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{{quote|Encourage the fans that were originally my fans to come back to me.|Chris}}
#REDIRECT [[Alec Benson Leary calls]]
On February 9th, 2010 Mao sent [[Evan]] and Sean a series of seven phone conversations between Alec Benson Leary and [[Christian Weston Chandler]].  While these conversations were meant to stay between the [[Asperpedia]] staff, they were eventually leaked by Mao for the world to hear.
===Call 1===
<font color="#04B45F"> '''Alec''':  Hi, is this... is this, uh, Christian Weston Chandler?</font>
<font color="#0033FF"> '''Chris''':  Yeah, this is Christian, may I help you?</font>
<font color="#04B45F"> '''Alec''':  Hi Chris, um... this is Alec Benson Leary.  Is it-Is it okay if we talk?</font>
<font color="#0033FF"> '''Chris''':  Oh yes.  Uh... Sure.  yes.  So uh...</font>
<font color="#04B45F"> '''Alec''':  Good.  Well, uh, there's a couple of things I wanted to talk about tonight.  Um, first of all, uh... Well I understand you've got... you've got a  problem with the ads that are on Cwcipedia?  Can you... Can you tell me a little more about um... I kinda want to have, you know, get a compromise and settle this 'cause... 'cause I don't... I don't want anybody to be angry.</font>
<font color="#0033FF"> '''Chris''':  Okay yeah.  I'll let you have your ads on the Cwcipedia but don't make them too big, and uh, leave 'em in the side bar.</font>
<font color="#04B45F"> '''Alec''':  Okay... um...</font>
<font color="#0033FF"> '''Chris''':  (interrupts) I don't want-I don't want-I do not want them in-I do not want them c... c... covering over... the introductory box or any-or anything else where I have to scroll down even to edit the pages.  Or even to log in.</font>
===Call 4===
Chris: (Indistinguishable)
Alec: Yeah well you-you guess what Chris. Those ads aren't going anywhere until you answer a few questions of mine, cause I'm sick of being nice to you.
Chris: What are yo-
Alec: I've been nice
Chris: Well what are your questions
Alec: I've been nice to you for too long. Well first of all, your apology video. Completely unsatisfactory. You didn't mention anything, of what you were apologizing for. You just said 'Oh I'm apologizing for some of the things I said.' Is that supposed to include the death threats Chris? Cause you should probably mention that specifically.
Chris: Yes it did include the past death threats.
Alec: Okay well I think you should make a better apology video, and in your second apology video-
Chris: Okay
Alec: -I want you to, um, not spend eighty percent of the video not making demands of me.Cause see an apology video should be just that, it should be apologizing for when you did something wrong. Do you think you've done something wrong to me Chris? Do you think you have? I think you have.
Chris: Do I think I have done anything wrong to you?
Alec: Yes
Chris: Why yes I-Yes I admit I have done wrong to you Alec.
Alec: Okay
Chris: By mislabeling and mistakes and errors and I apologize for that.
Alec: Mislabeling, kinda like what a troll would do. Isn't that right? Why don't you list all the things you did wrong. List them specifically. Cause, cause I want to make sure. I don't want to just tell you to make a more specific video if you don't know specifically. So please list the things you think you did wrong to me.
Chris: Okay, I will (pause)
Alec: I'm waiting. I mean list now, I'd like to hear you say now.
Chris: Alright Alex, I'm sorry for mislabeling you, and giving you death threats.
Alec: What did you mislabel me as.
Chris: Mislabeling you as a villian type of person.
Alec: Yeah that was pretty bad of you.
Chris: Yeah
Alec: Continue
Chris: Alright (Pause) Anything else?
Alec: I'm asking you, I'm asking you to continue with the list.
Chris: (18 second pause where Chris sighs while listing the things he just said in a low voice)
Alec: How about uh...here's a hint. Ummm, is there, is there anyone close to me. A friend perhaps, that you've mislabeled and done wrong against?
Chris: Let me guess, Evan?
Alec: You got it right
==Audio Files==
*Part [http://www.mediafire.com/?mzdiuwmmrcn]
*Part [http://www.mediafire.com/?udnrnx5dno4]
*Part [http://www.mediafire.com/?o4izjfidfml]
*Part [http://www.mediafire.com/?iujwkijilam]
*Part [http://www.mediafire.com/?tnyjwhinyym]
*Part [http://www.mediafire.com/?4ogmmmdgnjj]
*Part [http://www.mediafire.com/?yc23t2ynqx2]

Latest revision as of 03:32, 10 February 2010