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{{quote|"Necessity is the mother of invention", and I have invented quite a few crafts that have served me well.|Chris's reply to "Leonardo da Vinci", [[CWCipedia]] [[Mailbag]].}}
#redirect [[Relics of Fail]]
As the readers of this wiki may already know, Christian Weston Chandler is truly a Renaissance man. He draws [[Sonichu|comics]], makes [[Youtube|videos]], performs [[Christian and the Hedgehog Boys|songs]], models [[Honor Roll|sculptures out of clay]], provides voices for the [[Official Videobooks]], etc. etc. But, having the blood of the outstanding inventor [[Bob Chandler]], the man who designed controls for plastic water container molding machines, coursing through his veins, Chris just couldn't suppress his natural talent to invention. And thus, Christian Weston Chandler added becoming an inventor extraordinaire to his long list of [[Fail|"accomPLISHments"]].
==Better than <strike>Jesus</strike> Leonardo da Vinci==
In [[November 2009]], Chris received an e-mail from a [[Troll|fan]] roleplaying as Leonardo da Vinci, one of the great artists with whom Chris has compared himself [[Hotel Ricky Ricardo|in the past]] ([[Fail|managing to forget the great Italian's name and misspell his surname]]). Leo ironically stated that he considers Chris his [[Chris and art|"artistic equal"]], and asked if the autistic [[Chris and English|geinus]] has a similar knack to making inventions, like Leonardo himself was famous for. Being the egotistical and vain person he is, and not wanting Leonardo da Vinci to excel him in any field, Chris was quick to assure Mr. Da Vinci in his [[Mailbag]] reply that he is, indeed, an inventor as well, and proceeded to list three of the most outstanding of his inventions.
===The Three Great Inventions of Christian Weston Chandler===
*The "One set of Inventions" including:
**City of [[CWCville]];
*A "heavy-duty case", "built from [[Lego|Legos]] and held together with tape", whose main purpose is "to hold [his] 20+ [[Card_games#Pok.C3.A9mon_TCG|Pok'emon]] (sic) Trading Card Game Decks with an area designed for damage counters, die and such";
*The [[Dating Education|Dating Education Class]].
===Other Inventions===
==See also==
*[[Bob Chandler]]
*[[Chris and Copyright]]
*[[Chris and Fame]]

Latest revision as of 11:56, 21 November 2017

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