Announcement 06292016

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Announcement 06292016 and Announcement 06292016-2 are two videos uploaded by Chris on 29 June 2016. In the first video, Chris requests even more donations, treating his self-caused monetary troubles as a charity. He also apologizes to the male gender, possibly after realizing that the majority of his donors were men. In the second one, he claims that he is cured from autism by simply watching a "subliminal" video three times a day for three months.


Announcement 06292016
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Stardate 29 June 2016
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt White Tomgirl
Women Only Need Apply - No STD's


Donations still requested.

Please send donations directly to me via PayPal to my email address: Thank you.


Video 2

Announcement 06292016-2
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Stardate 29 June 2016
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt White Tomgirl
Unicorns Rainbows and a Bluebird of Happiness Chapter 3


I am cured of Autism, thanks to three months of the following groove three times per day.


Hey fans, I forgot one thing to mention. I have- I've actually been on a- subliminal project, as a lot of you- or some of you- might have been... aware of, through my history or whatever... That I try to keep private amongst my YouTube settings.

But I have been enjoying for the past 3 months the "Get Rid of Autism" subliminal. The one that actually works in three months so less than [stutters] three times per day. 36 times.

I have been doin' that I've actually found myself more mentally capable. I don't- I do not blank out as much, I feel a little bit faster in mental processing... Aaand I feel a whole lot better so with that [puts out hands] I'm essentially cured of autism. Oh and also I actually have been able to socialize better out in public, so that's another good deal right there.

I'm gonna put the link underneath this video... And those of y'all with autism... Try for yourself. Three- play it three times, per day... for three months. [Points to head] It worked for me. [Thumbs up]