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Revision as of 05:58, 12 March 2009

20:22 -!- Guest_ [~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #sonichu
20:22 < whatsdaupdate> yes
20:22 <@falsion> oh shit
20:22 <@falsion> that hostname
20:22 < glitteringsyzygy> i'm boring and unoriginal, remember?
20:22 <@falsion> virginia?
20:22 -!- mode/#sonichu [+m] by canine
20:22 -!- mode/#sonichu [-m] by canine
20:22 -!- mode/#sonichu [+v Guest_] by clydeC
20:22 -!- Guest_ is now known as ChrisChanSonichu
20:22 -!- mode/#sonichu [+m] by canine
20:22 <@clydeC> sup man
20:22 <@canine> hey ChrisChanSonichu
20:22 <@clydeC> i'm more calm
20:22 <@falsion> Welcome, bro.
20:22 <@clydeC> smoked some weed
20:22 <@clydeC> you should smoke some too
20:23 <%Polly-tan> Hi. <3
20:23 <@canine> ok, i'm neutering you falsion
20:23 -!- mode/#sonichu [-o falsion] by canine
20:23 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I never have smoked, and I never will.
20:23 <@canine> PandaHalo
20:23 -!- Pinstripes [~chatzilla@Rizon-B9D10B68.rn.hr.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
20:23 <@clydeC> why not?
20:23 <@clydeC> you should try things in your life man
20:23 <+ChrisChanSonichu> It causes CANCER; it is a slow-acting POISION.
20:23 <@clydeC> weed doesn't cause cancer
20:23 <@canine> so is fast food
20:24 <@canine> fast food causes heart attacks
20:24 <@canine> fast food is just as bad as marijuana
20:24 <@canine> or tobacco
20:24 -!- mode/#sonichu [-h BlueSpike] by clydeC
20:24 <@clydeC> weed's safer than fast food
20:24 <@clydeC> just gotta get a vaporizor
20:24 <@clydeC> bam, no more smoke
20:24 -!- Kojima-Naked [~Kojima-Na@Rizon-52AC0D56.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #sonichu
20:24 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Look, I'm here to defend my Gal-Pals.  I want you to CEASE Picking on them, Clyde.
20:24 <@clydeC> you just get the nice high
20:24 <@clydeC> never.
20:24 <@clydeC> i'll never stop.
20:25 -!- Irssi: #sonichu: Total of 41 nicks [3 ops, 2 halfops, 1 voices, 35 normal]
20:25 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I understand you've been upset since Ryan's passing, but pestering and tormenting others will NEVER bring him back.
20:25 -!- MikeJenkam [cgiirc@Rizon-9DF11FCC.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #sonichu
20:25 <@clydeC> neither will doing anything else, bra
20:25 <@clydeC> so what can i do
20:25 <@clydeC> nothin' i gotta ride the wave
20:26 <@clydeC> if it's harassin' your "gal-pals" then shoot man, i'm gonna do it
20:26 <@clydeC> i'm gonna ride that wave
20:27 <+ChrisChanSonichu> That's just the thing you should do; Nothing.  Just move on with your life, and leave the other people in peace; help others in a Positive way; join a community church, or a volunteer service.
20:27 <@clydeC> i'm helpin your gal-pals in a totally positive way man
20:27 <@clydeC> i'm freeing them from the shackles of your oppression
20:27 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Find Peace in yourself by Helping others like you would your own brother.
20:27 <@canine> chris, what if someone murdered your mother
20:27 -!- Citrus [~David@Rizon-620CF826.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #sonichu
20:27 <@clydeC> my brother wanted revenge
20:27 <@clydeC> that was in his suicide note
20:27 <@canine> wouldn't you want the murderer to go to jail?
20:27 -!- mode/#sonichu [-o canine] by canine
20:29 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I would be furious at the murderer, yes, but I would not want to kill that person.  I'd let that person know how I felt from my heart, and I'd make sure I had his full attention, and all I would require is an apology, an empathatic smile, and a handshake, then we both could move on with our individual lives.
20:29 <@clydeC> really chris? shaaaaaaaaaaaa
20:30 <@clydeC> but you wanted me to die?
20:30 <@clydeC> i'm some kinda rusy blade
20:30 <@clydeC> rusty blade in your various body parts
20:30 <+ChrisChanSonichu> You have my attention, I apologized heartfully, I empathize with you, I extended my hand in a friendly handshake.  All there is left to do is to forgive and move on.
20:30 <@clydeC> but you wanted me to die
20:30 <@clydeC> you wished for god and jesus to kill me
20:32 <@PandaHalo> Christian
20:32 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Yes, I did impulsively let that out in a short-lived furious rage, but I set my aside to work on other things for the better; drawing a few comic pages, dividing up my locks of hair for my Sonichu Girls, played some Animal Crossing City Folk.  The point is I have realized that I was under a misconception and confusion from the suprised stress.  And now that I feel better, I can better cope with my losses and move on for my bette
20:32 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Hey, Panda; talk to me on Skype.
20:33 <@PandaHalo> Skype is on my other computer, I'm at the other one at the moment
20:33 <@clydeC> so, you're lying again
20:33 <@clydeC> you said you would give me a handshake
20:33 <@clydeC> instead you want me to die
20:34 <+ChrisChanSonichu> No, no, no; I did not say that.  In the longer-run, it is NOT the final cause to physically harm any person, but to forgive and move on, as our Lord Jesus Christ has taught us.
20:34 <@clydeC>  If y'all wish to continue to badger Jason, I will not stop you. I PRAY TO GOD AND JESUS TO KILL JASON KENDRICK HOWELL, as he gets his cheap, hellish laughs in Clarksville, Tennessee.
20:34 <@clydeC> that's not forgiveness man
20:34 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I relinquished the murderous impulse, and I only wish for peace between us as individual humans.
20:35 <@clydeC> how do i know?
20:35 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I uploaded a video onto YouTube Just for you, Clyde.  That's my extension for a handshake for peace.
20:35 <@clydeC> that's not peace
20:36 <@clydeC> i know you talk with your gal-pals about plotting my death
20:36 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I have never plotted any living person's death.
20:36 <@clydeC> man, you have some memory problems
20:36 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Again, that was an IMPULSE that was short-lived.
20:36 <@clydeC> stop lying
20:36 <@clydeC> say you want my death
20:37 <@clydeC> it turns me on
20:38 <+ChrisChanSonichu> No, Clyde, I do not want you to die and lose your chances for a better future; I want you to continue living your individual life; you still have a LOT to live for.  College life, New Friends to make, a whole world to check out and many other enriching expeirences I can't say off the top of my head at the moment.
20:39 -!- Guest_ [~Guest@Rizon-455AB8F5.bk22-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #sonichu
20:39 <+ChrisChanSonichu> and think of continuing your family's bloodline in family; you are the sole survivor.
20:39 <@PandaHalo> ChrisChanSonichu
20:39 <@PandaHalo> Christian
20:39 <@PandaHalo> I have something serious to talk to you
20:39 <@PandaHalo> I was raped
20:39 <@PandaHalo> ;_;
20:39 <@clydeC> oh yeah, i forgot, sorry bout that
20:39 <@PandaHalo> don't you leave clydeC
20:40 <@clydeC> fine, sarah.
20:40 <@PandaHalo> you're lucky you're back in america
20:40 <+ChrisChanSonichu> No offense, "Panda", but how do I know that you are the TRUE Sarah C McK.
20:40 <@PandaHalo> I have something to tell you
20:40 <@PandaHalo> Because I can tell you the story about when Reginald peed on the ceiling
20:40 <+ChrisChanSonichu> ?
20:40 -!- mode/#sonichu [+o canine] by ChanServ
20:40 <@canine> ChrisChanSonichu: i can confirm it's the real panda
20:40 <@canine> 20:40 -!- PandaHalo [~PandaHalo@Rizon-BCB4811.ip.adam.com.au]
20:40 <@canine> that's her ip
20:40 -!- mode/#sonichu [-o canine] by canine
20:41 <@PandaHalo> and that i sent you a postcard
20:41 <@clydeC> i'm gonna leave now, kay?
20:41 <@PandaHalo> no
20:41 <@clydeC> fiiiiineeeee
20:41 <@PandaHalo> I have something serious to tell you
20:41 <@PandaHalo> You may be a rapist
20:41 <@PandaHalo> but you'll be something much more soon
20:41 <@clydeC> what are you talkin' about
20:41 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Listen to "PandaHalo".
20:41 <@clydeC> no chris
20:41 <@PandaHalo> How dare you have sex with me without me saying that it was okay
20:42 <@PandaHalo> I should get to choose who to leave my virginity too
20:42 <@PandaHalo> I told you i didn't want it
20:42 <@PandaHalo> I asked to just talk to you instead
20:42 <@clydeC> well
20:42 <@clydeC> uh
20:42 <@PandaHalo> I was trying to help you get over Ryan's death when I met you in the city that time
20:42 <@clydeC> i had a vandetta
20:42 <@PandaHalo> But then you got your cock all thick and hard and pinned me down, and pulled my panties down around my ankles
20:43 <@PandaHalo> and then forced you thick penis instead my pussy, and it really hurt because it was my first time :(
20:43 <@clydeC> but i saw the look on your face
20:43 <@clydeC> i'll never forget it
20:43 <@PandaHalo> It hurt feeling your thick big cock force it's way into my virgin pussy, break my hymen :(
20:43 <@clydeC> come on, it wasn't that bad was it?
20:43 <@PandaHalo> well
20:43 <@PandaHalo> it felt really good after a while
20:43 <@PandaHalo> but that's not the point
20:43 <@PandaHalo> you shouldn't've done it without my permission
20:44 <@PandaHalo> Because I just got back from the doctors
20:44 <@clydeC> but it doesn't feel as good man
20:44 <@PandaHalo> because my period was supposed to start a few days ago
20:44 <@PandaHalo> And he said my pregnancy test was positive ;_;
20:44 <@clydeC> i
20:44 <@clydeC> what
20:44 <@clydeC> fuck stop lying
20:45 <@PandaHalo> You raped me and filled my pussy up with your hot cum
20:45 <@clydeC> NO
20:45 <@PandaHalo> and it made me pregnant
20:45 <@clydeC> NO!
20:45 <@clydeC> GOD DAMN IT
20:45 <@clydeC> NO
20:45 <@PandaHalo> I can even take a photo of the pregnancy test and send it to you
20:45 <@clydeC> CHRIST WHAT
20:45 <@clydeC> ..f...ffdsfdj
20:45 <@clydeC> dsfDFSJ:SDFF:FDFSDFSDFS
20:45 <@clydeC> SARAH, YOU STOP LYING
20:45 <@clydeC> I i...
20:46 <@clydeC> god damn it
20:46 <@PandaHalo> did you want me to take a photo of it now?
20:46 <@PandaHalo> i brought it home from the doctors
20:46 <@clydeC> fine.
20:46 <@clydeC> you know my e-mail
20:46 <@clydeC> let me see this
20:46 <@clydeC> greggmays@gmail.com if you forgot
20:46 <@PandaHalo> okay i'll send it now
20:47 <@PandaHalo> there sent
20:47 <@PandaHalo> go check your mail
20:47 <@clydeC> god
20:47 <@clydeC> this bette
20:47 <@clydeC> FUCK
20:47 <@clydeC> OH GOD DAMN
20:47 <@clydeC> you know
20:47 <@PandaHalo> ChrisChanSonichu are you still here
20:47 <@clydeC> a long time ago, i met this fine young lady who told me to take responsibility for my actions
20:48 <@clydeC> she killed herself three months later
20:48 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Yes, Sarah, I am still here.
20:48 <@clydeC> fine panda
20:48 <@clydeC> i'll support the child.
20:48 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah?
20:48 <@PandaHalo> you don't even seem to care Chris
20:48 <@clydeC> I gotta man up
20:48 <@PandaHalo> I just went through a horrible ordeal and you don't care
20:48 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I do care, Sarah-Heart.
20:48 <+ChrisChanSonichu> and I'm sorry you had to go through that.
20:49 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I want you to know that I still care for and love you, even if this happened.
20:49 <@PandaHalo> I lost my virginity and it wasnt even my choice :'(
20:49 <@PandaHalo> really?
20:49 <@PandaHalo> as my sweetheart?
20:49 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I understand, and I will NEVER put it against you.  Yes, as your SweetBolt.  :)
20:50 <@clydeC> shut up chris, you don't understand
20:50 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I do understand, Clyde.
20:50 <@clydeC> prove it
20:50 <@PandaHalo> You don't mind that I'm pregnant with clydeC's child?
20:50 <@clydeC> look sarah, i don't mean to interfere with your "love" chris
20:50 <@clydeC> but damn, i'll move in with ya to help with the child
20:50 <@clydeC> i'm willing to do that, because it's my fault
20:51 <@PandaHalo> you are truly sweet for a rapist 
20:51 -!- Guest_ [~Guest@Rizon-455AB8F5.bk22-dsl.surnet.cl] has quit [Quit: Guest_]
20:51 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I can not undo the rape from Clyde, but I still care for Sarah very much, and even if she is pregnant with another man's child, I will still care her and him/her as if he/she was my own.
20:51 <+ChrisChanSonichu> *care for her and
20:52 -!- Guest_ [~Guest@Rizon-455AB8F5.bk22-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #sonichu
20:52 <@clydeC> but chris, where are you in this?
20:52 <+ChrisChanSonichu> My heart is true and set, and I have made my promises.
20:52 <@clydeC> you've never been to australia
20:53 <@clydeC> what kinda promises you made?
20:53 <@clydeC> how many have you fulfilled?
20:53 <+ChrisChanSonichu> no, but I am with Sarah in mind and soul; I have promised to be her True Sweetheart, as well as my virginity to her, and I am not a man who goes back on his promises.
20:53 <@clydeC> wow what a terrible promise
20:53 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I am where my heart is; in the right place.
20:53 <@clydeC> your virginity? i thought you cared about women
20:54 <@PandaHalo> what's going to happen to the baby
20:54 <@clydeC> i'll help you sarah
20:54 <@clydeC> don't worry.
20:54 <@PandaHalo> I can't believe I have another life form growing inside me
20:54 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah and I have grown in great knowledge of each other over the past 5 months; she and I are very close, like we knew each other for longer than that.
20:54 <@clydeC> you know nothing chris
20:55 <+ChrisChanSonichu> It's okay, Sarah.  I will help you through that process.
20:55 <@clydeC> chris
20:55 <@clydeC> what makes you think you can see a child through?
20:55 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Just get here safely, Sarah-Heart.
20:55 <@clydeC> i had to see ryan grow until his death
20:55 <@PandaHalo> i'm confused now I have two people offering to look after my baby
20:56 <@clydeC> it's my child
20:56 <@clydeC> chris has no right in this matter
20:56 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah, if Clyde is willing to take the child for himself after he/she is born, then I'll let him
20:56 <@clydeC> i hope you don't mind livin' with me
20:56 <@PandaHalo> What do you think of the name Crystal Weston Cash?
20:56 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I have no problem with it, as long as I have you for my Sweetheart, Sarah.
20:57 <@clydeC> i prefer bonnie cash, forget the weston part
20:57 <+ChrisChanSonichu> it's Clyde's child; he may pick the name for the child.
20:57 <@PandaHalo> I don't get any choice?
20:57 <@clydeC> course you do
20:57 <+ChrisChanSonichu> yes you do, Sarah.
20:57 <@clydeC> chris stop repeating me
20:57 <@clydeC> you don't know how to be a gentleman
20:57 <+ChrisChanSonichu> You may choose a name for the child as well.
20:58 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I have been acting like a gentleman this whole time.
20:58 <@clydeC> chris, you've been acting like a child who's lost in the ball pit
20:58 <+ChrisChanSonichu> But why duspute over that.
20:58 <@clydeC> you don't know understand these complex issues
20:58 <+ChrisChanSonichu> the important thing now is the baby.
20:58 <+ChrisChanSonichu> and Sarah-Heart.
20:59 <@clydeC> chris, again, this ain't your child
20:59 -!- mikemelee [cgiirc@8834627C.539DC4BD.8B7D5E3C.IP] has joined #sonichu
20:59 <+ChrisChanSonichu> which I am cool with that; you want him/her, you can have him/her.
21:00 <@clydeC> alright chris, i hope you don't mind me movin' in with sarah
21:00 <+ChrisChanSonichu> As long as I still have Sarah to be my Sweetheart, I have no problems.
21:00 <@clydeC> really?
21:00 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Oh, NO; You can not move in with her.
21:00 <+ChrisChanSonichu> she and I had plans before you intruded.
21:00 <@clydeC> what? how else am i supposed to take care of the child?
21:00 <@clydeC> you never plans
21:00 <+ChrisChanSonichu> be a single father.
21:00 <@clydeC> stop lying again
21:00 <@clydeC> without a child?
21:00 <@clydeC> that doesn't make sense you idiot
21:00 <+ChrisChanSonichu> you be the single father.
21:01 <@clydeC> man chris, it's sarah's choice
21:01 <@clydeC> whether i can move in or not
21:01 <@clydeC> so sarah, will you let me?
21:01 <@PandaHalo> I don't know
21:01 <@PandaHalo> I want my baby to have a daddy
21:01 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah, it's okay.  I'll still care for you no matter your choice.
21:01 <@PandaHalo> so i guess you'll need to
21:02 <@clydeC> i'm competent in child raising
21:02 <@clydeC> i had to raise ryan up from a toddler
21:02 <@PandaHalo> will you rape me again?
21:02 <@clydeC> no, only consensual sex
21:02 <@PandaHalo> :(
21:02 <@clydeC> hey, you know you liked it
21:02 <@PandaHalo> i did like it it felt really nice but it doesnt mean i said i wanted to
21:02 <@clydeC> but man, you should ride the wave
21:02 <@clydeC> go with the flow
21:03 <@clydeC> if it feels good, do it.
21:03 <@PandaHalo> now that i've had sex i just realised how nice it actually is
21:03 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah, if I may, you should Sweetheart the one who you actually feel happier with.
21:03 <+ChrisChanSonichu> me or him
21:03 <@PandaHalo> dont you like me anymore chris?
21:03 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I still Love and Care for you, Sarah-Heart.
21:03 <@clydeC> oh chris, you know
21:04 <@clydeC> threesomes? you into that?
21:04 <@clydeC> it'd be interesting.
21:04 <+ChrisChanSonichu> But I wouldn't want to stand in the way if you should decide to move in with Clyde.
21:04 <@PandaHalo> you wouldnt be my sweet heart if i lived with clyde?
21:04 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Threesome; ONLY with two women; Sarah and I agree with that.
21:04 <@PandaHalo> i'd be okay with two men
21:04 <@clydeC> see man, it's all good
21:05 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I understand the final outcome of either decision, and I would not feel comfortable living in that situation.
21:05 -!- taub [~taubstumm@Rizon-6AE54B4A.web.vodafone.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
21:05 <@PandaHalo> would you want to live with me and clyde and the baby?
21:05 -!- ArjenVanDierten [~cameronan@Rizon-C9A08BCD.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #sonichu
21:06 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I wanted to live with you and OUR children, and I would feel out of place if I lived with you three.
21:06 -!- mode/#sonichu [+h ArjenVanDierten] by Polly-tan
21:06 <%ArjenVanDierten> ty polly
21:06 <@clydeC> so it's settled
21:06 <+ChrisChanSonichu> It's okay, Sarah-Heart.
21:06 <+ChrisChanSonichu> We will always have our memories.
21:07 <@clydeC> well, panda, you can move into my place in washington, pretty nice place
21:07 <+ChrisChanSonichu> :_(
21:07 <@PandaHalo> I can't believe you chris
21:08 <@PandaHalo> AND NOW YOU'RE LEAVING ME
21:08 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I am not leaving you, Sarah.
21:08 <@PandaHalo> it sounded like it :'(
21:08 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I never meant that.
21:08 <@PandaHalo> i cant stop crying
21:09 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I'm crying too.  I'm going through my own confusions as well.
21:09 <@clydeC> look, you wanna move in with us?
21:09 <@clydeC> no probs
21:09 <@clydeC> just don't touch my weed.
21:10 <@PandaHalo> Christian what do you want to happen
21:10 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah, I want what would be best for you.
21:10 <@PandaHalo> i mean with me and the baby
21:11 <+ChrisChanSonichu> The child should be raised by both mother and father.
21:11 <@PandaHalo> what do you think of abortion
21:12 <+ChrisChanSonichu> the thought had crossed my mind, but since it is Clyde's child, he can make that decision to abort the child or take the child and you in.
21:12 <@clydeC> i don't believe in that abortion bullshit
21:12 <@clydeC> life's precious
21:12 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I want for you to be happy, Sarah.
21:13 <@clydeC> well chris again you can move in with me
21:13 <@clydeC> just get a job
21:13 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I agree with Clyde on the issue, but that is your call to make, Sarah.
21:13 <@PandaHalo> ChrisChanSonichu would you mind if me and you and the baby lived together?
21:15 <+ChrisChanSonichu> even if it was not my own child, I would still be happy to be with you, but I would feel uncomforable if the true father lived with us.  Again, I'd just be in the way if you should move in with Clyde instead of me.
21:15 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Either way, I will never judge you for your own decision.
21:15 <@PandaHalo> why would you feel uncomfertable?
21:16 <@PandaHalo> would you want to put your name on the baby's birth certificate and be the dad?
21:16 <+ChrisChanSonichu> no.
21:16 <@PandaHalo> good because i wouldnt let you
21:17 <%ArjenVanDierten> hehe
21:17 <@clydeC> get out of here, i don't need you!
21:17 -!- mode/#sonichu [-h ArjenVanDierten] by clydeC
21:17 <@PandaHalo> so you wouldnt care for my baby?
21:17 <+ChrisChanSonichu> it would be like a king and queen and a chambermaid; the chambermaid had the king's child; the queen can feel jealous, and the end results are likely not so good.
21:17 <@PandaHalo> the baby would feel so neglected and rejected
21:18 <@clydeC> don't worry, i got the baby taken care of.
21:18 <+ChrisChanSonichu> The baby would have his/her True father, Clyde.
21:18 <+ChrisChanSonichu> the baby will be fine.
21:18 <@clydeC> yeah, you be the queen man. feel jealous.
21:18 <@PandaHalo> chris what you prefer.. us living together with clydes baby, us just giving clyde the entire baby, or an abortion
21:19 <+ChrisChanSonichu> my choice among those options; give him the baby and you live with me.  But it's still your choice to make. 
21:20 -!- Pinstripes [~chatzilla@Rizon-B9D10B68.rn.hr.cox.net] has joined #sonichu
21:20 <@clydeC> ah sarah, you know you love me. you wouldn't abandon your child would you?
21:20 <@PandaHalo> so i can just give clyde the baby and pretend i never had it and then we just continue our life?
21:21 -!- Pinstripes_ [~chatzilla@Rizon-B9D10B68.rn.hr.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
21:21 <+ChrisChanSonichu> if that is what you wish and feel will make you happy, then yes.  But I would want you to leave something of yourself to the child to remember you by.
21:21 <@PandaHalo> why do you want a MAN to raise my child when you say men are so evil and mean?
21:22 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I never said that all men were evil; only a bunch out of the whole.  Clyde has just proven himself to be a good man, because he is willing to take his child in.
21:22 <@PandaHalo> You think he's a good man after he RAPED ME? AGAINST MY WILL?!?!?
21:22 <@PandaHalo> and I mean, he DID destroy all your websites
21:23 <+ChrisChanSonichu> He realized his misdeed, and he accepting the child is his way for making amends for that.
21:23 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I have the files on my PC, and I do plan on rebuilding soon.
21:23 <@clydeC> yeah, and your site was pretty terrible, doin' the world a favor by gettin' rid of it
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21:23 <+ChrisChanSonichu> That is your opinion, Clyde, and you are welcome to it.
21:23 <@PandaHalo> chris will you pay for my abortion
21:23 <@clydeC> it isn't opinion, it's fact.
21:24 <+ChrisChanSonichu> if you wish, I can save up for an abortion.
21:24 <@PandaHalo> oh wait you're saving up to go to washington aren't you?
21:25 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I'll likely miss that meeting anyway; I'm not getting much support on the trip, even from my congregation and my family; even though I have proof from @noa.nintendo.com, they all are still very doubtful.
21:25 <@PandaHalo> what are your parents saying?
21:26 <+ChrisChanSonichu> "one minute you say he's real, then you say he's fake, then you later realize he WAS real; uh-uh, I am NOT buying this anymore; it is just too stressful on me."
21:27 <@clydeC> looks like its your fault man, you gotta live with that
21:27 <@clydeC> besides, abortion ain't christian, what is wrong with you?
21:27 <@PandaHalo> is your mother being mean to you?
21:28 <+ChrisChanSonichu> no; she's just old and stressed out; she'll recover.
21:28 <@PandaHalo> this might be your only chance to get sonichu to be offical
21:28 <+ChrisChanSonichu> she still cares for me very much.
21:28 <@clydeC> psh sarah, sonichu is a piece of shit
21:29 <@clydeC> i'm still plannin' to sabotage your stupid meeting with miyamoto
21:29 <@PandaHalo> clydeC: if me and Chris have children, will you love them?
21:29 <@clydeC> make sure you never make get that shitty creation into any game
21:29 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I'd like to go to Redmond soon, but I'm willing to sacrifice that for your abortion, if that is what you wish.
21:30 <@clydeC> again chris
21:30 <@clydeC> abortion ain't christian!
21:30 <@PandaHalo> no that's okay you go to redmond
21:30 <@clydeC> what is wrong with you?
21:30 <@PandaHalo> once sonichu is a big thing you'll have lots of money to support me and the baby
21:30 <@clydeC> it'll never be a big thing sarah! you need a real job
21:30 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Besides which, Sarah, I wanted you to go with me after you got here to accompany me.
21:30 <@PandaHalo> oh
21:31 <@clydeC> but sarah, i thought you were gonna move in with me
21:31 <@clydeC> i live in washington you know
21:31 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Mr. Miyamoto was most agreeable with delaying the meeting for like a month or two later or so, depending on when he can be in Redmond.
21:31 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I wanted you to come with me, because I trusted you very much to be my partner on the Sonichu Site and all that, and that I Love You very much as my Sweetheart.
21:32 <@PandaHalo> since I'm a partner in sonichu, do i have half the rights to it?
21:32 -!- cogsdev [~obey@Rizon-FB118C04.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #sonichu
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21:32 -!- mode/#sonichu [-o cogsdev] by clydeC
21:32 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I never said that, but after we got together in person and all that, I would gladly offer you half, yes.
21:33 <@clydeC> man sarah you really want to live with this fool
21:33 <@clydeC> who doesn't have a job
21:33 <@clydeC> who can't take care of himself
21:33 <@clydeC> who shits himself on occasion
21:33 <@PandaHalo> I have decided what I'm going to do
21:33 <@clydeC> my god, sarah, you should move in with me
21:33 <@PandaHalo> If Christian meets up with Miyamoto, I'm going to give you the baby and then just live my life with Christian and have lots of sex with him 
21:33 <@PandaHalo> but if he doesnt, then I will live with you clydeC
21:34 <@clydeC> well then, since i care much about having a mother figure in my future child's life
21:34 <@clydeC> i'll make sure you never see miyamoto
21:34 <@PandaHalo> I hope Christian goes to Redmond because then I can be his sweetheart and look after him and make him lots of delicious pie and sex now that I'm addicted to sex
21:35 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah.  You'd stay with me on a condition of me meeting up with Miyamoto?  That sounds a bit loveless.
21:35 <@clydeC> chris, you gotta learn something in life
21:35 <@clydeC> you need to learn how to take care of yourself
21:35 <@clydeC> you don't got no job
21:35 <@clydeC> no money
21:35 <@clydeC> what are you gonna do?
21:35 -!- mikemelee [cgiirc@8834627C.539DC4BD.8B7D5E3C.IP] has left #sonichu []
21:35 <@PandaHalo> No I do love you but I want the best for my family and baby
21:35 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah, can you still make it in early February?
21:36 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I will save up for the trip and take you with me.
21:36 <@PandaHalo> i have an ultrasound appointment made for February 26th
21:36 <@PandaHalo> but after then i can get them to refer me to an American doctor
21:36 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I see; not before?
21:37 <@PandaHalo> Are you okay with abortion?
21:37 <@PandaHalo> because, i can just push the baby out now and feed it to a dingo
21:37 <@PandaHalo> but i still want somebody that can support me for any future babies i have
21:37 <@PandaHalo> i want 17 babies
21:38 <@PandaHalo> Crystal, Reginald, and I havent decided on the rest
21:38 <@clydeC> haha, of course you do you silly little girl
21:38 <@PandaHalo> maybe Crystal, Reginald, Krystal, Rosechu, Sonichu, Christian, Christopher, Rick, and im not sure
21:38 <@clydeC> but seriously, you think this fool chris can pay the bills?
21:38 <@clydeC> do you think he has the skills to pay the bills?
21:38 <@clydeC> i don't think so
21:38 <@PandaHalo> if sonichu becomes offical
21:38 <@PandaHalo> he will be able to
21:38 <@clydeC> which won't happen
21:38 <@clydeC> i'll make sure it never happens.
21:39 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah-Heart, For you, I will make sure I get to Redmond.
21:39 <@PandaHalo> Thank you ChrisChanSonichu
21:39 <@PandaHalo> I am really looking forward to have a great wonderful family with you
21:39 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Abortion or not; that's up to you.
21:39 <@PandaHalo> Sorry clydeC.. I might just abort your baby
21:39 <@clydeC> sarah, god's telling me that i must make sure this never comes to pass
21:39 <@clydeC> if you live with chris
21:39 <@clydeC> you'll make the worst mistake of your life
21:40 <@PandaHalo> don't feel bad clydeC.. for the sex we had it was really enjoyable even though it was rape
21:40 <@clydeC> yeah, those were good times
21:40 <@clydeC> but still, i can help you life a fulfilling life for the rest of your days?
21:40 <@clydeC> you think this pants-shitting, penniless fool can?
21:40 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I have plans to make and things to do, I will talk to you later, Sarah-Heart.
21:40 <+ChrisChanSonichu> :-*
21:40 <@PandaHalo> no
21:40 <@PandaHalo> dont leave me please
21:40 <@PandaHalo> i am scared to be alone
21:41 <@clydeC> you got me, sarah
21:41 <@PandaHalo> clydeC might rape me over the internet
21:41 <@clydeC> that ain't possible.
21:41 -!- Rosey [~chatzilla@hell.hole] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
21:41 <@PandaHalo> Hey chris. Does your mother like me?
21:42 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Sarah, you can simply log out of the IRC, and you are NEVER alone, as long as you have me in your heart, like you did for the past 5 months.  She and my father are Looking Forward Delightfully to your arrival.  :)
21:42 <@PandaHalo> please dont tell them about what happened to me
21:42 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I Promise.
21:42 <@PandaHalo> thank you christopher
21:42 <@PandaHalo> i mean christian
21:43 <@PandaHalo> sorry
21:43 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Its okay.  :)
21:43 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I liked being Christopher sometimes.
21:43 <@clydeC> SONICHU MUST DIE.
21:43 <+ChrisChanSonichu> I Love You, Sarah.
21:44 <@clydeC> I'VE DONE IT ONCE
21:44 <@clydeC> I CAN DO IT AGAIN!!
21:44 <@PandaHalo> I love you christian B)<O<
21:44 <+ChrisChanSonichu> :)
21:44 <@clydeC> CHRIS, STOP IGNORING ME!
21:44 <+ChrisChanSonichu> Clyde, Hasta La Vista.
21:44 -!- ChrisChanSonichu [~Guest@Rizon-1CC9B2F5.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: ChrisChanSonichu]
21:44 <@clydeC> LOL