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#REDIRECT [[November 2023 livestreams#Medallion Moulding Q&A]]
'''Medallion Moulding Q&A''' is a livestream Chris filmed on 3 [[November 2023]]. In it, Chris makes some [[Medallions]] while reading some questions in the chat. As with [[Reading Chaos Crystal Control Act 4|the previous stream]], the chat and comment section is mainly full of [[Weens|weens]] saying various outdated memes and quotes such as "#1 BARBUSSY ENJOYER." The stream made over $600 from donors.
| name          = Medallion Moulding Q&A
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|domq5CBLcQI}}
| stardate      = 3 [[November 2023]]
| subject        =
| style          =
| saga          = {{Revelations|text}}, {{Praetor|text}}
| shirt          = {{theclassic2.0|text}}
| previous      = [[Reading Chaos Crystal Control Act 4]]
| next          =
{{quotebox|Support the stream: [''links to Streamlabs'']}}
==Raw captions==
{{collapsible|Text from YouTube's captions|hey
everybody Prime here
got any one thing it's a million things
why is this
thing who
my what is
that no I don't think so it had to do
this audio set up oh gra oh great now my
body is partially
transparent that's funny anyway Hello
everybody welcome to this uh what is
going on with
the okay this got bu My OC this is my bu
my OCD unless I do
something what is
that okay let's do
I know what to
do that's a little
better I
yeah yeah we're working on my
moderations and modifiers and all that
in regards to uh certain
comments that's another
detail I got this
thing three most important people in my
life you know what
um um past tense as opposed to present
tense I am going to say I am going to
uh Mom and Dad count them as one
individual and uh let's
see um
um I guess yeah Tiffany
and I will eventually be open for
commissions but that'll be but I will
make the announcement officially when I
am ready to do
every nobody needs to be
condemned I'm so gonna have to figure
out that's another detail I'm trying to
get to that I'm trying to say Here There
Will no be there will be absolutely no
shout outs any more during any streams
or in general you want to know why
because I am aware I am aware that some
of these people that I've been asked to
shout out to have quite the CRI criminal
pass so it's like shoot you want ask me
to give a shout out
for if you want to ask me to give me a
I'm shoot if I'm gonna give a shot to
anybody at this point I might as well
give a shout out to Tom crate Y2K
despite what he did over I mean just
what he did over five years ago
now there that's the only one you'll get
from me for this
time all right
anyway details is e closer but yeah what
we are doing tonight addition to uh
q q and a in addition to just the q& a
details I'm going to be molding
the do
stes okay yeah make control comment on
all that yada
yada oh
well blers blunders and live stream just
why not it's okay it's all
anyway there is no Ian there will be no
addressing of anybody by the name of Ian
because there is no Ian here
period all right
anyway got do
something green screen
anyway anyway
so excuse me
one right
later okay all right but anyway yeah
this video is
mainly uh
I'd have to say it's uh I had to say
within the within Malachi and the
revelations just uh both of those books
entirely no just no
no anyway I'm not going to acknowledge
every single uh paid comment especially
those that are bad I have made myself
very clear on that anyway I'm going to
go take safe for work wow even a clay
I'm using is
transparent happy
birthday there that's all you
get I'm not I'm sticking with my
boundaries on everything anyway so as
can another time not right now maybe
I'll do a stream where I do watch that
but obviously will not be right now okay
but for tonight I'm doing qu q&as so I'm
taking questions and
answers you're welcome
anyway and just I'm mainly doing paid
questions and paid questions I'll be
answering those and I might tell a St I
might tell a random story or two just
whatever I have
feeling oh yeah I've heard
19989 album from ter ter it's it is
really good I like
anyway so right anyway with the
medallions there were I made that very
clear and I'm saying this once as I have
said before it's in the record straight
that never ever
earrings all right just I three
piercings simple
piercings ah my day has been very good
thank you
Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin house
I give you that one because that was
funny and cute anyway um
um I'll have to meditate get back to you
on that but right right now we are doing
right you're call him no Trump is evil
he's pure
evil he goes down like Donald Trump
and oh I see what you're good at that in
reference to uh yeah the war between
Palestine the only one delusional one
here is you pretend to be my half
brother in New York City
that's to be confirmed uh that's uh
another detail sort out later but anyway
so anyway so I'm molding the medallions
in these lovely molds that were
made this one is made of this Medallion
and they I have the other mode which the
other medallions do which you'll get to
see the results of these moldings at
least the outline all
yeah I'm not doing shout
outs I'll give you a happy birthday at
the same time as whatever name
appears on the screen there but that's
about it
um no just
no uh how I give me some more brain
bending brain teasing type of questions
I already said once I'm not repeating to
myself never happened it never happened
anyway anyway so I will respond I will
not be responding to some
commentary just regards to their
all right thank
you thank you
Ma see something like that that was nice
that was positive long nose long big
nose oh yeah I watched your oh yeah I
like your channel I like your channel
dude yeah I mean d what um DM DM me on
Twitter and we'll see what we can be
arrange because I do appreciate you and
uh and your friends ining uh the one
that the one that voices uh the one that
originally originally voiced tails in
your channel and of course I love Sona
and the group really good
slop okay that's actually that's just
stupid that's just dumb funny dumb funny
how dumb was it it was so
well that'll be conf that'll be
confirmed if then when it does happen I
shall uh find out for myself in whatever
video if it's officially on the
consoles nope I never heard that
individual fun thing it's like as if the
is shiny shiny that's
funny I can do that
yes bless you Luke you are good
individual continue to follow life power
righteousness and good happy birthday
happy birthday to you happy birthday
fos oh that reminds me just I love that
random thing I did in that one video I
just boobydoo boobydoo random thing
random I thought I forgot something I
forgot the Rings for these I'll be right
back one second um yeah good series good
video game
okay I got the Rings the male rings that
go into the medallions these particular
medallions H obviously I don't dedicate
all my time to but when I do I
definitely get in on painting the wow
how transparent his skin let me see if I
can do something about
um wa let me
um a little
bit Ah okay perfect that's a little
that's a lot better
okay where did the things
go where the where's the history where
did all that
go what the freak happened here
something H hang on one second let me
check a
five okay here we
go um well I will not say I will not be
calling out any names but um this guy
here that was whose name just appeared
on the screen and
that ah spiritually connected on one day
to another eventually yes because I
personally blessed these medallions even
the one that I I do put I do personally
paint a lot of these and yet um there's
outreaching and going on
yeah I like us may too she's very she's
very cool let me try turn that light
oh you know what I can answer that by
way really quick
web bam well best as you can see it
despite the green screen yeah here it is
yeah cursed words are not
great um I don't know what tnd D
is just I don't know what TD is anyway
so I finish my D is made to go into this
melt tin and I warm up in the uh
oven maybe after I I'll give it some
thought and consideration but that's a
whole different thing right there it's a
whole different
thing anyway so that being
said um I don't typically watch hockey
so I'm not consciously aware of hockey
players the only one I'm really aware of
is Wayne
H all right Barbara's doing okay Safe
Life well and healthy back at the old
place wherever that is wherever as
opposed to wherever I
anyway anyway really using the
traditional clay this is not Model Magic
we're not using that on
these no absolutely not G4 I'm not
watching anything G5 until after myo P
friendship is Magic season 14 episode 26
is aired
period uh favorite song Still Sonic Boom
Sega CD long version at the end credits
I like that all
time I'm working these
here there you tell me
look good how about
um eat a
bun H I'll post it soon enough I just
haven't got around to it yet I've been
really busy and I just been drained by
lots of things in the metaphysical my
metaphysical workings and
everything oh no nobody actually visited
me in jail at all on that note period so
you can put that rumor like to rest you
can lay that rumor to
rest thank you but I'm afraid I can only
appreciate you as a kind individual and
platonically okay unfortunately this is
why listen do this guy
yeah okay this is why I got do
five anyway working on me and I'll
take I'm taking the questions and I'm
just doing as I
feel I told you what it was I told you
the truth nothing happened
period um I have not I don't know what
that is consciously I do not consciously
know what that
is yeah
um we have more we have every single
individual in a variety of music between
both halves of our
Earth NOP you're dead you're gone you're
dead period bye-bye clean goodbye you're
long dead I'm never saying your name not
even in justest Period never even say
I'm never saying that name again you're
dead that guy's dead anyway
oh yeah I've
uh yeah I've
I've uh down I've I've tone down the
number of my friends on my
game there I say PR to this guy for that
guy faster than light in time
anyway there's no Curtis
here anyway there you go you see the
other Med
mode now I can appreciate that these get
moded and under my approval as
well you're
welcome um
anyway ah the extra extraterrestrial
individuals from throughout the cosmos
the space um they're just about as good
as good of individuals and creatures as
any other
really you know
what speak for yourself
guy just simply speak for
yourself thank
that is none of your business about
where I live I'm keeping that Offline
that is strictly
personal well that's to be confirmed uh
you just uh we take we'll take
applications uh later when I make when I
we'll take applications through the
Gmail I'm G put that in the queue for
later that thought I just had anyway
thank you
Kimba thank you Kima I mean
Simba happy happy birthday you are very
blessed yes you
are oh um yeah we're working on that
just that's another detail we got
multiple multiple details sorting out
um yeah yeah just well when we get
around to actually further doing on the
Minecraft everybody will be brought in
and to work now we have a lot we have
received very good responses to that I
am very
grateful I let the snow lights out the
Pokeball and it's a shiny snor lats snor
lats you think
I you think I actually left reality no
it's just what is reality anyway I mean
you never really thought about it
um yeah no
comment all those that submit their
submit their responses to their
Minecraft server we'll be we'll get
response soon enough we've just been
busy with many many other
things you will find life you will live
find love someday in some like guy dark
B you
will you just got to follow light power
path and uh
I I am somewhere safe everything is good
you do I'm not going to be any more
specific than that and if you don't see
my car in Ruckersville that means I'm
not there so that's to whole two plus
two half
problem you know what I will say one
thing so you know what it's like that
one it's like I'm making a reference
here to a certain uh MLP fan F fan fan
animation on that's on YouTube just like
you know it's as if Celestia had
banished B
banished rainbow and Pinkie Pie to the
Moon in favor of prince in favor of her
in favor of Luna answering
questions you know what this Rainbow's
response just it's similar to my
response h jok's on you it's safer in
here good luck with the comment
section yeah that's another detail play
random mat memory yeah I go out of jail
I made it to Gateway it took y'all
literally a whole month before actually
taking any pictures of me and I've
actually been to a couple of places
before Rashi revealed myself to the
individuals there you know just I I mean
just telling them who I telling them who
I was it's like nobody it's like nobody
actually that's and that's another
detail entirely right there you couldn't
have just approach me say hello kindly
you had to really take pictures without
my permission or consent
whatsoever and do
that thank you just thank you
anyway I still laugh that fact took all
month before y'all even did that that
was a dumb
thing yeah no I don't know I don't know
them I don't know you
you yes I already did say a prayer to
him for
him working
on this
Medallion oh yeah I have seen the second
Side movie I thought it was pretty
good quite decent uh of course you know
I L really like from the first movie
just so as I crash question of cold dark
wats the Pacific I realized a few things
I back that I'll come back to that
question m a i had no idea where I'm
going B soft water stings c i shouldn't
even be here right now but I am why
because you shot
me I'll take down to consideration you
sh I'm I'm going there's a fish on my
head and clearly on the get just done on
own I am not I am not Liberty to State
specifically where or what I am but just
know I'm safe alive and well and
everything otherwise I would not be
doing this live stream right
now I played some side Frontiers just
have not played completely through even
the fir even the the the original
game I've been busy with a whole M other
details some
ah I like oh Scotland's pretty Scotland
is a cool country I give you that but
anyway I'd like to visit uh London
England no none I get all the I get all
the donations and just they really
needed considering what I need to have
done like I I mean I I I want to get
more traditional frames and they get my
eyes real check um well I would sample
your music at least um that's a question
I gota come back to and also I got D I
have D work I need to get taken care of
so that's well think all right so first
off music dra genre I like all kinds of
music really but um I guess if anything
I like uh I really like just pop music
just something with a really good beat
that I can dance to and like and all
that yeah I'm not I'm not saying much
more than what I've already said about
her period I
mean she has a right to her own privacy
in life as well period oh thank you
anyway oh favorite color Barry charge
blue I've mentioned that before my
favorite color and shade is battery
in particular it's the shade of my san
form's preferred
color no and while I was in jail I was
segregated from the other prisoners so I
didn't really have a so much of a social
life inside jail but at least the
details and all that were fair I I
enjoyed the kosher tray and I actually
did very well on the kosher tray I
enjoyed fish on Friday that was good
that was a good deal and I really like
tofu I know personally I prefer the
white tofu a lot better than a brown
tofu despite me me knowing that the
white tofu is supposed to be reminiscent
of chicken and the brown tofu is
reminiscent of
beef but yeah I like
tofu excuse me one second I gotta warm
up some more some more clay for these
Medallion I'll be right back after these
and we're back everybody
gamble because they did a
anyway I'm holding the sign you a figure
right right here and we have this little
PR one right here as well an ominous
individual oh turn the mic up turn the
mic up turn the mic
up darn I'll fix that later turn the mic
let me see no the mic okay the mic
volume is okay check in the mic check in
the mic one two one two okay check in
the mic check in the mic one two one two
check in the mic check in the mic
all right anyway all right so everybody
can sing and dance for Christmas about
that we have confirmed the might still
works all
right all right anyway
um next
yeah well we are working on the
Minecraft server we just like I said
we've been really really busy
lately another detail another thing
everybody likes to
anyway right when
I oh drawing in
email I don't have Splatoon three I may
consider it I just haven't got amount to
that point
eras I don't know what Aras is
consciously and I would
believe yes it did happen
okay yes and yes and not right now
they're working out on the B but savann
rosu is here in the room with me
I would say she her with respect and
kindness like you would Dr Wolf's wife
his lovely lady
okay but anyway just everybody to their
own individual details and all
that I read a little bit of it I read a
little bit of it I haven't read the
yeah the race cars are yeah the race
cars are pretty
cool my earlier
thought that's GNA to get fits
later Soder
Soder is there Cherry Soder on that
Island oh yeah I have tried makeup
before and just it it tends to yeah blue
eyes Shadow I've actually done that
before it's really good I have done
fingernail polish and coloring my nails
before but I do so much physical work it
just it sends slip up all the
hello there I say hello to that guy's
without being too
specific okie dokie have a good
everybody yeah oh up all up against need
not we have exping experience levels and
we will pick up on those that have the
best vibration and authenticity within
themselves uh that's to be
confirmed uh has not been decided just
yet uh likely it'll be private at first
and then made public
later the only Electronics I had in jail
was an amfm
radio and it was a j wind
brand it looked like an
iPod of all time Sonic
um presently I'm uh doing work in amimal
Crossing New Horizons and I have played
some psych superstars in recent
days I also enjoy I also enjoyed life of
strange True
Colors it certainly will not be drump
he's staying in jail forever
period oh first day I got
out um I adjusted to my new life
where I was at the
time everybody is already in the on the
scene 97 half whether it be through
their self-c counterparts or from their
from their former self-c counterparts
that were alive there that are living
here ah oh yes there will be more and
more other individuals but Le s he lived
back in the days he was born in uh uh
I'm trying to remember it counts
phos name Le is really really really
really old he was born within the 300s
BC within that
century and he lived for happy birthday
happy birthday happy
birthday and he lived for hundreds of
years within his uh with his in this
Village that was not far from the
ultimate Emerald
Shrine thank thank you very
much and he was and he was uh my he was
my friend
and and on Earth's metaphysical guide on
Earth as in addition to uh you know
Emanuel and all the other gods and
guyses uh back when I was Hy Christ back
when my brain my brain trying to blank
out on me good
grief anyway um but yeah he essentially
had the closest links to the uh
everything that there there is and was
and would have been back
time no kameha there you go there's no
cursing because I know that draw it does
like draw back on me
there yeah only plays there you go yeah
there you go that guy
yeah uh I do not know who that is and it
sounds like that would not be too great
of a resulting time
and considering the alternate timelines
oh we have a poot set up I will reveal
that later on on my I reveal that later
on when we are when we are ready to do
yeah yeah they've already done that for
me and I I don't have to stream them but
yeah I mean empathy in itself is a
period anyway H where was I bring oh
yeah Lees uh but yeah he's really really
old he uh end up moving forward uh after
uh a while after my resurrection back
when I jus back when I was Jesus Christ
and all
that you're acknowledged guy you're
anyway he was really really connect he
was very very connected with everything
metaphysical she says hello she says
hello back to
you Hello
darling yeah
anyway that'll be the PO boot which I
will reveal later
thank you thank you very
you yeah I mean but still I mean the the
similarities and differences are obvious
between the two mods but
still oh yeah
just okay but I mean that's all right
he's from
verse yeah well that's funny I can't
remember what you did to me either
Anan I don't know about your
game I don't know about your game as
opposed to other games that have
been bought to my conscious attention in
timeline and all the others that are in
my unconsciousness that would take a
long way
hey I'll definitely take that in
consideration yes thank you very much
y'all have pretty good fun shows here
um yes yes he has been re he has been he
had been reincarnated
and he's actually on the side of good
right now and I sh I forgot the other
um I have not been play many xbot games
recently and I've been have not been
much on the PlayStation 4 I've been
really very busy with life and
yes yes it
is why why not I
mean there's a lot more I have so much
more document about me as a as a as
opposed to my past self that H as Jus
Christ yeah well the Call's coming in
from inside your house
house um at at this point
no but just she had she's safe she's uh
managing and now she getting to know her
neighbors a little better back at the
place I've actually been feeling pretty
good more positive and more spir and
more spiritually satisfied and
everything it has been working out for
the more positive I really it's like you
know I should the old place some time
ago I mean just like
everybody I can't really say not on top
of my head there's a variety of Music
aside from Terror Swift it will take me
a while it would take me a while to
actually meditate on that actually
remembered that yeah stop pretending to
be my dad he's alive on the se7 half as
a s sh
physically and you are not him so stop
pretending stop
okay well you're saying it it's
funny made me it made me laugh inside a
bit can we please get this guy out
anyway um see I believe I talked
about quite a bit I mean I feel like I
covered that PL enough I mean
just that'll do for now um but yeah what
else is on my mind what else is coming
into my mind I'm thinking I'm
okay maybe later I'll check maybe later
I'll check it
outram well that's to be confirmed um
send me the uh send the link to my Gmail
and I'll give it a look
comment not quite all right still this
do do
yes more than times I've been I've
literally been throughout the
Multiverse the point is to Cal down and
not be so high in stress so then Focus
can be better
achieved yes thank you very much thank
your closest best friends are
blessed you want sure M I'm working on
it um I believe I already did I already
told you my favorite song of on time of
all time I guess you want to do a song
for me go with uh liby Newton John's
twist of
fate hello h hello hello hello B
Lassie and all the Irish
Adent um that's to be confirmed
um that would count as a commission
really but that's when I open up for
commissions I will take that make that
option happy happy birthday happy
birthday happy birthday happy happy
birthday happy
yeah will you pleas not pretend to be Mr
C you're not him go somewhere else
yeah I've heard that guy he's actually
decent I'd consider
it yeah I hav't I don't know about that
show but thank you
anyway oh
um well we're working on that later
there will be collab projects to be
revealed and participating in later on
it just hasn't
huh hanging their names on the Christmas
tree evolving as they can
yeah well don't pretend to be me but you
are blessed as
well anyway oh boy all right I gotta
make I got to warm some more clay I'll
be right back following this lovely
and we're back everybody so now we bring
you another sponsor of our lovely show
watch is fruit snacks really really good
fruit snacks these are they're they're
chopped full of vitamins a c and e and
just 10 pieces of these fruit
snacks is 25% of your daily value of
vitamins AC c and e really really good
available your local jail commentary and
everywhere and about the much enough few
I I open this bag
there we
go yeah I know who that is and just
that's a whole different kill of fish
there absolutely not he changed his ways
he saw the error of his
ways I mentioned it
earlier I enjoy all
genres except heavy metal and there's
one exception from that which would be
death clock's Thunder horse and that's
on my
playlist there was no replacing me
period the one that's been replaced by
anybody is you by your own perspective
and perception of
yourself Toyota Tacoma 2009 yada yada
um that's I'm not sure I'd have to
reread that and think about that I'll
read it
later happy happy birthday happy
birthday happy birthday happy happy
birthday happy
birthday happy happy birthday happy
birthday happy birthday happy happy
oh um I'm not picky but I'd say blue
fruit snacks are pretty good cuz then
they could be blueberry
oh he has many times before and I have
seen the episode ohy poopy Butthead got
whole expansion of his character
revealed in that
show oh
yeah the yeah Karma and everything good
and light power and righteous is already
given them their
D okay I'll give you that I'll try to
give you that one if I
can't I mean just essentially I'm doing
the molding on the the in the mold
y just
y my brain just went somewhere else why
am my brain go somewhere
else very good yep you are blessed you
are blessed anyway
I dressed up in a fun Sonic costume for
a little
bit just for a little
bit that's yeah that depends on how open
he would be for the light powered and
righteousness and
good anyway here's another
one be oh oh big is my head oh big is my
head I got news for you it's wider these
days because my psychic powers are
really developing I mean look at
this see this groove that's a big Groove
and what did you say really quick
oh I'll have to reread that one later
but um just pretty much going with the
flow right here happy happy birthday to
that guy
Jenkins there's your word association
right there just felt appropriate just
felt very appropriate right there that
yeah I like the out house it's a good
show I love the Good Ship
there nope
nope I disagree I respectfully
disagree there's a lot there were a lot
of demons and Devils influence in the
all that good light powered and
righteous positivity and flow the cosmos
everything you are
blessed it wasn't just a night he
redeemed himself he repented for his
misdeeds and crimes and
sins and he was
cleansed that never
happened I say it
before it Still Remains true it never
if I say yes will the question not be
spee been thinking
for happy happy birthday
birthday cave Hogs why don't they just
share a
well no more no different than from
those that were others everybody else
that were featured in said
movie why don't you go play Persona five
Now featuring The Joker and that stupid
beem I have two number NES a number nine
large a number six and extra dip a
he shall take his time to recover but he
does need to lay off that night
qu yeah ai's been around for a lot lot
longer time than that so it's nothing
new it's artificial
intelligence and in Japan it's also
known this
yeah I
have they're a decent Bunch but not
perfect stupid dog you made me look B bo
bo happy happy birthday happy birthday
happy birthday birthday happy happy
birthday uh it's I believe it's
available I mean I believe I posted it
on TW I posted on the Twitter when I
announced the request
for M for the Minecraft
modders yeah I'm aware of too good to be
true deals I'm just
we are keeping personal details of the
public life for the time being but when
it comes to the details of which we can
actually trust the personal details with
that be a whole different cish only with
them there is no no there's no local
Lal um a few but I have to get back to
you on
yes Israel is the Holy One it's the holy
zapping it
up I have B feelings about
um I will for
bling that's to be confirmed the holiday
ornaments as to be confirmed I can't say
for positive
yet for the most part and latter yes all
my chakras have been aligned I've
connected with
everything so
yes once we get everything sorted out
yes that will be an option but that's to
be confirmed later
on okay okay okay
so yeah I definitely need to be away
from everything and everyone as I did in
J during the time I was in
jail serving the time for everybody's
sins and
regrets Pro of my power you have to
believe got to have faith
possibly but I don't know those
individuals consciously in this
maybe and if I do maybe I will show it
off but that's a whole different Kettle
fishing to be
confirmed I do read
it but as I said earlier I'm not doing
the shoutouts
no can you please stop pretending to be
else well that doesn't surprise me but
they don't sound anything like me just
like that guy that tried to be my voice
on that episode smiling don't forget
about me Greece I could done it did you
do it oh I toally could have no that
don't sound me and all forget about me
gree I could have done it did you do it
uh well I mean no but toally could
have a stupid thing to say and shoot
um darn it I got so focused and making
CL up up up down up down up down why am
I an
elevator my got blump in this
one um no I have not heard of it
I've been to an alternate
Dimension where it's all
hello and why bad time for that to
happen because I've been in an alternate
Dimension where it's literally just
without Conant says Set set set set all
the time and so much BDSM there just no
nothing ever got done there so
yep what you said not your
um just talk with your mom and uh give
her love and appreciation
regardless and I mean that
and great great thanks great apape I
lost my train of
thought he's been dealing with them for
years if he hasn't F bet by himself
right now he needs to learn
more oh oh thank
there you
go hard lumps in this
one space look at all these
lumps yes I have fans all around the
so that's not hardly worth that's hardly
question and don't fit SES on my breast
eyes up here eyes up
here you know what that's okay if he
wants to be a low cow go
ahead he wants to be low cal go
ahead what was up with the whole thing
with the loow
anyway I'm not doing jups but I got want
some more clay I'll be right back
and we are
back and Now for Something Completely
Different how about we push a little
out there be so much funnier this thing
wasn't green
yeah yeah just everybody can imagine
what this could be but yeah no it's
screen it's lumpy it's a pickle I'm
squeezing a stress pickle that's made
out of
foam Ah that's funny where do my eyes
go ah continue being yourselves continue
love and appreciate yourself and your
soul searching and be kind to yourself
with yourself and everyone and anybody
that uh wants to give you bad details
and talk and just uh don't worry about
them and know I'm going just
like there goes that
pickle and now back to
this nope stop pretending to be criselle
I wish you people would stop pretending
to be those that I know are not within
the stream right now
okay uh nope Karma already bit him down
and out so yeah Q Farms that's dead de
dead unform not dead Antichrist it
fornite is actually an in between
Dimension outside of either 12 outside
of either 128 or c19
72 there you go you are blessed you are
blessed I went down to The
okay that's a date no oh yeah
nope nice
try happy happy birthday happy
no it's not me more for for everything
it's literal it's
physical he shall have the blessings as
he needs to upon his
a prayer has been said for
uh nope and don't pretend to be my
attorney oh it's doing good in fact it's
doing just as good as Hyrule since they
are in the same neck of the woods
I don't have anything against him but it
just depends on how open he is to good
light power and
righteousness and I'm just trying to
keep from uh giving shout outs like I
said no female pronouns
period they them is also acceptable by I
prefer female she
the prayer has been said and he shall be
blessed as he shall
be yes you have yes you are blessed
during your Tri triy during a bunch of
events that are tried emotional hard and
I'm not putting the camera down any
lower nobody's getting any crotch shots
and eyes up
more um I like I like the Sally Acorn
mod for Sonic one and Sonic 2 and S
H I'm sorry to hear
hey look
pickle pick me up and de pickle me I
know I'd say speak for yourself there is
no delusions here
period the only delusion
around here are those that call
neurotypical the only ones that are
really quote crazy are the
neurotypicals where they do not see
within the Multiverse and everything
that is deeper
metaphysical oh yeah um either way is
good Chris or Christine or Jesus
Christ and Christ Chan Christ Chan take
your pick it's all
good you are blessed your friend is
blessed thank
there is no lying only truth is
spoken I have hardly any need to since I
married so therefore I'm spoking
for yeah we'll talk about that later but
we don't need there's no need for Rush
especially considering times of
details godam it
K guys I'm
count your
blessings address put your money to
other things that do not involve the
habit of which you are trying to
alleviate yourself
from and follow like powers and
individuals that's right because most of
the world are not
they may think they are but they are
not oh yes everything does yes
everything has been shifting and is
continuing on in this process within the
ending steps of the dimension merge and
the ultimate miracle and fut Tri and
everything yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
only truth is spoken and there never
ever was any sets between Barbara and I
you are
the fact that they said
that they don't they don't understand
what I mean they don't understand
definition of the word
he shall see the error of his ways and
recover on his own time and
2009 tacle edit I don't know about that
but I your wishes with my taco flavor
KES Tac taco
you know what for that individual that
keeps bringing it up why don't you just
go bring it up with the alternate
distant timeline that never is anything
related to or close to this one
period oh I do have music playing in the
background I have
a I have an oh my brain went blank on
the word the day there but anyway I have
a binero beat playing in the
background off screen I look at my phone
and look at the video it look at the
track I'm playing right now it's playing
in the
background yeah it's a b narrow beat
from Heavenly
eyes Scyther and
sneez Magic chance a prime criselle Ros
Prime sylvana Rosie Prime and the prime
of all meww
period dro the
piece my bring went blank on give me a
moment ah she is
physically quite all she is
physically um she is mentally and
physically well over 20 years old
rain blink but she has been actually
been to the Future developed many many
years physically and then came
back it was a slow progression upon
realizing my my true gender and identity
everything uh the try came around during
the year
goty penis monsters
got nope there there's your stupid meme
right there yeah I said it hey get back
here on this
boat and you know what I'm just gonna
ignore anybody with this word in their
name period I'm just gonna ignore
period nope
one moment at a
time one moment at a time take deep
Rifts count your blessings follow that
which is good light powered and
righteous within your intuition as
opposed to Temptations and all that you
can bear yourself in that way
dude meditate on all that and everything
and all metaphysical connections but
your self-c counterparts out the
Multiverse and everything everything
everywhere all at
and day Chistmas jingle bell jingle B
Bells um I have considered Tik Tock um
but it's not in my present plan at this
time although I do have one that is on
observation alone I'm not mainly going
to be using that as a video streaming
service or platform so don't expect any
videos from me on Tik
Tok Hy doie spy
I want to be
yes I
did I gotta go War some more clay for
this last set of four
medallions um now these will be painted
off stream this is a whole special thing
but these are painted you will see the
final results when they are delivered to
the individuals that they go end up
going going out to
later we certainly got to get that
turn yes we shall consider that thank
you anyway I'll be right back I got to
go War some more
and welcome back to the
show all right anyway let's do some more
I got four more Medallion I got the last
four CU I'm making I was making 20 in
all so I give you all this time I'm TI
looking at blank eyes so let's
do the
oh I'll watch this guy because it's on
now oh
one hard
piece that was
a oh yeah it's a really good show I've
watched both seasons so
far oh but I I don't care too much about
the chaos Sonic in that one that was
really dumb that was
oh um how much talking about really I
just uh don't know too much personally
but he's a good individual for the
ladder he is a good
individual nobody's making comments
about that because this is an SF this is
a safe for work Channel this is a safe
for work thing and we are keeping things
safe for work
oh yeah I've watched uh some of the some
of the episodes of the metal ocalypse
but I have not seen the movie I felt
like uh it was just a bit too
much I mean story I just didn't really
just didn't find be long
oh yeah because Satan has been trolling
has been bugging a whole lots a whole
lot of individuals including those are
fighting between Israel and Palestine
right now but yeah Israel shall succeed
they shall last
longer that is foreing prophesized and
forn ah but he is is cleansed and
blessed all he needs to do is to stay on
light power path of
any we think what else what else what
else which yall see that's just the
whole oh oh I think you're referring to
L bin the one that misheard by name is
uh when I told him my name was
Christopher he misheard it call me
Christian that inspired the name change
that is a thought I still need to catch
up I had the last episode I saw was yes
go ahead and make the jokes the last
episode of J Samuel series I saw was
69 I told you shout
outs what I say my brain oh great thanks
for making me lose my thought
yeah I mean just essentially you already
are whether I drew you in or wrote you
in or not
period I told you I'm not doing shout
outs I'm staying with that I'm sticking
that here here's your stupid New Meme
right now I'm not doing any shout outs
and I'm sticking with
that there
stupid thing stupid stupid thing you
made that's me you this why you think me
dog oh by the way I'm betting on Courage
cowardly dog in the Scooby-Doo versus
courage death
battle you tell with a lot worse than
the original version without as much
details and definitely the one that have
more accurate details when I read when I
redo it into the HD version which will
have absolutely no NSFW content in it
whatsoever despite the circumstances and
details that came about from all of
everybody sing a song bra is trying to
remember what I was talking about
earlier it's been the first it's SP the
first time to have awkward moments
within it and I do not speak of personal
details on my own part period that's
enough of that that's enough it just
spit the awkwardness and roll with
it well he shall progress and heal as
best as he can but I'm that's just a
whole mess of details on that part I
don't want to go too much into without
uh causing Fe causing deeper emotions
I I have help in those I have a little I
get by a Little Help from My Friends in
in regards to my emails but I see some
of them I am aware of them I do get them
and we are sorting through them that's a
whole different Gall of fish right
my head went somewhere else why did my
head go somewhere
else as long as she sees life power and
good and continues forward with that she
shall no longer be
sad there are no Ducks here whatsoever
period that's enough said please refrain
from asking that
question there shall be no more talk
about that it's a poison no
subject and I will no longer be the
victim of
I gota be careful with when I snap my
fingers because they do
manifest I don't need to say anything
but I will clear the room of all
darkness and bad
Tidings I know yes that's the detail
we're working on we're trying to sort
that out I know
look at this whes by's
nopar oh thank you very much thank you
very much
note yeah that one's regular
Sonu but he's doing okay they're doing
okay I'm trying to do
things they are they are
blessed oh pardon me that just felt good
that was a soul belt just in a whole
mess of bad vibes just a mess of energy
just went out of me and I got a little
bit of a cleans from that so take that
as a good
my sing but I'll tell you what if I upon
reaching 100,000 subscribers and getting
a silver YouTube button I will be very
thankful for the blessing it shall be
time I'm doing the
PR lunges and presses up up up up
there's your
uh actually yes that is
true cool thanks that's a
fetish cool than that's a
fetish that was
funny um I guess if anybody a Goan I
don't I never really went to in the
expansive detail Digimon dig digit
Monsters Digimon are real stupid Pokemon
Pock the monsters Pokemon are the
champions like
why nope I will not be I will not be
saying things out loud like loudly like
that because that would just bring on
manifestation that I am not looking to
manifest yeah Karma will see him fall
harshly he shall reveal himself to be
not when you shall have your your period
when the time is right I need not s my
fingers for
no that was a long time ago I have
progressed further matured since
then and we are taking things in a more
positive and safer work direction from
now on
on the one hand yes since it is also my
my fur my furco or my sry form
so I'd say interpret whatever meaning
you will from the calmness and bless of
this I'll tell you what here's a
suggestion holy blue
flame leave it on that you can meditate
on that take your time on that anyway
one more one more
one more time I like to sing
ah H I will speak this for for that one
religious aspect as well as all
religious aspects the correct religion
is all good religions none the satanic
ones only those are positive lifeart and
righteousness and of course that does
Buddhism methodism and so forth the
zodiac signs Chinese calendar all that
they're all just individual pieces of
the bigger greater puzzle put them all
together find
the yeah prise me as Jesus or H is
Christ Chan or Christ Chan or
CHR take your pick it is
good yeah we broke up a long time ago
and you are
dead you get no that guy gets no
acknowledgement from me anymore
period give it time and and his faith
shall be renewed within his vision and
eyes and sight physically tangibly
everything it shall be so it is
D the friend there is
blessed the not sure I could say say
same about you with the with such a
screen name as that one
zap to the ex stream zap it up to the
stream we Zing up to this
oh has to be or not to be
a now I have not played that game within
timeline I am aware of the Guilty Gear
series though and it is quite decent and
good yes I am opening for
collaborations and further and it shall
be as as I mentioned on the previous
stream it shall be a consider it shall
be a Happ sance of don't call us we'll
call you
situation and just pretty much
like that and it shall be a whole pick
and shoose and we shall pick those that
VI good and well with
us but anyway that's Medallion number 20
as I have uh made the bow and promise to
do so I am so this is it for this little
lovely little Q&A I pray that you all
were able to enjoy and everything so
before I close
there shall be no commentary about
that the details had to be said in the
past tense to manifest what needed to be
because I did not want to be attacked
anybody that would have happened had
actually been able to make it to that
convention in that year matter was
from that him that who name shall not be
mentioned again
period or Joshua moon or
Isabella anyway let's clear the
nope stop pretending anyway I do thank
you all for your continued patronage and
everything I shall see you all again
next stream
yall take care and have a blessed and
day and that'll be the last one I
respond to everybody have a good safe
day or night depending on which part of
[[Category:Chris-chan videos, 2023]]

Latest revision as of 20:19, 8 November 2023