File talk:100 0671.JPG
Pink thing on his wrist?
What is that pink thing on his right wrist? It looks too big to be an entry wristband (plus no one else seems to be wearing them), and it's not in the photos of him at FAF the second time. I can't even see signs of it being a wristwatch (no obvious clockface). Anyone have any idea, or is it just unimportant? -- Borednewb 10:11, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
Probably a bracelet. Chris may be wearing it to appeal to DA LADIEZ, unaware that it makes him look like he wants DA MENZ. He's dumb like that. Or maybe it's something for that event that I don't get.--OFSheep 12:13, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
I agree that it isn't a watch, as we can't see the clockface or the clasp-thing, one of which would be visible from any angle. Zooming in on it, it looks like it was made from some kind of paper or dense fabric, due to the creasing pattern. Personally, I'd guess that he made it himself in an attempt to show off his amazing creativity and skill. Freecell 12:22, 20 July 2010 (UTC)