NightStar2891 tweets

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This page archives tweets from Chris's sockpuppet account, NightStar2891. Messages are color-coded green for Chris's main CWCSonichu account, blue for the NightStar2891 alt, and red for various trolls.

Admirer of Miss Chandler

4 August

Chris (via his main CWCSonichu account):

Found this just today; someone did a Great Job ponifying me for Their Twitter.


@NightStar2891, to give credit to the TRUE and HONEST artist #HarassCWCdirectly

Chris {via NightStar) replied:

I am an admirer of Miss Chandler and her work. If you're saying She drew my piece based on her character, you are thrown Off, Sir.
Of course Chris didn't draw this. The anatomy is too good. Isn't it a bitch when you don't get credit for your hard work though?
I guess you would know. How many times have you Not got enough credit for your work?

Concurring with Chris on Doopie

5 August

#MyFriendships Are Blossoming and True, and no Troll or Bully is going to kill my kindness, heart or soul!
That may be but Doopie is NOT your friend as she specifically told you
I concur with Miss Chandler. Upon reviewing her recent comments to Doopie, there was not one mention of "Not Your Friend". And, furthermore, to you, Reilly, being anything with the "KiwiFarms" is not cool. Go back to the dank soil where you came from, Troll.

Chris liked his sock's post, then tweeted:

I already liked her for her rendition of Night Star, but I like her More now. Welcome aboard, Night Star. 😊🌸

She is woman

5 August

Hey Chris since Doopie and most women for that matter are straight, don't you think that reverting back to a man would better your chances
How Dare You Insult and be so Inconsiderate of Her like that? She Is Woman; she would Never Revert Back. You Are Soo God Awfu😡

Accept responsibility

5 August

And I know you're going to soon blame the trolls for this. No. This was all you. No one else. Stop being in denial & accept responsibility.
No, YOU Accept some Responsibility for Spamming Christine's Past to just about Everyone on her Contact List.

Disappointed in leaks

5 August

Why is it that some people leak information to Trolls and CyberBullies? One of the questions that was on my mind for a while now.
Personally, if anyone leaked anything between them and I, I would not be upset; just Disappointed in them.

I'm not Chris

7 August

@NightStar2891 chris ?
Hi Chris, nice alt 😸
I am not Chris.
I'll keep note of that, Chris 😽
Please, I am not Chris. Stop mistaking me for her.
@NightStar2891 did christine see my art its v important that she did i havent slept in probably over 48 hours please reply
i cant sleep until she sees it please
How should I know if she's seen it or not?

Note: Shortly after, CWCSonichu liked the fanart.

You share a lot of thing in common with chris
Regardless, I am only a fan and follower of Miss Chandler, and also I trolled her. Thankfully she forgave me for that.
Exactly. No One else Randomly capitalizes letters like He does.
I do not do that very much.
I call BS on you.
I can find your comment without her help, thank you.
I am not Chris. Back off.

Psychological arts major

You live in Virginia, you follow the same people as Christine, all you do is comment on her, she immediately noticed you when it took Days for others to do the same! YOU ARE CHRISTINE!
I do not follow everything she does. For one, I am not a gamer. My passion is in arts and psychology. I work nearly all of the time. I can not be on my twitter 24 hours like you.

Chris then changed NightStar's profile to read: "I am a UVA graduate with a degree in psychological arts. Until I get my own office, I am working between McDonald's restaurants." The location and birth date was given as "Charlottesville, VA" and "Born in 1991."

@NightStar2891 Hi! I'm curious about psychological arts. Can you tell me a little about it?
Psychological Arts is the study of examining a person beyond talk through the various forms of art and media the person creates or enjoys.
I can't believe I have to explain myself now. I used to be online through my sister, Gloria's social accounts. I only just felt ready to make a twitter for myself. I used to reside in Richmond, but moved to Charlottesville five years ago, where I attended UVA to get my degree in psychological arts. I've been working part time, then full time, at the McDonald's around here. I have a very hectic schedule I go between one after another after another each day. I was referred to Christine's art and books through Gloria, and I always viewed everything about her through those accounts. I find some free time during my breaks and at home nowadays to keep up with Christine. Also, I have my notifications set up, so I can just look at my device to catch her next tweet or whatever. I am not Chris; this is not an "alt account" of hers. Back off, and let me enjoy her and troll her like the rest of you. Goodnight.