedly said that you previously told me you wouldn't do the parade so I should have known that, but then I pointed out that the email where you answered "I will do that for you" was the first ever mention of the parade comic, so there was no opportunity for you to refuse to do the parade comic before that. I asked you to do it and you said you would but you meant not to, that is literally all there is to it, but you kept trying to twist the truth. You are getting resentful that I seem to be asking a lot of you, but you ignored that I am resentful of your continual lying. Did you talk to Rocky about your lying? Or do you only tell her about the things that bother you?

I understand fully your hesitation to make a drastic change like getting rid of the PS3 prior to meeting me. That's why I gave you the contest in the first place - it was something for you to do for me that allowed you to keep your PS3. But then, instead of appreciate and take advantage of that, you repeatedly cut corners and lied to me anyway. So do you understand why I am hesitant to meet you until I see something that has your 100%, like the parade comic? Do you understand why I am especially hesitant given that I have given you numerous chances to show me what you can do, and you take the path of least resistance every time thus far? You're not the only one who has reason to be hesitant, Chris.

So anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the pages. You say that regardless of when you get them done, I should be looking forward to seeing you. And that is true. But given the reasons you've given me to feel hesitant and scared about this, the lies and whatnot, YOU should be looking forward to doing something to put my fears to rest. Which means you should be eager to get the pages done.

Hope to hear from you soon,
