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#redirect [[Arthur Spatchcock Interviews‎#Interview 2]]
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| [[Image:Stress.jpg|120px| ]]
| <p style="text-align: center;">'''This section is still yet to be completed due to [[stress]].'''</p><p>We get a lot of stressful torture in our lives that makes us crash into slumber. Given that inspiration is a big variable, and we may have been lacking of it, this section will be completed as soon as possible, and more images added, at our own pace...''[[HONEST]]!''</p>
<!--Arthur Spatchcock isn't real, he's KiwiFarms user Master Disaster, but we want to act like he is so Chris doesn't find out.-->
After a succesful interview, [[Sonichu (comic)|Sonichu]] fan CatKnight/Master Disaster aka Sir Arthur Spatchcock, '''interviewed''' our favorite TRUE and HONEST Christine Weston Chandler on 26 January 2016.
== Highlights ==
[[File:Coles.jpg|right|thumb|200px|THE Cole Smithey.]]
Chris mentions his half-brother [[Cole Smithey]] after a long time, mentions his infamous ''Toy Story 3'' review and disagrees with his half-brother's opinion only to after mention that he hasn't watched ''Toy Story 3''. Arthur is impressed to meet a relative of THE Cole Smithey. Chris and Arthur discuss about the CWCki, Chris's time at jail, Bob's death and THe GAMe PLACe's shutdown.
== Audio ==
Currently no video is available, but the audio is available to listen [https://soundcloud.com/cat-knight-430471584/chrisinterview2/s-avffG here].
== Transcript ==
'''Arthur:''' Hello?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Hello?
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Ah, that's much better.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes. Okay, so, what do you want to talk about?
Arthur- Oh all kinds of things Christine, all kinds of things. I got a hold of my superiors and we sat down and we had a long meeting.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Mhmm.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> And we covered a lot of things, they listened to the conversation and they were impressed, implicably so even. But they do, have a few issues. And well I can't deny it the biggest thing working against you right now is the C-W-C-I-K-I.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I think you mean, yeah, you mean the Cwcki, yeah.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> The Cwcki, is that what it is? Okay, so the Cwcki, yes. Now I told them that that website is in no way whatsoever affiliated with you professionally.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> That's right.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> But even under that guise they still took the time to look through it themselves and they did come across a few things that they can't deny as fact. So, I told them that I would contact you and find out a few more details about a few particular aspects if you don't mind.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> That's fine, fire away.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Alright, the first one that comes up is your alleged court case involving GameStop.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Oh, yes that was uh, unfortunate. But, um, ah, that did happen but in my- but in my defence I was, very much, spooked and quite surp- and quite scared upon the event, and upon having encountered similar situations before, I had not been able to defend myself as bet- as best as I could. Um, but unfortunately yes that has happened, but the court case has cleared up and ah.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Really? How did that turn out?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> I, I went to each of my, went to each of the court trials as sheduled and everything and ah, you know and anyway, everything's all cleared up and I just have a few, just have a, the old court fines that I'm still paying off.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> The court fines? Though no sentences or anything? No incarceration?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Right, no sentences or incarceration.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Okay okay, and how long were you arrested before you were released? That's just a small question.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Ah, yes, that was, you know I was arrested at the night of December 26th, 2014 and uh, I was put, I did not, I was not able to get back home until the following Monday
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Oh my!
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> So, yes so I spent a weekend hibernating in, jail.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> I hope they fed you well.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> *Sigh,* Ah, yes.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Teas and biscuit or ah, cheese burgers or pizza? I don't know, I've never been arrested.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Um, well actually it was more like, bit of, bit of meat, um, little bit of fruit, and some milk and juice, and water.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Okay, alright, sounds about pretty common jailtime grub I guess
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Quite.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Alright. So we covered the little bit of, the jail indecencies and all that stuff. Now they mentioned another thing, and this one really caught their attention, because this was the big court case. Michael. Snyder.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Ah yes, the previous, the owner of the, closed down Game and Hobby Place, ah.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Oh it's closed down now?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes, it's been, yes it's been closed for about a year or two now.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Is it? Ahh
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes, it's now been, it's now a, it's now a, ah store for chocolates..
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Really? Do you go there often?
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Ahhh, no. But I've drove, no but I've driven by there so I have, so that's how I, that's how I know.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Hey you should stop by sometime, take a look around the place, see what they've done with it
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah, I don't think it is, I don't think it's as good a justice as it used to be. But anyway, um, aside from that um, yeah, two, s, yeah, pretty much nearly true except for exaggerations and the obvious fantasies they have from but yeah, um, about April, Snyder had a ship, a chip on his shoulder against me so he banned me from there, and ah, then, then the couple of years later I came in there asking, I came in there and talked him and asked him to lift the ban and he said, and he was really cold hearted and said no so then a couple of years later I tried again, still no, and then ah, shortly after my father's passing in 2011, ah, it takes a, my brain's a little slow you'll have to forgive me there
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> It's no problem. Take your time.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes, anyway, am so after his death. Yeah my mother and I were out and we were driving by and we noticed a sign that said 'under new management,' so, so I took a guess that Snyder was out of the picture and then, my mom and I we both went in and he was there and he immediately called the police against us and my mother and I ended up having to spend a night in jail because of that, but yeah, after ah, the months with the uh, with the court trials and ah, ah shoot I'm trying to think of it, um. Uh, we were not, we were not sentenced to prison or anything bad like that, we had, we had to check in with ah, somebody every once about once a month or so, um, pretty much, uh, I, I have to plead closer to mind as far as the term that came up to my head. I would say, um some sort of parole but supervised, but then after that trial went about it became unsupervised so, and then we became free from that.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Alright. Sounds good to me.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yeah but it did kill us, pretty much nearly all remaining fund that Mr C my father, had left to us.
<font color="#009966">'''Arthur:'''</font> Yes, God rest his soul.
<font color="#0033FF">'''Chris:'''</font> Yes.
[[Category:Phone calls]]

Latest revision as of 12:34, 14 June 2024