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Don't add this page to the CWCki untill Chris publicly reacts to the comic.
In 2020 Chris started work on a Sonichu comic with the help of artists on twitter.
===The collaborators===
The actual art was made by REDACTED, the others provided tips and concepts.
REDACTED an artist and the person who initially contacted Chris.
REDACTED a well known ........
REDACTED another artist.
REDACTED is continuing work on the comic, but hasn't received any messages from Chris in a while. It can be assumed Chris has lost interest in the project.
==Working with Chris==
Since Chris is no longer reacting to the comic, I have planned on making a ”Working with Chris" article that deals about how working with Chris is, since we have some screenshots of Chris working with artists, we could salvage them for references. More data (calls, messages etc) is required for continuing this project. Any suggestions are welcome.
For the [[Chris and death]] article's suicide section.
Since Bob's death Chris's ability to recover from traumatic events has receded by a lot. Bob's death was the first major permanent change to Chris's life. Till then sweethearts and trolls came and went but Chris was resilient and unchanging. This has lead many trolls to worry wether Chris may commit suicide to end his suffering.
===Why he may commit suicide===
The list of reasons are huge, he is almost 40 without a proper source of income, has huge debts to clear, gets bullied by weens on a regular basis. He has no real friend due to him pushing genuine people away replacing them with fair weather enablers who run away at the first sign of something bad(teen troon squad). In the past Chris did not know about the CWCki and therfore didn't know how all his sweethearts were actually trolls, now he is discovering that past events and friends were nothing more than trolls (kim wilson) or paid acquanitances(2013 MHS friends). All in all his life is incredibly sad and patheticand he has very few reasons to live (barb, cats and dogs). He has also contemplated suicide in the past. One more thing observers fear is that Chris may kill himself to go to CWCville once and for all due to his real life being miserable.
===why he won't commit suicide===
He is too prideful to kill himself, he has no interest in death. He believes he can already travel to different dimensions, so death is unnecessary to go to cwcville. He has a genuine interest in life now due to him believeing his imaginary land will teleport to the real world. Though the enablers may be fair weather friends, the sheer number of them acting like they care about Chris may be all he needs to not pull the trigger.
One more reason is, there not being any easy way for chris to kill himself. He could try hanging himself but that is too scary for him, poison is not very easy for him to obtain, slitting wrists is painful and takes time by which he may wise up and call 911. The easiest way is to buy a gun and put a bullet in his head. But chris has no money to buy a gun and is too scared to own a gun if he is allowed to own one in the first place.

Latest revision as of 12:33, 13 September 2020