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(And now that we have the e-mail template, I'm adding this back in.)
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Kisses, Maria}}
Kisses, Maria}}
{{Email|From:  Michael Parker <mp53718@gmail.com>
My name is Dr. Michael Parker. I am a pediatrician oncologist, so I work with a lot of children with cancer. The children love to read your comics (after I screen them for "Honest content" first, of course). I really wish you would update more so that the children would be able to have their days brightened that much more often.
Also, I am not sure you understand what Asperger's is. You mention that it is not similar to Autism, but this is incorrect. Asperger's is actually a form of Autism. I work with many children with both disorders, and I can assure you that they are very similar.
Dr. Michael Parker}}
{{Email|From:  Meg Gray <margaretwgray@live.com>
Mr. Christian C.,
I am so pleased to see you are answering the emails from the CWCipedia readers.  I had two questions:
1. I am unfortunately being attracted by a young female and I too am a female.  I know you have suggested watching the STRAIGHT pornography to help stay on the STRAIGHT path, but I am not allowed to have the pornography in my house.  How can I stay on the Straight Path?
2. I am wondering if you are still taken! :) Is it true that you have a delightful sweet girlfriend?
Sincerely Meg Gray
18 years old}}
{{Email|From:  Maria Morris <sweetie.maria@live.com>
Hello, Mr. Chandler! I have been reading your comics for a while now, and I'm glad that you've been making more frequent updates lately. Me and all the other fans have been waiting a long time for more pages, and we're dying to see what happens next! Can't wait for your update today.
Now, I wanted to ask a few questions, since I see you've answered a few in your fan mail section already:
1) What do you think about fan fiction? I know that you show the good fan art that is sent to you on Cwcipedia, but have you ever read and liked anything written about Sonichu? I'm thinking of making a Sonichu fic myself, but I want to have your permission to write it before starting.
2) What is your opinion on people supporting relationships that aren't "canon", like Blake x Rosechu instead of Sonichu x Rosechu or Blake x Bubbles?
3) Do you listen to any music while you draw the comics? I find that music is a big inspiration for me, personally.
4) Have you ever met any foreign fans? If Sonichu were to be commercially released, what international markets would you want it to be available in?
That's all the questions I have for you for now. I hope that you have a pleasant evening!
{{Email|From:  Charlie Pressley <cdiddles@gmail.com>
Hi, I've been reading your comic for a while, and I've been really excited by
the prospect of an update being given every day.  A steady schedule makes
reading it more rewarding, and I assume may increase readership of your series.
My question, as a big fan of comics in general, is how do you feel about comics
as a medium?  I know it's been your primary outlet for your Sonichu narrative,
but I'm curious as to how much comics mean to you.  Do you read a lot of comics? 
If so, what are your favorites?  Which have influenced your work on Sonichu the
Thanks for the hard work,
{{Email|From:  faerieangellilly@aol.com>
A few questions; if I may:
- Since the holidays are around the corner, how does the Chandler household celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas? Whats on your Christmas wish-list?
- Whats the scariest videogame you ever played? }}
{{Email|From:  nosrebma@aol.com>
Hi, I'm Amber Son, and I'd like to ask couple of things about you and Sonichu! I'm exited that I can finally talk to you, original Christian Weston Chandler himself!
What kind of mind can create something like that? I've always wondered that! Does it take a special mind to create something like Sonichu? He really is something unique, and so are you!
Can you tell me, how do you make your drawings? Do you have any special tricks to it? What do you think makes a good drawing?
Also I've seen your videos, and you seem to be really strong and healthy person! What kind of tips would you give about health and exerice? Do you have somekind of special diet?
Thank you already! You seem to be busy man with lot to do, so I hope you can have time to answer my questions :)
- Amber Son }}
{{Email|From:  Cad Earnest <goldorthegold@yahoo.co.uk>>
Hey Chris I enjoy reading your comic and am a fan of your work. I would like to ask about two things about the comic.
First of all I noticed you explained that when the Pikachu and Super Sonic crashed into each other the rainbow sent Sonichu and the eggs into the past dependant on how old they are. however DJ jamsta is the oldest sonichu who is at least 21 years and Lolisa is the oldest Rosechu at least 20 years old, so they must have been sent back further in time than febuary 1989.
When Rosechu named herself when Kel said she was as "beautiful as a rose" to quote the comic.At that point in time Lolisa would have been around for 2 years already she could'nt have not named what she was in that time?
In short how come the oldest Sonichu(Jamsta) and the oldest Rosechu(Lolisa) were not the ones to name the species of pokemon that they are?
My second question is shorter. Giovanni was in the early comics and the newest one, trying to stop Sonichu. As we know Giovanni specialises in ground pokemon.
Why didn't Giovanni use any ground types against Sonichu especially considering his Nidoking and Nidoqueen are both resistant to Sonichu's fighting type attacks as well as immune to electric? }}
{{Email|From:  jakk <jakkbear@gmail.com>
i have ENJOYED your comix over the years and as we say
i am a tru fan! please update a lot!!!!
- sincerly, jakk }}

Revision as of 17:56, 20 November 2009

This is the Archive for the Mailbag, containing all the letters featured in Chris's mailbag and his responses.

19 November 2009


Oh boy! Free candy!
From: gunterschmttrlng@aol.com

It's soo cool that Christian is updating Sonichu so much lately! I love this comic, but my only wish is that it would update more frequently. I know inspiration is a big variable, but still! Also a BIG THANKS to everybody at maintaining CWCipedia so Chris can update his comics and thoughts.

Sincerely, Gunter

(P.S. I sent a little fan art. It's not as good as Chris but you get the idea!)

Thank you, Gunter, for your encouragement. I appreciate your fanart, but I have to tell you, it is a frightening image, and it makes Sonichu look like a bad guy, when Clearly He Is Not. --ChrisChanSonichu 01:44, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: Martin Witzel <ryu23456@hotmail.com>

I really loved the Subepisodes Chris. I miss them, they provided SOO Many Information about you and I generally Miss your Presence in the Comic.

The Transformer movie did not Appeal to me. So I am happy when the Transformer Arc will Finally be Over!!!

The Italicized part of this email was deleted by Chris, who cannot handle criticism.

Martin, I did away with the Sub-Episodes, because I felt they were just an extra I did not need. But I will add side-episodes after book 10 of stories of and around my life and Cwcville. Thank you for your input. --ChrisChanSonichu 01:44, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: Andrew Keefe <l.shavarash@gmail.com>

I was just wondering... what's your opinion on race relations in the US? Do you believe that black people have been horribly mistreated?


also What's your stance on the evolution debate?

I feel that black people should be treated as equals like the common white folk, because we, like them and all other races, live on the same planet; are considerably immigrants in past generations, and we all are human beings.

To each their own opinion of our origins, although personally I feel it is a combination of both when you think about it. --ChrisChanSonichu 01:44, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: Johnny Estes <johnestes4@gmail.com>

Dear Chris,

How does the impostor brown Sonichu's transformation work? Did Robotnik somehow find a way to duplicate the Anchuent Powers? And if so, why doesn't he just give fake medallions to all the Jerkops to make their army more powerful?

From John N. Estes

More or less like normal transformations, but are more weak, because the powers are artificial. This one was a prototype. --ChrisChanSonichu 01:44, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: Lea Pineau <ashtonlea@live.com>

I love the series!! ^^

But theres some stuff I'm confused about, like when things happen and stuff. Could you maybe make a timeline to show us fans when exactly plot points in the story happen!? THANKS!!

That is a good suggestion, Lea; I will take that into great consideration. Thank you for your input. --ChrisChanSonichu 01:44, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: Cody Larson <cody.m.l0101@gmail.com>

Omg hi! Is this Chris? Like, THE christian weston chandler? Creator of Sonichu? I really hope it is. I found this email address on the CWCipedia? I really hope it gets to you. I just wanted to say how awesome I think Sonichu is, and how happy I am that you've been doing more comic pages! Please don't stop with the daily comic pages Chris, they really give me something to look forward to every night. I would like to state that I am a 24 year old STRAIGHT girlfriend free boy who is looking for a true and honest sweetheart just like yourself...I do have a few questions...if you would be so kind as to answer them...I don't expect you have a lot of time after reading through all your fan mail and drawing the comic...but if you could find some time...it would really make me feel a little better...maybe you could even help me..

First off I was wondering where you get your insperation from? So many of your characters and situations I can relate too in real life, have a lot of the things that appear in the comic happened to you in real life, or is most of it stuff you just come up with?

I'll make this short and only ask two questions.

Second question: How do you keep yourself going? Sometimes...it's been so hard for me, I've been so lonely that I don't even want to get out of bed in the morning, it's almost like I just crash into a deep slumber and have no motivation to do anything else. Having been on your sweetheart search for years now you must understand this feeling, how do you cope with it? How do you pull yourself up every day?

Thanks Chris again, It would mean so much to me if you answered even one of my questions.

Sincerely A TRUE Sonichu fan!

Well, Cody, for your first Q; the inspiration mostly comes to me at random, and I memorize them by writing them down for a future page or two. Some come from real life; some are made-up.

Second Q; Mostly, I take it one moment at a time; I try not to think about the negatives and focus on the positives with improvement ideas and such. I pull myself up by counting my blessings.

Keep a happy thought, Cody. --ChrisChanSonichu 01:57, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: supappleton@aol.com


Everybody at CWCipedia is REALLY COOL DUDES for giving Chris a venue to speak his mind and upload his comics. Especially since those heinous trolls hacked into Chris's other sites and spraed lies and rumors about him. They daily updtaes are TOTALLY RADICAL TO THE MAX, and I hope Chris can keep doing them! I read a lot of webcmoics, mostly stuff like Ctrl+Alt+Del and a bunch of other gamer comics and a lot of those artists find updaitng every day way too stressful. So BIG UPS to Chris for showing the trolls a thing or two about Hard Work and honesty. Plus nobody puts as much effort and thought into his comics as Chris. I don't want to sound pushy or nothing it would be MONDO BODACIOUS if Chris could anwser a few questions?

1. Are any of the Sonichus and Rosechus autistic, or have Asperger's syndrome? Some of them seem like they do sometimes. I'm sorry if I can't give examples off the top of my head.

2. The Dating Ed episode was really interesting. I wish Chris would translate some of his BIG ideas to his comics like this more often, because the way Chris thinks about stuff and things is really interesnting. So my question is, will Chris ever do something like this again? I know he had some ideaas about he could rehabilitate the homos, so maybe he could do a comic about that.

Sorry for going on for so long! -- Me.

NONE of the Sonichus or Rosechus are autistic or have the "aspergers" (which is NOTHING LIKE ATUSIM; look them up on Wikipedia and compare). Spoiler Alert: In the comic, during my time in the void, I end up at a later year when scientists have truly isolated the Homo Gene, and needed to isolate the Straight Gene to make the Vaccine. I Personally Volunter a bit of my blood, they find the Straight Gene, and I take a couple of syringes with me back into the void on my trek back to my time. Guess who will be the first to be injected and transformed back to his past self Permanently... Reldnahc. I took two syringes for in case one of them breaks or gets lost.

--ChrisChanSonichu 01:57, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: magiccranberries@aol.com

Just a CWC (lol!) note to the CWCipedia admins:

CWCipedia is amazing! From the lavishly detailed background to Chris's amazing comics to his thoughtful essays, it's like the mind of Christian Weston Chandler is busting out of the screen and all over my face. I know it's real selfish of me to make demands and stuff, but Chris should have the Sonichus go on a road trip sometimes. They never seem to leave CWCville! When people in college go on Spring Break they usually go somewhere for Spring Break, like Florida or Mexico. Brian and Stewie from Family Guy go on road trips and adventures all the time, and these are the best episodes of the (already amazing) show. I know Family Guy is a strong influence on the Sonichu comics, so Chris should definitely have the Sonichus travel around a bit much. I know Chris doesn't do anything he doesn't want to, but could you at least suggest it to him?

Love, Shanna

Dear Shanna, thank you for your suggestion; I have made note of it, and a Road Trip-type story will be made in the future.

--ChrisChanSonichu 02:07, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: Leonardo DaVinci <leo.da.vinci@hotmail.com>

A Message to the person behind the CWCipedia:

I've thoroughly enjoyed the artwork of Christian Weston Chandler. Truly, he is my artistic equal.

I've also noticed that Christian has obtained a degree of Computer Aided Drafting and Design. When I was the age of Christian I was inventing many ingenious things from my imagination and observation of nature and mechanics. I also have noticed that the father of Christian was a great inventor in his day. Has Chris ever tried his hand at inventing anything? I am sure he would be as talented at it as he is with all other things.

- Leo

"Necessity is the mother of invention", and I have invented quite a few crafts that have served me well. I will list three: Sonichu, Rosechu and the City of Cwcville for One set of Inventions. Built from Legos and held together with tape, I invented a heavy-duty case to hold my 20+ Pok'emon Trading Card Game Decks with an area designed for damage counters, die and such. And the Dating Education Class.

--ChrisChanSonichu 02:07, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: Jessie Lamp Eye <lampexplosives@gmail.com>

I'm glad to see the comics have made a comeback, but a bit disappointed that there isn't more "Adult Chronicles" stuff. Those were always my favorite parts.

I think you mean the Sub-Episodes and stories of my life; if it makes you feel better, they never stop, because I am still alive and well.

--ChrisChanSonichu 02:15, 20 November 2009 (CET)

From: Brianna Ricaud <bricaud75@gmail.com>

Hi Chris,

Thank you SO MUCH for your comics that have enriched our lives and introduced us to a whole new perspective, or rather, to many new perspectives (sometimes several in the same page!). I'm a big fan since the Original Sonichu and Rosechu page.

A few suggestions, if I may:

- I really, really enjoyed the subepisodes and seeing more of the Adult Chronicles. I think they should be brought back to balance the intense action of Sonichu with some real life pathos and well thought out, written out storytelling.

- Any chance of bringing back Sonichu and Rosechu's Love Shack? I really enjoyed that section and think it helped a lot with my understanding and enjoyment of romance and sexuality, from a fantasy perspective yet balanced with adult mindfulness and respect.

Thank you so much!


I am taking the life-story pieces suggestions inputed before and thinking about adding them back in the future. I may bring the Luv Shack back, in the form of a section ONLY for those 18 and older, but not right now.

--ChrisChanSonichu 02:15, 20 November 2009 (CET)

I love your comics and I really enjoy the deep and varied story arcs you keeping going throughout all the comics (as well as the good old USA patriotism). And yesterday while reading some pages from your Adult Chronicles comic an idea hit me like a bolt of Sonichu Electricity! What about a live action Sonichu show using sonichu models and such, to be put on the YouTube for us fans to watch? I think that'd be brilliant!

Love the comics! Scott

THAT would take action figures and such, and I have yet to create such posable figures. But as soon as I have them figured, or I get in touch with a toy manufacturer, I'll do something ala "Robot Chicken" (Keep up that fun work, Seth Green; encourage Seth McFarline to do MORE than 20 seconds for you. I've counted it in that Road to "Multiverse"; that was Definitely 10 Seconds Short of Stewie's 30-second estimate; what a True Let-Down).

--ChrisChanSonichu 02:15, 20 November 2009 (CET)


From: Howard Winslow <hwinslow3@gmail.com>

A friend of mine wrote some excellent fan stories I thought you'd like:


Sincerely, Howard Winslow

From: Bernard Stephens <bernard.stephens@mail.mcgill.ca>

OMG!!!111 Love the comic!! Me and my boyfriend Mark listen to the audiobooks all the time! LUVS IT BABE!!

Have a safe day, and STAY STRAIG- er, I mean, STAY FABULOUS!!!

Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Bernard and everyone else here at Gay4Sonichu http://gay4sonichu.yuku.com/

love it!!!!!

From: Steven Clark <ignotus@live.co.uk>

I love your brown shirt and guitar skills you are so dreamy. keep up the good work! sonichu is the best DONT LET THAT IAN BRANDON ANDERSON GET YOU DOWN

From: xanatosvanbadass@aim.com

Good to see you making the comics again! I hope you make to to keep them out of the hands of that naive fat bastard Ian Brandon Anderson so he won't slander your good name! P.S. I hope you and Kacey are living happily married lives.

From: Thorgnzorrg Jenkins <thorgnzorrg@hotmail.com>

I love Sonichu but as a gay, black atheist, I'm in somewhat of a minority. All of the black characters in Sonichu are either goofy or antagonistic, gay characters aren't shown in a good light, and as far as I can tell everyone in CWCville is a devout Christian. I love your comics and audiobooks, but they loose their appeal when I can't relate to any of the characters. Please consider including a gay, black, or atheist character in your comic.

Thank you.

From: Jordan Wiebe <greenindirt@gmail.com>

Hello Christian,

I am glad that you finally managed to get recognition for your comics being yours and Ian Brandon Anderson being nothing but a fraud. Thankfully he's no longer in control of releasing your comics and you can continue to make great comics. Hope you wedding was wonderful and I'm glad that Ian didn't ruin that for you either. Nice job on the copyright.

Jordan Wiebe

20 November 2009


Over 9000 hours in MSPaint
From: Emmanuelle Bardot <emmymignon@googlemail.com>

Hi! I send this to Chris but I am not sure he saw it? It is my (bad) attempt to draw myself as Rosechu! I enclose original picture as well, so Chris can try too if he feel like it!

Love from Dijon, France!

Emmy xxx

From: Laura Winslow <mammy2shoes@gmail.com>

Dear Chris,

My name is James and I am using my mom's e-mail to write you a fan letter. I am 9 years old. I like football, mario, candy, and sonichu and sometimes draw him in class. The other kids sometimes make fun of me and say sonichu is a ripoff and drawn by a retarded person, but I think that they are wrong. One time I drew sonichu holding hands with rosechu on my desk and had to stay after school to wipe it off. The pink smeared together with the yellow and now my papers stick to my desk! I invinted it. There is a retarded person in my class that I am friends with sometimes, he screams and yells a lot but he likes sonichu too.

I wish you could draw a thousand pages a day!!!!!!

Does sonichu have a job?



From: Jake Matthews <sonicfan337@yahoo.com>

Hello Christopher,

I am planning on making a game based on your series "Sonichu".

This will be a fan made game and NO money will be made from it, and you will retain all copyrights for the characters. I will be working with one other person on this project. We send you this message seeking your blessing on this project, and also wonder if you could maybe do some voice work for it. Please send any questions or comments on the project to this email address.


Jake Matthews

Favor them.
From: Redmond Marbury <regexis@gmail.com>

Hey man!

I just wanted to congratulate you on your comic; it's really, really good. I'm a bit worried, though. 'Cause I've sent you fan e-mails to your regular e-mail address and you've never replied, so I'm not sure if you'll end up replying to this one too.

Anyway, my question is this:

How much time do you spend on each comic page? I mean, with your now regular updates, it might be called your 'full time job', but since it's not making you any money (YET :D), some might argue that it's actually taking time away from you finding a job and whatnot, and making it less likely that you'll get a job. What do you think of this? Are you worried?

Thanks for your years of entertaining comics, Chris!


(I've attached my fan-mail that I sent your e-mail as well. I hope you like it. It took me over a hundred hours in Microsoft Paint to draw, and I added a message that I feel both you and I can agree on. :) )

From: Hamsty the Hamster <hamstythehamster@gmail.com>

You should include a hamster in your comic. That is all.

From: Zachery Newton <valuablemoney@hotmail.com>

Christian Weston Chandler I can not possibly ever expres my TRUE and Honost gratitude to you. Your comics have changed my life, before I found sonichu I was a filthy low life security gaurd. I smoke, I drank and worst of all I was a... Homo. But upoun finding sonichu I learned the error of my ways and now and smoke and drink free. Best of all I am STRAIGHT, yup, nothing but boobies and vaginas for me. Thank you CWC and I wish you well in your Love quest.

Also I was wondering somthing, Im a big fan of magi-chan and I was wondering if mabye sometime he could go off on his own adventures kinda like Cleveland did when he went from family guy to the Cleveland Show.


Zachery Edwin Newton

From: Gabriel Monteiro <gabmonteiro9389@hotmail.com>

Hello, Mr. Chandler o/

I see that you have added my vision of the Sonichu pages in your favorites Gallery, on Deviant Art. ( http://gabmonteiro9389.deviantart.com/ ) I'd like to say this is a great honor for me, and to ask of you some criticism and comments on them, if it's no asking to much. Like, what was your favorite page, or favorite frame. It would be a honor for me to hear more form you on that matter. Thank you so much for favoriting my work. I look forward for more of the 20th episode of Sonichu on your oficial site, the CWCipedia! Best of luck for you.

Ps.: I'm also a honest, good male and looking for a girlfriend and I currently live in South America.

From: Ivan Drago <sentientmachine11@gmail.com>

Hey Chris,

I was wondering how you maintain that chiseled physique of yours. I've been trying my whole life and i don't think that I'll be able to reach the level of you have obtained. What protein shakes do you drink? Any creatine supplemts? how much can you benchpress? Any advice would be great.

Thank you advance.


Ivan Drago

From: Jessica Lindon <jessielindon@gmail.com>

Hi Chris, I'm really happy that CWCipedia started up this fan mail bag! It's really interesting to see your replies to all your fan's questions. Anyway, I know you're a busy man so I'll get right to my question - As a serious gamer, how do you decide which games to buy? Is there specific aspects that appeal to you? I'm really curious.

Hope to see more Sonichu adventures & Youtube videos soon!


From: tiffany william <ak12@cecenet.org>

Dear Beloved In Christ,

With Due Respect and Humanity, I was compelled to write to you under a humanitarian ground.

My name is Mrs. Tiffany William. I was born in Baltimore , Maryland , I am married to Mr. David William director J.C Industries Cote d'Ivoire.We were married for 36 years without a child. He died after a Cadiac Arteries Operation.

And Recently, My Doctor told me that I would not last for the next six months due to my cancer problem (cancer of the lever and stroke).

Before my husband died last year there is this sum $2.8 Million Dollars that he deposited in a bank here In Ivory Coast. Presently this money is still in the bank.

Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to any good God fearing brother or sister that will utilize this fund the way I am going to instruct herein. I want somebody that will use this fund according to the desire of my late. Husband to help less privileged people, orphanages, widows and propagating the word of God.

I took this decision because I don’t have any child that will inherit this fund, And I don’t want in away where this money will be used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision to hand you over this Fund.

I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I want you to always remember me in your daily prayers because of my up coming Cancer Surgery.

Write back as soon as possible any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another person for this same purpose, hoping to read from you ASAP.

God bless you as you listing to the voice of reasoning,

Mrs. Tiffany William.

From: Rob <bubbajimjones@gmail.com>

Hello Christian, long time fan here! I am so glad you are updating more frequently :D. I just wanted to know if you and Sonichu and the gang have ever met the Mario Brothers. I was wondering if you could get to the mushroom kingdom from CWCville. If so, would you use a warp-pipe, or is there maybe a monorail?

Thanks for reading,

Robert C.

From: Maria Angelica Peres Lopez <mariapetite1990@hotmail.com>

Hello Chris,

I've been following your adventures so far and I wanted to ask you a question that have been bugged me since I read all your story.

Once you found your sweetheart from the ground-up and have you daughter Crystal, what's going to happen next in your life? Do you have a "Plan B" if by casuality or accident this never happens?

Keep working hard on the comic, it's good to see a daily update.

Kisses, Maria

From: Michael Parker <mp53718@gmail.com>

Hello, My name is Dr. Michael Parker. I am a pediatrician oncologist, so I work with a lot of children with cancer. The children love to read your comics (after I screen them for "Honest content" first, of course). I really wish you would update more so that the children would be able to have their days brightened that much more often.

Also, I am not sure you understand what Asperger's is. You mention that it is not similar to Autism, but this is incorrect. Asperger's is actually a form of Autism. I work with many children with both disorders, and I can assure you that they are very similar.


Dr. Michael Parker

From: Meg Gray <margaretwgray@live.com>

Mr. Christian C., I am so pleased to see you are answering the emails from the CWCipedia readers. I had two questions: 1. I am unfortunately being attracted by a young female and I too am a female. I know you have suggested watching the STRAIGHT pornography to help stay on the STRAIGHT path, but I am not allowed to have the pornography in my house. How can I stay on the Straight Path?

2. I am wondering if you are still taken! :) Is it true that you have a delightful sweet girlfriend?

Sincerely Meg Gray 18 years old

From: Maria Morris <sweetie.maria@live.com>

Hello, Mr. Chandler! I have been reading your comics for a while now, and I'm glad that you've been making more frequent updates lately. Me and all the other fans have been waiting a long time for more pages, and we're dying to see what happens next! Can't wait for your update today.

Now, I wanted to ask a few questions, since I see you've answered a few in your fan mail section already:

1) What do you think about fan fiction? I know that you show the good fan art that is sent to you on Cwcipedia, but have you ever read and liked anything written about Sonichu? I'm thinking of making a Sonichu fic myself, but I want to have your permission to write it before starting.

2) What is your opinion on people supporting relationships that aren't "canon", like Blake x Rosechu instead of Sonichu x Rosechu or Blake x Bubbles?

3) Do you listen to any music while you draw the comics? I find that music is a big inspiration for me, personally.

4) Have you ever met any foreign fans? If Sonichu were to be commercially released, what international markets would you want it to be available in?

That's all the questions I have for you for now. I hope that you have a pleasant evening!



From: Charlie Pressley <cdiddles@gmail.com>

Hi, I've been reading your comic for a while, and I've been really excited by the prospect of an update being given every day. A steady schedule makes reading it more rewarding, and I assume may increase readership of your series.

My question, as a big fan of comics in general, is how do you feel about comics as a medium? I know it's been your primary outlet for your Sonichu narrative, but I'm curious as to how much comics mean to you. Do you read a lot of comics? If so, what are your favorites? Which have influenced your work on Sonichu the most?

Thanks for the hard work,


From: faerieangellilly@aol.com>


A few questions; if I may: - Since the holidays are around the corner, how does the Chandler household celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas? Whats on your Christmas wish-list? - Whats the scariest videogame you ever played?

From: nosrebma@aol.com>

Hi, I'm Amber Son, and I'd like to ask couple of things about you and Sonichu! I'm exited that I can finally talk to you, original Christian Weston Chandler himself!

What kind of mind can create something like that? I've always wondered that! Does it take a special mind to create something like Sonichu? He really is something unique, and so are you!

Can you tell me, how do you make your drawings? Do you have any special tricks to it? What do you think makes a good drawing?

Also I've seen your videos, and you seem to be really strong and healthy person! What kind of tips would you give about health and exerice? Do you have somekind of special diet?

Thank you already! You seem to be busy man with lot to do, so I hope you can have time to answer my questions :)

- Amber Son

From: Cad Earnest <goldorthegold@yahoo.co.uk>>

Hey Chris I enjoy reading your comic and am a fan of your work. I would like to ask about two things about the comic.

First of all I noticed you explained that when the Pikachu and Super Sonic crashed into each other the rainbow sent Sonichu and the eggs into the past dependant on how old they are. however DJ jamsta is the oldest sonichu who is at least 21 years and Lolisa is the oldest Rosechu at least 20 years old, so they must have been sent back further in time than febuary 1989.

When Rosechu named herself when Kel said she was as "beautiful as a rose" to quote the comic.At that point in time Lolisa would have been around for 2 years already she could'nt have not named what she was in that time?

In short how come the oldest Sonichu(Jamsta) and the oldest Rosechu(Lolisa) were not the ones to name the species of pokemon that they are?

My second question is shorter. Giovanni was in the early comics and the newest one, trying to stop Sonichu. As we know Giovanni specialises in ground pokemon.

Why didn't Giovanni use any ground types against Sonichu especially considering his Nidoking and Nidoqueen are both resistant to Sonichu's fighting type attacks as well as immune to electric?

From: jakk <jakkbear@gmail.com>


i have ENJOYED your comix over the years and as we say


i am a tru fan! please update a lot!!!!

- sincerly, jakk